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September 28, 1975 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-28

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% Page Eight


Sunday, September 28, 1975

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 28, 1975'







(Continued from Page 1)
terference call worth 19 yards
on Baylor's Scooter Reed for
tripping up Michigan wingback
Jim Smith.
Four plays after the ensuing
kickoff, Michigan middle guard
Rick Koschalk recovered agBay-
lor fumble on the Michigan 39.
But the Wolverines wasted the
opportunity only two plays later
they lost a fumble after a
missed handoff.
BAYLOR quickly came to life:
and engneered a scoring drive
from its own 47 in 14 plays.
Franklin, who dislocated his
shoulder during the period, ac-
counted for seven of those plays
and 23 yards including three
crucial third and short yardage
BOTH TEAMS missed field
goal attempts before the half-
Michigan from the 31, Baylor
from the 32.
The Baylor field goal try was
set up after Baylor drove from
its own ten to the Michigan 18.
on a clock-eating 15 play drive.
On a third and eight play
Michigan linebacker C a 1 v i n
O'Neal dropped Jackson for a
seven yard loss, forcing the
Bears into an attempt from
the 32.
Hick's field goal try sailed off
to the left.
with a drive of their own from
their 20 to the Baylor 24. Two
key passes-one to tight end

FG attempt sails wide

Mark Schmerge for 13 yards,
and another to split end Keith
Johnson for 28 yards powered
the effort that ended when Bob
Wood's field goal attempt from
the 31 fell short.
The second half began as a,
defensive struggle, neither team
able to engineer a substantial
After several punt exchanges
the Bears got a break when
Michigan's freshman quarter-

back Leach, directing hiss
ond play of the game, three
pass intended for Keith John
into the arms of linebac
Johnny Slaughter at the M
igan 43.
SLAUGHTER returned the
rant toss to the 23, giving
Bears a prime scoring ,pp
stun ity.
After giving up a 13-y
scramper to Jackson, the M
igan defense rose to the o

1st MICH G. Bell (6 yd,.
run) Wood kick
BAYL M. Jackson (1
yd. run) Hicks kick
3rd BAYL Franklin (2
yd. run) Hicks kick
4th MICH G. Bell (1 yd.
run) Wood kick
Total First Downs
Rushing att/net yds 53-
Yds gain/lost 185
Net yds. passing
Passes att/com/int 10-
Tot. Off. plays/yds 63-
Avg gain/play
Int./yds. ret.
Punts avg./blkd. 4-4
Punt ret./net yds. 1 (
Kickoff ret. no/yds. 3
Penalties no./yds.
Fumbles no./lost

7 0
7 7
7 14
14 14

M. Jackson
A. Jackson



sec- sion and stopped Baylor just
w a short of the goalline.
son The Wolverines were soon
ker forced to punt out of their own
ich- end zone and the Baylor offense,
regaining possession on the
er- Michigan 45, was not to be de-
the nied.
por- WITH THE aid of two key
passes - a 16-yarder to Ricky
'ard Thompson and an 11-yarder to
ich-: Franklin-Baylor scored in eight
cca- plays to take a 14-7 lead.
Michigan's Bell ran the en-
25suing kickoff back 64 yards to
1.2 the Baylor 35, quickly giving
o.7 Michigan good field position.
But the Wolverines could not
3.6 capitalize as the stingy Bear de-
5.6 fense, led by end Jim Arnold,
1.8 threw Bell for a loss on a fourth
5.7 and one play from the 26 as the
for rth qlarter opened.
yds BAYLOR wingback Alcy Jack-
53 son fumbled just two plays la-
0 ter, giving the Maize and Blue
y new life from the Baylor 32.
117 Kaschalk pounced on the pig-
skin, his second fumble recovery
of the day.

15 21
10 15 Elzinga
3 6Lec
2 0 Leach
166 60-221
519 238-1 M. Jackson
-3-2 20-11-0'
-219 80-338.
3.5 4.2-
0 2-20 Johnson
49-0 4-36-0 Schmerge
-1) 2-8
3-85 3-28
0-0 3-36 Smith
1-1 4-2; Thompson
A. Jackson
yds avg Harper
89 3.7
11 11.0 Baylor

att comI nt
7 3 1
3 0 1
att com Int
20 11 0
no yds
1 28
1 , 13


Daily Photo by KEN FINK
MICHIGAN'S Dwight Hicks (17), Don Dufek (35), Greg Morton (77), and Mike Holmes (40) team up to crush Baylor tailback
Cleveland Franklin in part of yesterday's action at Michigan S tadium. Franklin, who according to an old Baylor fan runs "like
a bull with a bee in his ear," ran for 135 yards and a touch down for his part in the 14-14 tie. This was more than twice the
yardage the Bear's second leading ground gainer, fullback Mike Ebow, collected. Ebow managed just 50 yards in nine attempts.




An 11-nlay drive, relying heav-
ily on the running of Bell and
f"llback Rob Lytle, took Mich-
inn in for the final score, which
again tied the game, 14-14, with
8:10 remaining.
Neither team was able to sus-
tain an attack until Baylor drove
to the Michigan 22 for the field
goal attempt in the waning





Polomen sink


Bosox clinch
The BostonRed Sox clinch-
ed the American League title
yesterday to advance into the
playoffs against the Oakland
A's. Although the Red Sox
lost to the Cleveland Indians,
5-2, the Yankees swept a
twin bill from Baltimore 3-2
and 7-3, to enable the Bosox
to back in.

The Michigan Water polo
team coasted past the Cincin-
nati Bearcats 12-6 yesterday at
Matt Mann pool. The Wolver-
ines led all the way after scor-
ing the game's first 5 goals.
Three of those five goals
came in the first period. But
according to Michigan coach
Stu Isaac, his team's early 3-0
advantage wasn't really de-
served. "We really played mis-
erably in the first period," said
the coach. "We could have just
ase easily been 3 down."
H O W E V E R, AN opening
tally by Dick Brown followed
by two Joe Bauer goals gave

Cincinnati f i n a 1 1 y broke
through at 3:34, as Larry Bar-
biere took a long pass and
fooled goalie Jim Firestone.
The teams then traded goals to
make the score 6-2 at the half.
KATHY HENNEGHAN goals by Ric Pepper and one
RICH LERNER each by 'Gordon Downie and
..:. : .::Yawitz, plus four key saves by
the Wolverines a lead they nev- Firestone gave the Wolverines
er relinquished. Senior stand- a 10-2 lead. The defense check-
out Richie Yawitz opened the ed well and crisp passing char-
second period scoring at 2:03 on acterized Michigan's attack.
a penalty shot, and Bauer com- The play of Barbiere and
pleted a hat track with a half- Chuck Hickok, both partici-
court drive only 20 seconds lat- pants in the 1968 Olympics,
er. brought the Bearcats a measure
of respectability, as they com-


By The Associated Press North
EAST LANSING - Tailback itself ou
Levi Jackson bulgsd for three it hardl
first - quarter touchdowns and up, the
Hans Nielsen kicked three field times it
goals yesterday as Michigan meanwh
State swamped North Carolina at will
State, 37-15, in an non-conference Wolfpac
football game. down its

Carolina State took
ut of the game before
y began by coughing
ball the first three
had it. The Spartans,
ile, thundered almost
through the smaller
k defense and shut
offense when it wasn't
handed the ball.


win big

Badgers clawed Boilermakers dominated the
first half of the battle, but USC
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Quarter- rallied its attack in the third
back Steve Pisarkiewicz pryeirtr


loose Wisconsin's pass defense
with a 66-yard bomb in the third
quarter and lifted fifth-rankedI
Missouri from behind to a 27-21)
victory over Wisconsin yester-

. * * *
IAggies agitate
Texas A&M's Bubba Bean bolt-
ed five and 74 yards for touch-



When the Fog Lifts
-_ - __-= - _ --= Marcia Merker
Wolverine football * .
.. . consistently inconsistent
THREE GAMES into the season, Michigan remains unbeaten,
yet the Wolverines have failed to win at home in two tries.
'Are Bo's attempts to gain his 100th victory jinxed? Is Michigan
trying for an undefeated season with only one win? Is Bo tired
of meeting Ohio State undefeated with digits only in the plus
column? Or are the Wolverines simply without talent and ex-
Michigan definitely has ability, but experience is lacking.
The team has been unable to sustain long scoring drives and its
defensive secondary has not been up to its usual standards.
Coach Bo Schembechler said, "We haven't got anybody
out there offensively, I mean as far as experience goes.
"We've got .Bell and that's about it, except Smith, but he's
not a senior."
But there's a lot more to winning a game than the skill of
the players. At Michigan it appears to be a question of consist-
"Every time we get the ball it seems like there's some kind
of foul up," Schembechler commented. "We make one mis-
take and it's third and eight. We're just a very inconsistent
team now."
The statistics tell the sory. The Wolverines gave up 3.6
yards per rushing carry yesterday while just two weeks ago the
same squad yielded only 2.3 yards per rushing carry to the more
highly touted running attack of Wisconsin and Billy Marek.
The quarterback has also been inconsistent for the Wolver-
ines. Rich Leach began the first two games this season with
Mark Elzinga seeing limited action. Yesterday, Bo started the
more experienced Elzinga but replaced him early in the third
quarter with Leach to finish the game.
Up to that point, Elzinge was three for seven and had
moved Mchigan 75 yards for a touchdown in the opening
minutes. Despite this, Schembechler replaced the junior
with the freshman who went zero for three in the air and
led only one drive that netted a first down.
Besides these erratic moves by the coaches and the players,
even Michigan's consistencies have hindered its effectiveness.
Bo uses Gordon Bell iS per cent of the time when it's third
and short. During the Stanford game, in nine of these situations,
Bell carried five times and never once made the first down.
Michigan has also consistently thrown and fumbled the ball
away. Last season, the Wolverines averaged under .5 intercep-
tions per game; this season the quarterbacks have thrown two

bined for 4 goals in the last
"The guys really improved
as the game went on," said
coach Isaac. "We talked about
Cincinnati breakaways at half-
time, and after that they real-
ly looked good."
HE ADDED that besides "the
usual stalwarts (Yawitz Bauer,
Firestone), I was especially
pleased by the nerformances of
Dick Brown, Wylie; and back-
up goalie Chuck Cullen."
The game did not count in
the Midwest Intercollegiate Wa-
ter Polo Conference standings.
League play resumes Friday as
the Ohio St. Buckeyes visit

iggg~gsgiggiggiMi~s~ssa:A~isiea~2E-MM~ummisisssgisil::W~i~imaaggssai. Te Bager' Bily arekdowsdown u ay Sdaturdahth
.*ilMaet..'...:. r.,.: :...."* . . :::"">::;>:.:;: *.*.*.*. ... :.:: : Mchigan State is now 2-1 on The Badeers' ily ateyawietels rpe e i e aermark o w nsed Aggresymangd m Ill-i
M c ganStae i no 2- onset a Bia Ten career mark of ranked Aggies mangled Illinois
Nrth yarolia tae os d- 38 touchdowns by plunging 43-13 yesterday.
S C 0 R ENSth yarowilaSe tlos2. I droppedt onernc
* * *Cr one yard to the end zone for The Southwest Conference Ag-
MICHIGAN 14, Baylor 14 J. C. Smith 21, Hampton Inst. 6 Wisconsin's lone score in the gies intercepted three passes
Penn State 30, Iowa 10 Middle Tenn. St. 12, Morehead St. Bucks tar final half. 1 and recovered two fumbles in
Indiana 31, Utah 7 Lewis & Clark 21, W. Washington 20 COLUMBUS, Ohio-Pete John- * * * sending Illinois to its second
Texas A&M 43, Illinois 13 S. State, Ark. 41, Cent. Methodist 7 scored a school record five loss in three games.
Michigan State 37, N.C. State 15 Austin Col. 14, Colo. Col. 14 sonsc.ofive s * * *
Minnesota 10, Oregon 7 Allegheny 32, Hiram Col. 0 touchdowns and Archie Griffin lush stew
Missouri 27, Wisconsin 21 Citadel 16, Wofford 7 became the greatest yardage SOUTH BEND-Snappy sonho- H ohok
Notre Dame 31, Northwestern 7 Marshall 36, Illinois St. 3 Joe Montana provided H osiers bo
Ohio State 32, N. Carolina 7 San Jose St. 36, Stanford 34 ter in the sor seventh-ranked Notre Dame with
Southern Cal. 19, Purdue 6 Washington 14, Navy 13 terday, leading the second-rank-Sd back Terry Jones passed for 291
Kentucky 10, Maryland 10 Valparaiso 38, DePauw 17 ed Buckeyes to a 32-7 rout of the spark it needed at quarter- akTry Jnspase o 9
California 33, Wash. St. 21 Kalamazoo Cl. 14, Ohio Northern 10 North Carolina. back yesterday as the Irish e.x- yards and three touchdowns to
LSU 16, Rice 13 Oklahoma St. 61, N. Texas St. 7 Griffin's 157 yards, his 24th nhoded for a 31-7 victory over split end Trend Smock yester-
Massachusetts 7, Dartmouth 3 Georgia 28, S. Carolina 20 in Dan De- day, leading Indiana to a 31-7
Cincinnati 46, Louisville 27 Iowa State 10, Florida St. 6 straight regular season game Northwestern clCoach Dleaddi
Texas 42, Texas Tech 18 Kansas St. 17, Wake Forest 16 of over 100 yards, gave him ine's debut in Notre Dame Sta- college football vitory over
Tennessee 21, Auburn 17 Bowling Green 21, Dayton 14 a career total of 4,532 ards di'tri. Utah.
w. virginia 35, Boston Col. 18 Eastern Mich. 20, McNeese St. 6 Nth sr. .x Jones hit 14' of 17 passing at-
DAILY LIBELS vs. Central Michigan 34, Toledo 27 bettering Rex Kern's school Nortwestern cO man tempts in one stretch and di-
Edit Staff Flunkies Ashland 26, Wayne State 21 mark of 4,518 set in 1968-70. only 165 yards for the game
(1:00 at Wines Field) Hope College 30, Wheaton 9 against a ferocious Irish de- rected touchdown drives of 64
Alabama 40, Vanderbilt 71 North-Carolina, however, be fense. The Irish meanwnile, and 7 yards in the final six
Miami (O) 35, Ball State 28 BASEBALL came the first opponent this rolled up 4S5 yards total offense. minutes of the first half.
Pitt 47, William & Mary 0 American League season to score a touchdown r d 5 s* * * *
Nebraska 56, Texas Chr. 14 Cleveland 5, Boston 2 against the Buckeyes. Quarter-
Villanova 10, Army 0 New York 3, Baltimore 2 back Jimmy Paschall rifled a Iowa nitpicked Duck soup
Duke 26, Virginia 11y
Colgate 24, Cornel '22 INew York 7t Baltimore 3 seven-yard scoring pass to flan- IOWA CITY-Junior qu''arter- MINNEAPOLIS - Brian Ko-
Yale 35, Connecticut 14 Milaukee 5, Deroit 2 ker Brian Smith early in the back John Andress passed for a courek kicked a 37-yard field
Princeton 10, Rutgers 7 Oakland 6, California 3 second quarter. 70-yard touchdown and set up goal in the final minute of play
Al in:._-________ .. .. - -- .. -,,. . - ti. ....'--too t, bn" t oost Minnesota to a 10-7 vic-

Albion 7, wabash 6
Arizona 14, Wyoming 0
N. Illinois 20, Western Mich. 0
Air Force 20, UCLA 20
Colorado 52, Wichita St. 0
Harvard 18, Holy Cross 7
Kansas 20, Oregon St. 0
Furman 30, Appalachian St. 23
E. Kentucky 21, E. Tenn. St. 14

National League
Cincinnati 7, Atlanta 6
Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 2
Los Angeles 5, Houston 1
Montreal 5, Chicago 2
San Francisco 4, San Diego 1
Texas 5, Kansas City 4

Women golfers
A~. . - -
resume ativiyli

rotner on a 75-yard pass nay I1U L 1 sav,
to lead No. 12-ranked Penn State tory over Oregon yesterday.
to a 30-10 irictory over winless Minnesota, now 2-1 on the sea-
Iowa vesterday. son, scored on a one-half yard
After trailing 3-0 at the end run by J. Dexter Pride in the
of the first period, the Nittanv second quarter. The touchdown
.:. 14 asst uDi by ablockedD unt.

Upcoming contests
questions about Ili

I Philadelphia 8, New York , After a ten year absence I Lions took a 14-3 halftime lead,
from competition, the Michigan' then hit two quick touchdowns
women's golf team competed in in the fourth ouarter to seal
a meet at Central Michigan this their third victory against one
to a n sw er past weekend a g a i n s t seven defeat.
other teams. * * *
Michigan State's 36 hole score Trojans boil
tof 678 for their top four women LOS ANGELES - Southern
took first place. Purdue was Cal Quarterback Vince Evans
second at 723. ran for two touchdowns and
Michigan's only medalist was Danny Reece returned a pair of
souri affair, win or lose (or tie), Betsy Richart who captured run- punts 47 and 68 yards Saturday
iave to contend with the unpre- ner-up in the first flight. Marcia as the third-ranked Trojans
ill talented MSU Spartans who Katz's 181 was good for 11th broke a scoreless tie at the half.
sposed of much-ballyhooed North place in the individual scoring. to overcome Purdue 19-6. The
yesterday in East Lansing. Mich-
ame with Notre Dame in South
ek will probably reveal a good
Spartans' capabilities. 1

wa G p UYaUUc U.-
Auburn ambushed
KNOXVILLE - Randy Wal-
lace fired two touchdown passes
to Larry Seivers, the last cover-
ling 37 yards with 6:21 remain-
ing, and 16th-rankedTennessee
trimmed Auburn 21-17 in a
Southeastern Conference football
game. Wallace and Seivers com-
bined on a critical 80-yard
fourth-period drive to give the
favored Vols the victory over a
winless Auburn team.

"Unlike the one last week, we were lucky
to tie this one. We have a lot of work to do."
-Bo Schembechler
"Console me, we should have won it."
-Baylor Coach Grant Teaff
Few and far between are the Michigan fans
who would disagree with either of these state-
ments. Though Grant Teaff will have to wait
till he gets back to Baylor to receive the con-
solation he deserves, everyone from Schem-
bechler on down knows that the Bears have
only themselves to blame for their own second
straight tie.
They missed two field goals and were stopped
only millimeters short of Michigan's goal in
the third quarter. Had the game been played in
Waco, Texas, the Bears could quite possibly
have pulled it off.
As for the lackluster Wolverines, they have
already set an all-time Michigan record in
only their third game.TTheyahave tiedstwo
games consecutively. The mark may stand
While it may be true that Michigan was lucky
to tie Baylor, it's also apparent that they will
have to be even luckier to tie powerhouse Mis-
souri next week.,Indeed, the Tigers may estab-
lish something of a record themselves.
If they defeat Michigan next week they will
be the first team to ever defeat a Schembech-

After the Mis
the Blue will h
dictable but st
perfunctorily di
Carolina Statey
igan State's ga
Bend next wee
deal about the

In short, the next two Michigan games are
crucial. Two defeats would insure the worst
season performance since Bo came to Ann Ar-
bor. On the other hand, victories would show
that the two ties were exceptions and that un-
derpowered offense and porous defense are not
the rule for the Blue this year.
No one can really explain why Michigan
has not played well thus far. The coaches and
the players are uniform in saying that no one
thing has held them back. Rather, a collec-
tion of small mistakes against quality oppo-
sition have hurt their performance.
This may be true. Stanford and Baylor are
both several cuts above the traditional Michi-
gan out-of-conference, cannon fodder opponent.
Is it that Michigan makes the same small
mistakes at the beginning of every season and,
for a change, this year played teams that could
exploit them?

Is it
as all

that this Wolverine team is as talented
the others but its lack of experience


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