Page Two DEATH THREAT RUMORED THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official fears plot Saturday, September 27, 1975 GOP asks repeal of $5 marijuana fine WASHINGTON (Reuter) - A former Agriculture Department grain inspector told Senate in- vestigators yesterday of threats against his life after he report- ed finding sour corn bound for export in a ship's hull. The testmony came as two Senate Agriculture subcommit- tees continued hearings into al- leged widespread corruption in the U.S. grain inspection system that has already brought 31 in- dictments. THE FORMER inspector,! Robert Johnson, testified he had taken bribes while working forl the department and for the pri- vate Destrehan Grain Inspec-i tion Co. Johnson told the subcommit-; tees that after he refused two years ago to permit a ship to be loaded wth soybeans becauset he had discovered sour corn in Universityresumes HOA, contract talks By JO MARCOTTY After two weeks of stalled negotiations, the University and the hospital interns and residents union have agreed to continue bargaining on a new contract. The bargaining teams met Wednesday night with a labor mediator, and according to union sources, the mediator "was helpful in getting us both talking again." DOUGLAS GEISTER, head bargainer for the University, agreed that the presence of the mediator had a positive effect on their talks. "He (the mediator) seemed to think there were a number of issues which were negotiable," Geister said. Next Monday the University and the House Officers Assoc. union will hold another bargaining session. However, the mediator will not be present. THE MAJOR stumbling blocks in the negotiations are a wage increase, and patient care and work environment issues. The HOA is demanding a 12 per .cent annual pay hike, but so far the University has offered a six per cent increase. Also, the interns and residents want more control in patient care and list 17 changes in patient care policies in their proposed contract. HOWEVER, according to union sources the University will not consider these issues. Geister declined comment on those demands, and said, "Our posture is that we have negotiated in good faith and will continue to negotiate in good faith." HOA sources maintained that patient care is the most diffi- cult issue separating the bargaining teams. "It is my belief that in the key area of work environment (and patient care) we have reached a philosophical impasse. They seem to think that work environment is reserved to man- agement. We believe otherwise because they are our conditions, and we feel we have a right to have a say in patient care," HOA sources said. A year ago, when similar contract talks stalled, the HOA held a brief work slowdown at University Hospital. The union members refused to perform non-vital, administrative duties dur- ing the job action. its hull, he began to hear ru- mors from longshoremen and grain inspectors that "there was a contract out to take my life." The Agriculture Department's Office of Investigation ignored his report of the threats, he said. JOHNSON ADDED that after quitting his job in March, 1974, he began carrying a pistol tof protect himself. An office of investigation re- port introduced. into the record by Sen. Dick Clark {D-Iowa), in- dicated the investigators talked with a number of persons who had reported the rumors to Johnson. Johnson acknowledged accept- ing bribes while an inspector with the largest bribe amount- ing to $1,000. Johnson also said he took a $1,000 bribe while em- ployed by the Agriculture De- partment. MEANWHILE, Harlen Ryan, supervisor of the Agriculture Department's grain division in New Orleans, said that despite publicity given to mis-weighing and mis-grading of grains, he believed the abuses were con- tinuing. Ryan, assigned to New Or- leans at about the time the probe began last year, testified that "whenever we catch them (in one type of abuse) they go on to something else." Ryan said that since he took over the office, one grain ele- vator obtained an injunction, quickly dismissed, to prohibit his employes from inspecting their grain. "THEY COULDN'T load grain' while we were there," Ryan said. Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- Minn.), asked him: "You mean' they couldn'ttload it the way they wanted to?" Ryan agreed, saying that dur- ing a two-month period the ele- vator loaded only two ships rather than an average of one. a day as they had previously. He said delays were caused by grain division employes re- peatedly discovering weevils in the grain being loaded, forcing the elevator company to fumi- gate the ship, a time-consuming process. ALTHOUGH most of the al- leged mis-weighing and mis- grading so far uncovered has been at Louisiana ports, a fed- eral investigator testified Thurs- day he believed similar decep- tions were practiced at other Gulf and Atlantic ports. The investigator, Gerald Gal-' linghouse, urged more govern- ment control over the inspection, of export grains. (Continued from Page 1) night. Wheeler called the press re- lease "propaganda and a ma- ligning of this community. I re- sent it being made by someone who doesn't live in this city andI I resent the fact that it car- j ries the co-signature of our own chief of police." In reference to the GOP's' move to repeal the city's mari- juana ordinance, Wheeler saidj last night it is "just another pic "f "nsuded emotoa he explained. "But when you isolate Ann Arbor you create problems. "IF YOU single out a com- munity and tell the police de- partment that they can't do any- thing, then you attract seven- state rings," said Bertoia. "They're (the police) hand- cuffed. Let's put Ann Arbor back with the rest, of the coun- try." Councilwoman Kathy Koza- chenko (HRP-Second Ward) said yesterday that the HRP opposed I political} action on the part ofthe Republican resolutions "100 the Republicans, towards what per cent." I think was an unappropriate "The whole way the media attack (Vernier's stateme and Krasny and the Republicans on thei 's have portrayed this dope bust Fn KLYe city. hhas been an incredible hype. I FRANKLY, I have yet to be think it was for a specific rea- convinced that marijuana is son - to let Krasny and other that serious of a problem," he people say what they wanted to said. about the $5 dope law. I don't According to Bertoia, who know why they did it at this along with Councilmen Robert time." Henry (R-Third Ward), and WHEN ASKED -what actions Louis Belcher (R-Fifth Ward) she might take at Monday's requested the special council council meeting, Kozachenko re- session, "the issue isn't mari- plied, "Firing Krasny." juana." "We've (the HRP) tried that "When the feds decriminalize before, but this whole thing is it (marijuana) nationally, fine," just ridiculous," she said. AP Photo Barney the St. Bernard cools off with a drink from a loose fire hose connection at the scene of a house fire in west Los Angeles. TV, PHOTOS- Prof designs 3-I process VA staff FBI invest (Continued from Page 1) , respiratory attacks were inten- tionally induced when someone injected the patients with Pavu- _ a erU s-le A U . U ...... :1I SHOWS TODAY at 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00 OPEN at 12:45 THE LEAN, MEAN 30'., WHEN AMERICA LAUGHED ...TO KEEP FROM CRYINGI COMPLETE SHOW AT 7:00 ONLY "THE ULTIMATE DOUBLE FEATURE" Ruday WarhoIs A Fm by PAUL MORRiSEY --PLUS- ANDY WARHOLS PAUL MORRISSEY (Continued from Page 1) use lasers to create three- television corporations and that; In each case, the aient was rich color picture with definite dimensional images in space, the industry avoids products not supposed to receive the depth characteristics. Fader says his method is cheap- whose prospects are anything Fader, who has worked three er, more colorful and allows but "safe," especially in tough; Fasdevelhopinsgwd theem both larger pictures and larger financial times. given prior to surgery. says earlier methods of pro- audiences than other systems. Adding to the problem, accord- According to Frank Burns, a Furthermore, the image is ing to Fader, is the fact that nurse at the hospital, the FBI ly relied upon the "binocular more "subtle" than stereoscopic; foreign television companies has "harassed"warkemalenurs disparity' concept, where slight- "3-D" movies, where according generally out-perform their U.S. who had been working in the in- dispaity"once in wh rpsit to Fader, "the effect afterward counterparts. "I think it would tensive care unit where marry ly different images are trans- t ae,' teefc f wadcutrat.~Itiki ol of the arrests occurred.7 mitted to each eye asinV is quite fakey. The for us "WE (OTHER members of master" toys. Hardly anyonpeople who have seen examples the edge," he says. the staff) don't believe she had has worked on conveying the of his stereoscopic art notice Unfortunately, Fader appar nything to do with it," he said illusion using other cueing i more details, he says. ently cannot market the product" last ages," the professor says. The professor says his method that might supply such super- anight. Her health and her aigie.sdn' hv the timesrsas p career are at stake anid she Instead, Fader's invention of imagery may be of particulariority.I don't have the ti hasn't been supported by the centers on theories associated btuse in commercial displays to to persue it," he says. "I don't administration." enhance their artistic impact. have the money to persue it." with the eye's process of "ac-i LObleeteesro h rfso atosta Burns refused to name the mm at a reoo r en e "I ALSO believe there's roam The professor cautions that.n lg yste dot commodation and convergence," vrxoueto "3-D" effects nurse allegedly subjected to the "size diferential," overlap and for improving the image," Fa- oerexposre nsequestioning t dider adds. might prove boring after a texturagraiane.I worked hard on it. I en- while. "I don't think you could He claimed that the nurse has WHILE the result is not as joyed it," he says take it for a long time," he says. answered "all the FBI's ques- profound as holograms, which Et As an allegory, Fader reveals tions satisfactorally", but that Even more ambitious than his that even after his family pur. she is still being pressed for is t e r e o photographs, Fader's noatn.AthrV S THE MICHIGAN DAILY I other invention is designed to; chased a color television, he more inforamtion. Another VA Volume LXXXVI, No. 21 stimulte t -dimen ltee still enjoyed - and sometimes staff member said the FBI has Saturday, September 27, 1975 . preferred-a black-and-white set attempted to obtain a confession is edited and managed by students vision. The surprisingly simple because it allows him to-use his from the woman. at the University of Michigan. News arrangement uses two television imaginat lon. THE FBI's Detroit office re- phone 764-0562. Second class postage sets (one color, one black-and- paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. white) and two half-silvered Published d a i1 y Tuesday through mirrors placed at angles in front Sunday morning during the Univer- sity c n n year at 420 Maynard Street. Ant of the sets. Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription ONE IMAGE is then super- rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $11 iocal mail (Michigan and Ohio); imposed on the other, producing $12 non-local mail (other states and a color stereo image. Fader (Continued from Page 1) SOME PEOPLE do resist the Summer session published Tues- hopes to develop a better sys- Who is it? "The only living, canine crowd. The warning on day through Saturday morning,.sn ige rahn betSusrpinrts 55 ycri tem u Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier sing a single, two-sur- breathing object that thoroughly a first-day-of-class s y I I a b u s (campus area); $6.50 local mail faced vacuum tube-which he understands me, and even bet- stated it loud and clear when' (Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non- has already patented. ter, doesn't asks questions,"-a under general caveats, the pro- While the professor is confi- 175-lb. golden retriever. fessor claimed that tuition does dent that stereo television would EVEN Ann Arbor's street dogs not guarantee seating for dogs prove popular if viewed spar- are treated with respect at least. as well as humans. ingly, he says the chances that One returning junior expressed And so, in such cases they{ STUDENTS interested he will be able to market the relief at the sight of the wait. On the lawn while classes in joining t h e ANN p r o d u c t are disappointingly "shaggy, mud-blond dog with are in session. On the steps of slim. the red scarf," she had com the bar while drinking is in ses-' ARBOR FILM CO-OP- . to know last year. They shared I!Fader explains that it is ex-tesm tet oeigte *mM#*****t~*i*N#m ERATIVE, please meet -rmey dfiutfra ot the same streets covering ther tmsider"yto break into the re-"distance to classes. DAILY OFFICI atIrothoughtthehe might have V at room 68 in the search and development divi- " dg left" Beht Cor- .;:::......:...... Michigan L e a g u e at 'sions of major American-owned graduated an d left," Betsy Cor- Saturday, September 27 M- - win explained. Day Calendar 5:00 onaSundaynSep 5:00 on Sunday, Sept. One great dane who is becom- WUOM: From the Midway-I. Dr. 2ftlbeinerieedP ICing an increasingly familiar fig- L. s. King, pres., Amer. Assoc., His- 28 to be nterviewed. . ire on S. U. got the best of a tory of Medicine, "The Perennial OPTOMETRIST ; Miller's patron-or rather the Enigma: The 'Causes of Disease;' 11. Dr. L. W. Coppelson, "Emer- C~ui (n,+'..-+clens.-., gency MedicaIServices," 10 am. condemns OCga tion fused to "verify or deny" re- ports that the investigation had been narrowedito a single sus- pect or that VA employes have been questioned during the past several days. The nurse was transferred Thursday from the intensive care unit to a position in the nursing office involving no pa- tient contact and did not report for work yesterday, according to another hospital employe. A h o s p i t a l administration spokesman said that no single susrect in the case has been found and that a number of Sleads are still being investigated. "I ASSUME that if the FBI had narrowed it down to one person, they would go ahead and arrest the suspect," hos- pital spokesman Gary Calhoun said. He added that the FBI still has 10 agents in the hospital Pmrsuing the investigation. Thus far, the FBI has turned up little hard evidence point- ing to any particular suspect or suspects in the case, although the agency admits a hospital staff member is almost certain- ly involved. tionships ;) E sion. By the doors of the UGLI while studying is in session. Or at home, when landkurds conclude that rent also holds no vacancy for dogs. ONE STUDENT admitted to being homesick. But that ad- mittance came only when the subject turned to dogs. "I've got to get home soon and sei my Ralph," he said. Ralpn is a beagle. "4 i f j (I Wed., Oct. 1-8:00 p.m. MICHIGAN THEATRE Advance tickets available at Michigan Theatre Boxoffice. Gen. Admission $3.00, Stu- dents $2.00 I AL BULLETIN Corp. Washington U. taw School. U. of Kentucky Grad Schools; Oct. 7, State Dept. (Near East & S. Asian Affairs), Washington & Lee U/ Law. Oct. 8, Upjohn Co. research positions, U. of Chicago / Grad Schools: Oct. 9, Cargill, Inc., Manu- facturers Nat'l Bank, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.; Oct. 10, Car- NOW SHOWING SHOWS TODAY at 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00-9:00 OPEN at 12:45 I- I I r- _ F-ull Contact Lens Service Visual Examinations 548 CHURCH ST. 663-2476 !est of her ice cream zone r other day. "I just couldn't r sist that dog anymore," sai Pam Martin. i The wild new movie from the$ writer-director of FRITZ THE CAT. and HEAVY TRAFFIC! Technicoli-.A Bryanston Release ® 1 { . The stage attraction of the decade becomes the greatest entertainment event in history! FALAFIL PALACE FINE MIDDLE EASTERN FOOD SPECIALS FALAFIL-69c BAKLAVA-29c ALL BAGELS-8c CIGARETTES-all sizes, all kinds Cartons $3.99-Individual Packs 45c + tax 629 EAST UNIVERSITY 994-4962 e( gency Medical Services," 10 am. e- Rugby: Intrasquad Scrimmage, d Wines Field, 31 am. Football: UM vs. Baylor, Band Day, Mich. Stadium, 1:15 pm. African Dinner: Trotter House, E 6 pm. PTP: "Words and Music," Power, 8 pm. Career Planning & Placement 3200 SA", 764-7456 Interviews on campus: Sept. 30, Montgomery Ward & Co. for Retail Mgt. Training: Oct. 6, Burroughs .^ , ?PoGRAM IIRImATOx 434-17e2 WAYS0=9I The Movie Event you've is waiting for you. SECOND WEEK SHOWS at 1-3--7-9 OPEN at 12:45 been waiting for I i f !i E r { . f M Silent Vigil For Soviet Jews negie-Mellon U/Grad. Sch. of In- dustrial Admin. Interviews at Geol.: Oct. 7 & 8, Texaco, Inc., Oct. 9 & 10CExxon Co., USA. Inter- viewing at Chemn.- Upjohn Co.-Or- ganic MS, PhD &. Analytical MS. Zonta Intern' has announced Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards study & research in aerospace sci- ($3,000) to women for advanced ences: write: Zonta Int'l, 59 E. vanBuren St., Chicago, Ill 60605; deadline: Jan. 1. Law, Day, Oct. 21-several law schools will have reps. on campus to discuss their progs. & admissions requirements; tentatively to be held in League; keep in touch with CP &P for details. Nat'l Security Agency, 1975 Pro- fessional Qualification Test given - in Ann Arbor, Nov. 22; Deadline for appls. Nov. 8; all liberal arts & math majors must take PQT be- fore applying to NSA; app. mater- ials available at CP&P: NSA have scheduled campus visits Nov. 11 S& Feb. 23. Appis. for Foreign Serv Officer Exam to select cands. for US State Dept. & US Info Agency available in this office; test given in Ann Ar- bor Dec. 6. appl. deadline Oct. 31. i JS aifgamet presents JAMES WHITMORE as Harry S. Truman in GIVE 'EM HELL, HARRY. rrrwr.- rt:. t~vrr.,-, 4v>Rt'VAA!' Technicolor' _ . _ -.-- ' :L NOW ON THE SCREEN... Captured for the cameras...intact... - - ~ ~----- -- ~ - ~-- Gayness and Spirituality Sunday afternoon Conversations about the relationship between people's spir- itual and sexual journeys. SUNDAYS at 3:00 p.m. beginning September 28, 1975 at i n \ its 1" rC'uyTTTITIT rYfT1T, Monday, Sept. 29 12Noon on the Diag Committp- for Oonr-sovi J-wrv Because of the effects of the new CRISP registration svs- tern, the PIRGIM fee is now collected in the manner ori- ginally oetitioned for by 16,000 UM students. You have been assessed a $1.50 fee for PIRGIM on your tuition bill. For those students who do not wish to support the group, PIRGIM announces: PIRGIM FEE I . 1B U- - & iiiX i I