94C £iitygan Da Bu Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan UAW Friday, October 3, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 OK, HERE'S YOUR TECHNICIAN'S UNIFORM FOR MONITORING THE MIDEAST CEASEFIRE. WITH IT, YOU'LL BECOME A PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERRENT. OR A HANDY TARGET. A 4/l LI J>2°. / 47-Ii -_ _ THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Field Ne sp r Syndatl e 1975 Hoffa probe insufficient To The Daily: I WAS ONE of the people elected to the UAW 2001 Bar- gaining Committee last Novem- ber, and remained an active member of the Committee un- til just after the ratification meeting last June. At the gen- eraltmembership meetingaof September 28, comments and allegations were exchanged be- tween Jane Gould, former Bar- gaining Committee member, present Bargaining Committee members, and UAW Interna- tional Representatives regard- ing, among other things, bylaws and contract negotiation discus- sions. Since I was present at every meeting of the Bargaining Committee through June, per- haps my observations will help clarify some of the conflicting statements that have been made recently. 1) The bylaws (first a set of temporary bylaws, and then permanent bylaws) were in- deed written by UAW Interna- tional Representative Clarence Contratto for the Bargaining Committee's consideration. 2) The Bargaining Commit- tee was told by the Internation- al Representatives that these were to be kept strictly confi- dential, until presented in final form to the membership. 3) IT IS TRUE that the Inter- national Constitution provides for a posting of notice of an election at least 7 days prior to the election; thus the delay in electing a bylaws committee at the September 28 membership meeting. However, at the post- ing of the original election for the Bargaining Committee, there was no mention that this would be a dual Bylaws / Bar- gaining Committee, but would be an election for a Bargaining Committee. In fact, I was as- tonished as the months went by at the scope of activities we be- gan to assume as the "only elected representatives" of the local. Thus, as I see it, the nresent Bargaining Committee is no more entitled to compose a bylaws committee than any other group whose election had not been given the proper 7- dav notice. 4) With the hindsight I now have, it is clear to me that the electedBargaining Committee, however valiant we may have deemed our goals and respon- sibilities, was merely meant to be a rubber stamp for the true negotiators of our contract, the International Representatives of the UAW. This was made espe- cially evident in the "down to the wire" negotiations, where the initial monetary demands were discussed in informal ses- sions, behind closed doors, be- tween the International Repre- sentatives and the University's chief negotiators. Our main use- fulness was in clarifying to them specifics about various as- pects of being a clerical at the University of Michigan. Per- haps this is true with all union bargaining committees; I can only speak from experience with this one. THIS ENTIRE EXPERI- ENCE has been disillusioning, to say the least. I am not align- ed politically, nor do I desire to become involved with any group engaging in the power struggle presently being waged in our union. (Neither faction appears to be a bastion of de- mocracy, as each would have one believe.) In fact, I don't really feel that this sort of dis- cussion belongs in the news- paper, but since it seems to be the main forum being used at present, I am forced to use it also. I merely felt compelled by recent happenings to add one more perspective to the discus- sion. Nancy Scarbro Sept. 30, 1975 Letters HRP To The Daily: I HAVE A few comments about the Daily's editorial on the CDRS controversy (Mich. Daily, Sept. 24, 1975). My first observation is that the author of the editorial is ob- viously aligned with the Demo- cratic party. This works to the detriment of a factual analysis and leads to what, in my opin- ion, amounts to a tremendous- ly confused editorial relying on inflammatory rhetoric at the expense of reason. THE EDITORIAL displayed a number of inaccuracies in its presentation of the developing situation: 1.) The amendments to the original CDRS committee re- commendation were ont auth- ored by the GOP as the Daily stated, but by HRP's city com- mittee. HRP went to the Re- publicans for support only after a Democratic council member and the Mayor had indicated their intransigency about con- sidering HRP proposals. 2. The Daily ignored the fact that HRP presented another al- ternative to Council before turn- ing to a coalition with the Re- publicans. That proposal called for $1 million immediate fund- ing for social services; this was clearly the goal of all HRP ac- tions. 3. In the light of the preced- ing facts, the Daily's attempt to create the appearance of HRP "selling out" to a Republican initiative is, to be polite, very poor journalism. 4. The Daily believes the amended proposal would bene- fit a "well-to-do-minority" cit- ing an allocation for road pav- ing in the Arrowwood Hills area. Besides the fact that a low income co-op is located there, this ignores the fact that the proposals are targeted for low and middle income areas of the city. 5. The Daily chooses to blame the whole controversy on some kind of "vendetta" by HRP. Raising up the issue of recall as an HRP initiative shows no sense of reality. Recall is be- ing used as a promotional stunt by the Republicans for their drive to repeal preferential voting for mayor. (PV was put on the ballot through the ef- fortsrofrHRP and resulted in the narrow victory of Wheeler over Stephenson by HRP sec- ond choice votes.) Again, the Daily guesses or fabricates mo- tives forbHRP's actions that have no base in fact. THE DAILY GOES on to say how it really objects to every- body's plan but it will put its trust in the Democrats. The Democrats, however, don't want to spend that much on social services now. Instead, they want to impound most of the money for about six months un- til a new committee appointed by the Mayor can decide to fund a new city department of Hu- man Services. The danger of such a department usurping lo- cal organization self control is very real, not to mention the possibilities fortpartisan fund- ing policies. To top it all off The Daily maintains that the Democrats and HRP have human service priorities that are "substant- ially the same." This, of course, overlooks the fact that they are really much different. I SHOULD REMIND The Daily that the Democrats will need six votes for any further action: they have only five. I hope that for the sake of the community they show a bit more willingness to compro- mise; we need strong fundinng for social services now! I also hope that The Daily will get its head together .on city issies someday. William Wilcox Sept. 26 to smokers 1 nl r-Fol'_ . To The Daily: ONE OF YOUR editorials on Sept. 23 reported that when I was asked to separate smokers from non-smokers in History 332, "Livesay didn't say it was a bad idea," but said, "He didn't know how to manage it in crowded Modern Language Au- ditorium 4." In fact, I did say that I thought it was a bad idea, and that I wouldn't do it. If I wanted to, I'd know how to manage it all right. I'd just put all the offensive people in the back (as a Southerner that solu- tion has a familiar ring), or I'd just banish all smokers, thus creating a raucher frei environ- ment where all us pure folk (I don't smoke myself) could bask untroubled by the sight of the wicked. On the other hand, if I were going to be dictatorial, I don't think I'd waste my powers on an issue that doesn't interest me. Smokers don't bother me, but on the other hand, it might be worthwhile rearranging the class according to my preju- dices. For example, I could put all the people who sleep in the left front where I could throw chalk at them. Those who read books, magazines, other course work, and wonder upon wonders now and then the Michigan Daily, I could move front right so that while lecturing I could do research for a scholarly ar- ticle, something like "A Re- gressed Subcernation Sample of the Reading Tastes of Under- graduates at a Typical Midwest- ern University." Students who make faces at me - register- ing shock, horror, boredom, dis- belief as I rave on - could be put in the back and TA'd by Speech Dept. types. BUT I RAMBLE ON, and my prejudices are too many and too conflicting to be imple- mented easily. Anyway, you'll get your marching orders soon enough from Law School Ad- missions Officers and from GM's Personnel Department. I don't think I'll give anv. Be- sides, as a non-smoker. I'm sat- isfid with my moral super- iority and ereater life ewet- nnev. I don't feel any need to tran'late that into a nolicy that shuffles bodies arond at plea- sure. I think I'll leave that to the airnort security guards. Harold Livesay Assoc. Prof., History Sept. 25 SGC To The Daily: IN SPITE OF ALL their rhe- toric, President Debra Good- man and her Student Govern- ment Council (SGC) are severe- Iv restricting the easiest form of student participation, which is speaking at the SGC meet- ings. Goodman allows absolute- lv no constituent to speak on any issue while it is being de- bated and voted on by the Coun- cil. Incredible. I tried to ask a onestion at this week's regular SGC meeting, but Vice Presi- dent David Mitchell whisered to me, "Constituents can't sneak!" Goodman continued to ignore me until I said ont loud, "Can't I speak?" and she renlied with a quick but sharp "no." There was a motion before council to recognize as student organizations a list that includ- ed Anthroposophical Student Association, Committee to Up- hold the Fort Meigs Treaty, Jumbling Bugglers, and Mad Hatter's Tea Party; all I want- ed was to ask about the valid- ity of these groups and how _uaii )Y many members they claimed to have. (Council approved the groups as student organiza- tions unanimously.) While I was an SGC member and SGC's Co- ordinating Vice President dur- ing the past two years, Council had many problems but at least we always allowed students to participate in debate and ex- press their opinions. CONSTITUENTS ARE ALSO always allowed to speak at 9:00 during the SGC meeting, but constituent's time was ironically left off the agen- da this week. Even though some SGC members wanted to delay constituents time, the Council finally did allow the few con- stituents tospeak. I always had believed that "constituent's time" was just that. But anoth- er of this Council's new "re- forms" is to restrict every con- stituent to just five minutes! In the past, SGC had no time limit, even though we some- times rushed a speaker if he was repeating himself. We on SGC at the time felt that the students paid a mandatory fee of $1.50 to SGC every year, and therefore deserved the op- portunity to say whatever they wanted to to their student rep- resentatives, But Goodman and the Council act like constitu- ents are "outsiders." Recently during constituent's time, ex-SGC member Greg Higby spent one minute asking a question, followed by a three minute answer by SGC's treas- urer, and then a minute com- ment by Higby. Goodman did not listen to a word Higby said, since she was so intently star- ing at her watch to make sure that Higby did not use ip one second too much of SGC's pre- cious time. Sure enough, after five minutes had elapsed, Good- man yelped, "Time's tm!" - rieht in the middle of Hiebtv's sentence! Nice manners, huh? Goodman is obviously a strong candidate for an Emily Post Award. Goodman did not seem to be interested at all in what Hinbv was saving, in suite of . the fact that HigbV has more exnerience in student govern- ment than all the cirrent me n- hers combined, and he just might have had something im- portant to say. We will never know. Unfortunately, SGC needs all the help it can get, and can ill-afford to discourage it. Good- man should remember that she is nresident of the student body and not some self-annointed dic- tator. 0 tapes ceeded to mute any of or all of the 35,000 students at this uni- versity at their meetings. Not bad, considering the short time they. have been in office. It kind of makes you think - and scared. (In fact, after being elected last May, Goodman was away in California for the en- tire spring / summer semes- ter. Did anybody notice in any of Goodman's pieces of cam- paign literature that she plan- ned to miss one-third of her term, even though SGC is a year-round operation?) In a "Daily" article, Goodman wrote "Whether you want to get in- volved or just ask questions, come and talk to us anytime." What baloney! Try Thursday night at 7:00. Just attempt to speak on any issue or talk longer than five minutes - and I mean one second longer than five minutes -- at constituent's time. Another problem is that some of the Council always get suddenly thirsty or have to go to the john when it is constitu- ent's time. FOR THE ONE-THIRD of the student body that is in LS&A, they have their own relatively strong LS&A Student Government. As a newly elect- ed member, I know that LS&A- SG is more than willing to have its constituents contribute to its debates ,and- to offer their thoughts and ideas. For the other two-thirds of the student body, it is a shame they will have difficulty getting their views heard. A real shame. David Faye Oct. 2 JN WHAT COULD be deemed an amazing about face from recent behavior, the FBI is being raked over the coals for their apparent reluct- ance to become involved in the Hoffa case. From the very beginning of the case, there has been a gross lack of federal involvement in the case. When Hoffa was first discovered missing, the local authorities handled the entire investigation by them- selves. This is not to imply that they were in any way negligent in their hand- ling of the case, but the total re- sources of the Bloomfield Township police department can not compare to those of Clarence's commandoes. Why hasn't the FBI launched a full scale investigation of Hoffa's dis- appearance? When the case first broke, they claimed that they couldn't enter the case until they had a strong sushi- cion that federal law had been brok- en. According to what we have heard from the Senate investigating com- mittee, that hasn't stopped them before. So why now? AMWAY, BY THE time that they did enter the case, the guilty par- TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Steve Hersh, Lois Josimovich, George Lobsenz, Cheryl Pilate, Stephen Selbst, Curt Smith Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, Paul Hoskins, Robert Miller, Tom Stevens Arts Page: David Weinberg Photo Technician: Ken Fink ties had had time to cover their tracks and the momentum for solv- ing it had dissolved. Not only had they had a chance to cover their tracks, but it appears that they planted a set of new ones to throw the authorities off the trail com- pletely. Or at least that's the impression we get from the recent Jackson dis- closures, which weren't disclosed un- til .almost two weeks after he had received the tips. This has the FBI hoppinng mad at Jackson, but it is really after the fact anyway. The tip Jackson received from the mob would have lead him to a corpse. If the FBI had stayed true to form and gotten in on the action immediately, they might have found a live body. Business Staff DEBORAH NOVESS Business Manager Peter Caplan .................Finance Manager Robert F. Cerra ............Operations Manager Beth Friedman................Sales Manager David Piontkowsky......Advertising Manager DEPA. MORS. Dan Brinza, Steve LeMire, Rhondi MAe, Kathy Mulhern, Cassie St. Clair ASSOC. MORS. David Harlan, Susan Shultz ASST. MORS. Dave Schwartz STAFF John Benhow, Colby Bennet, Margie De- Ford, Elaine Douas, James Dykdema, Nine Edwards, Debbie Gerrish, Amy Hartman, Joan Helfman, Karl Jenning, Carolyn Koth- stein, Jacke Krammer, Anna Kwok, Vicki May, Susan Smereek, wayne Tsang, Ruth wolman SALES Cher Bledsoe, Slyvia Calhoun, Marilyn Edwards, Steve Wright. T O M A K E MATTERS WORSE, another of SGC's "re- forms" is to allow no motion to be Made during constituent's time. I do not say that SGC should spend hours debating a motion presented at this time, but they certainly can simply accept the motion and just give it a first reading. But, regret- tably, this takes common sense to realize. Council seems so paranoid of student input at their meetings that they have even put in the SGC Compiled Code that all constituents are, limitedto five minutes at con- stituent's time and no motion may be made by constituepts at this time. I devoted my five minutes of constituent's time to trying to explain to Council what was wrong with their fascist-like at- titude toward input by their fellow students. I told Council that they were elected by stu- dents to represent students, and that this was difficult enough without so strictly limiting stu- dent feedback, of which there is so little to begin with. I re- minded SGC that this was a Student Government Council. The members suffered from more than deaf ears. Their re- sponse: laughter. For some rea- son, I get a sickening feeling in my stomach when a govern- ment begins laughing at a talk in favor of freedom of speech. It is so difficult to believe that SGC meetings are supposed to be public. SGC member Michael Harwood said that if a consti- tuent wants to talk on a mo- tion, he has the right to tap a Council member on the shoul- der and ask the member to make a motion to allow him to speak. I guess Harwood believes this is a lot better and easier than having a constituent raise his hand. In fact, Harwood felt so strongly about his suggestion that he conveniently did not mention it when I earlier asked Goodman in front of Council if I could speak on a motion. SGC member Jeff Lark bluntly stat- ed that a business meeting is not the place to hear constitu- ents speak! THE TURNOUT FOR SGC meetings has now dwindled close to zero. Vice President Mitchell has told me that if con- stituents were not limited to five minutes, the Council would meet until 6 a.m. Mitchell now To The Daily: LAST WEEK-END (Sept. 12th 15th) two video tapes valued at $150 each were taken from the Inter-Coopera- tive Council office in the 4th floor of the Michigan Union. The tapes were on the subject of safety and sanitation in group housing and were to be shown last Sunday. When erased, the tapes have a small value compared to the cost we will have to pay the rental agency to replace the tapes. We implore the individual who took these tapes to return them at once. Just write our name on thepackage and leave them at the main desk of the Michigan Union. Our organization is a student, housing organization trying to provide decent low cost hous- ing to students - being ripped off like this hurts!!!! ,Jim Thomson ICC President Sept. 19 clericals To The Daily: IT IS TIME for someone to call, "Point of Information!" from the floor regarding the Clericals' Union, Local 2001. It is my hope that The Daily will rise to meet the occasion by printing this letter, rather than ignoring it as they have others like it. It is to the University's advan- tage to encourage divisiveness in 2001. The weaker our union is, the less effectively we can bargain for better wages and working conditions. Strong un- ions cost the U-M money. And since the University would pass any increased costs on to the students through increased tui- tion, it becomes a matter of con- cern to students to keep 2001 weak and divided. The student voice, THE MICHIGAN DAILY, has become the University ad- ministration's hatchetman. Its reportage has further clouded the confusion that arises in the establishment of any organiza- tion. The Daily has chosen to magnify one small faction into a full scale causus, complete with leaders and leaflets - Quoted extensively by The Daily. I must accuse The Daily of biased and inaccurate journal- ism. PERHAPS THE Daily will ar- gue that as a student publica- tion, staffed by fledgling report- ers, they may be entitled to some mistakes. Not so. They have chosen to deal with a gut issue for 3,000 eople, and they have dealt with it extremely poorly. I repeat, as students, their motives are, suspect. I challenge The Daily to give the other side of the story in the clerical union matter. I feel that I am a representative of my side as well as Carolyn Weeks is of hers. I invite Elaine Fletch- er, or any other Daily reporter, to sit down with me and get the rest of the story. Doyle Sharbach Housing:.L By LARRY COOPERMAN ANN ARBOR USED to be a fine town of beau- tiful, well-cared-for homes as well as rather grand looking fraternities and sororities in which many of the University students lived. After World War II student enrollment began to in- crease rapidly and new housing had to be found. Rental housing began to be in demand. The 60's brought another great increase in enrollment at the University, the rate of which is just now beginning to level out. The short sup- ply of housing made it eminently profitable to convert the fine old homes into apartment buildings. In addition, the fraternities and sorori- ties fell out of favor with the student body and private concerns bought up these buildings to convert into more apartments. NOW, IN 1975, large segments of Ann Arbor, specifically those areas inhabited by students and low-income working people, are rapidly deter- iorating into slum conditions. The landlords who bought up the housing were far more interested Dng declin4 prompt maintenance ,etc. For the hundr dollars that tenants pay for rent and se deposit, they receive arrogant treatment, or no maintenance, and annual increasesi rent. SO NOW THE once beautiful houses are bling. Even the modern apartments, which built out of papier-mache and afford easy ing to the goings-on next door, are rather lv deteriorating. Tower Plaza, for example, large areas of crumbling stone on the ex For the sake of private profit, the public has been sacrificed. The Ann Arbor Tenants Union wantst verse the trend of deteriorating housing spiraling rents. Traditionally, legislators o local and state level have sold out on thei mises to improve housing and to moderat exorbitant rents. Therefore, the best hop Ann Arbor tenants seems to be to or themselves; by building, by block, by lan 'I'T.TC 't1? QnL'~ AV (1t nF~r f h *L-. ' t',.~ eds of curity little in the crum- were listen- rapid- shows terior. good to re- and )n the r pro- te the pe for ganize dlord. toT1. P - - -