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September 27, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-27

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See Editorial Page


41 A6F A6F
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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 21

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 27, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

i i


IrrtU E tUS 1ApfecaDily
Ford no-show
Thanks to Sara Jane Moore and "Squeaky"
Fromme, Blue will be missing a rooter from Wash-
ington for the MSU game. You guessed it, ol' Jerry
is apparently afraid some beer-crazed agriculture
student from Moo U might take a pot shot at him,
and has cancelled plans to travel to the big intra-
state rivalry October 11. Now Bo can always tell
his boys, "Go outyand win this one for Jerry. He'd
be here if he only could."
Old Germans never die
A tradition of student life has been saved. For
years, University students had trekked to the cor-
ner of Washington and First streets to drink beer
and enjoy old-fatherland style food at the Old Ger-
man restaurant. But a fire last winter gutted the
eatery, leading to speculation that the doors would
never reopen. But a building permit was issued
this week to the owner, Bud Metzger, and accord-
ing to people at the restaurant, the doors should
reopen before the end of the year. Guten essen.
Happenings ...
. . . The Institute of Labor and Industrial Re-
lations will sponsor a workshop on Women and
Work in room 2320 of the Education Building at
9 a.m. until 3:30 . . . The Go Club will meet at 2
p.m. in the Frieze Building . . . enjoy the football
game . . .
Too pooped to participate?
Either students at the University of South Caro-
lina are taking a mass vow of celibacy, or they
all own copies of the Joy of Sex. Those are the
only two explanations, because lack of interest has
forced the cancellation of a course on lovemaking
there. When the course was started, "Students
started coming in droves," according to William
Bryan, who has taught the course for five years.
At first the course would draw 300-400 each night,
but recently, that number has dwindled to a hand-
ful, causing it to be cancelled for low ratings.
Maybe they just did their homework too often.
I'm coming, Lord
They say God works in the strangest ways. May-
be so, anyway, the Trinitarian Fathers say they
have ruled out any legal action against Playboy
magazine for using the Roman Catholic order's
name in a recent advertisement. But they will send
a strongly worded letter of rebuke to Hugh Hefner
and his cronies for their ad which said, in part,
"When the order of the Most Holy Trinity needed
new recruits, they called on Playboy to do God's
work." Over the head of a man in priestly garb
were the words "I read Playboy and found God."
A Playboy spokesman said the ad was never in-
tended to imply that the Church sanctioned the
skin mag. He added that the ad was "tongue in
cheek." The order called it a "cheap shot." Any-
thing for the Lord's work, we guess.
Unhappy hero
Oliver Sipple, the ex-Marine who figured promin-
ently in stopping the recent assassination attempt

on President Ford, is upset over reports that he
is gay. While he does not deny them he said, "My
sexuality is part of my private life and has no bear-
ing on my response to the act of a person seeking
to take theslife of another." Sipple reports that his
mother in Detroit is now afraid to leave her house,
because of. nosy neighbors who want to know about
On the inside .. .
... Sports Page has Marcia Merker's preview of
the Baylor game . . . The Editorial Page has a re-
port on ex-Nazis in Interpol .. . And the Arts Page
features James Fiebig's review of the University
Symphony Orchestra.

City Republicans have set wheels in motion for
the repeal of Ann Arbor's $5 marijuana ordi-
nance in the wake of Wednesday's arrest of 36
persons in a $4 million drug raid.
The GOP has called a special session of City
Council for Monday evening to introduce two
resolutions which would effectively place the
city's charter amendment regarding marijuana
penalties back on the ballot in April.
EACH resolution-one dealing with specific
wording for a new amendment and a second
concerning the actual date for placing the ques-
tion on the general election ballot-require seven
affirmative votes from the 11-member body be-
fore the issue can be returned to the electorate.
The city's liberal marijuana ordinance, which


repeal of
Dems, HRP call move political



passed in April 1974 with just over 50 per cent of
the vote, redaced the penalty for possession of
less than two ounces of the drug to a $5 fine.
State law provides for a maximum jail sen-
tence of 90 days and a fine of up to $100 for
"WE NOW have sufficient data to show that
when you isolate a community and single it out
as different, you attract problems," Councilman
Roger Bertoia (R-Third Ward) said yesterday in
reference to the city's unique marijuana law.
"You cannot single out Ann Arbor as somehow
being a nation apart, because what you do is
attract people whose attitude is much stronger

towards the use of all drugs."-
Democrat and Human Rights Party (HRP)
council members have indicated they will not
vote for the Republican's resolutions, and some
have expressed extreme anger with what they
term a "highly political" move on the part
of the GOP.
"People are acting as if the election is two.
days away," said Jamie Kenworthy (Fourth
Ward). "This is a political game they're (the
GOP) is playing.
"THIS CAN'T be taken seriously, because it's
so overtly playing to the galleries," he said.
50-day ol
control e
t1y AP and UPI ing higher inters
WASHINGTON - Con- free of federal c
gress overwhelmingly ap- The Senate's7
proved a brief extension of favoro ut xteNdi
oil price controls yesterday, compromise wor
creating a 50-day grace President and
period for President Ford leaders Thursda
and Congress to seek agree- Sen. Edmund
ment on a long-range en- Maine), and Rej
ergy policy. (D-Mich.), chai
ergy plicy.House energy a
Presidential approval was committee, stres
assured. A White House be a bit too ear
spokesperson said it was -=----- - -
"possible but not likely"
Ford would sign the exten- ' u
sion into law today.
THE MOVE to restore the
controls, which expired Aug. 31, ciiitoi
came days before a possible
hike in domestic oil prices. Oil
companies, voluntarily kept
prices stable in September, but
some reportedly were consider- It's really a
ing an October increase if con- canine communi
trols were still off. Take the re
D e s p i t e the compromise he has control oi
agreement extending controls OR THE ta
until Nov. 15, there were clear coming or not?"
signs Congress and Ford are far cmigont?
from endingtheir nine-month actions make th
battle over a long-range policy. in the other to c
Ford served notice he will in- words are called
sist on eventual, gradual de- Promise is f
control of domestic oil prices, reunite, same p
Some House Democratic leaders What is it t
vowed to fight Ford's plan. Some would ans
"THE extension itself is less "THE BEST
important than what we do with she's one of m
the next SO days," said Federal attend classes t
Energy Administrator Frank we know each v
"If ... the next 50 days does Another hun
not produce legislation which system.
honestly faces up to the fact I don't see
that inaction in the past has part. "I see tha
placed American consumers at but for the most
the mercy of other nations, then THE OWNE
we will have only wasted more tighter between
time." (another dog)."
Administration officials also days off now," h
said the government has done On entering
all it can to head off a winter is somewhat su
natural gas crisis. They said
the burden now rests on Con- portion of the w
gress to pass new laws allow-

The controversy was touched off by a series
of dope raids made Wednesdaydby federal, state,
and local police. Four million dollars worth of
cocaine, heroin, hashish, barbituates and other
drugs were seized or purchased during the four-
month-long investigation leading to the raids.
Officials called the locally-based drug ring "a
drug supply center for seven states," and termed
the Ann Arbor area a "virtual supermarket for
heroin, cocaine, hashish, marijuana," and other
THAT STATEMENT, contained in a press re-
lease signed by regional director of the Drug
Enforcement Agency Theodore Vernier and city
Police Chief Walter .Krasny, provoked a bitter
reaction from Mayor Albert Wheeler Thursday
See GOP, Page 2




state gas prices
75 to 5 vote in
ig oil price con-
.15 followed a
ked out by the
Muskie (D-
p. John Dingell
irman of the
nd power sub-
sed that it may
ly to determine

if the deep differences between
Ford and the Congress can be
However, Muskie added that
"the country cannot afford to
have prolonged disagreement
and said it is incumbent on both
Ford and the Democratic-con-
trolled Congress to work for an
Senate-House conferees are to
meet sometime next week to be-
gin to work out differences be-
tween energy bilks1 passed ear-
lier by both chambers.

Bubbling with jazz
Chick Corea blew more than just minds at his Hill Auditorium concert last night. The jazz
pianist, who performed with his "Return to Forever" band, is shown at the keyboard as he
blows a bubble from his gum.
NOW AT 12.1%:

py love' wild
ig U'students
a dog's world, or so the members of the city's
ty seem to suggest.
d setter rounding the corner-in a taxi. Looks like
ver his life and where it's going.
n Heinz 57 romping across the Diag. "Are you
shouts the owner in distress. Apparently not, as
e answer plain-dog headed in one direction, owner
lass. "Alright, see you later," defeatedly, the last
fulfilled two hours later when animal and master
lace, at the sounding of a simple whistle.
hat makes people like dogs and dogs like people?
wer instinct, but observations suggest more.
r way to describe my feelings about my dog is
y best friends," explains one proud owner. "We
ogether, play together, and sleep together. I'd say
ery well."
nan-canine relationship functions on a looser "buddy
much of my dog," explains the human counter-
t he's fed and has a place to sleep in the house,
part he goes his own way.
R continued though, that the ties were growing
the two due to the death of he dog's best friend
"I try to spend some extra time with her on my
e added.
the Mosher-Jordan resident's room, the observer
rprised at the spread of photographs covering, a
See HUMAN, Page 2

Local j
Unemployment in Washtenaw
County has "gone down appre-
ciably" and will continue to de-
crease at least until Christmas,
according to an official of the
Michigan Employment Security
Commission (MESC).
The unemployment rate fell
from 12.6 per cent in July to
12.1 per cent in August, the
latest MESC figures indicate.
This represents a strop to 14,500
persons out of work, 800 fewer
than in July.
HOWARD Barricklow, Em-
plovment Service Supervisor of
MESC, said yesterday that this
month's jobless rate will de-
cline to ten to 10.5 per cent. He
based this prediction on the
VA staff
Employes at the local
Veteran's Administration hos-
nital last niaht claimed that the

jobless rate dips

smaller numbers of persons cur-
rently claiming or filing for un-
employment compensation.
Barriklow expects the decline
will continue, but said; "I ser-
iously doubt that it will go much
below nine per cent before the
first of the year."
The 1 o w e r unemployment
rates, which compare to the na-
tional average of 8.4 per cent,
reflect the callbacks of lid-off
personnel in the auto industry
and hiring in medical services
and some goods industries, ac-
cording to Barricklow.
"MOTOR PLANTS have call-
ed back just about everyne and
are even hiring some -people.
Inventories in industries have
dronned quite a bit" so that in-
d~istries are hiring again, he
"It's been fairly evident" that
the jobless rate decline in the
county is indicative of a na-
tional trend, said Barricklow.
Professor H a r o 1 d Shapiro,
chairman of the Economic De-
partment, agreed that national
unemployment is -definitely drop-
ping. Although he "wouldn't ex-
pect anything dramatic," Sha-
piro expects the jobless rate
will continue to "decline slowly
through the end of 1976."
ACCORDING to Shapiro, na-
tional unemployment reached

ployment rate of 12.1 per cent
is a record for that month.
IN JULY of 1974, only 6.9 rer
cent of the county labor force
was out of work, according to
MESC figures.
However, the county's current
jobless rate is less than that of
the state of Michigan where un-
employment this July hit 11.3
per cent.

~U'prof designs
3wD photos, TV
"I love images," says Lester Fader. "I live for them.
This attraction to the visual effects everyone else takes for
granted led Fader, a University professor of architecture, to
imaginative breakthroughs in three-dimensional photography
and television. His inventions reach far beyond old methods of
creating "3-D" pictures and leave the viewer with strong
depth sensations.
FADER'S PRINCIPAL creation is a new kind of photo-
graph with depth characteristics. "It's a more natural, aesthetic
type of image," says Fader. The image, he adds, is more
compelling" than those employing special glasses or other
viewing gimmicks.
The professor, who designed an entire room for visual s

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