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October 07, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-07

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See Editorial Page

5k 19I

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Ten Cents Ei

ght Pages

WSU and the FBI
Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and
agents in Detroit exchanged memos on how they
could make party leaders think the young Demo-
crats organization at Wayne State University had
been duped by Socialists. The exchanges took place
in 1965 under the FBI's counter-intelligence pro-
gram aimed at disrupting and/or discrediting
some leftist groups. The agents in Detroit had
worked _p a letter to be sent to the state and
local Democratic organizations, written as if from
a Republican, saying the Wayne State campus
Democrats had been taken over by the Young So-
cialist Alliance. Hoover authorized the proposal
and suggested "the use of stationary containing
the title or seal of Wayne State University if this
is available through the university store or else-
where." They really think of everything don't
.. . begin today at noon with a lunch and dis-
cussion at the International Center wherre Prof.
James Paky from the Dept. of Applied Mechanics
and Engineering Sciences will speak on "Impres-
sions from China" . . . at 2 p.m. and again at 7:30,
the University community is invited to attend an
introductory lecture on Transcendental Meditation
in the Kuenzel Rm. at the Union . . . then at 4
p.m. Robert Hayden, a poet and creative writing
teacher at the University, will inaugurate this fall's
Tuesday afternoon poetry reading program. The
series will be held in the Pendleton Rm. in the
Union . . the Res. College lecture series pre-
sents Prof. Bran Hazlett, who will speak on "Pat-
terns of Specialization in Animals"' at 7 p.m. in
E. Quad's Green Lounge . . . at 7:30 p.m. take
your choice of an organizational meeting for a
teach-in on political assassinations, mind control,
and police states at 332 South State; or two films
sponsored by Project Community, "Women in Pri-
son," and "This Child Rated X" for free in An-
gell Hall, And. C.
Whoops, there goes
another ..
Today's slice of life comes to you via a panel of
pdiatricians who say circumcising baby boys is
not essential if good personal hygiene is used and
that it could pose an unnecessary surgical risk.
Slicing through the theory that circumcision is cru-
cial to prevent cancer of the penis, a panel of med-
ical experts reports that there is evidence good
hygiene provides as much, or nearly as much
protection. Complications from surgery in perform-
ing circumcision are uncommon, but the numbers
of slip-ups are on the rise. Medical authorities
agree the overwhelming majority of newborn boys
are circumcised. Cost of the operation is about
$35. Panel researcher Dr. Lowell King of Chicago
said that the operation is probably practiced more
extensively in the United States than any country
in the world except those such as Israel, where it
is performed for religious reasons.
A hot tip
Twenty persons have vanished from Newport,
Ore. after attending a meeting in nearby Waldport
where they were "an average looking couple"'
talking about UFOs and "giving away all one'-s
possessions." The couple reportedly told the au-
dience that volunteers would be prepared at a
special camp in Colorado for a better life on an-
other planet and would be picked up by a UFO
sometime in the next 10 years. One woman, whose
son has been missing sinice attending a meeting
with the couple on Sept. 14 said, "They said they
came to help many people find the way to truth
through the teachings of Christ. They said Christ,
Eliza, Ezekial, and all those other guys in the Old
Testament left by way of UFO."
Up, up and away
Authorities at the Rome airport yesterday
groped their way to a $1.5 million dope bust. Work-

ing on a tip that armed terrorists linked to West
Germany's Baader-Meinhof gang were aboard a
Scandinavian Airlines jet en route to Frankfurt, a
special anti-terrorists squad boarded the plane and
searched the passengers and their luggage. They
took Bonnie Morris of Bozemnan, Mont. to the air-
port police station and undressed her where they
found a corset shined like a cartridge belt loaded
with 84 condoms full of liquid hashish. Her travel-
line cornnainion, Chili Tuing Lan, a resident of Ana-
hola. Hawaii, was storing 6 and one-half poiinds of
heroin in nlasticz bags in her nurse ready to be
worn as a grdle. Morris cl-imed to be the victim
of an Afeqiani Bang whi(-h kidnarned her. kent her
can'tiie for fie days and snared her life only after
she agreed to smggle tb- hasbish to Paris.
On the inside ..
Arts page features an article on the opening of
the University Musical Society's season with the
H, gue Philharmonic by David Blornotist...
Edit page features an update on the United Farm-
worker's situation . .. and Snorts page's own Brian
Deming has the latest on Michigan football.

Ford asks extension of tax cuts

Calls for reductions in federal spending

WASHINGTON (P) - President Ford last
night proposed $28 billion in permanent tax
cuts to take effect in the 1976 election year
-but only if Congress agrees to cut federal
spending an equal amount.
The plan drew fire from two powerful
Democratic House committee chairmen
who said they are developing alternative
tax cut recommendations.
OF THE cuts in Ford's proposal, $20.7
billion would be for individuals and $7 bil-
lion for business. Reductions for individuals
would be about $4 billion more than relief
from the 1975 tax rebates and reductions.
The House Ways and Means Committee
is to begin its discussions on tax cut pro-
posals today, and Chairman Al Ullman

said last night that the committee drafts
likely will bear little resemblance to Ford's.
The Oregon Democrat said that depend-
ing on which of the staff-drawn alternatives
are adopted, tax reductions for next year
could range from $8 billion to $12 billion-
extending the eight-month, $8 billion tax
cut put into effect this year.
THE PRESIDENT'S address, delivered
from the Oval Office, was televised live
on ABC, but CBS and NBC declined, citing
equal time regulations regarding presiden-
til candidates.
In his speech, Ford insisted the tax re-
dctions "be tied together in one package"
with a federal spending ceiling of $395 bil-
lion for the 1977 fiscal year beginning next

Oct. 1.
"It would be dangerous and irresponsible
to adopt one without the other," Ford said.
He said the actions would be a "first step
toward balancing the federal budget
within three years."
HUGH SCOTT, (R-Pa.), the Senate mi-
nority leader, said Congress "can earn this
reduction for the taxpayers by accepting
the fact that spending has got to be cur-
tailed. Otherwise, a tax reduction bill is a
candidate for veto."
Treasury Secretary William Simon told
reporters Ford would veto a tax reduction
bill for 1976 if Congress failed to also agree
to the $395 million spending ceiling.
See FORD, Page 8

'It would be danger-
ous and irresponsible
to a do p t one (tax
cuts) without the
o t h e r (spending re-
--President Ford


Police capture
N.Y. gunman
after siege
NEW YORK RP) - A cornered bank bandit took 10 hostages
yesterday and demanded as the price of their freedom the release
of newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst. After a police siege of six
hours, he 'eleased the last of his captives and surrendered.
Not a shot was fired. "Everyone's out, everyone's all right,"
said Deputy Police Commissioner Frank McLoughlin.
The man claimed to be affiliated with the Symbionese Liber-
ation Army, which kidnaped Heart and which she later said she
joined. But Police Commissioner Michael Codd said he doubted
the gunman had any real connection with the terrorist SLA.
LATER, THE gunman himself indicated he was not a mem-
ber of the SLA. ". . . it popped into my head, I guess," he said
in a telephone interview with Scott Muni, program director of

1 4

WNEM-FM. "It's almost a good
mind being affiliated with them,
their cause."
Panel says
no. second
gun used
to kill RFK
By AP and Reuter
LOS ANGELES - Seven top
firearms experts yesterday rul-
ed out the possibility of a second
gun being used at the scene of
Senator Robert Kennedy's as-
sassination here in 1968.
The seven experts working in-
dependently at the request of a
Los Angeles Superior Court
Judge, all arrived at the same
conclusion in their joint report
which states there was "no sub-
stantive or demonstrable evi-
dence" that a second person
fired a gun.
Palestinian immigrant Sirhan
Sirhan was convicted in 1069
of killing Kennedy minutes after
the Senator had made a victory
speech upon winning the Demo-
cratic Presidential P r i m a r y
election in California.
SINCE THE assassination
some people have believed Sir-
han did not act alone and some
ballistics experts who studied
See RFK, Page 2

a rap as any, but I wouldn't
you know. I'm sympathetic to
Codd tentatively identified the
man as Ray "Cat" Olssen and
said he was known to police,
reportedly due to drug-related
incidents. One of the freed hos-
tages said the man was "ap-
parently unstable."
In San Francisco, Charles
Bates, the FBI agent in charge
of the Hearst case, said there
was no record of a Ray Olssen
in the investigation of the SLA.
IN ADDITION to demanding
Hearst's freedom, the gunman
also asked for the release of
Hearst's three imprisoned com-
panions and/or millions of dol-
lars in gold.
At one point the brown-haired
gunman, white and in his 20s,
emphasized his demands with
a single wild pistol shot that
endangered no one and lodged
in a well of the bank.
"We have all the time in the
world," said Codd as a small
army of tolicercontinued their
siege houar after hour. without
anv attempt to storm the bank.
"Cat," Olssen's girlfriend,
sometimes called "Mouse," was
brought to the scene. Earlier, a
blond, curly haired man de-
scribed as a friend of Olssen
had arrived to talk to him.
At one point, the gunman
asked to talk to reporters from
"High Times," a publication
aimed at the drug culture.
ONE HOSTAGE, reached by
See POLICE, Page 8

ABOUT 40 DEMONSTRATORS protested yesterday against U.S. government policies at the groundbreaking ceremonies of the new
federal building on S. Fourth Ave. in the city. On the left, picketers denounce proposed legislation allowing capital punishment and
relaxing wiretapping restrictions. On the right, civic leaders, including Mayor Albert Wheeler, who spoke at the ceremony, wield
hardhats and shovels in the ceremony.
Few students use hard drugfs

The University released yesterday the re-
sults of a 1974 survey which show that few-
r than seven per cent of University stu-
dents have tried hard drugs such as LSD,
mescaline, or cocaine and that even fewer
use them frequently.
Published in the University Record at the
urging of President Robben Fleming, the
release comes in the wake of a major ser-
ies of drug raids September 24, which
touched off a controversy among city lead-
LAST WEEK, Theodore Vernier, regional
director of the Justice Department's Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA), blamed
"a permissive attitude" in Ann Arbor for

excessive hard drug traffic in the city. He
called "the streets, cafes, and student hous-
ing facilities (of the city) a virtual super-
market for heroin, cocaine, hashish, mari-
juana," and other drugs.
The survey is part of Fleming's attempt
to counter the University's growing reputa-
tion as encouraging to drug abusers.
"Just because the University is part of
Ann Arbor, people - when they think of
Ann Arbor - think of the University,"
Fleming said yesterday. "Here was a case
when it (the drug raids) didn't have any-
thing to do with the University."
THE SURVEY questionnaires were sent
to 1,700 members of the freshman class of
1973-74 - this year's junior class. Seven

hundred students replied.
Of those who answered the questionnaires,
24.7 per cent said they used marijuana and
did not plan to stop, while 33.9 per cent said
they had never used it and did not intend
to try it.
None of those who used marijuana or
hashish said they would like to stop but
SIX-AND-A-HALF per cent said they had
used psychedelic drugs such as THC and
mescaline but would not use them again,
while fewer than one per cent of those
polled said they had tried heroin. Roughly
one half of one per cent said they had tried
See STUDENT, Page 2

'U' cutbacks to hurt
g~dschool. FlemiungN
Cutbacks in doctoral programs will move more professors out
of graduate seminars and into undergraduate classrooms, predict-
ed University President Robben Fleming after his annual 'State.:
of the University" address last night.
In a gloomy speech dominated by the University's present fi-
nancial difficulties and centering on a discussion of the graduate
schools, Fleming cited fewer acceptances into PhD. programs as
THE UNIVERSITY'S present situation is, in Fleming's words,
"not a cheerful picture. It signals hardship, but not disaster."
In addition to the cost problems for graduate programs -
where enrollment has actually been increasing - Fleming point-
ed out the serious implications of training "too many professional

Heated debate stirs
City Council session

In a stormy session, City
Council members clashed over
a wide range of volatile issues
last night, including revenue
sharing funds and rent control.
Tempers flared ts the meet-
ing extended into the early
morning hours when Mayor Al-
bert Wheeler threatened to
leave council chambers unless
order was restored. Later,
Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-Second
Ward) withdrew from the meet-
ing after she failed to receive
support from other members
on a rent control resolution.

The rent control resolution in-
troduced by Kozachenko - but
which died for lack of support -
called for council to instruct the
city attorney's office to put
into ordinance form the rent
control charter amendment
which was defeated by voters
at the polls last April.
K 0 ZAC H EN K 0ac-
cused the Democrats of "lying
to gain; public power" during
April's elections, adding, "I just
want people to know that it was
never the intent of the Demo-
cratic p-arty to support rent con-

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