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October 09, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-09

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 9, 1975 Ten Cents Ei

ght Pages


Pigs and hams
It was a mighty big gamble: Missouri Gov.
Christopher Bond bet Michigan alumni Jerry Ford
a Missouri ham to a Michigan salmon that the
Wolverines would lose last weekend. Needless to
say, Bond wound up shipping a ham off to the
White House as Missouri lost, 31-7. Said Bond:
"This delicious ham will represent Missouri well.
. . . Becoming a Missouri ham is the best thing
that can happen to a pig." Who could he have
been talking about?
Yearbook photos
The Michiganensian is now photographing all
seniors (December, May grads) and grad students
for the portrait section of the 1976 yearbook. The
cost is $3 to include portrait, name, degree, and
major. Call 764-0561 between 6-8 p.m. daily or visit
the Diag booth between 10-4 p.m. daily to make
appointments. Oct. 17 is the last day to sign up.
Yearbooks are also on sale for $8 at 420 Maynard
or mail in the Daily coupon beginning this Satur-
Happenings .
begin with an International Prayer Meeting
at noon at the Congressional Church, State and
William and the American Association of Univer-
sity Women's annual booksale in the ballroom of
the Union from noon to 9 p.m. . . . at 7 p.m. in
Rm. 102, Econ Bldg. the Undergraduate Economics
Association will hold an porganizational meeting
.. also at 7 p.m. the Food Action Coalition meets
in Rm. 1112, School of Public Health Bldg., No. 2
..,.Men's Raps holds a potluck dinner at 7:30
p.m. in Rm. 26, Tyler House, East Quad .. . also
at 7:30 the Ann Arbor Tenants Union holds a mass
meetfng in the Kuenzel Rm., Union . . . and a
free class in relaxation exercises, basic meditation
techniques and Yoga philosophy will be offered
at 8 p.m. at 621 E. William.
Teen ycopper
Police chief Donald Brock says he's ordering an
immediate crackdown on Bunnell, Fla.'s number
one crime problem-juvenile delinquency. Brock
is as close to the problem as anyone-he's a teen-
ager himself. Brock, a high school graduate and
veteran of 400 hours of police training at Daytona
Beach Community College, served as acting police
chief of the six member force in this town of ,500
for six weeks after the former chief resigned. The
Bunnell City Council then elected him permanent
chief. Brock says he's "always wanted to be a
Mayonnaise lady
The Mayonnaise Lady is back on the job in the
University of California campus cafeteria. But this
time she's doing hamburgers. Doris Judd, 61, was
rehired by the University of California at Davis
after two courts found she had been unjustly fired
for failing to spread the mayonnaise to the edges
of sandwiches, being slow with the sauerkraut, and
other reasons. During her 2Y2 year court battle,
someone else got the mayonnaise jaob. She now
works the grill, and during a noon rush recently
she cooked 12 dozen hamburgers, a couple dozen
grilled chees sandwiches and a few patty melts.
Mrs. Judd's nickname came from the California
State Employes Association, which backed her in
the legal fight.
Radio bust
There's one place where radio interviewer Wil-
liam Drips couldn't hide from police-on his Uni-
versity of California at Davis radio show. A cam-
pus police officer made a surprise arrest on out-
standing traffic warrants while Drips was on the
air. "On my show you're going to bust me?"
Drips, public affairs director for KDVS, asked
Tuesday n i g h t. Officer Lincoln Ellis replied,
"You're under arrest." Drips was led out of the
studio, and a station manager who had been sitting
in on a panel discussion took over as moderator.
SDavis police had issued speeding warrants for
Drips after he failed to appear in court on a cita-
tion, authorities said.
Dope note
Don't get caught selling dope in Greece. It could
mean life imprisonment. Two Greeks were sen-
tenced in their absence to life in jail by a Piraeus
court last night on charges of smuggling and sell-

ing 70 pounds of hashish. This is the first time
that a Greek court has imposed the maximum sen-
tence for violation of the country's laws against
drug trafficking. The two men who were arrested
in January, 1974, disappeared soon after being set
free on bail pending their trial.
On the inside

Profs bo r
For the past six years the University's graduate library has
searched for a missing book of literary criticism entitled "The
Fictional Technique of William Faulkner."
During those years, however, the book lay on the desk of Eng-
lish professor Lyall Powers who kept it since withdrawing it in
May, 1969.
UNTIL SEVERAL days ago Powers had more than 40 other
long overdue library books in his possession, having ignored at
least three past due notices on each book. His collection represent-
ed a replacement cost to the University exceeding $1,000.
As a result of what library officials term a "serious problem"
with professors who ignore circulation due dates, the University
last week began a new policy of withdrawing the borrowing privi-
leges of faculty who hold long-standing delinquent books.
A survey conducted by the circulation departments of the
graduate and undergraduate libraries in May and June 1975 re-
vealed that faculty members held 3,500 overdue ,books.
DURING THE comparable time period, however, the library
placed only 624 hold credits on students for overdue books and
unpaid fines.
The replacement cost of the faculty-held books exceeded $80,-
000, although many of the books have been returned because of the
new policy, according to circulation director Willard Davis.
Until this month the library was powerless to impose penalties
against faculty who refused to return books. "The faculty are a
very privileged class in all colleges," said head librarian Rose
Faucher of the undergraduate library. "They are scholars."
STUDENTS, however, must pay a fine of $.25 per day for over-
due books. At the student rate, for example, Power's fine for only




Library cracks down on faculty

the one book held since 1969 would amount to $554. According to
library acting director Robin Downes, student borrowers are more
responsible in returning books.
Asked why he had failed to return his books for as long as six
years, Powers replied, "Laziness, I suppose. Forgetfulness. Simple
neglect. It's funny because somebody in my racket should have
a particular respect for books. And I don't mean by hording them."
Powers said he had intended to return the books to the grad-
uate library, which stands in close view from the large picture
window in his office. "It's an embarrassment," he said.
HE ADDED, "Every walk of life has its leniencies. I suppose
my having these books is the same as a mechanic at a factory bor-
rowing tools and being slow in returning them."
The University's library system has more than four million
books in its collection, making it the fifth largest university library
in the nation. It stands behind only Harvard, Yale, Columbia and
Illinois Universities.
The library is primarily a research facility, offering large num-
bers of rare and obscure books. It has, for example, 7,500 versions
of the Bible. Almost every major written language is represented
in the library, according to its purchasing department.
THE LIBRARY system serves 50,000 potential borrowers, in-
cluding 36,000 students and about 15,000 teaching and non-academic
staff members. The problem with the faculty segment has grown
serious in only the past five years, according to Davis.

In an unpublished investigative report compiled in 1972, the
library circulation staff found that overdue books held by professors
and other teachers had increased 1,200 per cent between 1969 and
1972. The report noted that one assistant professor had amassed a
personal collection of 220 books.
Asked why he had failed to return his
books for as long as six years, Powers re-
plied, "Laziness, I suppose. Forgetfulness.
Simple neglect."
English professors, the study found, were the biggest violators
of due dates with more than 600 overdue books to their credit.
Other significant delinquent borrowers included professors from
the psychology, history, Romance and Germanic languages de-
BUT EVEN the library science department had professors
holding overdue books.
The category of assistant professors and teaching fellows was
identified as the academic positions most prone to not returning


V 4>
Oneao the mnkeys du pb in the Univest'-td ofe sman mas ut ha addcin staresonfubly
frohis cae. bWyshu he beet sadtHe' pobgabnl gtaheavy monkeyaon .hv
Jmn reumnky. endemogrnk rmeyst'nlInttue
In te cBys JItei kdu FrNKELSTE-Nforse Ir Athsn, tha ds wenhvestto oevething-
thtthr ieohaddrgprbe in the Univest' eia opee- tenimalsbut dhven euad resonsiity
vearsiy stden odyh ailtert entions to ana the user fulh inrmatonkthat w
form a dependence on such drugs as mor-
phine, cocaine and alcohol. "WE ARE trying to work out some pro-
DR. JAMES WOODS, who heads the re- cedures for relieving pain without producing
search, insists that this is an accepted pro- an addiction," he said. "We study the de.-
cedure in pharmacology and related fields. gree to which a drug is morphine-like, that is,
"We're not treating our primates any differ- addcive.'
ently than other people do," he said. "Of See RESEARCHERS, Page 8
55-45 VOTE:
Senate aXes gas rate boost

to M
By AP and Reuter
House of Representatives
last night overwhelmingly
approved President Ford's
plan to send up to 200
American technicians to
the Sinai to monitor the
new Israeli-Egyptian inter-
im peace accords.
The vote was 341 to 69 to
support the plan, worked
out during shuttle diplo-
macy last month by Secre-
tary of State Henry Kissin-
AT THE SAME time, the Sen-
ate began working on a similar
resolution, but it is not expected
to vote until today or tomorrow
- its last session before start-
ing a 10-day recess.
House approval came swiftly
after supporters of the plan de-
feated a move to force Presi-
dent Ford to pull the technicians
out after two years.
But the resolution contained a
disclaimer that approval of the
proposal did not signify Con-
gressional agreement of any
other commitment worked out
in the Middle East negotiations.
BEFORE final approval, the
House approved 124 to 71 an
amendment by Rep. Bob Eck-
hardt (D-Tex.), specifying the
commitment gives President
Ford no authority he does not
already have to use U.S. forces
to rescue the American techni-
Congress should make clear,
Eckhardt told the House, that
it was not writing anything com-
parable to the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution that committed U.S.
forces to the Vietnam war.
He said "We want to make it
clear we have not given blanket
authority to go to war as a na-
THE HOUSE also overwhelm-
ingly rejected a two-year limit
on the technicians' stint in the
Any danger of the technicians
involving the United States in a
Middle East war "is very re-
mote," House International Re-
lations Chairman Thomas Mor-
gan (D-Pa.), told the House.
An almost identical resolution,




)n1tor Sinai
including the condition that tech- mote, Congress' rejection of the
nicians betpulled out immediate- technicians commitment would
ly if war erupts, is scheduled for lead quickly to renewed Egyp-
Senate consideration today and tian-Israeli war.
V Friday. An effort by Reps. Paul Find-
MORGAN SAID the techni- ley (R-Il.), and ClementtZab-
S cians would be protected by locki (D-Wis.), to limit authority
a5,000 U.N. troops in the buffer for the U.S. technicians to two
e zone and Rep. Dante Fascell years was rejected 287 to 122
(D-Fla.), said they'll be the after opponents said it would re-
first to know of war. "We think quire renegotiation of the entire
they'll be smart enough to get Sinai accord.
out of the way.'' SECRETARY of State Henry
"But what if your prediction Kissinger told reporters yester-
is wrong?" persisted Rep. Hen- day Israel will sign the Sinai
ry Gonzales (D-Tex.). "Will the accord "in a matter of days"
United Statesbe obligated to go after Congress approves the
in and rescue them?" tcncas
Fascell replied that that would techicid clear the way for
be a decision the President withdrawal of Israeli forces
would have to make at the time. from Sinai passes, Israel's sur-
S "THERE IS that small ele- render of the Abu Rudeis oil
ment of gamble, there's no etf iraelisEgy uts agre Smentz
question about it," Fascell said. Canal
But Morgan and other leaders
said that while that risk is re- See HOUSE, Page 8


Manuscript, shows
Hearst abducted to
free SLA prisoners

WASHINGTON (R') - The Sen-
ate refused by a 10-vote margin
yesterday to accept a compro-
mise energy plan that wauld
raise natural gas prices in ex-
change for a rollback of d:mes-
tic oil rates.
The 55-45 vote against the pro-
posal indicated that Democrats
and Republicans still are far
apart in their efforts to write a
long-range energy policy. And
the defeat raised questions about
whether Congress will be able
to avert a severe natural gas
shortage forecast in 14 states
this winter.
REJECTION of the amend-
mnent, sponsored by Sen. Adlai
Stevenson (D-Ill.) came minutes
after the Senate, on a 54-45 vote,
defeated a liberal attempt to
break up the nation's largest oil
and gas companies into firms
with an interest in only one seg-
ment of the petroleum industry.
The Stevenson amendment
would have continued federal
price controls on oil and natural
-xaas for five years to ;protect

congressional Democrats, who
want to extend and expand price
controls, and President Ford,
who wants to end controls in an
effort to cut fuel consumption.
Here is how the plan would have
-"New" U.S. oil-that amount
above 1973 production levels-
would be rolled back from the
current $13.50 per barrel un-
regulated price to $9. The price
of this oil, about 40 per cent of
domestic production, could rise
by up to five cents a month to
compensate for inflation. At the
end of the five-year period, the
price could be as high as $12.
-"Old" oil, now frozen at
$5.25 a barrel, would gradually

be freed of controls. At the end
of five years the price would
be $9.
-Natural gas, which is used
to heat 55 per cent of U.S.
homes, would be almost totally
under federal price controls for
five years.
THIS MEANS that controls
would be extended for the first
time to "intrastate" gas - the
gas that is used in the sta'e
where it is produced, mainly
Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma.
This intrastate price now aver-
ages about $1.30 per 1,000 cubic
But the well price of gas that
See SENATE, Page 2

previously secret Symbionese
Liberation Army manuscript
.says Patricia Hearst was kid-
naped in an attempt to force
the release of two captured
SLA "soldiers" and to expose
the wealth of the Hearst family,
the San Francisco Examiner
reported yesterday.
In its copyrighted story, the
newspaper - whose president is
Ms. Hearst's father', Randolph
Hearst - quoted at length from
documents it said were remov-
ed last month from the home
of SLA members Emily and
Williams Harris. The Examin-
er did not explain how it had
gained access to the papers.
MEANWHILE, f o u r t e e n
prosecutors with interest in
Hearst and the SLA gathered
yesterday for their second SLA
"summit meeting."
See HEARST, Page 2

Heast: Only a
pawn in the game?

the Edit Page features a health
handbook . . . Jim Frisinger writes about
Hearts as a cult film on the Arts Page
Rich Lerner takes a look at star Michigan
guard Tim Davis.

King of
. . and

The College of Engineering, recently
rated one of the top half-dozen schools



assistant professors last year, and e
there will probably be no new fac- s
appointments this year. oc

xample of this problem is in the
chool's department of atmospheric and
oceanic and atmospheric sciences,
wh r0,new 'ieve~lnnnts in the stu~dvrof

substantial growth and expansion for
the school has become a grim struggle
to maintain the status quo. While admin-


!1 _ 7 _ .

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