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October 04, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-04

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Saturday, October 4, 1975

THE MICH,'\'-J/'\N Ch3LY

Page Three

- . eet and enterta - -----




Igs..." for week of oct. 41 -10

L at., . .. .. s}

all week
Return of the Pink Panther-
(The Movies, Briarwood) --1975
sequel to Peter Sellers' famous
Inspector Clousseau films of
more than a decade ago. An
accurate re-assemblage with all
the laughs intact, but some-

for to her subsequent, exquisite
Love and Anarchy. It should, be
noted, though, that most critics
haved and raved over this flick,
so maybe you'd enjoy it - but
don't say you weren't warned.**
The Andromeda Strain -
(Couzens Cafeteria, 7, 10:30)-
Team of scientists runs desper-
ate race to discover cause of


the fall of the 1950's most fa-
mous villian, Sen. Joseph Mc-
Carthy. For those who can re-j
member back that far, a sob-
ering nostalgia trip; For those
who can't, a terrifying look at
the potential for totalitarianism
in America. ****
The Bicycle Thief - (Cine-
ma Guild, Arch. Aud., 7, 9:05)
- In poverty - stricken post-,
war Italy, a bicycle was usual-
ly an absolute necessity for
maintaining a job. Vittorio Di-
Sica's drama of a paper hang-
er's anguished search for his
stolen vehicle is heart-break-

deadly virus that threatens to:
obliterate mankind. Too bad the
film itself didn't practice simi-
lar split-second timing - its1
ponderous pace and engulf-
ment in fascination over its
own technology nearly eliminate;

7, 9:15) - Altman's film of Bimbo's -'Grievous Angels,
rural criminals during the De- country, 9:30, no cover.
tuesday pression begins promisingly Mr. Flood's Party - Mike
but eventually lapses into vari- Smith and his Country Volun-
ations on Bonnie and Clyde. teers, 9:00, 75c.
OCTOBER 7 Suffers from overlength and Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys,
dull performances by its two bluegrass, 9:30, $1.
THE TUBE leads (Keith Carradine and Chances Are -Shane Todd,
Phil Donahue speaks with Shelly. Duvall, late of Nash- rock, 9:00( $1 to $1.50.
economist Milton Friedman and ville), but a wonderful support-
speechwriter Karl Hess on the ing cast redeems things a lit- Blind Pig - Headwinds, jazz,
future of capitalism on channel tle ** 9:30, $1.
2 at 11 a.m. Richie gets caught MUSIC Bimbo's On The Hill - J. B.
Sbetween two women on Happy Bimbo's - Grievous Angels, & Company, rock, 8:30, no cov-
Days on 7 at 8 tonght. Then country, 9:30, no cover. er.
don't miss the giant hedgehog Blind Pig - Melodosie, jazz,
that wanders London on Monty;9:30,$1.
Python's Flying Circus at 10 on $Bimbo's On The Hill - J. B.
channel 56. Lloyd Bridges por-I & Company, rock, 8:30, no cov-r frid
trays an American who avengeser
the murder of his friend on the er.
channel 2 late movie, DeadlyI Chances Are - Shane Todd, OCTOBER 10
Game, at 1 this morning rock, 9:00, $ to $1.50.THE TUBE
Member of the Wedding - The weekend arrives! For
(Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7,;UrS books and boring lectures, you
9:05) - Faithful if leisurely can settle down and watch San-
nlm f atherCan sisters OCTOBER 9 ford and Son at 8 p.m. on chan-
novel of a brother and sisternel 4. M*A*S*H follows at 8:30
growing up in the deep South. THE TUBE on 2. At 9 watch Linda Blair of
Jue Harris s arkles in theHiitav

son as their relationship evolves 7130, $7.
from love into bitter emnity Blind Pig - Silvertones and
during the course of a huge cat- Frazier Smith, blues, 9:30, $1.
tle drive west. John Wayne de-
livers his finest performance as Heidelberg Rathskeller-Mus-
the father and Montgomery Clift tard's Retreat, folk, 9:30, no
is equally good as his son turn- cover.
ed rival - both of which help Pretzel Bell-RFD Boys, blue-
make Red River a reasonable grass, 10:00, $1.50.
choice for the Best Western Ev- Bimbo's _- Gaslighters, rag-
er Made. **** time, 6:00-1:30, 50c after 8:00.
Easy Rider and Five Easy 1 Rubaiyat -- Strutter's Ball,
Pieces E- (Matrix, Easy Rider top 40's, 9:30, no cover.
at 7, Five Easy Pieces at 9) - Bimbo's On The Hill - J.B. &
See Thursday Cinema. iCompany, rock, 8:30, no cover.
MUSIC Loma Linda - Mixed Bag,
Golden Falcon -- Headwinds, jazz, 11:00-2:00, no cover.
jazz, 9:00, $1.

how the whole enterprise seems any human suspense whatso- ingly brilliant cinema, and jus-
out of time and place against ever. ** tifyably on many critics' Ten
the backdrop of the post-Viet- Gone With the Wind - (Me- Best lists. ****
nam, post-Watergate, post-as- diatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 on- C(
sassination age. It strikes one ly) - The one, the only. And Chinatown - (New World,
as a wistful, nostalgic effor to utterly beyond criticism. riat cyA's 9:30) - A
re-capture a time of relative Mean Streets - (Cinema II private eyes entanglementin a
innocence, when we could Angell Aud. A, 7, 9) - A stun- web of moral - political cor-
laugh without bitter cynicism. ning, atmospheric film of a ption in Depression -eera Los
Sadly, what is past is past, and young New York mafioso faced Angees s realy ore an un-
the film comes on as nothing with moral dilemma of saving I detectivethanithe
so much as a yearning, desper- his best friend or protecting his cynical detective story it pre-
tends to be. Roman Polanski's
ate museum piece. ** own future. A powerful and or- film is deservedly one of the
Farewell, My Lovely - iginal drama which was given blockbuster entries of the 70's
(Michigan) - Thoroughly a typical short shrift by the withkmemorable performances
trashy but somehow entertain- commercial theaters when re- from Jack Nicholson, Faye
ing film adaptation of the Ray- leased two years ago - let's Dunawa and everyone else
mond Chandler detective novel. hope it fares better the secondd****
With sleepy Robert Mitchum time around. Directed by Mar- concerned.
and frantic Charolette Ramp- tin Scorsese and featuring Har- The Effect of Gamma Rays
ling. ** vey Keitel and GodfatherII's on Man - in - the - Moon Mari-
Robert DiNiro. **** golds - (Campus Theater, 1, 3,
The Happy Hooker - (The The Grove Tube - (Matrix, 5, 7, 9) - Sensitive adolescent
Movies, B sriarwood) - Lynn 7, 9) - Collection of satirical growing up in New York City
Redgravens seductively comic skits intermingling sex and TV tries to cope with the arratic
to redeem this otherwise very about half of which are funny.** ragings of her monsterous, al-
tepid film version of the ad- Coconuts - (Bursley W. Cafe- coholic mother. Sour screen
teria, 8:30 only) - The Marx version of the Broadway play,
ventures of Xaviera Hollender. Brothers' cinematic debut, and directed semi-consciously by
Save your money for the Art I still hysterically intact a half Paul Newman. Joanne Wood-
century later. **** ward seems more bored than
Fantasia - (State) - For Zardoz - (Campus Theater, ferocious as Mom. **
those who don't mind cartoons
set to classical musicFanta- 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) - John Boorman's Gone With the Wind - (Me-
sia remains the ultimate Disneyatongue-in-cheek sci-fi thriller diatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30
creation and clearly demon- was taken very seriously (and only) - See Saturday Cinema.
strates the cartoon medium's angrily) by a lot of critics, fem- The Groove Tube - (Matrix,
potential as a legitimate artminists and philosophy majors 7, 9) - See Saturday Cinema.
form. The "Rite of Spring" and when it debued last year. Don't ;1USIC
"Night on Bald Mountain" se- sweat it, folks; Zardoz makes
quences are like nothing seen no pretensions toward anything Huron Hotel - Galaxy, top
onfilmefre orke sin sn but escapism - and succeeds 40's 9:00-1:30 75c.
on film before - since. **i* pretty admirably. In the lead Chances Are - Whiz Kids,
The Fortune - (The Movies, role, Sean Connery plods aroundrk9:0$to$. '
Briarwood) - This nasty little rock, 9:00, $1 to $1.50.
comedy involves among other hilariously as a sort of space- Mr. Flood's Party - Griev-
things marriage, the Mann Act age Conan the Barbarian. ous Angels, country, 9:00,$1
and murder, but is primarily Golden Falcon Headwinds Loma Linda - Mixed Bag,
noteworthy as the latest chap- jazz, 9:00, $ 'i jazz, 6:00-2:00, no cover.
ter in the decline and fall of a ron Hotel - Galaxy, top PMuusicalSociety - Hague
director Mike Nichols. Warren 4'philharmonic, Hill Aud., 8:30.
Beaty ad Jck Nchoson40's, 9:00-1:30, 75c.
Beatty and Jack Nicholson Spaghetti Bender - "Road-
fight a losing battle against the side Attraction," dinner thea-
dynaic duoof offensiveness sd trcin"dne ha
andynamicu s ter, 7:30, $7.
Give 'Em Hell, Harry - Bimbo's - Gaslighters, rag- n
(Fifth Forum) - Actor James time, 6:00-1:30, 50c after 8:00.
(Fifth For ) Bimbo's On The Hill - J. B. OCTOBER 6

Chances Are - Shane Todd:
rock, 8:00, $2 to $2.50.
Mr. Flood's Party - North
Country Grass, country, 9:00, $1.:
Spaghetti Bender - "Roadside
Attraction," dinner theater,
Perry Moss, new head coach
of the World Football League
San Antonio team, was a quar-
terback on Illinois's 1946 Big
Ten championship and 19471
Rose Bowl teams.

This week's Happenings cal-
endar was prepared by Jim
Burns, Philip Kyko, and Kim
Potter. The column was edited
by Gordon Atcheson and David
Michigan National Guard


lead role. E
Blow-Up - (Ann Arbor Film
Co-op, Angell Aud. A, 7 only)
- Young, amoral photographer
accidentally catches a murder I
on his film, then is unable to
muster up the positive initiative
to do anything about it. Antonio-
ni's quintessential portrait of
swinging mid-sixties London is
his most enjoyablefilm and dis-
plays his complete mastery of
visual cinema, if not, as usual,
of plot. ****
Brewster McCloud - (Ann
Arbor Film Co-op, Angell Aud.'
A, 9:15 only) - Robert Alt-
mah's absurdist film about a!
strange youth (Bud Cort) who!
wears mechanical wings and
hides out in the Houston Astro-
dome. A movie one either loves!
or hates: Cherished by many as!
a nihilistic nose-thumber to so-'
ciety, but in this corner a cod-
dIed, crashing bore. *
Horsefeathers - (Matrix, 7,
9) - See Monday Cinema.
Chinatown - (New World,
MLB 3, 7, 9:30) - Eee Sunday
Mr. Flood's Party - Gemini,
folksy blues, 9:00, 50c.
Bimbo's On The Hill - J. B.!
& Company, rock, 8:30, no cov-!
Chances Are - Whiz Kids,
rock, 9:00, $1 to $1.50.I
Blind Pig - Ann Arbor Ex-
perimental Jazz Band, 9:30, $1.:
At 4:30, channel 7 presents an:
after-school special dealing with
-get this-the love life of a 13-
year-old boy. (deja vu, anyone?)
UHF fans can watch Wally and
Beaver force their babysitter to!
lock herself in the bathroom on
channel 20 at 6 p.m. At 7:30,
computers attempt a take-over
on Room 222 on channel 9. Rob-!
ert Culp stars in The Outrage,
tonight's flick on channel 7 at!

If you're into attending
classes, this is no day to break
your record. Barney Miller en-
counters a heat wave in the city
on 7 at 8 p.m. At 9, the excit-
ing western Pat Garrett and1
Billy the Kid hits the airwaves
on channel 2. Gregory Peck
stars in The Purple Plain, a 1954!
war tale set in Burma, at 11:30
on channel 2. At 1, silent actress
Lillian Gish talks wth Tom Sny-!
der on the Tomorrow show on!
channel 4.
Easy Rider and Five Easy
Pieces - (Matrix, Easy Rider
at 7, Five Easy Pieces at 9) -
Easy Rider seems more like a
haunting, lyrical anachronism
with each passing outing (were
people really like that then?).
Five Easy Pieces tackles the
ambitious theme of the intellect-!
ual vs. the physical in human
relationships, but sadly fails to!
provide even an initial insight
to the dilemma, much less offerR
a solution. As the central char-
acter, Jack Nicholson emerges
more as spoiled brat than alien-
ated aesthetic. **
Images - (Ann Arbor Film
Co-op, Angell Aud. A, 7, 9) -1
Robert Altman's surrealistic
study of a young woman's psy-
chological disentegration rips
off liberally from Polanski's
Repulsion and Fellini's Juliet of
the Spirits, but still survives as
a fairly absorbing, frightening
film. Susannah York is superb
as the disturbed protagonist. ***
The Men Who Tread on the
Tiger's Tails - (Cinema Guild,
Arch. Aud., 7, 9:05) - Early
Kurasawa comedy of a Medie-
val Japanese lord using various
ingenious means to escape his
enemies. Based on traditional
Kabuki play. -

Exorcist fame in Sweet Hostage,
a made-for-TV movie, on chan-
nel 7. Monty Python takes a
look at war on channel 9 at 10
p.m. For another glance at
battle, tune in Adolf Htler: A
Portrait of Evil at 11:30 on
channel 7.

A Streetcar Named Desire-
(Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7,
9:05) - America's greatest play
receives suitably memorable
screen treatment in the sensi-
tive hands of director Elia Ka-
zan. In the lead roles, Marlon
Brando and Vivien Leigh give
performances that will live as
long as film endures as an art
medium. Don't miss this one.
The Conversation - Coppola's
film of a bugging expert beseig-
ed by guilt and fear over his
machinations seems increasing-
ly full of holes as far as plot
logic goes., but remains the clas-
sic study of the paranoia of the
Nixonian (and post-Nixonian)
age. As the non-committed,
chamelon - like eavesdropper,
Gene Hackman cames as close
as anyone could to capturing
the terror beneath the surface
in all of us. ****
Johnny Guitar - (Cinema II,
Angell Aud. A, 7 only) - A
saloon owner (Joan Crawford)
coerces her former lover (Ster-
ling Hayden) into battling her
enemies in a small Western
town. An odd, feminist - orient-
ed film that is highly revered,
by a large number of foreignI
critics: Somenviewers here may;
think it equally arresting, but
the majority will probably find
the whole endeavor on the dis-
tinctly cornball side. **
,a.,a T~i. r , (rCinema II An-

r f -
Look at the sky.
Gointo an elevator and press 3.
Have lunch.
Ride in a taxicab or bus.
Ask a person for directions to the nearest
post office.
Have breakfast.
Walk on the sidewalk.
Have a shot of Jose Cuervo.
Deliver a lecture to the MexiCa
National Assembly on the
historical significance and potential
peacetime uses of the nectarine,
as seen through the eyes of Keats.

whitmores celebrated one-man
re-creation of the late Presi-
dent Truman is brought to the
screen intact from its stage
production. An accurate por-
trayal and a lot of fun, but the
three dollars a shot admission
price is a little steep.*.
Hennessey - (The Movies,
Briawood)-A film about some-
one who wants to assassinate
Queen Elizabeth. If nothing
else, in the temper of the
times. *
The ever-popular Buggs Bun-
ny-Road Runner comedy hour
kicks off this morning at 8:30
on channel 2. The Pink Panther
Show, featuring Henry Mancini's
jazz theme, follows on channel
4. No space fan would dare miss
Star Trek on channel 50. At 9
on channel 7, an unknown Ohio
team called the Buckeyes take
on west coast power UCLA on
channel 7's college football
game of the week.
Seduction of Mimi - (Cine-
ma Guild, Arch. Aud., 7, 9:05)
- Communist factory worker
runs perpetual footrace to avoid'
Eicilian Mafia on the one hand,
his wife on the other. A leer-
ingly unfunny comedy by Lena
Wertmuller that is vastly infer-

& Company, rock, 8:30, no cov-
Blind Pig - Reunion, jazz,
9:30, $1.
Chances Are - Masquerade,
rock, 8:00, $2 to $2.50.!
Mr. Flood's Party - Griev-:
ous Angels, country, 9:00, $1.
Heidelberg - Jacob Remig
Band, German, 9:00-1:30, no
Heidelberg Rathskeller.. -
Mustard's Retreat, folk, 9:30,
no cover. .'
Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys,
bluegrass, 10:00, $1.50.
Rubaiyat - Strutter's Ball,
top 40's, 10:00, no cover.
Loma Linda - Mixed Bag,
jazz, 11:00-2:00, no cover.
Sunday morning movie freaks
wll enjoy the comedy of Abbott!
and Costello at 9 on channel 7
as the dynamic duo meet Frank-
enstein. Bo gives you the run-.
down on yesterday's excitingj
victory over Missouri on Michi-
gan Replay at 4:30 on 7. And in;
further football coverage, Lou
Gordon discusses the pros and!
cons of the Pontiac Stadium at
10 on channel 50.
Point of Order - ((Cinema
II, Angell Aud., A, 7, 9) - Ex-
cellent documentary re-telling

Rita Bell presents Jack Lem-,
mon in Under the Yum Yum
Tree at 9 this morning on chan-,
nel 7. In the afternoon movie
scene, channel 9 brings the film;
version of Bye Bye Birdie to the
tube at 1. Dick Van Dyke and'
Ed Sullivan star. On All In The
Family at 9 on channel 2, Meat-
head agrees to console Gloria in
the delivery room (sounds like
soap opera stuff). Also at 9,
John Wayne stars in two places
-on channel 4 in The Train
Robbers and in The Undefeated
on channel 7.

MUSIC Red rover- ( - n u .1,T
Spaghetti Bender - "Road- gell Aud. A, 9 only) -Howard
side Attraction," dinner theater, Hawkes great film of the lives
7:30, $7. of a cattleman and his adopted
Because of the effects of the new CRISP registration ss-
tern, the PIRGIM fee is now collected in the manner ori-
ainallv petitioned for by 16,000 UM students. You have
been assessed a $1.50 fee for PIRGIM on your tuition bill.
For those students who do not wish to support the croup,
PIRGIM announces:

TheVirinSpring - (Matrix,!
Horsefeathers - (Matrix, 7, 7, 9) - Medieval tale of rape-
9) - The Marx Brothers de- murder, ritualistic revenge and
stroy utterly the American uni- ultimate rebirth in the Scandi-
versity - maybe not their best navian wilderness. Its violetn
film, but probably their fun-! theme nothwithstanding, this is
niest. Groucho's anatomy lec- probably Bergman's most pow-
ture ranks among the lunatic erful film, and certainly one of
interludes of all comedy. **** his best. With Max Sydow. ****
Chinatown - (New World, Dirigible - (Cinema Guild,
MLB 3, 7, 9:30) - See Sunday Arch. Aud., 7, 9) - Early
Cinema. Frank Capra film about Ant-
s MUSIC arctic explorers. As to its qual-
ity, your guess is as good as
Golden Falcon - Ann Arbor ours.
Experimental Jazz Band, 9:00, Thieves Like Us - (Ann Ar-1

Mon., Sept. 29-Fri., Oct. 3
Student Accounts Office
2nd Floor, SAB
8:30-12:00, 1:00-4:30

1. Take your I.D.
to SAB.
2. Fill out form
brief at SAB.
3. Receive a $1.50
credit on next
tuition bill.


. ,khr. Interest Research Group in Michigar

I M --


Blind Pig - Boogie Woogie
Red, blues, 9:30, $1.
Chances Are - Whiz Kids,
rock, 9:00, $1 to $1.50.
Mr. Flood's Party - Eric
Bach, country - folk, 9:00, no

MAu You Can Eat"
includes unlimited trips to our famous salad bar, choice of potato
or vegetable and loaves of hot home baked bread.

bor Film Co-op, Angell Aud. A, --
Indan ewerySpectacular
2 for 1 SPECIAL0
* LIQUID SILVER (SHIMMERING WATERS) strung with your choice0
of turquoise, corral, heshi or mother of pearl.
REGULAR $12.95 SPECIAL 2 for 1
REGULAR $29.95 SPECIAL 2 for 1
The above is genuine INDIAN JEWELRY not a cheap imitation.
YES, aenuine silver (not plated) with authentic stones.4
REGULAR $2.95 SPECIAL 2 for 1
I Gift Shop in Marriott Inn and Win Schuler's Restaurant, Plymouth Rd. at
23 Expressway. Hours 7 a.m. to 1 1 p.m.
x . . n...,,. .... ~~..L.. .. /s. :6eA nA A rh ~ n Inn ,crnrf Hucfl-ron and S. .

a rcLigiou.5 art3sere3 of oriqinal culhura4 evens
fromr various prituat comrnitic5
Steve & Etta Ledford, Wayne Ledford, James
Gardner, and Waye & Julia Mainer are coming,
to Ann Arbor for two evenings of gospel, coun-
try, and bluegrass music, and for a Saturday
afternoon workshop on gospel music as it is
in the Appalachian Mountains. All events will
take place at the ARK Coffeehouse, 1421 Hill,
and are being sponsored jointly by the ARK
and Canterbury House.(
SAT., OCT. 4
9:00 P.M.
Workshop on Gospel Music:
SAT., OCT. 4-2-4:00 P.M.
1421 HILL ST.
at the ARK Coffeehouse
(near Washtenaw)
."n r rt


. . . . . $3.25

(under 12)

. $1.75

Served Sunday Noon 'Til 8 P.M.-Monday 5 P.M.-]11 P.M.

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