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October 10, 1975 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-10

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Page Six


Friday, October 14; 1975

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 10, 1975




the place to gather
featuring outstanding
luncheon specials
for under $2.00:
handcarved choice roast beef on
fresh roll with au jus.....$1.90:
i iage

Defense lawyers request Polce take gunan
additional tests for Hearst on Hirohito's route
SAN FRANCISCO (P) - Pa- THE source also said the de- cross-examination at a bail SAN DIEGO () - A young gators were not able to confirm
tricia Hearst's attorneys want fense wanted a team of hand- hearing on federal bank robbery man with bullets in his pocket the sighting. "I'm sure no shot
their own psychiatrist to exam- picked doctors to examine the charges. and a rifle in his car was taken was fired," said police Capt.
ine her in addition to the court- 21-year-old newspaper heiress SAN Mateo County Sheriff into custody on a freeway over- Manuel Guaderrama.
appointed specialists now as- for possible physical problems. John McDonald said he knows pass today shortly after Emper- Police said the man was ap-
sess eog her mental state, a "We understand she has some of no health problems Hearst or Hirohito of Japan passed be- prehended moments after Hiro-
source close to the defense said I e to may be havng and noted that neath en route to the San Diego hito's motorcade passed beneath
PGtra.and we want to find out from tshe has not requested any medi- Zoo, police said. the overpass bridge to Harbor
The lawyers planned to ask our own psychiatrist about her Island at the edge of Lindbergh
U. S. District Judge Oliver Car- mental state," the source said. cal care while at the county jail The 19-year-old man was re- Field.
ter to appoint Dr. Louis Vuksin- He declined to specify what the o:od ta t mi leased after two hours of ques- Hess
ich of the McAuley Neuropsychi- problems were. south of here. tioning by the Secret Service. the Secret Service
atric Institute of St. Mary's Hos- Three court-appointed psychi- McDonald said he had asked i "There is no indication that he said it was his understanding
pital here to conduct a new ex- atrists and a psychologist al- defense attorneys to get court! planned to shoot Hirohito," said the man was taken into custody
amination, said the source, who ready are examining Hearst to authorization for any examina- Lawrence Hess, special agent s
asked his identity not be dis- determine whether she is men- tion of Hearst by defense doc- for the Secret Service in San by.
closed. tally competent to undergo tors. Diego. "He did not have the AN OFFICER said a number
- -- - rifle with him. It was in the of .22-caliber bullets were found
"Since she is a federal pris- trunk of the car at least several in the man's pockets. A 22-cal-
oner, we wanted the court to hundred yards away." iber rifle equipped with a tele-
B EA D EV EN T' nail dawn which doctors can scopic sight was found in his
come in, he explained. We POLICE were told a second: car parked near the bridge, the
ON THE work well with the attorneys. armed man was spotted later at officer said.
They know the procedure." the zoo parking lot, but investi- A few minutes earlier, police
___ spotted him and radioed the sta-
FRIDAY, October10thtion that there was a suspicious
10th person on the bridge.
(in case of rain, Oct. 17th) A police spokesperson said
11:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. they had received a report that
a man armed with a shotgun
Come to a celebration of the making of bread 2had been seen in the zoo park-
-and-A ing lot before the emperor ar-
A remembering of our sisters and brothers who S.STATE ST rived. A sweep of the parking
must live without it. MON.-SAT. lot was made, but no such per-
:" 10 A.M.-6 P.M. son was found.
Fti ~oRE N For the past three years stns
P T/Jijl1~j~ ~lVPPE N and daughters of Ados h a v e
DOME\STIC CLOTHING" earned mnore than 64 rmillion in
I one season or harness racing.
th e ptiscopat .l u4eft found ion WHAT ARE YOU DOING AFTER GRADUATION?
769-1744 21 n. diviiGon
an ar, Mich n 1810 " teephone 60.0606 GRAD JOB
- -I-t-o

page 6
through affirmative action. It is especially important that this summary of
goals, amended employment practices, and departmental commitment be
available to graduate students seeking employment.
A statement of long-range goals should be publicized in the depart-
ment or hiring pool and filed with the University Affirmative Action Com-
mittee for G.S.A.s.
This statement should include:
" a brief review of the numbers of women and minority graduate
students and graduate student assistants of the past ten years.
" analysis of increases and/or decreases in their representation dur-
ing this time.
" projection of enrollment figures for the next ten years.
" any anticipated changes in the definition of the pool from which
graduate students are chosen and in the racial and sexual com-
position of that pool.
" outline of recruitment procedures and staffing, with anticipated
" analysis of recruitment problems perceived in recruitment.
" problems perceived in employment of women and minorities.
* possible departmental programs to..eliminate perceived problems,
including approximate costs.
" long-term goals (spanning approximately five years).
" analysis of existing employment practices.
Departments should submit to the Affirmative Action Committee for
G.S.A.s the following information:
" number of positions to be filled in the following term.
* possibility of assigning positions to members of under-utilized
groups, ncluding summary of applicants by race, sex, and citizen-
ship/ permanent residence status.
" goal for eliminating or decreasing under-utilization for the following
These goals should be publicized in the department or unit, especially
to potential and actual applicants for G.S.A. appointments.
VI. Development and Implemention of Specific
Programs to Achieve Goals and Timetables
Each department or hiring unif shall analyze procedures by which it
recruits employees and hires employees. The department or unit should
notify all eligible students of employment opportunities and the procedures
by which they should apply for employment. These procedures must have
no discriminatory effects.
Each department or unit should keep records that permit it to com-
pare applicants and hires by race, sex and citizenship/immigrant status.
These records should indicate the point in the hiring process where the
applicant was eliminated from consideration and who made the decision not
to hire. A written reason for not hiring should accompany this information.
If the hiring process entails several steps-written application, interview,
preliminary eliminations-the department or unit should keep records about
decisions made at each step.
The purpose of applicant flow records is to establish responsibility for
the uniform application of standard employment practices. They enable
departments or units to reach goals if and when new openings exist and
to guarantee that records will be available for review when goals are not
met. Furthermore, they provide a basis for re-assessing problem areas when
departments or units do not meet their goals.
Those individuals in department or units responsible for making hiring
decisions should devote special attention to the use of any criteria which
may have a discriminatory effect. Examples of criteria which have per-
sistently shown themselves to have discriminatory effects include:
" English-language skills and/or cultural life styles of minority group
members. Those responsible for hiring may come from radically
different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds than the in-
dividuals being considered for employment, and thus might seek
standards which are unfamiliar or distasteful to many minority
group members. Every effort should be made to insure that a
broad range of speech, dress, habits, and life styles are allowed.

ployment opportunity such questions should be eliminated from all
application forms and from any stage of the screening and inter-
viewing process.
Those persons involved in the hiring process should also be sensitive
to deficiencies in the University's provisions for child care, as these short-
comings create formidable barriers to many women and men with children.
Every effort should be made to secure adequate chld care facilities so that
these individuals are not blocked from employment opportunity.
0 Exit interviews should be conducted with all Graduate Student
Assistants who quit, or do not seek re-appointment, when re-appoint-
ment is possible. Often, perceived discriminatory treatment is a
major cause of turnover among minority and women employees.
Information from exit interviews can provide important informa-
tion on discriminatory policies and practices which should be
Departments and units should inform and train individuals involved
in the hiring process in the objective standards used in employment pro-
ceedings and their application in the department and hiring units. This
training should include a thorough introduction to the concept of affirmative
action, as well as a review of departmental progress and problem areas.
All departmental and unit chairpersons should be told in clear lan-
guage that their performance on affirmative action goals will be rated
along with other criteria in evaluations of their competence to remain in
those positions and that inadequate cooperation or obstruction of the pro-
gram will incur penalties, including possible reductions in departmental or
unit funding.
Departments and units should maintain affirmative action remedial
files on applicants of underutilized groups not hired who are potential can-
didates for future openings. These candidates should be notified first when
openings occur.
Whenever possible, minorities and women should be on committees or
in groups responsible for recruitment and hiring. If no women or minorities
are qualified to be on such committees (when, for example, there are none
on the department faculty and only faculty may sit on committees), the
department should seek advice and suggestions from other sources: depart-
mental or professional caucuses of women and minorities, University com-
missions, or the Director of Affirmative Action Programs for the University.
Furthermore, whenever possible, representatives of underutilized
groups should be used as recruiters, or on recruitment visits, and as referral
sources. The presence of women and minorities on committees and task
forces reinforces a department's or unit's written commitment to affirma-
tive action by providing evidence that progress is being made.
Each deparment or unit should analyze its recruitment efforts, espe-
cially as those efforts in the past have affected the pool from which appli-
cants are drawn. It should identify problems in recruitment and write a
program to rectify those problems. An important part of the program is
the assignment of recruitment responsibility to a duly constituted depart-
mental officer or committee.
Departmental or unit recruitment efforts should include, though not be
limited to, the following:
e Advertising in publications at colleges with substantial women and
minority student enrollment.
" Contacting, in order to publicize departmental affirmative action
commitments, faculty and academic counselling offices at colleges
with substantial women and minority enrollments, or at offices
and units at the University that are specifically concerned with
the problems of women and minorities (See Section III.B.).
*Developing and maintaining contact with minority and women's
community organizations, especially those that provid mnselling
services. 1W2
The purpose of the recruitment effort should be to iiFrove the pool
of applicants from which hiring decisions are made. The best way to recruit
successfully is to keep potential applicants from underutilized groups well
informed of the department's or unit's affirmative action commitments,
is efforts and its progress, and the opportunities for employmen it provides.
The central importance of improving the pool should be acknowledged in
printed recruiting materials, as should efforts and progress made in faculty
affirmative action programs.
VI1. Establishment of Internal Audit and
Reporting Systems to Monitor and Evaluate
Progress in Each Aspect of the Program


GRAD Grad School Directories Testing Information
SCHOOL? Catalogue Information Counseling
Grad and Professional School Recruiters
JOB On Campus Interviewing with
H UNTING? Recruiters Sept. 30th thru March 25th
H Job Hunter's Resource Library
Career Counseling

' R E NT M Em
$7 ADAY 10c AMILEz
- 994-9300m
z y,

Next Tuesday N*ight,
You Could:
* Go and SEE something
" Go and HEAR something
" Go and EAT something.
The University of Michigan Museum of Art invites
you to an evening of visual, musical and gastro-

nomical stimulatiC
We're offering you
contemporary art,
eat. FREE.

seven galleries of
a jazz trio, and

traditional and
good things to

Term-by-term reports should be provided by every department or unit
chairperson to the Director of Affirmative Action Programs so that he or
she may evaluate progress, see how the program is working, and where

P n n I I gr u n r A'!' or" r 1

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