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October 04, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-04

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See Editorial Page

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Latest Deadline in the State


Vol LXXXVI, No. 27

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 4, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

IF'vcAJS;E 05w ktAPPET L UtlW LY
Just desserts
Some said it was only a matter of just desserts -
but they fought for it, and they won. Steve Hibsh-
man, Bursley RA, and his 12 trusty followers will
go down in history as one of the few groups ever
to thread their way through the University's bu-
reaucratic maze and, miracle of miracles, to ac-
tually change a policy. Due to protests from the
Bursley group, and presumably other students as
well, the University Food Service has announced a
change in the new and much-hated sack lunch
policy in the dorms. Now, students can not only
get four slices of bread, they can also get three
coldcuts to put between them . . . and they can
have an apple as well as a cookie . . . and not
one, but two milks.
Queen for a dafy
Mickey Bakst, a senior at Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity in Ypsilanti, is running for homecoming
queen this year to commemorate an attorney gen-
eral's opinion issued this week declaring the Equal
Rights Amendment valid in Michigan even though
it was passed only by voice vote in the state legis-
lature. The student body will elect the queen on
October 17 and about 20 candidates are in the
running. Pondered Bakst: "If I win, do I bring a
man or a girl." We wonder: will sexism ever die
with remarks like that .
Profs upset
The Association of Michigan Collegiate Faculties
at its meeting yesterday in East Lansing con-
demned Governor William Milliken's recent budget
cutting. "Michigan appears to be initiating a pro-
cess of dismantling a fine system of higher educa-
tion and a state of demoralization is spreading .. .
We are convinced that the state can provide the
funds needed to avert the impending catastrophe,"
the group said in a statement.
Happenings .. .
. . . are mighty sparse . . . leading off is the
University's Artists and Craftsmen Guild Fall Art
Fair which gets underway at 8 a.m. across from
the Farmers' Market on Fifth and Detroit St. It
runs until 6 p.m. . . . batting second is the UAC
sponsored quad and stereo show on the third fl.
of the League from noon 'til 10 p.m. . . . catch
the Wolverines (maybe with their pants down)
against Missouri this afternoon. Over and out . . .
Paper chase
Within hours after he passed the state bar exam-
ination in Arizona, Douglas Martin was eager to
try out his skills as a fledgling lawyer. Martin
drove 80 miles to Gila Bend to defend himself
Wednesday against a traffic citation charging him
with driving 35 miles per hour in a 25-mile-per-
hour zone. But to Martin's disappointment a part-
time Justice of the Peace told him he intended to
dismiss the case. The judge admitted there were
1:5 m.p.h. signs as well as 25 m.p.h. signs on the
road. "But judge," Martin cried, "I had such good
arguments." Move over,. F. Lee Bailey.
'Reddie' or not?
Russian spies have "absolutely infiltrated" the
country and there may even be some on Capitol
Hill, according to Senator Barry Goldwater (R-
Ariz.). He said he will ask Senate intelligence in-
vestigators to look into a finding that the Soviets
have agents in "seven or nine" Senate offices.
That information was deleted from the Rockefeller
Commission report on the Central Intelligence
Agency, he said. What about little green men from
Doing some of the fanciest footwork since it

broke the Watergate story, the Washington Post
got out a newspaper yesterday despite a strike by
its pressmen who allegedly sabotaged some of the
printing facilities. The Post helicopter airlifted the
news copy from its own building to the printshops
of several sympathetic newspapers up to 150 miles
away. The abbreviated 24-page edition - about a
quarter the normal size-hit the streets four hours
late. But the publishers vowed to continue the oper-
ation until they can get their own presses rolling
again - probably within a week or so.
On the inside..
Edit Page is highlighted by a Pacific News Serv-
ice feature on "Fascism in Spain" . . . Cathi Suyak
reviews the Michigan Theater presentation of a
classic Lon Chaney silent flick complete with live
organ music for the Arts Page . . . Sports Page
has Enid Goldman reporting on the women's tennis

Ypsilanti blaze
Suspect turns himself in;
cites revenge as motive




YPSILANTI - A 43-year-old man was ar-
raigned on murder charges yesterday after
he confessed to starting a fire here which
killed two men and left ten other persons
The suspect reportedly lived at the de-
stroyed house and, according to one account,
set the fire "to get even with a buddy."
THE FIRE early yesterday morning gutted
an old, seven-unit apartment house at 420 S.
Washington St. which a fire department of-
ficial said did not conform to building safety
Jesse Lee Wright, who turned himself in
to the city police less than an hour after the
fire was reported, is being held in the county
jail without bond for the murder of Joseph
Thomas, 45, and another man whose name is
being withheld until his family is informed of
his death.
Police said none of the 20 persons evacuat-
ed from the two-story, wood frame rooming
house during the blaze were injured.
FIREFIGHTERS received a "frightened,
confused call" shortly before 4 a.m., accord-
ing to Lt. Michael Philbin of the Ypsilanti
Fire Department, but only one word -
"help" - could be understood.
A few minutes later, a woman inside the
house called reporting smoke and was able
to give firemen her address.
About 26 firefighters and six trucks were
sent to stop the blaze, according to the fire
The FBI pulled its entire force
out of Veterans Hospital yester-
day, according to Jay Bailey,
the agent who runs the FBI's
Detroit office.
But the move "is not a de-
emphasis by any stretch of the
imagination," he asserted.
THE agency had continuously
occupied the entire west wing
of the third floor since they be-
gan an investigation into a mys-
terious rise in respiratory and
cardiac arrests between July 1
and August 15.
In all, there were over 50 such
failures and 11 deaths - and of-
S ficials believe that someone
poisoned the victims with Pav-
ulon, a powerful neuro-muscular
relaxant normally used on pa-
tients requiring a respirator.
THE probe will continue, but
willnow be handled out of the
FBI's Ann Arbor office.
"THEY didn't comolain, but
we were taking up space at the
hospital. We conducted a num-
ber of interviews in the hospital<
and we'll have follow-up inter-;
views - but it'll be handled
through the Ann Arbor office
now," he added.
Meanwhile, the agency's hunt
for clues in the series of attacks
is now centered on four bodies
that were exhumed last week.
Tissue samples from the dead 6.
men, three of whom died within"
19 hours of each other on Aug
ist 14 and 15, will be sent to the
FBI laboratory in Washington
for analysis, according to
Bailey. Jim Da
When asked when the test re- Jm
sults would be known, Bailey steps o
would say only that "we are his thre
continuing our investigation - common
we don't set any timetables." of move

department. The firemen rescued at least
eight persons from the building and two
others escaped by jumping out of a window.
Fire trucks stayed at the scene for nearly
five hours, he added, and one was called
back later in the afternoon to extinguish mi-
nor embers in a wall.
Philbin said 70 per cent of the house was
destroyed and that the structure cannot be
rebuilt. He said the house, which was in-
sured for only $10,000, had been "added to"
several times since it was constructed.
THE HOME had asbestos siding, which
helred contain the flames, contained many
exits, but had none of the fire stops - wood
he'ween the studs which support the build-
ing - reo'iired under current building codes.
"As far as being built now," Philbin said,
the hr:use "would not be allowed." Because
of the absence of fire stops, he added, the
blaze "shot right un into the attic very
(P;rklV" and then snread.
The two bodies were discovered at about
5:30 a.m. on the second floor of the dwell-
ing, according to nolice.
At 4:35 a.m., Wright walked into the city
unlice denartment, about ten blocks from
f - hlae. ° 'nd sk-(d whether a fire had been
-°-'r'e-q. When the desk officer resnonded
fir ,tirelv. Wright said that he had set
He was arrested and arraigned in 14th Dis-
trict Court yesterday afternoon.

AP Photo
Two Ypsilanti firemen descend a ladder during a fire which killed two men early yesterday morning. A
43-year-old Ypsilanti man has confessed to setting the blaze and is being held without bail on two counts
of murder.

will n-ol
Us. ins
By AP and Reuter though
A N K A R A - Turkey main ur
yesterday said the parital come.
lifting of the U. S. ban on T h e
arms supplies was not fully said C(
satisfactory and made no penetrat
immediate move to reopen of theve
American bases on its soil. positive
Turkey closed some 26 on the
U. S. bases in July in retali- ests of
ation for the arms embar- the oth4
go imposed last February BUT
by the American Congress. made c
CONGRESS passed a bill per-
mitting Turkey to take delivery
of 185 million dollars worth of1
arms it had already paid for,
but prohibiting additional arms
aid until an overall U. S. mili-
tary aid bill was approved lat- i m
er this year.
A Turkish government state-
ment said the bill included
"certain positive elements," but
added it was difficult to con-
sider the decision "fully satis-
factory." SAN"
Turkish Foreign Minister vestigat
Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil told about tf
the state-owned radio there the Pat
would be no immediate reactiv- targets.
ation of the bases. The
INFORMED Turkish sources liam an
said only a complete lifting of heiress
the embargo would give Ankara
enough room for maneuver to ONE
make concessions of Cyprus typed p
without feeling it was acting un- "M
der duress. myself
American officials said, how- and tha
ever, that the vote had taken adetham
some of the tension out of Tur-
co - American relations, even






they were likely to re-
ineasy for some time to
government statement
ongress had "begun to
te into the real aspects
problem" which was "a
start regarding our
in interests with the U.S.
one hand and the inter-
the western defense on
clear that future Turco-

American relations would be
inked to a total lifting of the
Meanwhile in Athens, the
Greek government said yester-
day it regretted the resumption
of U. S. arms shipments to Tur-
key as approved by the U. S.
But a Greek government
statement said that the resump-
tion was supported bypeople
who believed it would help
find a just solution to the Cyp-
See TURKEY, Page 2

31 secures SLA
formation fom
irri s'apartment,
N FRANCISCO (AP) - The FBI disclosed yesterday that in-
.tors have uncovered a virtual gold mine of information
he Symbionese Liberation Army, including a recollection of
ricia Hearst kidnapping and fresh clues to SLA terrorist
material was described in brief entries in a 20-page in-
of items taken from the apartment of SLA members Wil-
d Emily Harris, arrested with the once-fugitive newspaper
Sept. 18.
ENTRY on the list described the beginning paragraph of a
age that read:
y life really changed a year ago. On Feb. 4, I proved to
and we all proved to each other that we were guerrillas
t the revolution will be made by determined people who do
ined things and don't let anything stand in their way."
See HARRIS, Page 8

AP Photo
Caulking tall
vis, a Freeport, Ill., plastering company co-owner,
ut of the conventional method of reaching a ceiling on
e-foot aluminum stilts. He prefers the stilts to the more
ly used ladder because they give him more freedom

Auto sales


worst since


By AP and UPI
DETROIT -- The nation's auto makers yester-
day officially closed the books on their worst
model-year since 1962, reporting a four per cent
drop in September car sales from modest year-
earlier levels.

which traditionally ends in September, were the
lowest since 1964, when sales were 8.1 million.
September's performance was the U.S. indus-
try's poorest performance for the month in five
years. Company analysts attributed the decline to
an unusually late introduction of new models this

cent from the record total of 1.8 million, set
in 1973.
The imports, capitalizing on the U.S. industry's
late entry into the minicar market, have taken
a record 20 per cent of American car sales so
far this calendar year.

cent plunge from last September, due in part
to a shortage of its popular Rabbit model.
Of the 23 leading import nameplates, nine re-
ported sales jumps in September over a year
ago with Fiat, Honda, Subaru, Colt, Triumph,
Peugeot and Alfa-Romeo joining Datsun and

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