r1iw at' Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Hustling: The job generation Wednesday, October 8, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Drawing the line on time BOTH THE NBC and CBS networks, in a startling gesture, declined to carry President Ford's speech on the anti-recession tax matters. The two networks cited the Federal Commun- ication's (FCC) equal time rule re- garding broaddasts by declared Presi- 'dential candidates as the reason for their decisions. Richard Salant, Presi- dent of CBS news stated in a planned statement that since Ford is a de- clared candidate for the Republican nomination, live coverage of his speech would mean that any other declared candidate could "seek equal time." under FCC regulations. He also added that "There is already one other declared candidate for the Re- publican nomination who claims to be eligible under "the FCC's equal time rule. "In circumstances of national emergencies or urgent an- nouncenents CBS would be prepared to accept the consequences of the equal time provisions and provide equal time coverage of such presi- dential addresses," Salant said. "To- night's address, however, dealing as it does with proposed tax legislation, does not, in our judgement, fall into this urgent catagory." THIS IS THE FIRST time networks were forced to make a decision regarding presidential speeches, but it is likely, as the election year pro- gresses, that they will often be forc- ed to distinguish between what could be an urgent message to the country and what is- a potentially a campaign TODAY'S STAFF NEWS: Lois Josimovich, Anne Marie Lipinski, Cheryl Pilate, Cathy Reut- ter, Stephen Selbst, Kurt Smith, Bill Turque. EDITORIAL PAGE: Steve Harvey, Paul Hoskins, Dtbra Hurwitz, Linda Kloote, Josephine Marcotty, Ruth Miller, Jon Pansius. ARTS PAGE: Jeff Sorensen. PHOTO TECHNICIAN: Sue Sheiner. speech. Networks will have to use dis- cretion in deciding when presidential initiative crosses that fine line be- tween national interest and personal opportunism, and that decision must lie with the media, not with the gov- ernment. To leave the reins of media control in the hands of the adminis- tration would be an invitation to abuse - it would be impossible to keep political considerations from prevailing. And, obviously ,the FCC agrees. Un- der the provisions of their equal time policy, which was approved by congress, any broadcast organization must grant equal air time to a can- didate's opponents, incumbent or not. The move towards statutory guar- antee of equal time was, to a large extent, spurred by Richard Nixon's massive exploitation of the electronic media during the 1972 election. Buoy- ed by the inertia of incumbancy, he chose to repeatedly use the national networks to make political pitches under the thin guise of national poli- cy addresses. Such unchecked entry to the nation's living rooms put his opponents at a strong disadvantage. An individual's eligibility for public office shouldn't depend on personal wealth or their powerful position. Un- fortunately, the political arena being the way it is, idealistic circumstances are rare, if ever, present. However, the FCC's ruling is one step closer to ideal elections in this country. (RANTED, the American public has a right to hear their presi- dent inform them on national policy, but on the other hand, they should also have the right to know when they are handed campaign jargon, and when the President's works are of vital importance. The networks should be able to recognize and cover matters of na- tional urgency. They are justified in standing up to the chief in this in- stance, and have set a welcome pre- cedent for introducing fair play and equal rights to national politics. By DOC KRALIK THE OTHER DAY I was try- ing to explain my honors the- sis to my father, a surgeon who is, after all, paying for the thing. When I got to the part about the beat generation, he confronted me with a question I had never considered: "What would you call your genera- tion?" For a moment I was stymied. Icouldn't use myself as an archetype of any single genera- tion because my hobby is gen- erations. My junior year of high school was -my lost generation year. I read all of Hemingway and Fitzgerald and drank like a horse in cynical sorrow. My junior year of college was my beat generation year. Thatyear I considered writing my thesis on a roll of computer paper (like Jack Kerouac wrote his novels.) But I decided that it would be even more beat not to write the thesis at all. In any case, I had to look away from myself for models and heroes of the pres- ent generation. "Well," I said to my dad, "I guess you should call us the 'Job Generation'." And suddenly I knew I had it. THE JOB Generation. Here come the great new American success stories, charging from class to class, slamming their doors in self-righteous studious- ness, getting drunk and high only during carefully scheduled respites from their breathless, speed-driven long haul to that med school, law school, business school, to that great suburban security in the sky. My father breathed a sigh of relief. The Job Generation is very comforting to parents. He probably expected me to say something like the "cocaine gen- eration" or the "strange sex generation." And why shouldn't the Job Generation be comforting to par- ents? The beat generation, for Brazi By ROBERT MILLER A PICTURE of unlimited ty- ranny and repression in Bra- zil and Chile emerged from a discussion led by Fred Morris and Ken Langton on Monday. Langton, a professor in the po- litical science department, re- cently returned from a visit to Chile. Morris spent ten years in Brazil as a United Methodist Missionary, factory workers, and stringer for Time magazine. In Brazil, five per cent of the population owns eight and a half best , minds would become priests, go crazy, get degrees in philosophy or just give the fin- ger to the idiots that get jobs. But this year the best minds are after the best jobs. The second problem with the Job Generationisbthat the peo- ple who do make it usually do so at the tremendous expense of their own sensibilities. I feel sick when people talk about me- dians, hourlies, midterms, fi- nals, notes, and grades in a ser- ious tone of voice. To me the beauty of a blonde in the six- teenth row is a far more import- ant matter. What really hurts is that to jobniks this academic crapola is' more important than anything else, more important than the Vietnamese war, star- vation or the fact that there may be corruption among elected of- ficials. ONE OF THE most disgusting things I ever saw occurred dur- ing last year's GEO strike. I had crossed picket lines for the first time to attend aHistory of Art lecture. Professor Meisel announced that the class would not be responsible on the final exam for that day's material. Half the class walked out of the lecture. The issue with them was not the strike, nor was it knowledge. Mr. Meisel was no longer important to them, nor was the lecture. Neither would help them toward the easy A which would round out their grade-points and help them get that JOB. In 1939 W. H. Auden gave a stern warning to modern man: "We must love one another or die." Look around you. Look at the Job Generation. There are many who are already dead. Doc Kralik is still an LSA senior with a penchant for blondes in the sixteenth row- or, for that matter, in any row. instance, not only rebelled against civilization, but rejected it as well for totally spontan- eous and ungoverned behavior. In so doing,' the beats jeopar- dized all social values by show- ing that the society offered no viabletsolution to death and mis- ery, that abiding by values caused more death, more mis- ery. But the Job Generation is different. The Job Generation has discovered a principle that not only affirms traditional val- ues, but explains them too. THE GOVERNING principle of the Job Generation is self- interest. The self is the only ten- able, worthwhile unit in a whirl- wind world like ours. The job- nik must find simself a job, es- tablish himself securely against inflation, inner-city crime, and unhappiness, and provide him- self with an abundance of food, property, and sex. The self-interest of the jobnik is not always avaricious. For many it is no more than the re- sult of trying to survive in a world where no one gives a damn about anyone else. Many jobniks are political in- dependents. After all, you nev- er know if it's going to be the Republicans or the Democrats who will be more inept at pass- ing the next attempt at Nation- al Health Insurance. And that school appropriations bill? Hell, it's going to cost me more money! A jobnik has no trouble with ethics. Right and wrong are ir- relevant. All a jobnik need con- sider is how his actions are go- ing to affect him. I've got to admit that at first Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER glance the Job Generation looks like the solution to everything. There are, however, a few prob- lems. THE FIRST problem is that not everyone makes it to medi- cal, law or business school. You can tell who thesesunfortunates will be by the beginning of their sophomore year. They might talk very loudly about their grade-points, as if to prove they have nothing to be ashamed of. Or they may begin to stare a little blankly at their organic chemistry professors, weak, weary, acne-strickenufaces that ask unanswerable questions. The reason they can't make it is that the best minds of the Job Generation are ahead of them. The best minds, are going for those A-pluses. Ordinarily, the Chile: A story of tyranny per cent of corporate stocks. The poorest fifty per cent of the people receive only five and a half per cent of the national wealth. Economic and political discussions are censored in newspapers and on radio. Labor leaders, peasants, workers, in- tellectuals, and students are tar- gets of torture. Labor and pea- sant organizing is repressed, as are wages. . MORRIS, an American citi- zen, was a victim of torture himself. The Brazilian authori- BIOCENTRISM Plants have rigts too Letters to the Daily By DEBRA WEINER SAN FRANCISCO, October 1 (PNS) - Consider the San Francisco flutist who makes music with turkeys. He plays cer- tain notes; the birds stretch their wings, expand their glands and gobble at various pitches and volumes. He already has prac- ticed with bob whites, exchanged tunes with kangaroo rats and plans to improvise with wolves. Or consider the young Canadian who re- cently climbed atop a sperm whale in waters off the Northern California coast, purposefully spoiling the efforts of Russian whalers who aimed to harpoon the under- sized mammal. And consider Ponderosa Pines, a West Coast environmentalist, who adopted his totem name to "remind people that if we trample on the rights of flora- and fauna, eventually certain species will become ex- tinct." All three illustrate a new sensitivity to the environment -- called biocentric con- sciousness. Biocentricity rejects the notion that what is good for man is good for all, and that short-sighted human considerations must be placed above those of other life forms. It places equal value on all forms of life -- with the real fear that continued preoccu- pation with strictly human needs will de- stroy the planet. "WHAT HUMANS HAVE failed to realize is that we are totally connected to all other species," says Jerry Mander, organizer of successful campaigns to deter the develop- ment of the supersonic transport system and dam construction in the Grand Can- yon. "The assumption that humans are king of the animals (and plants) is an arbitrary process of selection. Because we have hands and can build things, an arbitrary attribute, we kill off millions of species and life forms with the same attitude with which whites murdered Indians." There is not yet a biocentric movement as such. Effects to label it - as a religion or ideology - have been quickly rebuffed. And official hiocentric organizations, pro- jects. princinles or attemots to proselytize are as vet unheard of. At best. biocentricity s -nn ethical trend, consciously noted by a. few (growing in number), unconsciously by many.. The ecology movement, for instance, is in part a manifestation of an underlying bio- it is dangerous to all life on the planet. A latent awareness of this biocentric ethic, however, will no longer suffice, ac- cording to environmental educator Sterling Bunnell of Antioch College West. Human chauvinism has and is, he says, periling vital natural systems. Timber trees, with a dollar-and-cents value, have been favored over "less valu- able" plant growth that is nonetheless an integral component of forestland. Conse- quently, to meet human needs a diverse forest system has been replaced by a mono- culture, perhaps crippling the planet's fu- ture evolutionary history.k Estuaries along the California border, al- ready few in number, are being urbanized into boat marinas and hotels. Cord grass, indigenous to these nurseries of fish and sea invertebrates and eaten by ocean cre- atures, is defoliated; its value as feeding ground for migratory water birds is ne- gated. THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, once-fer- tile grasslands have been transformed into deserts by overgrazing. Humans have even slighted their own species. In Latin America, populations go underfed, with the best land absorbed by cash crops such as coffee. "Real wealth comes from being part of a healthy living system," says Bunnell. "The planet should be treated with respect as an entity in its own right. Its diversity maximized. What helps man and his friends get hv is not necessarily good in the long No one is pushing the disaster button, alite yet. But if humans continue to move full speed ahead without looking at their effect on other systems, Earth could, warns Ponderosa Pines, become a "planet of blowing sands." OTHER BIOCENTRISTS HAVE recom- mended regional planning. Instead of arbi- trary state or national borders, areas would be divided by their ecological boundaries. A sense of natural limits to growth would be included in all planning, seeking a bal- ance with other life forms. But limiting growth would not mean a return to pre-industrial days, a move back to the land. Cities would remain the nerve ganglia of society. Biocentrists regard ur- ban science and technology as important tools in understanding the vital connections between humans and other species. To The Daily: I WAS LABORING under the obviously mistaken impression that paid advertisement was dis- played differently within the pages of The Daily than editor- ial content. However the recent Strohs' beer advertisement under the sham byline of Chris Kochman- ski proves that assumption to be utterly without basis. Nothing like a column extolling the vir- tues of the product without shame or prejudice. That's what I love about student journalism. It's so fresh, so piquant, so hon- est! I'll drink to that. Barry Alexander October. 4 action To The Daily: The following letter was sent to President Fleming: As a representative body re- sponsible for speaking on behalf of the University students, we are concerned at the lack of con- tinual and constant action on the part of the University in sup- port of affirmative action agree- ments with University students and staff in the past years. We are particularly writing in refer- ence to your violation' of a con- tractual agreement with the Graduate Employes Organiza- tion (GEO) concerning affirma- tive action. In the last regents meeting, Vice President Rhodes pointed out that with the freeze on fac- ulty hiring, it is difficult to make progress in the area of af- firmative action. However, it seems unlikely that this state- ment can apply to Teaching As- sistants and Research Assist- ants, since these staff members are students and there is a large turnover in these jobs every year. Data provided to the Co- alition to Support GEO Affirma- tive Action by the University in- dicates that while there were 53 per cent non-minority males in the availability pool, in LSA, 63 per cent of SGA'S hired were non-minority males. It has often been stated that it is impossible to create pro- portional minority represent a- tion on staff because of the dis- proportionate representation of University's failure to comply with a contractual agreement, and one that is so important to minority graduate and under- graduate students. We hope ac- tion will be taken to correct this in the very near future. Student Government Council: Debra Goodman (President) David H. Mitchell ' (Exec. Vice President) Elliot Chikofsky (Treasurer) Clifford Adler G. J. DiGiuseppe Lisa Yellin Jeffrey Lark Michael Harwood Michael French David Sichel Susan Andrews Irving Freeman Anita Tanay Richard David Kim Keller Jeffrey Schwartz Debra Justice F. Scott Kellman Val Wilson Oct. 6 dope To The Daily: THERE ARE ABOUT 80,000 people in Ann Arbor 18 years of age or over. A scientific survey has established that of those persons 40,000, or 50 per cent, smoke dope. Let us assume conservative- ly that the average smoker con- sumes two joints per week. Then some elementary arithme- tic shows us that Our Fair City, a pretty small town, uses 122 pounds, or 55.4 kilograms ("keys") of marijuana per week. This has a so-called "street value" of $39,024 at a price of $20 per ounce. Or $2,034,732 per year. This is .no small amount and employs many people. Assume an average net income before (and after) taxes of $10,000 per personin the industry, and you discover that this town's mari- juana consumption trade em- ploys 200 persons (full-time equivalents). Certainly more than the users of the Ann Ar- bor Airport. AND THAT $2,000,000 per year doesn't count the hash, acid, speed, etc., consumed in the city. Nor the huge whole- ties apparently arrested him be- cause of his friendship with an outspoken critic of the Brazil- ian regime. In jail, Morris was repeatedly beaten and kicked. Electric shocks were applied to his breast, penis, and ear lobes. "Not surprisingly," Morris com- mented Monday, "the Brazilian government is both supported and financed by the U.S." . The relationship between the CIA and the ruling generals in Brazil dates back to World War II. The U.S. prodded Brazil into entering the war and absorbed the Brazilian military into the U.S. training structure. The lia- son for U.S. and Brazilian forces in Italy was Vernon Walters. Curiously, Walters was the mili- tary attache in Rio in 1964, when the military and General Hum- berto Castilo Branco deposed the civilian government. The gener- als who now control Brazil are Walters' buddies from the war. The Brazilian generals are also linked ,to American corpor- ations, which reward them handsomely. In turn, the pow- ers that be accommodate the corporations by limiting taxes, repressing wages, and doing away with labor organizers. MULTI-NATIONAL corpora- tions have linked Brazil to the w o r I d economic structure through an imperialistic rela- tionship. This has been done with the cooperation of the rul- ing elements in Brazil. Even to- day there is no internal market in Brazil. The formation of an internal market would increase the political power of workers and peasants and threaten those who presently hold power. Therefore, large sections of the Brazilian middle classes along with the generals use interna- tional capital to develop the cities, exploit the . countryside and tyrannize the workers. The cities may be "modern" but the nation is not. Now, the paradise once en- joyed by the middle classes is crumbling. The rise in oil prices crippled Brazil, a country which imports two thirds of its oil, and inflation skyrocketed. This is in- creasing middleclass discontent and threatens to move the mili- tary further to the right. MORRIS WAS extremely pes- simistic about the possibilities for progressive change in Brazil in the near future. Discontent pervades Brazilian society but apathy remains high. Political organizers are few. Morris did point out, however,, that many of the sergeants in the Brazilian army are more sympathetic to the masses than to their military leaders. The sergeants, Morris contended, are the ones with the most sway over the soldiers. "At one stu- dent demonstration," he said, "the soldiers were told that they might have to shoot some stu- dents. The soldiers and ser- geants agreed that if the order came, they would aim their ma- chine guns at the officers in- stead." Morris also mentioned that a disturbance in the large countryside by millions of people could not be squelched by the tens of thousands in the army. THE STORY of events in Chile, as related by Langton, was equally horrifying. Labor and peasant organizers are be- ing kidnapped, tortured, and killed. Inflation is running near six hundred per cent and unem- ployment is about 20 per cent and as high as 50 per cent in some sectors. Perhaps some in the middle classes are satisfied, Langton said, but the over- whelming majority of people are struggling to survive. There are 'numerous stories these days of torture and repres- sion supported by the U.S. gov- ernment. The important thing to remember, however, is that the CIA and American-supported tyranny can be defeated. Al- though prospects for change in Chile and Brazil are not prom- ising, the people of Vietnam have already rid themselves of the CIA. Robert Miller is a member of the Editorial Page staff. Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. ....Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933. Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem), House of Representatives, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933. 'Srl+: {.%::$}::+:;yx.,? + m w S?:. :?" :F:v;yf'i+ ':" ::: n /1 :* -a ,Nf17jy.4' I)l ', ,