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September 04, 1975 - Image 42

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-04

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Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Setemb

)er 4, 1975

'U' museums: Intriguing, diverse


Try to clear the stereotypes
from your mind. Forget, for a
moment, any images of stuffy,
dimly-lit displays of boring and
pretentious artifacts. Ignore the
"highbrow" charactization often
pinned on culture-lovers. Switch
from the usual hopes and wor-
ries about the future to a focus
on the past. The University's
three campus museums - the
Exhibits Museum, the Kelsey
Musuem of Ancient and Medie-
val Archaeology, and the Mu-
seum of Art - are' delightfully
intriguing, diverse and posi-
tively educational.
They're also free.

its Museum, located near the
bridge to the hill-area dorms,
has two watchful "lions" (they
are actually pumas) at its en-
trance to greet more than
131,000 persons every year. The
inside offers four impressive
floors of natural science dis-
One of the most fascinating
exhibits at the museum is its
second-floor "Hall of Evolu-
tion," where the huge skeleton
of a mastadon stands majestical-
ly over awed spectators. The
prehistoric creature, discovered
on a farm near Owosso, Mich.,

makes the allosaurus, stegasau-
rus and anatosaurus skeletons
in the same room seem tiny by
' A whole variety of birds, rep-
tiles, amphibians, f i s h and
plants occupy the museum's
third-floor "Hall of Michigan
Wildlife." The accompanying
notes supply informative back-
ground material, but simply
looking at the stuffed critters
is entertaining in itself.
TH E"HALL ,of Life" on the
fourth floor houses more animal
and plant life, geology displays,
and an astronomical alcove

Trotter Houseoffers
variety of activities'

which offers enjoyable weekend
planetarium sessions. Interested
wanderers can read about the
recent "Skylab" missions, ex-
amine dioramas of N a t i v e
American life or see "TAM,"
a transparent anatomical man-
nikin, explain the functions of
her innermost organs.
The ground-floor Rotunda
area of the Exhibits Museum
changes its presentations sev-
eral times a year, so don't
think that you've seen it all af-
ter just one visit. Take a few
hours on a dreary afternoon to
tour the building-you're bound
to find something to entertain
If mummies and marble urns
are more your style, check out
the Kelsey Museum of Ancient
and Medieval Archaeology, spe-
cializing in University excava-
tions from the Near Eastern and
Mediterranean areas. The Rich-
ardsonian Romanesque struc-
ture, on State St. near the LSA
building, is one of the oldest
structures on campus but amaz-
ingly, few students ever go in-
ACTUALLY, Kelsey is most
concerned with teaching and re-
search, but it leaves its doors
open to the public for several
hours every day. Its first-floor
galleries exhibit centuries-old
collections of pottery, papyri
and glassware from ancient
Rome and Dynastic Egypt. A
well-preserved mummy case is
one of the more popular items
in the museum.
Other galleries in the museum
rotate their material: artifacts
from Etruscan Italy, ancient
Greece, Roman and Islamic
Egypt or Seleucia-on-the-Tigris
might be featured during any
given week.
But what strikes almost every
visitor to Kelsey is the re-
markable condition of many of
its pieces: pottery from the 5th
century, glass tableware from

Karanis, Egypt, a marble head
sculpture excavated in Greece
and alabaster canopic jars dat-
ing back to 1570 B.C. all appear
much younger than they are. A
simple wooden door from the
First Century-a display in a
glass case-was excavated from
Egypt in one piece.
THE KELSEY Museum this
summer is undergoing substan-
tial interior renovation but will
undoubtedly remain, under its
thick coat of ivy for many years
to come.
And if you want to look at-
but not touch-fine works of art
from other ages, stroll through
the Museum of Art across from
the Michigan Union. 'Besides
m a n y colorful contemporary
paintings and prints from Amer-
ican artists, the museum offers
Japanese and Chinese drawings,
sculptures, ceramics and tem-
porary exhibitions on loan from
other art institutes.
The Museum of Art is not all
"traditional" material - climb
the tall, winding staircase to
the second floor for surrealistic
sketches, a wood, formica and
plastic sculpture, an Andy War-
hol screenprint called "Electric
Chair" and many examples of
the latest in oil-on-canvas.
A stroll through any of the
campus museums will almost
certainly destroy a few deroga-
tory misconceptions you may or
may not hold toward museums
in general. People today are so
accustomed to motion-images
no television, fast cars and
quick-paced sports events-that
something which simply sits
there and lets you look at it
automatically seems deadly dull.
But the museums can give you
perspectives that you probably
cannot get elsewhere. The at-
mosphere in a museum-quiet
appreciation of true art, a rev-
erance for the past-is a wel-
come contrast to all the mass
production outside their doors.

(Continued from Page 2)
caliber of Ben Yochonon, an
African writer and historian.
She also hopes to run a series of
black movies, although 'our fall

all smokes
dead out.

schedule is contingent on the
money we get." She explains
that "we're under community
services and get limited and
minimal help from the Univer-
sity." Trotter house also gets
funds from rent they charge to
groups who frequently hold fund
raising dances in the building
on Friday and Saturday. nights.
The'dance group performs a
variety of paid performances.
"Once we danced during the in-
termission at a fashion show,"
Wright says. The group also
performed an evening concert
at a Cleveland high school.
Most of the troupe members
are University students, al-
though member Maria Mitchell
is a student at Washtenaw
Community College and Madi-
son is a recent University grad-
uate. When Madison leads the
group, she draws on experience
as a member of a semi-profes-
sional company in high school
and two summer at Interloch-
en. "I started taking ballet
when I was about three," Mit-
chell adds.
LIKE THE repertoire com-
pany, Trotter House serves the
entire community as well as the
student body. "It's primarily for

Please:e lep prevent forest fires.

students," Owens says, "but
other people, like housewives,
come through here, too. People
from the community frequently
come when we show a movie.
The Ed. School holds meetings
here, too."
Organizations that meet in
Trotter House range from the
Ann Arbor Sportsmans Club to
the Black Medical Students.
The Black Christian National-
ists and a bible study class hold
regular meetings, as does a ka-
rate group. "Almost every
black organization on campus
comes here at one time or an-
other," Owens says.
Amid all the activity, the
company practices every Tues-
day and Thursday. Many mem-
bers plan to continue in dance
atfer graduation, either as a
profession or for enjoyment.
"About half of our people are
dance majors," says Madison.
Group member Cecile Keith
says wistfully, "Ultimately,
we'd all like to be with Alvin
DURING performances, Keith
says, the group wears varia-
tions on African costumes.
Each woman wears a number
of costumes which are built
from a base of leotards and
Aside froze its other activi-
ties, Trotter House frequently
hosts dinners for large groups.
Manager Owens has a caterer's
license, and the dinners bring
in additional funds. In addition
to the receptions, Trotter House
sponsors a lunch program dur-
ing the school year.
Year round, the repertoire
company gathers, wearing ev-
erything from red tweedy warm
up pants to black leotards and
green tights. "Who did this
part in our last concert," some-
one asks. Later, someone else
asks whether that last word
was Peaches or Egypt.
In the background, words and
music from the Weather Re-
port and Nikki Giovanni play

RC Players.: Place
to learn theatre


662-3969 S
211 B So. State-Ann Arbor SUN

A MAN is shown here looking at a photo exhibit at the Art Museum. There are many
local art galleries around town, many of which feature the works of local artists.
Art galeries-showing
the best of local. worksT

30 A.M.-1 0 P.M.
AT. 10 A.M.-5 P.M.
. 12 NOON-10 P.M.

If your dream is to receive
the applause of a theatre crowd,
or if you are simply interested
in working on the production
of a play, the Residential Col-
lege Players could be what
you're looking for.
Sponsored by the Residential
College in East Quad, the Play-
ers have received acclaim for
such performances as "The
Good Good Woman of Setzuan,"
Chekhov's "The Three Sisters"
and "The Lady of the Sonents."
But while they do not consider
themselves professional actors,
the Players have consistently
managed to draw crowds of sev-
eral hundred.
"A LOT (of the RC players)
are people who are majoring in
drama," said Pam Hendrick of
the RC. "Others are just there
for the opportunity to design and

r r


Like You've
Never Seen
bok store

a lot just do it for kicks," she
The plays, which vary from
one act performances to full
length productions, are "a good
place to get grass roots experi-
ence," according to another RC
member, Scott Cummings.
To join the Players, all one
has to do is be a member of the
Residential College, a resident
of East Quad, have taken a
drama course at the RC or
worked with the Players the
previous semester.
ACCORDING to Barbara Kell-
man, the basic goals of the
Players is togive students a_
chance to work on things they
might not be able to dosother-
wise. In addition, she said that
the RC Players offer more free-
dom than does the Speech De-
Deciding on a. production is a
relatively simple procedure -1
when someone has an idea for
a play, he or she approaches
~the RC Players Administrative
Board. The Board, consisting of
six to eight people, then decides
whether or not to support the
production. The Director then
chooses the play - quite often
an original work.
There is no formal member-
ship in the RC Players, but last
year about 60 people helped
with the production of two
plays. The number of plays pro-
duced each year varies,, but
ranges around one or two per
The plays are financed part-
ly through admission prices,
partly from members' dues and
partly from a $1,000 loan from
the Residential College.
Though the work is voluntary,
it is reported that several for-
mer members of the Players
are now pursuing professional
theatrical careers.

Although leaves may be starting to turn
their color and fall from the trees, the visual
arts are blossoming in Ann Arbor. For both
the passionate art lover and the weekend
gallery hopper, there are numerous and
varied chances to pursue the best work of
local artists, in addition to the latest from
national and international art capitals.
Art for art's sake not withstanding, galler-
ies are businesses. Rent, advertising, and
other expenses must be paid for, primarily
from the commissions galleries receive on
sales. Consequently, many of the city's more
established exhibitors shy away from artists
who lack at least some notoriety.
"WE WON'T give a show to an artist un-
less they have had some exposure," said
Alice Simsar, co-owner of the Lantern, at.
301 N. Main. She said the Lantern does not
take on many local artists because "one can
become isolated."
"It is important to keep up with what is
going on in places like New York and Chi-
cago," Simsar said.
She admits decisions on what works to ex-
hibit invariably become personal ones, re-
flecting "what direction a gallery chooses
to go in."
"WHILE we tend to deal more with ab-
stract works," said Simsar, "one has to
maintain some sort of balance."
"It is important to be objective," said
Hedger Breed, owner of Repartee, a com-
paratively new gallery at 218 Washington.
Bfreed, once an artist himself, seems to be'
searching for a compromise between the eco-
nomic necessities of showing commercially
viable art, and giving exposure to talented
"I don't have any unpreconceived notion of
what sells," Breed claimed, "but I'm very
sure of myself and my personal instincts."
THE FORSYTHE Galleries, on the second
floor of the Nickels Arcade, is the city's
oldest and, to some, most prestigious art
dealer. For the most part, only the works
of well established artists see the inside of
the Forsythe.
"If I feel that an artist deserves to be
seen," said Forsythe's Daniel DeGraaf, "I'll
try to steer him to another gallery."
One observer of the local 'art scene said
it seemed as if many members of the Uni-
versity's art school faculty were "literally
under contract" to Forsythe. DeGraaf ac-
knowledged that he had "gentleman's agree-
ments" with eight or nine faculty members
to show their work exclusively at the For-
THERE ARE, however, at least two local
galleries designed to ease artists off the no-
exposure-no-show no-show-no-exposure mer-
ry-go-round. The Union Gallery, on the first
floor of the Michigan Union, is specifically
designed to help younger artists get their
work shown.
At 30 per cent, the Union's commission is
comparatively low, and can be kept that way


only through heavy underwriting by the
Michigan Union. Artists showing their works
at the Union have to do more in the way of
preparation than at the commercial gal-
But money is still tight, and the gallery
is looking for ways to .generate more reve-
nue. This fall, the Union will be opening a
print room where reproductions priced at
$10 and up will be available. Bi-monthly con-
certs and dances in conjunction with the
School of Music and the dance department
are also planned.
ANOTHER alternative to the commercial
galleries is the University's North Campus
Commons. Exhibitions running from water-
colors to tapestry have been organized over
the past few year's by the building's service
supervisor, Natalie McMinn. Her work in this
area has been strictly extra-curricular, and
she has received no money or resources from
the University.
The revenue from the modest 20 per cent
commission she charges is used to purchase
pieces of art for the building, enlivening what
is essentially a rather drab array of vending
machines, cafeterias, and conference rooms.
McMinn tells the exhibiting artists:
"I'll give you the walls, loan you a ladder
and a hammer, but that's about all."
THE PROGRAM has enjpyed good success,
with the gallery solidly booked through next
While art exhibitions may seem to be thriv-
ing in Ann Arbor, the attrition rate is quite
high. DeGraaf estimates 85 per cent close
before the end of their first year of opera-
tion. Jacob's Ladder, a popular gallery
near the farmer's market, fell victim to the
money pinch in, early June.
One art establishment that does not have
to worry abott its business is the Univer-
sity's Museum of Art, on State St., right
next to Angell Hall. Museum director Brett
Waller said he likes to keep the content of
the museum's exhibitions in touch with the
surrounding scholarly community.
"WE TRY not to operate in a vacuum,"
said Waller.
This fall's shows at the museum include
the works of Chicago sculptor Richard Hunt,
18th century prints and drawings,. and, in
November, "images of love and death in
medieval and renaissance art."
The Jean Paul Slusser gallery, located on
North Campus at the University's Art and
Architecture School, is primarily an outlet
for student and faculty work, with an occa-
sional invitational exhibition given by an out-
side artist.
The scope of gallery activity is by no
means limited to the aforementioned places.
Two of the city's most popular bookstores,
Borders and David's Books, both have small
galleries as do the Rackham Graduate
School and the Undergrad Library (UGLY).
And, last April saw the opening of an art
gallery near the corner of Washington and
Ashley Streets whose name seems to be
commenting on the city's art boom - it is
called "Another Art Gallery?"

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* beautiful prints of famous paintings

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