alo~e Sfr4jan DBatit U' studies abroad: An overview Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Friday, October 10, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Council: Fifth St. Follies rVHE SHENANIGANS WHICH have recently plagued the Monday night City Cotncil meetings can only lead the Ann Arbor community to one conclusion: the city's legisla- tive body is a sham. Short of rock- slinging and arson there is little the council members have not done to disturb their weekly proceedings and, with Mayor Wheeler as ring- leader ,transform the Monday session into a sideshow to rival Barnum and Bailey's best. Last Monday's meeting was the proverbial straw that broke the cam- el's back. Never in recent memory had the council's show of political savior faire plummet to such a low, and not since April's election have council members provided the com- munity with a keener example of their inability to override their po- litical loathing for each other in the name of sound government. and keep their overt political campaigning out of council chambers. MONDAY'S FEUDING BEGAN when council failed to second a reso- lution by councilwoman Kathy Koz- achenko (HRP-Second Ward) which would have directed the city attor- ney's office to put into ordinance form the rent control charter amend- ment which was defeated by the electorate last April. When a second was not given, Wheeler attempted to move on to the next agenda item, but Kozachenko's emotional and wildly childish outburst prevented such a move. Kozachenko, blaring over Wheel- er's voice, launched into an attack 'against council Democrats' stand on rent control, calling them "liars," and blasting them for their lack of initiative on the rent control issue. When advised that, according to council rules, the absence of a sec- ond for her motion pre-empted her right to speak to the issue until the conclusion of the agenda items, Koz- achenko said, "I don't care, I'm speaking right now . . I never said I'd play by the rules." This highly unprofessional con- duct, reminiscent of SGC tactics, re- flects the slow but frightening death of productive political action in this city. Even more alarming is the unwillingness on the part of the HRP and the Democrats to band to- gether in a quest towards progres- sive legislation, which they could easily produce with their majority on council. Obsessed with partisan backbiting, city politicians have for- gotten their real purpose as public servants. By PAUL O'DONNELL "IT WAS THE best year of my life," said one student. An- other called it "a lot of fun, but a waste of time scholastically." Some even went so far as to call it "nothing more than or- ganized babysitting." Perhaps the most common comment was, however, a post-facto analysis of the experience: "Though I didn't realize it at the time, I learned more dur- ing the year I spent abroad than in any other academic year. I wish I'd taken better avan- tage of it." The U-M's study abroad programs, and foreign studies in general, have their share of critics and defenders, as do all programs which aren't part of the "three Rs." But in these times of tight money and bud- get cutbacks, foreign study programs are among those that manyauniversities consider eliminating. During more than three years of foreign studies, travel, and work, I was able to talk to administrators, teach- ers, and students involved with such programs about the merits and shortcomings of foreign study. And while the American students often had an unkind word or two about the way things ran in the host country, administrators, teachers and landlords on the foreign side were not always impressed with the courtesy, diplomacy, and discretion of the visiting Amer- ican students. ASIDE FROM THE academ- ic aspects, living abroad for an extended period of time can in itself be an experiment in adap- tation and understanding. One official of the Experiment in International Living, a non-pro- fit organization which has been sponsoring student exchanges for over forty years, once de- scribed three stages of adapta- tion to a foreign situation. The first was euphoria: the excite- ment of arriving in those pic- ture - post card places that you'd only read about in books ... which gives way sooner or, later to "trauma," the second stage. Trauma, the much cited "culture - shock," that affects most of us at one point or an- other in our lives abroad, is de- scribed by one anthropologist in this way: "The genesis of the malady is really quite sim- ple. It is precipitated by the anxiety that results from los- ing all your familiar cues ..." These familiar cues are often the most trivial aspects of day- to-day life: different ways of dressing, speech patterns, tip- ping procedures, and which- hand - you - hold - your - fork- with type situations can all be- come blown out of proportion. Especially to those who fear looking ridiculous. One woman, who described herself as well "'Americans seem to want to take America -the language, dress, music, food and life- style - with t h e m wherever they go.' One professional man says simply, 'Why do they come here? That is my question'." ... :'>">.S :":"::..:VK~tt .>.>>>:':>.}t;. :i:"!.'.: :::" adapted to the host country in most ways, and who spoke the language fluently, told me she could never get used to French toilets. THE THIRD STAGE of adap- tation was called "simbiosis," a hypothetical relationship of mutual benefit to both the visi- tor and the people of the host country. The, experiment's for- mula is perhaps oversimplified, but the euphoria - trauma - simbiosis analysis has proven to be valid in many instances. Personally, I feel as if I've lived through periods of each, and could almost say there have been days when I've gone through all three stages. Other than the student who enrolls overseas, and the cul- tural exchange participant, the most common kind of student traveler must be the backpack carrying, sleeping - under - bridges, Europe - on - five - dol- lars - a - day, youth hostel staying kind. These types can be found at Chez Julien in Paris, at Casa Jose -in Barce- lona ,at the Prado (with their back packs on!!) in Madrid, at, the Sistine Chapel in Rome ... anywhere from Amsterdam to Morocco ,and sometimes in more places than one might wish. If some of them seem more interested in intoxicants than educational exchange, and others more anxious to be away from their parents than to make foreign friends, most of the ones I met while travel- ing, working in hotels, and studying seemed open to mak- ing friends and willing to ac- cept a new way of doing things. Obviously, the back - pack, rail pass, youth hotel life style, while it provides great mobili- ty, can only provide a super- ficial overview of how people live. But for every ten "Let's- Go-Europe" types who are try- ing to see "as much as possi- ble," and skip from the Forum to the Acropolis to the Eiffel Towers to the Leaning Tower, then back to Luxembourg for that flight home, there are at lease a few PhD writers, Span- ish guitar enthusiasts, experts in medieval pottery, or Viet Nam exiles who will "never go back to live." One shouldn't be fooled: the former are just more visible than the latter. WHILE MANY A student goes abroad after a year or so of often unhappy education, and many have read just enough Il- lich to wish to avoid anything that has a vague odor of aca- demic method, others find that settling down somewhere, and not necessarily in Paris, Rome, or Madrid, and studying is more worthwhile than just see- ing the sights. Perhaps the eas- iest way to study abroad is to enroll in a language and cul- ture type institute or program in towns like Perugia, Italy; Coimbra, Portugal; or Sala- manca, Spain. These programs provide enough stimulus for the diligent student suffering from Protestant - ethic guilt, but enough spare time to allow reg- ular trips to neighboring beach- es or ski slopes. They usually require no diplomas or docu- ments ,and are suitable for the student who hasn't quite learn- ed all his irregular past par- ticples. In Barcelona, Spain, where I spent a year studying with such a program ,there were numer- ous advantages to being a for- eign student. While Spanish stu- dents, feeling the effects of min- isterial reshuffling, political tur- moil, and police intervention, had less than a half year of classes, the foreign students in the same building had regular and prompt classes. While the year I spent in Barcelona Uni- versity ,was particularly turbu- lent, the possibility of the uni- versities being closed by the "forces of order" is a possibili- ty that anyone wishing to enroll as a regular student in Spain should consider. "The culture shock which affects most of us while abroad is trig- gered by different ways of dressing, speech patterns, tip- ping procedures and which - hand - do - you - hold the fork with type situations." tF O R E I G N STUDENTS HAVE the major disadvantage that they are not studying di- rectly with native students in these programs. The innitiative must be taken to go out and meet people from the country, and the large number of Ameri- cans in these programs often is conducive to staying within your own socio - cultural group. This isolation creates the in- evitable comments about the people of the host country: the French as "nasty," the Spanish, "lazy, lecherous, disorganized," and the Italians "crooks." It is interesting to turn the mirror around and hear what the peo- ple of the host country have to say about us. Aside from the standard cliches about Ameri- cans being especially material- istic, many peoples are shock- ed by American loudness and indiscretion. One Chinese stu- dent described himself as "amazed at the kind of ques- tions (Westerners) dare to ask us about our family and per- sonal life." PERHAPS THE DOM- INANT criticism, and one which much evidence would tend to support, is that Ameri- cans, by the very force of their economic buying power, are so numerous abroad that a ten- dency exists to stick together rather than try to go' out and make friends. "Americans seem to want to take America - the language, dress, music, food, and life style - -with them wherever they go." An- other professional man, who has taught American students in Aix for a few years says sim- ply, "Why do they come here? That's my question . . ." Basic ally, laziness, fear of being rejected, or culture shock are all causes for lack of real con- tacts in many cases. And lack of real contact is what causes the "Burmese are lazy, Arabs are dirty, Americans are all rich" cliches to be so wide- spread. There are only individ- ual solutions: I am reminded of the American student from New York who went to Spain for a year "to learn the lan- guage." When he returned home he still could make a sim- ple Spanish sentence in the present tense. THE IDEAL WAYto make the most of a year abroad is to enroll directly in a European, Asian, or African University . . . but the compli- cations involved can only make one hesitate. Dealing with a bureaucracy, whether it be an Ann Arbor's computerized one or a European handwritten one, is often unpleasant, but this unpleasant aspect can only be compounded by foreign lan- guages, credit transfers, and documents which are locked in a drawer at home while you're abroad. The effort involved in becom- ing, for example, a student in a French University can be enough to make a normal American without masochistic tendencies to wish his home uni- versity offered a, viable alter- native. And the U-M study abroad programs offer such alteria- tives. Paul O'Donnell is .an LSA senior. P rivilege has its abuses RANK HAS ITS privileges. That's the rule that really runs the Army, Congress, and multinational corporations. And so it seems with the University's libraries. Professors enjoy the privilege of withdrawing books from the libraries and can keep them well past the due date without fear of fine or other retribution. Not surprisingly at professors have taken that regulation. One for example, has more overdue books - one has had since 1969. least a few advantage of English prof, than 40 long of which he Library officials lamely explain away this practice, noting "The fac- ulty are (sic) very privileged class in all colleges . . . they are scholars." That may be true. But the students are also scholars and deserve the right of full access to the libraries' resources. In fact, the students may even be able to lay greater claim to those nuggets of knowledge than can the faculty members - we're buying them with our tuition dollars. TODAY'S STAFF News: Glen Allerhand, Jim Garfinkle, Steve Hersh, George Lobsenz, Ken Parsigian, Cheryl Pilate, Sara Rimer, Stephen Selbst Editorial Page: Cary Gold, Paul Has- kins, Ann Marie Lipinski, Tom Stevens Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens RIGHT NOW, STUDENTS must pay a 25 cent per day fine for over- due books, which doesn't seem the least bit unreasonable. The purpose of a library after all is to circulate books to people who for one reason or another don't want to buy them. And when anyone - prof, student, or ubiquitous book napper - hordes volumes he or she is denying other the right to read them. That is a right upon which academic freedom is in large part based - the right to pursue knowledge where ever it may be found. Professors have, however, made a consistant practice of infringing on that right by keeping library books for inexcusably long periods of time. A survey conducted by the libraries' circulation departments last summer found that faculty members had some 3,500 overdue books in their possession. That's just plain unfair. The solution, of course, is easy enough. Make the professors subject to the same penalties and fines as the students. If the teachers are unwill- ing to bring back books on time, charge them a quarter a day and make sure they pay up. IT NFORTUNATELY, it is hard to find a penalty as stringent as the potent "hold credit" option that is regularly applied to recalictrant stu- dents. Maybe the librarians could report professors with overdue books to the financial office and have their pay checks withheld. By JONATHAN PANSIUS A DORM BEGINS a policy of padlocking its courtyard gates at night. Within days, the padlocks are stolen. Though hardly typical, the incident was one of a long list of recent crimes committed in University residence halls. Thefts, van- dalism, and armed robberies have been a particularly nag- ging problem for housing direc- tors, security and police offic- ials, and students in the past few years. Although many peo- ple underestimate its signifi- cance, campus crime has af- fected hundreds in the Univer- sity community. But just how big is the prob- lem? Last May, there were 23 criminal incidents reported; 39 were reported in April, and 42 in March. David Foulke of Housing Se- curity, who provided the pre- ceeding figures, claims, how- ever, that the crime rate in University housing for the first few weeks of this term is rela- tively low. Exceptionally for- tunate, he adds, since early fall is usually a boom period for campus rip-off artists. Dorm crime bothers security, police, and housing officials, though they feel they can con- trol it. Their concern, however, is not shared by those many student who dismiss security precautions as an nuisance. Most residents consider the rip- off phenomenon an unpleasant fact of life and merely seek to protect themselves. For them the problem is unfortunate but not personally threatening. It is usually these types who leave their rooms unlocked or admit total strangers and end up regretting it later. "My door was not locked," related one sorry victim, "and anybody travellingvthrough the hallway could have noticed it, even dorm employes." David Foulke described an- other common scenario. A stranger asks to use the phone, enters the room, and puts his coat over whatever he wants to lift. After dialing a wrong num- ber or something similar, he politely thanks his victim, picks up his coat and the object underneath it, and leaves. Vandalism, another big prob- lem, is rarely reported to secur- ity; most residents just look the other way. Other crimes get more public- ity. About four years ago, an unprecedented outbreak of arm- ed robberies alarmed Univer- sity security personnel. Since then, about two dozen cases have been reported. They usual- ly result from residents unwit- tingly admitting strangers to their rooms. Unquestionably in recent years, armed robberies and large-volume drug dealing have gone hand in hand. One resi- dent comments, added, "If someone is dealing in dope, they're taking a hell of a risk." Adding to security woes, bur- glaries resulting from unlocked accessible windows are stand- ard features of most ripoff re- portoire. Other sensational but infrequent crimes include as- saults and crimes against wo- men (rapes, peeping-tom inci- dents, etc.). For the most part, according to Mr. Foulke and others, the victimizers of University resi- dents come from outside the housing system, and most of these are local juveniles or oth- er visitors in the dorms. This does not preclude crime by pros or those inside the resi- dence halls (residents and em- ployes). Satisfaction with University security varies. Although they get along well with security personnel, some students com- plain about lack of visible se- curity, poor guard patrols, and strangers in the dorms. Captain Klinge of the Ann Ar- bor Police Department brushes off the malcontents, claiming that the University is doing about all it can within its finan- cial limits. The security people them- selves defend their own per- formance, but feel that the ov- Crime hardest on those who ignore it Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER "Habits like locking doors and accessible windows, avoiding conspicuous drug dealing, and securing bikes properly go a long way toward fighting criwse in the dorms." , i! :, i , , "q!l!lq m 51 s m 71 MMM"MR NR "I ! I , ''S''S''MM & S 'I, , , VL NE2C7 1 DiMd~/V1E .. =C CIA predicts rain in Russia Y~. c-A By DICK WEST WASHINGTON UPI - Here, minus the salu- tation and signoff, is a letter I received from a Mr. Stanley Vestspot of Puma City, Wyo.; "In a recent column you took note of the fact that the CIA and the weather bureau, two agencies that specialize in collecting and analyz- ing data, were being criticized for poor judg- ments. "You suggested that if they were to switch jobs the change might do them both good. In theory, it sounds good. Can you give me a better idea of how it might work out in practice?" Glad to, Mr. Vestspot. The 11 o'clock news. Willard Isobaree, Chan- nel 69's popular weathercaster, on camera be- fore a large map of the Soviet Union . "Good evening. Here is the latest intelligence forecast for the USSR and vicinity." He takes a wax pencil and draws a line from Leningrad to Sevastopol. "The latest satellite pictures show an inter- contineital ballistic missile front extending in a southerly direction from a point just east of the angel stands at 14 and falling. The high speed anti-radar missile count at Vyshny Volochek re- mains steady at 40." He draws a circle around Moscow. "For the next 24 to 48 hours we expect a slight counter-clockwise movement around detente with a stationary ridge along the strategic arms limi- tation treaty." Meanwhile, the bulldog edition of the Butter- milk Falls, Wis., Excelsior hits the streets with an exclusive story from its Washington corres- pondent, Rimbeau Hookersmith. "WASHINGTON - THE Central Intelligence Agency has uncovered evidence that a low pressure area is forminng in the Gulf of Mexico some 60 miles south of New Orleans, reliable sources disclosed today. "According to information leaked to this cor- resnondent, CIA obtained a tell-tale set of baro- meter readings by breaking into the California off; of a nationally known meteorologist. "The readings were said to match long-range rAtirrunn a tired from the Farmer's Almanac erall system needs improve- ment. They point to delayed re- action times to crime reports and fragmentation of effort be- tween too many security units as impediments to effective crime prevention. WHAT MORE CAN the Uni- versity do? Some students have suggested more guard patrols, guarding exits at night, and barring accessible windows. Controlling the flow of people into the dorms concerns them most. The University could ap- propriate more money for such programs but they are not like- ly to because of scarcity of funds. After all, the costs may outweigh the benefits, and most students would resent turning their dorms into virtual forts. What the University can do, and has been doing, is to edu- cate the residents in basic pre- cautions. This places the pri- mary responsibility for security with the student. Increased awareness of the problem has been partially accountable for the recent downturn in resi- dence hall crime. For exam- ple, common counteractions such as traveling in pairs have almost eliminated the elevator crime in South Quad that pre- vailed a few years ago. As one put it, "if students gave more consideration to tak- ing necessary precautions to protect property, then the prob- lem wouldn't be as great." HABITS LIKE LOCK- ING doors and accessible win- dows, avoiding conspicuous drug dealing, and securing bicycles (frame and all) properly go a long way towards- combatting thefts, robberies, and burglar- ies. Residents who make anti- crime efforts cooperative, or in the words of one South Quad resident advisor, "look out for each other", get hit less often. And if all else fails, Security is ready at 763-1131 to handle reported crimes or suspicious activity. Housing Division's booklet "Don't be a Crime Statistic", which was distributed to resi- dents at the beginning of the term, describes these and other precautions well, and copies may still be available at 1500 Student Activities - Building. Staff members and the Manag- er of Housing Security (764- 6185) are other good sources of information, and can also handle complaints and sugges- tions. Tonathan Pansius is an LSA unior. ,;:. ,t :e c<-:::r. ::i x;:;:;:; r ;yak; - ;x r.,:;rt; :::; y ; ;, a r;^:;; ;~, ,d, Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washintnn. TC 20515. -um -iNMMMM