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October 11, 1975 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-11

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Saturday, October 11, 1975


Page Five

Saturday, October11, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poae Five

. . -




C/iurc/i U4d'4heti ep*ce4i

By JEFFREY SELBST least that was the first half of Romantic piece of small propor- absolute inaccessibility of this
I went to Hill Auditorium the program. The Symphony tions. It follows a generally con- convoluted twelve - tone work
Thursday night with a young Band came on after the inter- ventional pattern, and is mem- makes such a judgment impos-
lady who was raised to be po- mission, and in many respects I orable only for melodic inven-I sible.
lite. Her mother once told her, were quite good. tion, as its harmonic structure Suffice it to say that the only
"Never, never walk out of a The little scene described and the overall development thing I can comment on was
concert."' But it was only by above occurred just before the leave nothing to the imagina- the quality of the performing.
tying me to a chair that she intermission. I was seriously tion. And no, I won't. For once in my
forced me to conform to her considering making a run for The Wind Ensemble bludgeon- life, I'll shut up.
mother's dictum. Picture it: it, but my escort had also ed it to death. Their sound was Well, by the intermission, I
there I was, bound and gagged,i brought handcuffs, which she thin when the piece asked for decided that the only people
tears streaming down my face, deftly applied to my wrists. richness, and in the lighter, who really knew their stuff in
" "n. - S, I - Cn no. -Ac-.-.inar w Rinr abt hmit the

most impressive movement of
the bunch was the last, a theme-!

and - variations set involving UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF
each section of the band. Worth THE NAZARENE
noting were performances M. Robert Fraser, Pastor
throughout by the saxophones, 409 N. Division
the flutes, and the oboe (Ms. Cu Soo
Gomez). Church School-9:4 a.m.

1236 Washtenaw Ct.
Pastor: Don Postema
Christian Reformed Worship.
Sunday Worship-10 a.m. and
6 p.m.

CHURCH, 306 N. Division
8:00 a.m.-Holy Eucharist.
10:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer
and Sermon.


The polytonality of the work
was wall - suited to the group,
particularly a group such as
this that has a difficult time

sobbing "No, no, "and she,
tight - lipped, said, "We're go-
ing to sit here until it's over."
"But what have I done?" I
whimpered. "Why do you treat
me this way?"
"Protocol," she said, tying
the gag more tightly. "Now shut
up and enjoy it."
We were there to listen to
and observe the antics of the
University Wind Ensemble. At

r 9.6
* J 9 5 3
7 A

J 1



Q 84 2
J9 2

42 J5
f K U
A Q 8 6 3 2
AK 7 3

EO ' 6
b 5 3


West North


2 Spades Pass 3 Spades Pass
4 Diamonds PassS Clubs Pass
6 Spades All Pass
Opening lead: 7 of Spades
South opened a strong two bid,
and North showed a fair nand
with trump support by raising
him to three. South cue-old the
ace of diamonds, North, the
ace of clubs, and the good slam
was reached.
Now the slam had to be made.
There were clearly no' losers in
the. minor suits, and the open-
ing lead eliminated the possi-
bility of a four-zero trump
break. Hearts was the critical
suit: declarer needed to ruff at
least one of his two small hearts
in dummy to claim twelve
The average player would
reason that far, but no further.
He would win the opening lead,
cash two top hearts, and ruff a
heart with one of dummy's
small trumps.
This line of play, he would
calculate, would succeed any
time the hearts divided four-
three or five-tow with specifical-
ly West having the double:on
and in a couple other imp rob-
able circumstances, for a com-
bined chance of success of ap-
proximately seventy - five per
A l t h o u g h a three-of-four
chance is fairly substantial, it
would not have satisfied an ex-
pert. He would have wantedto
discover a play that would suc-
ceed against any four-thr ,e or
five - two distribution d the
enemy hearts. And not beng a
slave to the habit of ruffing
losers w i t h dummy's small
trumps, he would have found it.
The expert would have won
the opening lead with the aoe in
his hand, and, like the average
player, cashed two top hearts
before leading a third. But
whereas the average player
would have gone down when
East overruffed dummy and re-
turned his 'last trump (taking
all the trumps out of dummy;
making it impossible to ruff

lovelier sections, the overpow- the whole group were the obo- with part co-ordination.
Symphony Band-~ ering and sloppy French horn ists, Mae Weeks and Kathy Go- Sousa had a bit of fun with
Oh, you want me to review did the whole group in. mez. -s ad I th
the Wind Ensemble? Seriously? + his audience, I think. Calling
tihe Wd nblver iusy?!There was an absence of en-; Then I got to hear the Sym- the lighthearted march played
Sigh. The University Wind semble work, just as there also phony Band. They did a very by the band, Bullets and Bayo
Ensemble was very, very bad.|seemed to be a conspicuous ab- good job on the Shostakovich ! nets displays a sense of humor
They played two pieces, Dvor- sence of a conductor. The bas- Prelude in E-flat minor, op. 34, 'which is seldom recognized in
ak's Serenade in D minor, op. soon played notes that Dvorak the Milhaud Suite Francaise, the d m t
44, and Verne Reynolds' Scenes never intended, and the cellist, William Schuman's G e o r g e e asdartj
for Wind Instruments and Per- an inventive young lady, actual- Washington Bridge, and Sousa's The Band did an adequate job:
cussion. ly manipulated her instrument march, Bullets and Bayonets. on the Sousa, written in the us-
The Dvorak is a charmg so as to produce sounds very esa ts ual Introduction, A-B-A form.t
i d In the Shostakovich, the parts And they could pick no better
like a trumpet. I don't know were not so well blended har- way to end the concert.
how. Remind me to ask her. monically as should be, which
Bridge devotees, I had a whole diatribe pre- seems to be a recurrent fault My escort, a charming, po-
pared on why Verne Reynolds' of the conductor's. Yet several lite, young - oh, we've been
lo and behold these Scenes was both musically of- of the parts themselves were through all that - well, any-
deadly traps! fensive, intellectually stifling, exquisite, particularly the trom- way, she overheard someone
and aesthetically dull, until bones. talking as we exited into thef
somebody pointed out how irre- Even though this mysterious night. This disappointed concert.
C FRIEDLANDER levant that is to the issue of and melancholy piece ought nev- goer stared at the audience ap-
its performance by the Ensem- er to have been transcribed plauding madly, shook her head I
I South's remaining losing heart), ble. from the original pianothey in disgust, and said, "Ann Ar-
the expert would have made hMs Actually, it's not. I had a dif- did a fine job. bor must beprd ad Ap Ar
contract by ruffing with dum- ficult time figuring out, for ex- The Milhaud consisted of five rm pretty hard up for
my's king. -.ample, whether the lack of dy- pieces, each suggesting by entertainment.
While deliberately givig up a namic variation was the fault of use of native folk songs, a dif- I went home and rubbed my
trump trick, this play h-s the the piece or its conductor. The 'ferent region of France. The wrists.
compensating advantage a augr---
anteeing the slam. The expert:
would have returned to his hand -
with the diamond ace to ruff his
been overruffed would have I
made o difference; it would ' 0 b l.
have been the last trick for the tt rl s a out sadism
defense. With only one trumpV
anyft out, declarer could have won By RONALD THOMPSON strong value on family Ife and to work out a kind of consensusI
trs return and claimed twelve Associated Press Writer traditional morality." - with all the interests involved.",,
LONDON (P) - Britain's new The board is an independent Ferman said serious artists
'Now suppose the hands were film censor is an American advisory body, originally set up must be free to comment on the
changed slightly and given back moviemaker who says he's wor- by the film industry to maintain controversial subjects of thei
to the average player: ried by a surge of sadism on standards and to shield movie- day, but he thought too many
North the screen. James Ferman, 45, makers from possible prosecu- "sexploitation quickies" were
A K S 4 has taken over as secretary of ton. being churned out.
V 9 6 the British Board of Film Cen- It often asks for cuts in a film "These terrible little films
* J 9 S 3 sors at a time of intense public before granting a certificate for have a place on the periphery,"
4 A 8 7 4 discussion over the prevalence public performance, but rarely he said. "They can be a safety
West East of cinematic sex and violence. refuses a certificate. valve' for the many people with
A 7 4 A 10 9 3 "I am not a guardian of pub- There are four categories: sexual hangups. But I think they
S010 8 ,42 J lic morals," he said in an inter- "U" suitabe foranoe "nt are now threatening to take over:
1 072 ve,"u a togyaant less than five years old; "A", completely."
4 J 9 2 4 Q 10 5 3 sadism and sexploitation in thethe same, but containing ma- Far more dangerous, in Fer-
South movies. I can conceive of no teri that some parents might man's view, is the tendency to
A A Q J 6 3 2 society that would not place prefer their children not to see; sadism. "I was pretty appalled
AK 73 some limits on what is perm AA, for persons not less tha by the first sadistic sex film 1 I
* A ,sible on the screen. A" for e saw" he said. "There was no
4 K 6 Ferman, a family man who 14 years old; and X," for peartistry no craft. The movie
sons not less than 18. The film am - t~ n rf . Temv;
After watching the play of the won a string of British awards "Jaws got an A" ratinghad a long sequence in which
last hand, he was told that the as a television drama and doc- ' men tortured a bound and naked
bidding, final contract, and umentary producer, was born Local authorities, however, girl, using fantastic tongs. It4
opening lead were the same, in New York City but brought to I have the right to change the was really appalling."
and that he again had to make England as a child. His parents board's certificate for theaters For*eamin s
twelve tricks, 'are Americans and he retains in their areas and can even al- Fer th e wig
Impressed by the expert play U.S. citizenship - although his low performances of a film that er f forein an domestic
of the previous hand, the aver- English accent never would be- has been refused a certificate. nded for public showing in
age player would probably copy tray his origins. Whatever the censor decides Britain. Matters of the board's
it, comfirming for all his medi- His wife, Monica, is English. almost inevitably stirs contro- ''itbi M e o the b '
ocrity as East ruffed the s scond They have two children, Lucy, versy. High-minded pressure its president, Lored Hardlech, by
top heart and returned his last 18, and John, 13. groups try to convince him to tsrmer ambassador to Washing.
trump. The on e remaining Before being chosen for one of ban more films: moviemakers fon
the most pressure-laden jobs in fight to save their celluloid from n 4
trump in dummy could not cover U.tlhsapiteta h
bothof ouths lsingneatsthe film industry, Farman was the scissors. The Board declined Uni.i poiteta h
band ofute h's averag e pari hrgfaomniymn to say which films - or how end of June, Ferman said he4
and the hapless average player i charge of a community men- was a moviegoer purely for
would go down again. ! tal health program at the Lon-many - it had banned recently. pleasure.
don Polytechnic. One of his edu- "That is between us and the ease b
The- expert would have re- cational films "Drugs and film company," an official said. ,I saw about 40 films every
iwed that the addition of the jack Schoolchildren," currently is be- Relaxing on a couch in his year, he said. My favorites?
of trumps materially changes ing shown to educators through- pleasant office overlooking Lon- Well, the films of Luis Bunuel,
his hand and allows him to out London. don's Soho Square, Ferman Orson Welles' Citizen Kane,
guard against even a six-one Ferman takes oer as censor said: "Frankly, I just don't Singing in the Rain, Some Like
break of the opposing hearts. from Stephen Murphy, who gave know yet whether I'll turn out Ferman added: "I believe our'
He would have won the opening up the hot seat to concentrate to be more libertarian or more is not as permissive as
Lead in his hand, cashed the ace on writing and lecturing. Mur- repressive than my predeces- we aroci led to believe. Mostpeo-
of hearts, and then played a phy had been blistered by per- sors. ply in this country still value-
small heart from both hands! sonal criticism over such deci- "But I do know that there is family life and the old morality.
West w b prttreeted pwi ubsions as allowingsthe British a kind of revulsion against per- famthink s meone has the duty
a free heart trick, but no power public to see "Last Tango in' missiveness in the cinema. It's" to say, 'This far and no fur- -
on earth could have stopped Paris, Straw Dogs, and The in the air. ther.' We have come very far,
South from ruffing his lat small Devils. "I suppose I'm a poacher very fast. A pause for thought
heart with dummy's king of Now, for the first time since turned gamekeeper, but I hope now would do no harm."
trlmos and claiming his slam. it was founded in 1912, the cen-
Still, the person who most de-C sorship board is being run by a -_-_-_--------------_-
serves sympathy is North, the I professional moviemaker. Fer- s.
average player's partner. He man seems unlikely to turn the
twice had to suppress grimaces clock back, although he believes t E
and offer consolation. "What an1the film industry is "out of
unlucky break, partner. And it touch with the central strand of tThe re Pe665-290 The.tre .Phone 66-6416
was such a good contract!" j society which still places a 7
FSNSA T & . oNf1-3-57-9

WESLEY FOUNDATION NEWS 5:30 p.m.-Student Supper.
Sunday, October 12: 10:30 a.m.-Morning Worship.
12:30 p.m. - Meet at Wesley * ,
for afternoon canoe trip. ST. MARY STUDENT CHAPEL
5:30 p.m.-Supper, Pine Room. (Catholic)i
6:15 p.m.-C e 1 e brat ion, 331 Thompson-663-0557
Lounge. Weekend Masses:
7:30 p.m.-Grads and Sin'gle S d psm.
Young Adults II continuing dis- Saturday-5 p.m. 9
cussion on Belief Options, Green1Sunday - 7:45 a.m., 9 a.m.,
Room. '10:30 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m.!
Wednesday, October 15: (plus 9:30 a.m. North Campus).
Noon - Luncheon discussion, * * *
Basic Christian Beliefs, Pine FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST,
Room. Lunch 25c. SCIENTIST
Thursday, October 16: 1833 Washtenaw
6:30 p.m.-Grads and Single Sunday Service and Sunday
Young Adults 1-supper in Pine! School-10:30 a.m.
Room. Wednesday Testimony Meet-
7:15 p.m. - Grads and Single! ing-8:00 p.m.
Young Adults I-TA Experience Child Care-Sunday, under 21
in Lounge.years; Wednesday, through 6
8:00 p.m.-Divorced and Sepa- Midweek Informal Worship.
rated Group, Green Room. years.I
Sunday, October 19: Reading Room-306 E. Lib-i
Young Marrieds Retreat on erty, 10-6 Monday and Friday;
"Theological Jargon." Call for 10-5 all other days; closed Sun-
information, 668-6881. ;days.

Evening Worship-7:00pum.u
** *
State at Huron and Washngton
October 12, 1975-Laity Sunday,
Worship Services:#
8:30 a.m.-Communion Serv--
9:30 a.m.-Worship Service-
11:00 a.m.-Worship Service-
Message: "Sharing Our Na-
tional Life"-Laypersons.
Worship services are broad-
cast over WNRS-AM (1290) each
Sunday from 11:00 to 12:00 roon.'I

OF CHRIST 423 S. Fourth Ave. Ph. 665-6149
30 W. Stadium Blvd. Minister: Orval L. E. Willimann
(one block west of :00 a.m.-Chapel Service.
U of M Stadium) 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service.
Bibl Stdy Sunay :3 ?10:00 a.m.-Church School.'
Bible Study - Sunday, 9:30 Child care at 10:00 a.m. serv-
a.m.-Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. ice.
Worship-Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Service broadcast on WNRS
and 6:00 p.m. (1290 AM).
Need Transportation? C a ii 1
UNIVERSITY REFORMED ' 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560
CHURCH, 1001 E. Huron Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor'
Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice, Sunday Morning Worship at
Ministers 9:15 and 10:30 a.m.
9:30 am.-Church School SIundav Morning Bible Sitd

at 9:15 a.m.
Midweek Worship Wednesday
at 10:00 p.m.
Presently Meeting at
YM-YWCA, 530S. Fifth
David Graf, Minister
Students Welcome.
For information or transpor-
tation: 663-3233 or 662-2494.
10:00 a.m. - Sunday Worship
* * *
(Formerly Lutheran Student
801 . F,)est Ave. at Hill St.
jGordon Ward, Pastor
Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m.
* * *
218 N. Division-665-0606
Sundays at noon-Holy Eucha-
rist with a meal following.

David Rook adapts from his well-known book, The White Colt, this lush lyrical
story of an English Country boy (Mark Lester of OLIVER) who overcomes his
traumatized inability to speak through his affections for a magnificent wild white
colt and an elderly Moorman (John Mills). The photography stunningly captures
the overpowering atmosphere of the Devonshire Moors in this sensitive film
created to captivate all ages. Plus, A WORLD IS BORN (the "Rites of Spring"
seguence from Walt Disney's FANTASIA.)
COMING NOV. 15: Warner Brothers' & Disney Cartoon Festival fea-
turing Ichabod & Mr. Toad and cartoons with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck,
Porky Pig, & many others.
Children 50c Adults $1
A brilliant first movie that established its young writer-producer-director as a
maior American talent, Martin Sheen gives a critically acclaimed performance as
Kit, a young man who kills his girlfriend's father when he disapproves of their
relationships. Adapted from an actual case, the film probes the minds of the two
teenagers and the reaction of the notion in their cross-country escape and killing
spree. A remarkable examination of violence and terror in America. Martin Sheen,
Sissy Spacek.
SUN.: Don't miss EXPERIMENTAL FILM NITE-a hand picked selec-
tion of the best!
CINEMA .1 7:O0 & 9:0 AUD. A
ADM. $1.25

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