See Inside
off[ t 4'iigttYt
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 28
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 5, 1975
Ten Cents Eight Pages
Getting straight
Ohio State's head football coach Woody Hayes
may have punched out more than one person in his
life, and have the reputation of being a tiger on the
turf, but according to old Fat Boy himself, he's a
real lamb in the shower room. It is through clouds
of steam that Hayes prefers to make things per-
fectly clear to his players. "I find I can talk to
my players best in the showers," says Hayes. "A
man stripped down to himself gives - and gets -
some pretty straight answers." Maybe that's how
he maintains such a firm hold on his team.
Flying the coop
Sue Bellinson needs some help from the citizens
of Ann Arbor. It seems that her pet parrot Tim
took off yesterday and didn't come back or call
to say where he went. Consequently Sue is pretty
upset - she's short one friend and is stuck with
an empty cage and a whole bunch of crackers.
Anyhow, Tim is green with a yellow hood and
stands 10 inches tall in stocking feet. Unfortunate-
ly he doesn't answer to his name but will happily
perch on an outstretched index finger. She as-
sures us that he doesn't bite. If you happen to find
ol' Tim give Sue a call at 995-2823.
Happenings .. .
. . , are slim but gratifying. An exhibition of
18th century French drawings and prints opens
today at the University Museum of Art. The ex-
hibit runs for the next five weeks . . . PIRGIM is
holding an organizational meeting at 7 p.m. in
Rm. 4106 of the Union . . . Monday's sole event is
sponsored by the Committee Against the S-1 Bill.
Protesting capital punishment and wiretapping,
the committee is picketing the groundkeeping cere-
mony of the new federal building on Liberty St.
at 10:30 a.m.
Pot belly?
Things are lighting up for marijuana smokers.
According to an Army study conducted from April
to August of last year, "no evidence was obtained
that marijuana produces any significant adverse
effects on cognitive or neurological function." In-
stead, claims the Army, weight. gain may be the
only significant effect of occasional pot smoking.
They based their conclusions on studies of both
heavy and casual users and found that most sub-
jects "showed no impairment in motivation to work
for money reinforcement." According to the study
results, released yesterday by the National Organ-
ization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, there
was also no reduction of the male hormone testo-
sterone following marijuana use. So, men, don't
cut down on your smoking, just cut down on your
Pork role
This little piggie went to market, this little piggie
went home, and this little piggie . . . brushed his
teeth with Crest? If your next tube of Colgate 100
tastes like sausage instead of sex appeal, blame
it on modern science. Dozens of human products,
from baby food to face makeup, are now being
tested on a breed of little pigs called Hanford min-
iatures at a lab in Columbus, Ohio. And speaking
of Columbus, it was Christopher himself that
brought the little oinkers over in 1492. They're
better for testing because they're smaller, and
similar in many ways to humans, says Battelle In-
stitute veterinarian William Clarke. He says the
piggies have humanish teeth, skin, hearts, bones
-even seaniiarv habits. "Pigs are very clean ani-
mals," says Clarke. "They've had very bad
Dull deflowering
Karl Fleming, co-author of the new sensation
"The First Time," says that he lost his virginity
at 17 to a Baptist minister's daughter under the
moonlight in a corn field. His "first time" wasn't
very thrilling, he recalls. His wife, who wrote the
book with him, says she was deflowered at 19 in
a room at the Waldorf-Astoria-an experience she
remembers as tender and romantic. The book sold
out its first printing before its Sept. 19 publication
date. The series of interviews-with such lovers as
Clifford Irving, Debbie Reynolds, Bobby Riggs,
Mae West and Dr. Benjamin Spock - portrayed
most of the first sex fumblings as awkward, con-
fusing and, in most cases, not terribly satisfying.
Speak for yourselves .
On the inside .. .
The Sunday Magazine features an in-depth pro-
file of Betty Friedan . . . and Al Hrapsky and Jeff
Liebster analyze yesterday's football game on the
Sports Page.
University administrators yesterday
acknowledged that an additional cut in
state funding, to be administered by
executive order within the next two
weeks, is a virtual certainty.
The widely anticipated reduction-
probably 1 per cent-will represent an-
other serious blow to the University's
steadily deteriorating financial situation.
LATE IN August, state legislators lop-
ped a final 1.5 per cent from the higher
education bill, and left the option of
another one per cent cut to the discre-
tion of the State Budget Director, Gerald
An unfavorable opinion by Attorney
General Frank Kelley eliminated this
provision from the bill, paving the way
for a cut by executive
order of Governor
President Robben Fleming said a
memo he received last week from Miller
indicating the possibility of a new cut
"tells us what we have already known
for quite sometime."
Fleming told the Board of Regents
Sept. 19 that further budget cuts would
be needed if state tax revenues did not
reach projected levels. At that meeting,
the Board approved selective budget
reductions averaging one per cent, neces-
sitated by a cut in the state higher edu-
cation appropriation last August.
MILLER SAID last night that although
analysis of quarterly tax revenues is as
yet incomplete, a funding cut "in the
neighborhood of one per cent" was likely.
"It's bad," said Vice President for
Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes, when
asked about the impending new cut. "It
puts us in a very serious situation."
Rhodes said that atlhough he was un-
certain what action the University would
take to absorb the new cut, utilities and
financial aid funding would continue to
receive priority status.
RHODES IS still in the process of ad-
ministering the first wave of selective
cuts, and said he expected to have the
reductions finalized within two weeks.
Although he would not say specifically
what programs will be hit, he did admit
that "some programs are being sheltered
more than others."
Assistant Vice President for State Re-
lations Lawrence Fincher described Mil-
ler's memo, which was sent
departments, colleges, and
as "very vague."
to all state
"ON A FOG index of bureaucratese, it
would rank high," quipped Fincher.
He said the memo named no specific
percentage of reduction, but warned
units "to be judicious in your expendi-
Fincher was also uncertain what action
would be taken to meet the cut saying
only that there are "a limited number
of options" and that a winter term tui-
tion hike was growing in likelihood.
"I GUESS the Regents could take a
stand and say we're goingtto knock out
the school of x or eliminate program y.
It's unusual, but we're getting into some
unusual times," Fincher added.
31 -7
Bo wins
Bo Schembechler finally
povte# that elusive 100th
career victory yesterday, as
the Wolverines scored an
impressive 31-7 win over
fifth-ranked Missouri.
104,578 fans, the third
largest crowd ever to wit-
ness a game in Michigan
Stadium, saw freshman
quarterback Ricky Leach
lead the Michigan offense
to an impressive showing
after a pair of lackluster
THE LOSS was the first for
the Tigers, following three
strong performances. Missouri
had upset Alabama and over-
powered Big Ten rivals Illinois
andrWisconsin in compiling a
3-0 record.
But they never had the lead
yesterday, as the Wolverines
scored on their opening drive en
route to their 38th consecutive
home game without a loss.
The Blue defense was espe-
cially stingy, not yielding a
score until tight end Charley
Douglass pulled in a Pete Woods
pass in the end zone with 1:09
remaining in the game.
LED BY middle guard Tim
Davis, the Michigan defense put
it all together, holding the Tig-
ers to 132 yards rushing and 253
total yards. They forced four
fumbles, three of which fell into
Wolverine hands. Two of those
recoveries led to Michigan
"We were ready," said de-
fensive coordinator Gary Moel-
ler. "The guys got a lot of rest
while the offense was control-
ling the ball, and when they
were in, they were fabulous."
Calvin O'Neal, wide-side line-
backer and defensive signal-cal-
ler, stressed the importance of
the entire team's psychological
"This game is all in your
head," he asserted. "We knew
we wouldn't stand for anything
short of victory out there."
WHILE THE defense revert-
ed to past seasons' form, yes-
See MICHIGAN, Page 8
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
MICHIGAN DEFENDERS DAN JILEK (81) and Dwight Hicks sandwich Missouri ball carrier
Jornel Williams in yesterday's 31-7 Michigan win. The Michigan defense hit hard most of the
afternoon, holding the fifth-ranked Tigers scoreless until late in the game.
Scouts miss BgBu
Taking it easy'
A Boy Scout ponders life while sitting in the fork of a tree out-
side the Michigan Stadium after yesterday's football game.
Boy Scouts have served as ushers at Michigan's home games
for the past 52 years.
Hearst implicaedi
Sacra-mento rober
SAN FRANCISCO (P) - Federal investigators now believe Pa-
tricia Hearst was an active participant in a California bank robbery
in which a woman customer was killed, the San Francisco Chron-
icle says.
Quoting an unidentified federal source, the Chronicle said in its
Saturday editions that the "operative theory" among investigators
is that Hearst took part in the April 21 holdup of the Crocker Bank
in Carmichael, near Sacramento.
THE NEWSPAPER said the holdup team was believed to have
been Hearst, William and Emily Harris and Steven Soliah, the 27-
year-old housepainter arrested with the newspaper heiress on Sept.
The Chronicle said Hearst was not suspected of firing the shots
that killed Myrna Opsahl, 42, a mother of four, but under state
law, she could be charged with murder if any other participant in
the robbery is charged in the slaying.
FBI agents in San Francisco and Sacramento were not avail-
See HEARST, Page 6
It was a beautiful day, and the
Wolverines whipped Missouri to
the tune of 31-7. But while Mich-
igan fans were cheering and
celebrating in the stands, there
were some mighty unhappy kids
on the other side of the stadium
They were Cub Scouts. No
one knew how many-estimates
ranged from 200 to 1,000-and
they had been evicted from the
stadium because of an Athletic
Department foul-up.
AS A GOOD will gesture the
University each year gives 6,000
complimentary tickets to a Wol-
verine game to area Cub Scouts.
This year, however ,the gesture
Ticket sales manager Al Ren-
frew explained the mix-up as a
misunderstanding between the
Athletic Department and the
company that p r i n t e d the
"I had set aside a game for
them (the Scouts) and I thought
it was Northwestern," he said
yesterday. "But the printer had
p r i n t e d the complimentary
tickets up for Missouri."
AND THE catch was that the
complimentary tickets were dup-
licates for seats that had al-
ready been sold for the Missouri
game, which drew a near-record
crowd of 104,000.
The stadium has an -Jicial
seating capacity of 101,001.
The Athletic Department had
planned to withhold 6,000 seats
for the Northwestern game cn
October 18-thus assuring the
See SCOUTS, Page 2
Identity o female
I)Ody still unknown
The identity of a charred, female torso, discovered Friday in
Ypsilanti Township, is still unknown following an autopsy per-
formed at Uuiversity Hosoital yesterday.
The autopsy revealed that the body was of a woman 40 to 50
for a fair
The scene could not have been
more perfect if an artist had
painted it himself.
A 70 degree sun, and constant
reports of a successful football
game brightened the spirits of
sonme 75 ceram1i.'sts . werv
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