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October 03, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-03

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See Editorial Page


Sir F iVa

:43 a t t]Y

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 26

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 3, 1975

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Spare change?
The South University branch of the Ann Arbor
Bank and Trust had an unexpected withdrawal yes-
terday and they want their money back. At ap-
proximately 9:30 a.m. an unidentified white male
strolled in, handed a note to one of the tellers say-
ing he wanted some cash, grabbed the loot and left
out the back door. Ann Arbor police said "not too
much" money was stolen, while bank personnel
would not disclose the amount. The bandit remains
at large. He did not exhibit a gun or any other
weapon at the bank.
Spare typewriters?
The man who tried to loot the Ann Arbor Bank
might be in the wrong racket. Police reports say
he got small change, while the big haul apparently
was at the County Building. Because four costly
electric typewriters turned up missing last week -
at a total value of $2,800 - the County Commis-
sioners voted Wednesday night to buy locks for
the remaining machines at a cost of $1,300. It may
be a case of locking the barn after the horse is
stolen, but on the other hand it might keep some-
body else from slipping another Selectric under
their coat.
Loose lips
Reporters like Police Chief Walter Krasny. The
Chief is open and friendly - unusual traits in a
law-enforcement honcho. But above that, he talks
freely about big cases, even while they're in prog-
ress, and he gives reporters good quotes. But Kras-
ny really topped everything the other day when he
told the crowd at a press conference that the ran-
som paid to free the GM executive and his wife
"would buy somebody four or five Mark IV's." The
Mark IV is made by Ford. Wonder what he meant
by that.
Happenings .. .
... The 1975 Quad and Stereo show begins today
at noon on the third floor of the League and runs
untl 6. It continues Saturday and Sunday . . . the
United Way Fair also begins today at Briarwood,
and runs all weekend, with games and booths ex-
plaining the services provided by United Way
agencies . . . at 3:00 p.m. Art Schwartz speaks on
"The Politics of Statistics, IQ, and Heredity," in
the Rackham Amphitheatre . . . at 7:30 Val Wood-
ward speaks on "Race, IQ, Heredity, and Scien-
tific Racism," also in the Amphitheatre . . . at 8:00
the Ann Arbor Libertarian League wll present a
tape by Nathaniel Branden on "The Objectivist
Movement" at 1015 E. University.
Love and death
There's a new type of skin-flick around that
makes variations on the two-backed beast look
pretty tame. In these movies, actual murder and
disembowelment are seen on the screen. Warning,
the rest of this item may cause you to lose your
lunch. Viewers at the screenings reportedly pay
up to $200 to view the gore, according to New York
police. The movies are called "snuff" or "slasher"
films. The cop said the films begin with an actress
and several actors performing a variety of sex
acts, when a knife appears. The actress, obviously
unaware of the film's nature, is then stabbed and
taken apart. Police say they believe the movies are
made in South America, perhaps in Argentina. But
they say the only possible criminal prosecution
would be for obscenity, since the murder would
be impossible to prove.
Putting education to work

There's no telling what a couple of clever col-
lege students won't think up. Up at MSU, a pair
of intelligent entrepeneurs have started a service
where they "rent" fictitious apartments to couples
living together so the parents of the lovers won't
catch on. The $20 per month fee includes a tele-
phone number to send Mom and Dad, including
an answering service to explain why you're not in
your own bed at 8:00 a.m. Ma and Pa comning for
a visit? No sweat. You just crash at the real apart-
ment of the students running the service.
On the inside .
. . . Sports features Rick Bonino's preview of
the Missouri game . . . Arts has Friday's incom-
parable Cinema Weekend . . . and the Editorial
Page showcases Larry Cooperman writing on the
decline of the housing market in Ann Arbor since
World War II.
On ~the outside . .






SAN FRANCISCO (A') - A lawyer for
Patricia Hearst said yesterday he's sure
the once-fugitive heiress had nothing to
do with any murder, although he said he
won't be surprised if she is charged with
Hearst reportedly has been identified
as the young woman who rented a ga-
rage for a getaway car used in a sub-
urban Sacramento bank holdup in which
a woman cu.stomer was shotgunned to
death. Federal prosecutors say it's pos-
sible Hearst and her revolutionary com-
panions may be charged with murder.
THEY'RE undoubtedly trying to pile
up more charges against her," attorney
Terence Hallinan said in an interview.
"I'm confident she was never involved
in a murder and if they throw any mur-
der charge at her, they'll never make it
stick," he said.

In Los Angeles, a county grand jury
indicted Hearst and Symbionese Libera-
ton Army members William and Emily
Harris in connection with a May 1974
crime spree in Los Angeles County.
THE INDICTMENTS, charging three
counts of armed robbery, six of assault
with a deadly weapon and two of kid-
napping, were expected to replace state
felony charges previously filed against
the three.
The Harrises have been held in Los
Angeles since last week.
Prosecution of the state charges
against Hearst would depend on develop-
ments in the federal prosecution on a
bank robbery charge here.
The ties between the SLA and crimes
in Sacramento became stronger yester-
day as the FBI confirmed that the Har-
rises lived in a rundown frame house

near the state Capitol from February to
sometime in June.
THOSE DATES coincide with the mur-
der-holdup at a Crocker National Bank
branch in suburban Carmichael, and the
robbery in February of a Sacramento
savings and loan office.
And the FBI confirmed a San Fran-
cisco Chronicle report that federal law
enforcement sources are positive Hearst
rented the garage used to house a stolen
car employed in the Crocker robbery.
The newspaper quoted its sources as say-
ing that was Hearst's only known role in
the holdup.
But a number of other links have been
reported between the SLA and the bank
heist. In addition to the fatal wounding
of 42-year-old Myrna Opsahl, four other
persons were stomped as they lay face

SOURCES say the fingerprints of
James Kilgore, an SLA sympathizer,
were found on one of the two getaway
cars, and a green scarf similar to one
worn by a female robber was found in
the apartment where Hearst and radical
Wendy Yoshimura were arrested Sept.
Police sources in Los Angeles said yes-
terday that investigators were probing
possible SLA links to the execution-style
slaying of a Los Angeles policeman five
days before a shootout that claimed the
lives of six SLA members. Michael Lee
Edwards was shot with a 9mm handgun,
the source said, the same size as guns
found in the Hearst and Harris hide-
outs. But none of yesterday's indict-
See HEARST, Page 9


Flord Q,
Sinai 41
ident Ford assured the Sen- er
ate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee yesterday that it has C
been told about all the th'






reached with Israel and
Egypt as part of the Sinai
Ford's formal statement,
presented in a closed hear-
ing by Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger, appeared
to remove a roadblock from
congressional approval for
the stationing of 200 Amer-


can technicians in the des-
rt passes.
H O W E V E R, Sen. Frank
hurch (D-Idaho), told reporters
he issue of whether the Ameri-
an people are to be given the
formation still remains.
The texts of three understand-
ngs Kissinger reached with Is-
ael and another with Egypt al-
eady have been leaked to the
ress and published.
Kissinger testified more than
even hours. He will return Fri-
ay for another round.



House side, mean-
International Rela-

Police catch2more
city kidnap suspects
Authorities apprehended two Ann Arbor men early yesterday in
northern Ohio, ending the 48-hour search for the three abductors
of a local General Motors executive and his family.
According to officials, authorities arrested Kenneth Royce, 18,
in Edgartown, Ohio following police questioning there and FBI
agents apprehended John Szynwelski, 20, in Cleveland as he stepped
off a Greyhound express from Toledo.
POLICE SAID nearly all of the $54,000 ransom payment has
been recovered.
Although GM officials denied funding the ransom payment, Ann
ArborPolice Chief Walter Krasny said yesterday the company
supplied $52,000.
Edgarton Police Chief Jerry Thornsley said he found over
$25,000 stashed in a pillow case in the rear of Royce's motorcycle,
and FBI agents in Cleveland claim they retrieved nearly $24,000
from Szynwelski.
THE THIRD kidnaping suspect, Daniel Wirth, 21, also of Ann
Arbor, was arrested sometime before noon Wednesday at his Dhu-
Varren Rd. home.
See 2, Page 8
l."::: fi-ij i} Z§ ::::§,g,.C*
"What do you want when ydu
gotta have something, and it's
gotta be good, and it's gotta be
enough and you only gotta dime
. . What do you want?"
If you only have a dime, you4
might have to settle for a few
pieces of bubble gum these
days. But among those in the
city with lots of change in their
nr'Vpts.the cnfectionary front-

tions Committee beat down a
move by Rep. Michael Harring-
ton (D-Mass.), to compel Ford
to make all the understandings
The House committee adopted
an amendment by Rep. Robert
Lagomarsino (R-Calif.), that all
provisions except for the sta-
tioning of Americantechnicians
in Sinai would not be binding on
With those votes the commit-
tee cleared the way for acting
on use of the technicians today.
Even so, today's deadline set
by the administration for final
congressional approval will pass
with the outcome still unclear.
KISSINGER, with Church at
his side, told reporters that "the
discussions were conducted in a
cooperative spirit between two
branches that have the same ob-
He said he brought no new
secret agreements to the Senate
committee but had reported "in
great detail, explaining the sig-
nificance we attach to each pro-
Kissingerrdid'not divulge the
content of Ford's formal state-
ment, except to say it was sub-
mitted in conformity with a
resolution adopted this week
asking the White House to cer-
tify that there were no remain-
ing secret agreements with Is-
rael or Egypt.
AFTER his morning testimony
Kissinger said both the admin-
istration and the committee took
the attitude that "speed is of
the essence."
He predicted that "a solution
satisfactory to the administra-
tion and Congress will be
However, while extending Kis-
singer's testmony, the commit-
tee postponed plans to hear 18

Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
A BINGO ENTHUSIAST hits the jackpot during an evening of small-time gambling at the
local Elks Club yesterday. Bingo lovers congregate at the club every Thursday.

Small-time gamblers flock
to Elk's Club bingo game

Bingo at the Elk's Club is to gambling what
spiked punch is to a shot of bourbon. Both are
sweetened, watered down variations still car-
rying an undeniable kick.
It is this kick that draws about 200 pre-
dominantly middle-aged bingo enthusiasts to
the Elk's Main St. Lodge every Thursday
evening to try their luck at the game. The lure
of gambling, even in the innocuous form of
bingo, is unmistakable.
"IT'S NOT a very exciting way to gamble,"
scoffed one University graduate student, who
then admitted to having lost about $40.00 the
last eight or nine times he has played.
"It's addicting," shrugged another man, ex-
plaining his frequent playing.
The rules are simple. The object is to cover
a certain pattern of squares on the bingo card,
accomplished by drawing the number and let-

ter combination corresponding to a square on
one of the cards.
AS SOON as one of the patterns has been
filled, the player. raises a hand and shouts
"bingo." If more than one player has a bingo
then the money is split among the winners.
There are several variations on the game,
involving stakes as high as $500. The prizes,
along with the sheer fun of playing, are what
bring people back week after week.
"We use bingo to raise money for the build-
ing fund," explained Bob Steinke, who, along
with fellow Elk Dick Wayne has co-chaired
the games for the past two years.
ACCORDING to Steinke, there is no real
skill involved in the game, Number and letter
combinations are chosen automatically and at
This has, however, not stopped players rom
See SMALL, Page 8

witnesses in open session.



Techs may unionize

University technicians v o t e
Monday and Tuesday on whether
they will be represented by the
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Emplo-
yees (AFSCME).
More than 900 technicians are
employed by the University un-
der 110 different job :lassifica-
tions, the largest category be-
ing Licensed Practical N,,rses.
THE AFSCME Technicians
Organizing Committee has been
working frover a vear to 4'h-

about the possibility of person-
nel cuts because of the Uni-
versity's present financial prob-
JUST HOW successful the
technicians will be in abtaining
what they want is uncertain.
G l e n n Marshall, AFSCME
staff representative and cam-
paign director for the election
indicated that the union is not
committing itself to any definite
proposals before the election.
"We don't promise them any-
'' a "hParnpri 0A '!?lt , tn

days of the election if AFSCME
The election is scheduled for
this Monday and Tuesday.
ing full- and part-time LPN's
hired prior to August 29, 1975
are eligible to vote. According
to the organizing committee,
they will be given paid time off
by the University for the pur-
pose of voting.
Univeristy officials were not
available for comment.
Turnout is expec'ed to be

M~W -

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