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September 28, 1975 - Image 1

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A16F A6P
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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 22

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 28, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


'Ensian competition
The Terrapin Yearbook at the University of
Maryland appears to be providing a little compe-
tition for the Michiganensian. "The Terrapin would
like you to have your senior picture taken for the
1976 Terrapin," reads a letter received by many
University of Michigan seniors recently. The only
explanation offered by the Terrapin staff is "the
computers did it." Apparently .the University of
Maryland computer banks provided the yearbook
staff with a list of students eligible for senior
status at Maryland, which included a sampling of
Michigan students. So, if you're interested in hav-
ing your senior pic displayed in the Terrapin, or
just want to order a copy, send $10 with your name
and address to Rm. 3101, Main Dining Hall, Uni-
versity of Maryland.
Battling bureaucracy
Does it ever seem that the city's metermaids
have a personal vendetta-against you? Do you have
enough unpaid parking tickets to wallpaper your
bedroom with them? Has the parking violations
department requested a warrant for your arrest?
Well, don't despair. There is a chance that some of
the tickets can be voided if you feel they were un-
fairly issued. A new Ann Arbor resident succes-
fully battled the bureaucracy at City Hall after
she was issued a parking ticket at the University's
International Center while on business there in a
space reserved for center business. After being
sent back and forth between City Hall and Univer-
sity Parking Operations, she finally appeared be-
fore a city hearing officer who voided the ticket
and ordered her $5 refunded.
Hoffa search
State police and investigator's from the state at-
torney general's office began searching a 40-acre
field yesterday morning for the body of former
Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa. State Attorney
General Frank Kelley, who was leading the search,
said there has been no evidence thus far concern-
ing "foul play or a burial spot." 'Kelley said in-
formation from federal investigators on the Sen-
ate Permanent subcommittee on Investigations led I
to a request to search the area. A mechanical dig-
ging device will be used in the search. The field
is near Pontiac.
Happenings ..
. .. Start off with a tour through fantasyland.
The theatre group "The Imaginary Menagerie,"
will be performing Alice's Adventures Through the
Looking Glass at the Ark at 2 p.m. . . . The In-
mate Project of Project Community is presenting
the film Attica as part of the "Walls of Justice"
film series in Aud. C, Angell Hall at 7:30 p.m... .
The New American movement is holding an organ-
izational meeting at 8 p.m. in Rm. 3L of the Union
.. The Washtenaw chapter of the American Civil
Liberty Union and the First Unitarian Church are
sponsoring a public discussion on the Federal
Criminal Code at 8 p.m. in the First Unitarian
Church, 1917 Washtenaw Ave. . . . Not much is on
:he agenda for Monday, however.-The only event
seems to be a double movie bill sponsored by
Project Community. The "Walls of Justice" series
continues with the showing of A Glass House and
Spider in Aud. C, Angell Hall at 7:30 p.m., admis-
sion is free.
Sex therapy
Everyone knows a dose of sex can help lift your
spirits. But if your lover has left for the weekend,
don't contemplate suicide. Two medical research-
ers in Worcester, Mass. say they are successfully
treating acute chronic depression with sex hor-
mones. Right now, the doctors are fighting profes-
sional prejudice against this treatment which they
claim resulted from initial failures in using hor-
mones to treat psychiatric disorders. However, the
two researchers say they have ironed the bugs
out of the treatment and that they've observed de-
creased depression in women treated with large
doses of the female hormone estrogen.
Muhammad Ali apparently has had his hands in

somethng besides boxing gloves lately. His highly-
publicized romance with black model Veronica
Porche has led to a rift between the champion
boxer and his wife Belinda. Ms. Ali stormed out of
the Manila Hilton Motel Friday night and caught a
plane for San Francisco after having a noisy spat
with Ali over his proclivity for engaging in rela-
tions with other women. Belinda, however, has de-
nied any problems in their married life. "I'm not
going to be the jealous type - not one woman, not
two, not six are going to come between me and





Wolverines annoy-
Band Day multitude
A Baylor field goal attempt with just six seconds re-
maining sailed off to the left to insure ninth-ranked
Michigan its second consecutive tie, 14-14 yesterday at
Michigan Stadium. The Band Day crowd of 104,248 was
the third largest in Michigan history.
The tie was also the second in a row for the Bears
whose late fourth quarter drive from their own 20 to the
Michigan 22 stalled, setting up place-kicker Bubba Hicks'
attempt from the 29.
"I'm very dejected," commented Baylor Coach Grant Teaff.
"Distance was no problem for Hicks. We could have won it."

Daily Photo by' SCOTrT ECCKER
MICHIGAN WOLFMAN Don Dufek (35) and linebacker Calvin O'Neal (96) make a wish on a Baylor running back during yester-
day's contest that ended in a 14-14 tie. O'Neal lead the Michigan defense with 14 solo tackles includling one tackle of Baylor quar-
terback Mark Jackson for a seven yard loss. Dufek had seven solos and four assists for his day's efforts. The second leading
tackler for Michigan wa safety Dwight Hicks with 11 solo tackles and 3 assists.


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Just minutes prior to the
Hicks' attempt, Michigan com-
pleted a 37-yard drive ending in
a one-yard touchdown plunge by
tailback Gordon Bell. The sen-
ior took a pitch from quarter-
back Rick Leach on the left
side and cut inside, just off end,
and dove into the end zone for
the score.
Placekicker Bob Wood fol-
lowed with the conversion to tie
the game with 8:10 remaining.
Bell also accounted for the
Wolverines' other touchdown
in the first quarter when Michi-
igan took the opening kickoff
and drove75tyards in 13 plays.
Bell capped the attack with a
six-yard touchdown jaunt down
the right sideline after taking a
pitch from junior quarterback
Mark Elzinga.
ELZINGA, in his first start
for the Blue this season, played
until early in the third quarter,
comnleting three of seven
passes for 53 yards and one in-
Other than the two scoring
drives, the Michigan attack was
well contained by Baylor's de-
"T think their defense is quick-
er than the Stanford defense we
saw last week," said Michigan
Coach Bo Schembechler, whose
Wolverines managed just 15
first downs, eight of which were
achieved in the two scoring
THE BAYLOR scores came in
the first quarter, on a two-yard
plunge off right guard by tail-
back Cleveland Franklin, and in
the third quarter on a one-yard
quarterback sneak by Mark
The Bears, using a veer at-
tack that went almost exclusive-
ly at the weak, or short side of
the field, gained 221 yards rush-
ing and 117 yards passing
against the Michigan defense.
The short side attack, accord-
ing to Teaff was intended to ex-
oloit Michigan's "weak" side
because Michigan generally
plays the roving wolfman, Don
Dufek, to the "strong" or wide
side of the field.
"Our game plan went very
well," said Teaff.
"THEY PLAYED real well
against us," remarked Wolver-
ine defensive end Dan Jilek, "no
doubt about it."
The game began with the Wol-
verines appearing very much in
charge. The opening drive that
led to the first score was
sparked by a -20-yard jaunt by
Bell around right end and in-
See MICHIGAN, Page 8

Big game
comp etes
for crowd,
Emotions generally run high
at football games and, despite
the Blues' disappointing per-
formance, yesterday was no ex-
104,238 frenzied fans, the third
largest crowd ever in the Sta-
dium, had a field day tossing
beachballs, paper airplanes,
toilet paper. ba'loons and fris-
bees, while the Wolverines
struggled below with Baylor's
THE NOW traditional passing
up the stands of the women
was another featured event, and
one victim, Kathy Nicholas of
Adams High School, said "it's
a strange feeling."
"There's really a bunch of
horny guys up there," she ob-
Colorful language accompani-
ed the Band Day panorama.
Spirited student voices, punc-
tuated with profanity, and the
famous North End cheer, at-
tempted to out-shout each other
section by section.
BUT THE fans' apparent en-
thusiasm belied their deep frus-
tration with the Wolverines' per-
"Oh, it hurts. I'm going to
cry," lamented Steve Grass, an
engineering student.
Some relief came in the sec-
ond quarter when Leroy Gates,'
a junior in the School of Edu-
cation, managed to chug an
entire fifth of wine amid cheers
of "Go, Go!"
"I FEEL good, real good . .
mellow," said Gates some time
later as he teetered up the
aisle to the back of the sta-
Chants of "Eat turf," "You
turkeys!" and "Defense, de-
fense!" quickly refocused at-
See FOOTBALL, Page 2

OPEC hikes oil prices
after bitter meeting
VIENNA (Reuter) - The major oil-exporting countries added
10 per cent to the cost of oil yesterday, but promised a price
standstill until next summer.
The new price was in line with general expectations of
Western governments, but represented a big concession by price
hawks in the 13-member Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC).
STARTING Wednesday. the average cost of OPEC oil will
be raised 1.05 dollars to 11.51 per barrel. The new price will be
frozen until June 30, 1976.
The increase adds about :0 billion dollars to the world's an-
nual oil bill and will produce new strains for western economies,
already suffering from a serious recessionary turndown. But
analysts said the rise would probably not be regarded as calami-
OPEC agreed on the new costing after a strenuous four-day
conference, described by leading participants as the toughest
and most acrimonious price haggle in the organization's 15-year
THE NEW price was disclosed by Venezuelan Mines Minister
Valentin Hernandez-Acosta vs he left the OPEC building in
Vienna, after a two-hour session yesterday.
"Venezuela is very happy at the result," he said. "The most
important thing was to reach a consensus. Everybody should be
very happy with this increase of only 10 per cent since the real
inflation rate is maybe 40 Der cent."
See OPEC, Page 2

Ford, Congress set for
domestic price fighting
WASHINGTON (IP-Congress ional Democrats are counting on
the pressure of the 1976 election to force President Ford to yield
on his proposals for hiking domestic oil prices-or face the
political consequences.
Judging from the initial White House reaction, however, they
seem more likely to get a political issue than a presidential
"THE PRESIDENT wants you to know that this is the last
extension," Presidential Press Secretary Ron Nessen said after
Congress voted to extend domestic oil price controls until Nov. 15.
Though there was the usual talk of the need to compromise
on both sides, the basic disagreement between the Republican
President and the Democratic Congress remained.
Ford seeks higher oil prices as a curb on consumption, while
congressional Democrats favor continued controls on grounds
that Ford's policy will damage economic recovery, increase the
costs to consumers and result in big profits for oil companies.
"THIS IS ONE issue where we are right both economically
and politically," one Democratic strategist said after passage
of the extension.
If anything, the Democratic attitude against permitting price
increases appears to have stiffened in the wake of the Sept. 16
New Hampshire election in which Democrat John Durkin, run-
See FIGHT, Page 2

Hearst may get new law yer'

By AP and Reuter
criminal lawyer F. Lee Bailey
may head the defense team for
Patricia Hearst, her millionaire
father has announced.
Randolph Hearst said Bailey
visited his daughter Friday and
it was up to her whether or not
to accept him. "It's strictly up
to Patty," Randolph Hearst
said. "If she gets along with
him andhas rapport with him,
Mr. Bailey will head the de-
Hearst was accused by a radical
group of returning to the "ruling
class vipers" as authorities
sought yesterday to link the reb-

said the communique, which
was received by San Francsco
radio station KPOO.
BUT THE communique also
contained a hand-written note
saying: "Patty - stay strong
to stay alive."
The communique claimed re-
sponsibility for the bombing Fri-
day of a water tank at the Shell

Oil Co. refinery in Coalinga,
southwest of Fresno, "in re-
sponse to the capture of our SLA
KPOO refused to say how it
received the communique.
HEARST, already charged
with bank robbery and federal
firearms violations, is under in-
vestigation for possible involve-

ment in a bank holdup-murder
that could carry a death sen-
She is due back in court Tues-
day when a team of psychia-
trists will give U.S. District
Court Judge Oliver Carter a pre-
liminary report on their esti-
mate of her mental competency.
See NEW, Page 6

On the ins tde.
The Sunday Magazine features a
the-scenes account of the Hoffa story .. .
Sports Page is highlighted by two analyses
terday's game with Baylor.

and the
on yes-

Magnitude of state refuse
ps roblem stuns 'U' scentists

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