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October 02, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-02

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 25

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 2, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Lfl1! :SE APit Y
Gee, thanks Ma
It seems Ma "Barker" Bell, notorious gangster
of the corporate state, will go to great lengths to
get traditionally stingy students to make long dis-
tance phone calls. In her latest promo endeavor,
good ol' Ma has sent all the quaddie kiddies and
other dorm dwellers little "study break" packets
which include such nifty knick-knacks as a plastic
fold-up pencil holder a la early American shlock, a
handy-dandy book mark shaped like a telephone
receiver, and a "study break rate chart" com-
pleta with long-distance rate listings. Last but
hardly least, Ma has provided pre-written, fill-in-
the-blank postcards so students can "write" the

arrests ci
FBI agents arrested a 21-year-old man yesterday and
issued warrants for two others in connection with the
kidnapping late Monday evening of a General Motors
executive and his family at their Ann Arbor Township
William Schulenberg was held in his home for 13
hours Tuesday morning while his wife and three sons
were abducted and forced into the trunk of their com-
pany-owned Cadillac. A colleague of Schulenberg's
paid the kidnappers $54,000 in ransom out of Schulen-
berg's bank account.
DANIEL WIRTH, 21, of Beaumont Avenue was arrest-
ed by authorities yesterday morning "on the edge of
the city," according to Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
FBI sources said yesterday that John Szenynwelzki,
18, and Kenneth Royce; 18, both of Ann Arbor, are also
sought and charged as fugitives.
Wirth is charged with violating federal kidnapping
and extortion laws and will appear today before a

Detroit judge.
their way into



to police, three masked men forced
the Schulenberg's Waldenwood Lane


friends at home - of course there is
the phone number.

a space for

To be or knot to be
If the Wolverine football team maintains its tying
streak, it will not be eligible for the celebrated
Rose Bowl or the other noted post-season gridiron
clashes. But recent campus speculation has it that
the Mighty Men from Michigan will be invited to
attend the newly created Tie Bowl. The event will
take place in Corbata, Thailand where the Wol-
verines will tangle with a yet undetermined team.
Bo "Straight-laced" Schembechler was unavail-
able for comment but was reportedly tongue-tied
at the news. One player, however, reportedly com-
mented, "I'm not going to tie up much time wor-
rying about this thing. I'm sure we'll string 'em
up." The sources also disclosed that Athletic Di-
rector Don Canham is allegedly ordering new uni-
forms for the match - tie dyed, of course.
Happenings .. .
today are as scant as cheap apartments in
the city. Start your day by sleeping late and then
attending the latest lecture of the Symposium on
Biological Determinism which is being sponsored
by the Ann Arbor chapter of Science for the Peo-
ple. At 3 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater Rich-
ard Kunnes will discuss "Political Determinants
of Violence" and if you hang around Rackham
until 7:30 and move your bum to the lecture hall
there you can catch M. Ashley Montagu, a speak-
er on the same series, discuss "Aggression" . - ,
at 8 p.m. go to a free class on relaxation exercises
and basic meditation techniques, and the yoga
philosophy of Ananda Marga at 621 E. William st
(above the Creative Arts Workshop) . . . There's
an SGC meeting tonight at 7 pm on the third floor
of the Union . . . The Michigan Undergrad Eco-
nomics Assoc. is inviting everyone to their or-
ganizational meeting at 7 pm. room 102 at the
Econ Bldg . . . or attend a male body awareness
workshop at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 24, Tyler House,
E. Quad . . . The Latin American Film Series is
presenting "Lucia," a Cuban epic of love and
revolution in the Nat. Ei. And at 8 n.m. Admis-
sion is $1.50 . . . and remember that Charlie Brown
and Snoopy are 25-years-old this week.
Lap dog
A pedigree German shepherd named Michael
lapped up three pints of beer in a Glasgow, Scot-
land tavern, then jumped on the bar and frighten-
ed customers and staff members. Next stop for the
rambunctious mongrel and his owner was a local
court where Michael's "daddy," 50-year-old Gil-
bert Toner pleaded that the dog wasn't drunk -
just angry because he had been served a short
measure of scotch. Toner said the dog could not
possibly have started the row from intoxication
since Michael's normal night's slosh was in the
upwards of 11 pints. Toner was fined $45 for re-
fusiog to leave the pub, assault, and causing a
breach of peace.
Tarred and feathered
The Mecklenburg County Boy Scout Council in
Charlotte N.C. is having its feathers ruffled by the
federal government. Officials are ordering that the
scouts change the plumage of their Sioux Indian
costumes which they have used in ceremonials, ap-
parently violating a federal law against posses-
sing the feathers of certain endangered birds. The
costumes and headdresses, which include hawk
and owl feathers, will be turned over to the Char-
lotte Nature Museum by the end of the year to
comply with a directive issued by the Interior De-
partment's Fish and Wildlife Service. The cos-
tumes containing the forbidden feathers were the
creations of three Explorer Scouts.
On the inside .. .
Sports page features Leba Hertz's look at the
late Casey Stengel . . . James Valk puts the spot-
light on campus flicks in Arts . . . and the Edi-
torial page promises Kenneth Stein's assessment
of the Mideast situation.
On the outside ..
A preview of things to come! As arctic air con-

home late Monday evening. Two of the gunmen fled,
forcing Ms. Schulenberg and her three sons Bob, 16,
Jeff, 15, and Bill, 11, into the trunk of the GM-owned
red Cadillac.
Police said the third suspect remained at the home
while Schulenberg, under gunpoint, phoned other GM
officials to arrange for the ransom payment and re-
lease of his family.
FBI sources say they have recovered a portion of
the $54,000 ransom which was paid early Tuesday
morning. Estimates as to the amount of the recovered
ransom conflicted.
AUTHORITIES say they are undertaking an "exten-
sive" search for the fugitives involving agents from
the FBI, state police, and city police.
Teams are searching an area in which the eldest
Schulenberg son, Bob, was gagged and bound to a tree
By AP and Reuter history o
W A S H I N G T O N been an
-- The two Secret Service Francisc
agents who interviewed -She
mental p
Sara Moore the night be- when q u
fore she fired a shot at thoughtt
; /M President Ford said yester- trying to
day their decision to re- YAUGI
lease her without surveil- played n
lance was proper and they ther For
would do it again under son Roc
the same circumstances. anyhatr
"Given the facts I had mSnet
at my fingertips, I had to tioned
make a decision," agent ---
Gary Yauger said, "I would
make the decision again." H
HIS TESTIMONY came after
San Francisco Detective John f
O'Shea disputed Secret Service
contentions that he assured
Yauger and another agent that
Moore was not a presidential
security problem. SAN
In fact, O'Shea said, he told serious n
oto the agents that because of her Patricia
apparent interest in attracting Thec
attention, Moore "could be an- in Sacra
f "help- other Squeaky Fromme," a ref- killed inc
'2". No erence to another woman ac-
cused of attempting to kill Ford
---- -- on September 5. DUAN]
The agents, in turn, disputed the FBI
the detective's statement. Hearst a
YAUGER and Agent Martin Hearst o
Haskell were called as witness- "If w
es to describe their question-
ing of Moore on the night of UND
September 21 and their subse- a felony
e of the quent decision not to have her he or she
connected placed under surveillance dur- "
ed off its ing the President's visit to San federal a
is also Francisco the following day. men aft
tient him- Senator Joseph Montoya (D- mnat
ected the N.M.), the subcommittee chair- He refus
attempt. man, repeatedly asked why in the c
they did not consider Moore a Thet
e hospital threat when she recently had found in
(the FBI) been carrying a gun and had her close
rate, and told O'Shea she wanted to "test
he staff." the system." EAR
ded Marc The two agents made the fol- questione
nt hospi- lowing points: from pr
-Moore had a "logical rea- He s
late that son for having a gun" because where a
'as an at- she told them her life had been ed to off
threatened by radical groups " s
in the San Francisco area. It is no
2 -She had no police record, no cases fil

after one abductor removed him from the car trunk,
said Krasny.
Krasny told The Daily Tuesday that officials are in-
vestigating area motels because they believed the car
with the hostages was parked near a motel when the
captors phoned instructions to Schulenberg.
GEORGE GRIFFITH, a GM official and personal
friend of Schulenberg, who brought the ransom pay-
ment to the Schulenberg home, described one captor
as "very nervous. He changed his mind every fifteen
Griffith was forced to remain in his car after making
the "drop".
Expressing relief that all hostages were returned
unharmed, Griffith said, "The person that gets hurt is
usually the one that's not doing anything wrong."
GRIFFITH said police described the suspects as
At one point, an abductor opened the trunk of the
car and shot three bullets through the lid to provide
ventilation after Ms. Schulenberg complained of a lack
of air.
d e fend


f violent acts and had
informer both to San
o police and to the FBI.
displayed none of the
roblems agents look for
e s t i o n i n g persons
to have potential for
harm the President.
ER said Moore dis-
o animosity toward ei-
d or Vice President Nel-
kefeller nor indicated
ed toward the govern-
the woman had men-
she might be going

armed to Palo Alto, California,
a stop on the President's itin-
erary before his San Francisco
visit, Yauger said he asked
specific questions about her in-
"Were you going to shoot the
President at Palo Alto?"
"Were you going to shoot a
"'No,' she replied calmly,"
he said.
THE agent said he was only
See AGENTS, Page 2

Iron inian
An Ohio ironworker flexes his muscles, claiming his job at a construction site consists o
ing out wherever they need strength." This modern Goliath weighs 360 pounds and stands 6
wonder he's a former Golden Gloves boxer.
VA pobecontinu(
By ROB MEACHUM and red Sunday night, involved ities believe that on
JO MARCOTTY Jesse Brower - a 75-year-old visitors may have dis
A spokesman for the FBI in man whose breathing machine the machine and turn
Detroit said yesterday that the was disconnected. He was saved alarm system. There
agency is continuing its probe moments later when a therapist speculation that the pa
of an apparent murder attempt reconnected t h e equipment. self could have disconn
at the Veterans Hospital last Brower suffered no adverse ef- equipment in a suicide
weekend and said nobody has fects from the attempt, accord-
'been charged yet in the case. ing to hospital officials. ACCORDING to one
The attempt, according to both "There is still a question administrator, "They(
hospital officials and the FBI, whether it was done accidental- do believe it's delibe
is in no way connected with the ly or intentionally," commented they don't think it's t
sinister series of respiratory and FBI agent Jay Bailey. He added "So what's left?" ad
cardiac arrests and 11 deaths that agents "have done some Gullickson, an assista
of patients which occurred be- interviews both inside and out- tal administrator.
tween July 1 and August 15 as side of the hospital-but we Most officials specu
a result of poisoning. The FBI have not charged anyone yet." the Sunday incident w
is still investigating that mys- Three of Brower's relatives tempted mercy killing.
terio'ls chain of events. and one nurse were present at
THE INCIDENT, which occur- the time of the incident. Author- See FBI, Page

Karst, Harrises may
re murder charge
By AP and Reuter
FRANCISCO - U.S. attorneys said yesterday they expect
ew charges - possibly even murder - to be filed against
Hearst and her radical associates.
charges being considered stem from two bank robberies
mento last February and April. A bank customer was
one of the holdups.
E KEYES, U.S. attorney from Sacramento, told reporters
was investigating the robberies, and said evidence shows
ind William and Emily Harris were in the area at the time.
d whether authorities might file murder charges against
r the Harrises for the bank robbery, Keyes said:
we found sufficient evidence, yes. If not, no."
ER California law, anyone who knowingly takes part in
in which a person is killed is guilty of murder even if
did not commit it.
an't be specific, but there is a very definite possibility of
nd state charges," U.S. Atty. James Browinng told news-
er a summit meeting of prosecutors to discuss the case.
ed to specify which figures in the case might be named
harges under consideration.
two prosecutors said they were working from evidence
hideouts used by Hearst and the Harrises, believed to be
est associates during 19 months on the run.
LIER, California Attorney General Evelle Younger was
ed on whether Hearst may be made an offer of immunity
osecution if she turns state's evidence.
aid immunity was frequently offered in criminal cases
number of people were involved and the state felt it need-
er it in order to present an effective case. He then added,
t my impression that this is going to be necessary in the
ed so far."

- - ------- ---

School board readies
illage hike campaign
The city school board met last night to drum up support for
a millage increase request and explain their campaign strategy to
a public which has not approved such a tax hike in over six years.
The board claimed the school district needs the 2 mill property
tax raise, which would be levied for three years, to offset reve-
nue losses created by state changes in tax collection.
BOARD President Paul Weinhold told an informal gathering
of some 50 parents, teachers and school administrators that the
additional money would barely provide for the maintenance of
current programs and would ward off a need for "crippling cut-
hr ~

LSA students may review transcripts

A provision in the recently approved recom-
mendations of the Graduation Requirements
Commission (GRC) will allow students more of
a hand in painting the picture of their aca-
demic careers in the Literary College (LSA).
Students may now requests that their tran-
scripts be altered to list only grades but no
courses, or courses but no grades, or to have
all grades translated into pass/fail notation.
GRADE POINT averages will be deleted
from non-graded transcripts, and the option a
student has taken will be clearly indicated on
the document.

will be presented to prospective graduate
schools and employers.
"STUDENTS should have the right to make
that decision." Grew added.
This new policy, along with the new plus-
minus grading scale, gives new meaning to
the transcript as an interpretation of student
academic performance.
According to the GRC newsletter, LSA stu-
dents can expect changes in other areas as
well. Distribution requirements, a long-time
focus of student complaints, have been loos-
ened to allow students to develop their own
programs rather than choosing from pre-de-
termined lists in the natural sciences. social




scripts) can now rep-
resent a personal com-
munication between
faculty and student in-
stead of a public com-
munication betwe en
university and stu-
dont '



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