Friday September 26, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i'a~e Fi~~e Fridav, September Zvi, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Five Pick of the week: What's playing this Cinema Weekend American Graffiti An interesting, if mainly modern, Cinema Weekend is Mediatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud. on tap. The Campus continues their Andy Warhol spec- Fri., Sat., 7:30, 9:30 tacular with both Frankenstein and Dracula. And on the It almost seems like a tale other side of 'the Diag, at the State, Ralph Bakshi's most straight out of pulp fiction: A recent film-the rather controversial Coonskin-moves in. young filmmaker with but one Cinema II features a weekend with John Cassavetes, preceding commercial credit including the lesser-known Shadows, and also his chilling somehow secures the financial insight into the life of a woman on the edge of insanity, A support of a leading Hollywood Woman Under the Influence. Here's the rundown: producer, turns out an offbeattFrid eenflee.yHeresw;eWrndwnt nostalgia-ish film about life in Friday Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Wind in the Willows, the '60s, and - wonders never Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7, 9:05; American Graffiti, UAC cease -- shows up at the Aca- Mediatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30, 9:30; A Woman Under the demy Awards six months later Influence, Cinema II, Aud. A, Angell, 7, 9:45. as a nominee with a multi-mil- Saturday - American Graffiti, UAC Mediatrics, Nat. E lion-dollar box office success. Sci. Aud., 7:30, 9:30; A Woman Under the Influence, Cine- The lucky saga of director ma II, Aud. A, Angell, 7, 9:45; A Taste of Honey, Cinema I G e o r g e Lucas blends Guild, Arch. Aud., 7, 9:05. nicely with the theme of Amer- Sunday - Shadows, Cinema II, Aud. A, Angell, 7, 9; scan Graffiti, for the charac- Paper Chase, New World Film Coop, Aud. .3 MLB, 7, 9; ters of the film seem immersed Ali - Fear Eats the Soul, Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7, in a quest for success - a 9:05; The Great Dictator, UAC Mediatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., search for some kind of happi- 7 9:15. ness and personal satisfaction in life. Each of the young men ! and women of Lucas's 1962 nor thern California small town ap- It is an exquisite portrait of able brain within. proaches the question from a growing up in America. In a sense, though, the appeal different perspective, and each -David Blomquist of this picture might be too lim- finds a somewhat different ans- * ed and specific. I'm not sure an audience removed from col-I wr. rap Clve ,ekend Stratford film fete draws unusual crowd is yet another film about a wo- man s nervous breakdown. It we look at its predecessors, though,E we can see why John Cassavet- tes risked the venture. Diary of a Mad Housewife, for example, wasn't very en- lightening because Richard Ben- jamin wasn't worth cracking up, over. In Woman, however, <,ur af- fection for husand (Peter Falk) and wife (Gena Rowlands) is established right away. At times we can confidently state that one of the characters is d o i n g something wrong. Sometimes, though, we are as unable as the characters to de- termine the right thing o do. The film does a fine job of portraying the highs and lows of male-female relationships. It gives us some advice on how to have more highs than lows, but it's also realistic enough to re- mind us that the ideal can't even be defined, let alone put into action. -Joan Ruhela S* * Serpico ?Matrix "You won't see this version .j iiE , f . Certainly Lumet is a fine craftsman-his films invariably have a fine polished look. And By JOAN RUHELA aged writer whose subject mat- able at coffee hours or for picnic he can't be faulted in his cast- The eleventh annual film fes- ter comes from his sexual fan- lunches, to answer questions. ing of Al Pacino in the title role tival in Stratford, Ontario last tasies about a beautiful woman, (Those who liked Johnson's Last (Pacino also stars in Lumet's week, reminded me, strangely played by Dominique Sanda. The American Hero or Execution of upcoming Dog Day Afternoon), enough, of the film Nashville. film is an interesting study of Private Slovick received a rare But as this column has noted A social psychologist might an artist's problems and of chance to see his film Visit to a before, Lumet's Serpico lacks say that the film fans at the marriage. Chief's Son opening night.) conviction and is entirely too festival d e f i n e d themselves "The reason so many novels The Stratford film festival is slow-paced. For the inspirational through film culture, just as are set in war," the writer says, a very worthwhile enterprise. one-man-fighting-the-odds story the music fans of Nashville ee- "is that nobody can bear the It's too bad we can't have some- that it is, the film is sadly un- fine themselves through music. responsibility of loving." thing similar closer to Ann inspired. One young man for example, Rock Demers and Faroun Arbor. showed up for the festival in a Films, his Canadian distribut- -Chris Kochmanski James Dean t-shirt. ing company, were honored by *''*'''':**.M > David, a man in his sixties the festival this year. Demers .'who has played character parts does seem to avoid putting com- The Great Dictator in several films, also attended. mercialism above artistic value, A "Young directors see me as an if the company's film Kasaki, Mediatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud. eccentric," he said. "But if which is typical. Sun., 7, 9:15 that's what they want me to be, Two Japanese businessmen | The best things about Chap- that's what I'll be." visit Europe. One is young and lin's The Great Dictator are the Participants in the film fes- one is elderly, and we see the isolated images that remain in tival were constantly reminded virtues of each age group as the mind: The Dictator, Der' that the film is an industry, just the two men encounter each new Phooey, dancing sensuously with| as viewers of Nashville are re- site. The young man loves the a world globe; The Jewish Bar-; minded that music is an in- Eiffel Tower, but the old man ber chased in frantic circles by I dustry. says, "Fools like high places." an unexploded bomb; The Pal-. John Frankenheimer's The I was in town the wrong day ian Dictator's train repeatedly Impossible Object was shown for for it, but during the week, sev- by-passing the welcoming party the first time in North America eral directors (Claude Jutra, on a platform. Friday night because no one John Frankenheimer, Lamont l,..,':- It is difficult, though, to totally, will distribute it, yet I see no Johnson, and others) were avail-1 synthesize one's feelings abourt reasoni why it couldn't be a ' this film. Paradoxically, it is comnercial, as well as artistic, s'Success.I smoother and yet more uneven juccess. than other Chaplin works Alan Bates plays a middle- w r. Howard and Richardaper Ltas Dreyfuss play two uncertain New World, MLB No. 3 young men on the verge of leav- Sunday, 7, 9 ing the slightly wild atmosphere Although P a p e r C h a s e is- of home for college life in the actually the tale of the adven-I East. As we follow ' them tures of a first-year student at through a frantic night of may- Harvard Law School, it is more l hem and "cruising" down the generally a piece of film with a main street, we watch Lucas totally refreshing outlook on all deftly paint a rich image of the of those day-to-day hassles each personal introspection and ad- of us must suffer through asI justment that every adolescent students at the Big 'U'. undertakes in pursuit of an in- Timothy Bottoms portrays the: dividual identity. student "chasing" after that all- A m e 'r i c a n Graffiti, important piece of paper - a then, is no mere nostalgia diploma from Harvard Law. Be- flick. Indeed, it presents a hind - the - scenes veteran John: process that continues today on Houseman turned actor for the Telegraph in Detroit, Wood- first time in this film, playing; ward Avenue in Birmingham, EBottoms' irascible contracts pro-: and at various points along US- fessor-a rough old man o- the! lege by a couple of decades could reallycunderstand what Paper Chase was trying to say -which is really quite sad, be- cause the film does make some valid points about the value or lack thereof of the tradi;onal grading system. By the way, there are orly two or three sequences in this film actually shot at Harvard. The rest, interestingly enough, was done at the University of Toronto. -David Blomquist A Woman, nder the Influence Cinema II, Aud. A Fri., Sat., 7, 9:45 A Woman Under the Influence on TV!' So decrees the tele- The smoothness comes from phone recording for the Matrix a lack of convenient "handles" Theater's scheduled showing of -gags which are stronger than Sidney Lumet's Serpico this the story line itself. And, yet, weekend. since the memorable incidents Unlike last Sunday night's mentioned above are gags, there television screening, this is the is also a sense of segmentation uncut biography of Frank Ser- about the film. pico, an undercover cop who: The Great Dictator remains fought corruption in the ranks. C one of Chaplin's most discussed It's also another installment in efforts. Just how politically ef- the series of Sidney Lumet- fective it was is a moot point looks-at-New York films that for but still interesting is the in- some strange reason nave ele- nocent, humantistic final sneech vated him to the higher echelons for which Chaplin was labeled a of contemporary American film- Communist in 1940. makers. --Cynthia Cheski i E I s 2.50 THIS WEEKEND FRI. - SAT. Fennig's All-Star String Band 1 ~./1IJ1 I UAC Concert Co-op presents an evening with 12 on the way out to Chicago., outside, but a lovable, admir- . i Hearst won't issue statement Angeles on 18 state felony charges growing out of a May 16, 1974 shootout in that city. Falzon's efforts to talk to Moore have been stalled by a court order banning contact with her until after a psychiatric test~ is completed, he said. "We thought it might be a good idea to talk to her," Fal- until she's released on bail RETURN TO FOREVER SAN FRANCISCO (P) - As responded: police checked weapons that "I was really pissed off, god-! could link her to yet another damn it!" crime, Patricia Hearst said in At another point Hearst said, a taped jailhouse conversation "I guess I'll just tell you, my disclosed yesterday that she was politics are real different, from angry about her capture and way back when." didn't want to be released it Hearst's lawyers, in response "I'm a prisoner in my own to federal bank robery charges home." against her, filed a deposition Hearst also told girlhood friend in her name which claimed she Patricia Tobin that she would had been drugged and tortured ! not issue any statements unless by the Symbionese Liberation she finds out for certain whether Army (SLA) after her kidnap- she can be released on bail, ing Feb. 4, 1974. The document excerpts of the transcript of the claimed later statements she tape said. made renouncing her parents THEN, THE 21-year-old rews- and joining the SLA were the paper heiress said, she would result of her tortured mental issue a statement from "a revo- state. lutionary feminist perspective." IN CARMEL, Ind., the mother The conversation between the of SLA member William Harris two friends was made Saturday said she is skeptical of claims at the San Mateo County Jail.' that Hearst was kidnaped and It was released yesterday with1 driven to insanity through tor- U.S. District Court Judge Oliver . tvre. Betty Bunnell told the In- Carter's letter to a panel of dianapolis News in a copyright psychiatrists named to examine story that she always has ques- Hearst's mental competency. tioned the abduction. "I'm not making any state- "T can remember an FBI ments until I know that I can agent asking me that many, get out of, you know, bail . . . many months ago," Bunnell and then if I find ot' hat I said. "He said, 'You nave the can't for sure, then I'll issue a feeling that ths is sort of a put- statement," Hearst said. "But jiun, then,' and I said I had the I'd just as soon give it myself in thoughts." person and it'll be a revolu-! Bunnell said she believed tionary feminist perspective to- Hearst's defense attorney was tally." using an argument "we would WHEN TOBIN told the former have all expected. I think the fugitive that Tobin's mother was seeds toward the defense had overjoyed at her return, Hearst, been planted very carefully for the last several months by the tion on the Jackson murder. zon said.- Hearst family." : "The casings we found at the Moore is known to have work- SHE SAID that-while her son scene correspond with the type ed with Jackson and his United and daughter-in-law were riot of weapons found at Morse Prisoners Union group at one linked with the Hearst kidnap- Street and Precita Avenue," said time. She broke off with him. ing and subsequent bank rob-' San Francisco homicide inspec- and she later expressed concern; bery, they nonetheless were con-' tor Frank Falzon. "We don't I that her criticism of him in nected with Hearst's 19-month know what we'll find." local media might have in some disappearance. way led to his murder by radi-I And ABC News reported yes- HEARST and fellow fugitive cal elements. terday that a diary found in the Wendy Yoshimura, 32, were ar- apartment of the Harrises at the rested last week at the Morse time of their arrest was in Avenue address, and fellow Hearst's own handwriting. The Symbionese Liberation A r m y diary reportedly outlines SLA members William and Emily activities over many months, Harris were taken near their including references to homb- apartment on Precita. ings and other unsolved crimes. The killings of Jackson and Meanwhile, police examined Voye are the second and third weapons found at the hideouts1 murders authorities are check- of Hearst and her SLA comrades ing for links to Hearst and her to see if the guns were used to comrades. Conviction for mur- kill the ex-convict leader of a der carries the death penalty radical .prison reform group. under California law. TWO 9MM pistols are being: Law enforcement sources say checked by the FBI against: they are interested in four per- casings and slugs found at the sons linked to Hearst in connec- scene of the murders of Wilbert tion with the April 15 robbery of "Popyeye" Jackson and Sally a Crocker Bank branch in Car- Voye, a Vallejo teacher who was michael, Calif. At the time of sitting in his car June 8. that robbery, 'authorities said C hammered dulcimer, fiddle, banjo, piano 4 MONDAY Mike Seeger 1421 HILL 761-1451 CHICK COREA LENNY WHITE STANLEY CLARKE AL DIMEOLA HILL AUD.-8 p.m. RESERVED SEATS $5.00, $4.50, $3.50 Tickets at UM Union until 5:30 (763-2071). At the door 6:30 o.m. Sorry, no oersonal checks. SMOKING AND BEVERAGES STRICTLY PROHIBITED IE V1N ARBOR ('MPHON.Y FtCHESTRA 'th season N And, in a startling twist to the' already bizarre case, homictae investigators say they are also trying to talk to Sara Jane Moore, who shot at President Ford on Monday, for informa-' one of the bandits murdered a woman customer during the holdup near Sacramento. IN ANOTHER development yesterday, William and Emily Harris were arraigned in Los 47 The Unive r'y o M.JU PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM Be Mylove Bei Mir Bist Du Schon Day By Day TieAfter Time ts Magic Come Fly With Me Septemberf 26-28-Teach Me Tonight Power Center Friday Saturday -My Kind o Town at 8 p.m. The stage attraction of the decade becomes the greatest entertainment event in history! Edward Szabo; music director B ?ig auiqgt presents JAMES WHITMORE as Harry S. Truman in GIVE'EM HELL, HARRY! A Ly / N PKXS( Tn, . (wl a Y 't rrwr~: o:r. 'vrsu ++ )iro w~.N Technicolor { ._... __ . . , NOW ON THE SCREEN.. .Captured for the cameras.. intact... unchanged...unedited . exactly as it was presented on stage. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 at 3:30 p.m., HILL AUDITORIUM Bach: Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins III I