WHY SHRIVER? See Editorial Page IY it A Daiti BRISK High - 60 Low --43 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 20 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 26, 1975 Ten Cents Ten Pages .. L 1 , ' , .S. official slams local dope law " }Claims city drug abuse provoked bust Hack attack A Detroit cabbie startled four British visitors to the Motor City by shooting out two tires on a rival's cab because he felt he should have gotten the fare. The trigger-happy hack worked for Checker Cab Company. He was fired immediately after he fired. The fare involved was $14 plus tip for carrying four British newspaper executives from downtown Detroit to a printing plant in Ster- ling'Heights - some 20 miles away. Hmmm. Take that Detroit Edison, your friendly power company, should lower its rates by $52 million, according to a study done by a Washington public utility consult- ant. The Michigan Public Service Commission has proposed a $105 million rate increase for the com- pany, after it requested an -unprecedented $178 million hike. Whether the MPSC will follow the consultant's recommendation is unclear. But we can always hope. Happenings .. . . . . lead off with the day-long Michigan Con- ference on Persons with Handicaps in Lansing. It gets underway at 9 a.m. . . . at 2:30 p.m. in the League's Henderson Rm. Aggrey Nyongo will speakon public health issues in Afrca . . . from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. in Waterman Gym the International Center will sponsor an activity night for interna- tional students and their guests . . . "Economic Depression and the Class Struggle" a forum spon- sored by the Spartacus Youth League will begin at 7:30 p.m. . . . at 8 p.m. the Ann Arbor Libertar- ian League hosts a speech by Gerry Wolke on "Egalitarianism: A Social Disease" at 1015 E. University St. . . . As part of Africa Week there will be a presentation of African music at 9 p.m. in the Residential College Aud., E, Quad. Hold the pickle? Australia yesterday claimed the world's record for the biggest hamburger in captivity with an 1,100-pound mother that led the parade at the 1975 Perth Royal Show. The burger measured 28 feet around - double the size of the previous record holder which was made in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The Aussie creation contained 748 pounds of beef and flour from a ton and a half of wheat. One wag pointed out that a cheeseburger would have been even more appetizing. O Only in D.C. Some 240 Washington taxpayers claimed $2,65 million in farm losses in 1973 even though the Dis- trict of Columbia, a city filled with monuments and malls, has no land designated or assessed as tillable, the Internal Revenue Service reported yes- terday. This rather curious set of circumstances prompted Congressman Charles Vanik (D-Ohio) to wonder whether there are a number of unsuccess- ful truck farms atop the Watergate penthouses or perhaps money-losing agricultural conglomerates based in the windowboxes of the high rise apart- ments along Connecticut Avenue. Actually, the answer is that there are 240 absentee owners of farmland elsewhere in the country living in Wash- ington. Chilly response Earl and Lucille Hansen of Glen Gardner, N.J. have been rebuffed in their efforts to sponsor two more Vietnamese refugees because they run a nudist colony. They applied to help two South Viet- namese citizens and were allowed to sponsor them last July. "It worked out so well, Earl and I de- cided to sponsor two more. But when the place- ment agency found out we ran a nudist colony it refused," Lucille said. "I really don't understand it. I didn't feel we had anything to hide." O Dick offed Former President Richard Nixon has some friends in Salt Lake City who care about his pri- vacy. They stole an Fight-foot poster of Nixon from a display case at a theater promoting the satirical film "The Faking of the President, 1974." The thieves left this note in the case: "You put it up, we take it down. Leave the poor guy alone. Let him rest in misery." On the inside .. . . Steve Stojic writes about "Keeping up with the Politburo" on the editorial page . . . Arts Page features the Cinema Weekend, with all the dope on flicks in town . . . Ed Lange takes a look at the upcoming Baylor-Michigan game. 0 By JIM TOBIN A federal narcotics officer provoked a controversy among community leaders yes- terday by blaming a "permissive atti- tude" for wide-scale abuse of hard drugs in the city. The statement, made at a press con- ference with city P o li c e Chief Walter Krasny at City Hall, came in the wake of Wednesday's series of narcotics raids in which 36 people were arrested and more than $4 million worth of heroin, cocaine, hashish, and other drugs were confiscated. OFFICIALS called the city-based opera- 'tion "a drug supply center for seven states, with sources in Mexico, Jamaica, and Canada." The massive bust climaxed a summer-long investigation by federal, state, and local officials. One University student and two University employes were arrested in connection with the raids. Theodore Vernier, regional director of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), a branch of the U.S. Department of Justice, called, "the streets, cafes, and student housing facilities (of the city) a virtual supermarket for heroin, cocaine, hashish, marijuana," and other drugs. MAYOR Albert Wheeler called that state- ment "an affront to the city of Ann Arbor," and termed the press release "propaganda and a maligning of this community. I re- sent it being made by someone who doesn't live in this city and I resent the fact that it carries the co-signature of our own Chief of Police." Wheeler complained that he had no prior knowledege whatsoever of the in- vestigation. Vernier told reporters, "In my view, it (the raid) demonstrates what can happen to a community when they become tolerant of drug abuse." THE PRESS release signed by Vernier and Krasny connected hard drug abuse in See FEDERAL, Page 3 Wheeler Krasny FBI admits illea domestic break-is WAS H IN G T ON (A1 -- The FBI conducted hun- dreds of illegal break-ins against "domestic subver- sive targets" over a 26- year period ending in 1968, the chairman of the Sen- ate Intelligence Committee said yesterday. Releasing information supplied to the committee by the FBI, Sen. Frank Church, (D-Idaho), said there were 238 break-ins conducted against 14 "do- mestic subversive targets" from 1942 to 1968 and ''numerous entries" against three other similar targets from 1952 to 1966. CHARLES Brennan, former head of the FBI's Domestic In- telligence Division, testified thatathe FBI's use of break-ins .<} as an intelligence - gathering tool began to die out in the early 1960s. Brennan said it was his opin- ion that the practice was cur- tailed as a result of increased emphasis on organized crime and civil rights, and of the late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoov- er's fear of creating an em- barrassing incident which could give critics a chance to demand his resignation as he neared the mandatory retire- ment age. However, Brennan also said under oath that during the late 1960's, White House pressure forced the FBI into resuming the admittedly illegal break-ins in an effort to determine if a foreign communist influence was behind domestic unrest. THE FBI was "continually being pressured by both the Johnson and Nixon administra- tions . . . as to whether there might be finances f r o m abroad," Brennan testified. He added that the bureau was un- able to uncover evidence of any financial link between Ameri- can protest groups and com- minist groups abroad. "I think that's exactly the point," Sen. Walter Mondale (D-Minn.), said. "What do we do in the future to make sure presidents don't use these sec- ret agencies to carry out their fantasies?" Neither Brennan nor, Church gave any specific instances of break-ins nor was it entirely clear what the phrase "domes- tic subversive targets" meant. H O W E V E R, at one point Brennan said the break-ins he' was aware of were conducted against "organizations taking directions from foreign pow- ers." FBI Director Clarence Kel- lev has previously acknowl- edged the existence of such break - ins, including some which happened after 1966 when the practice was officially ter- minated. However, the figures released by Church provided the first in- dication of the scope of these so - called "black bag" jobs. A COPY of a July 1966 inter- nql FBI memo introduced as evidence stated that "we db not obtain authorization for 'black bag' jobs from outside the bu- reau." The memo also ack- nowledged that "such a tech- nique involved trespass and is clearly illegal." Meanwhile, the Senate panel is planning to hold public hear- ings next month on the Central Intelligence Agency's mail- opening program as a result of the disclosure Wednesday that the agency opened the mail of some prominent Ameri- cans, including a letter to Ri- chard Nixon before he became President. The CIA's mail - surveillance program, which operated 'from 1952 to 1973, also intercepted letters to or from Een. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), Sen., Hu- bert Humphrey, (D-Minn.), and Church. AP Photo Church Students claim sports official broke By GLEN ALLERHAND Assistant University Athletic Director Donald Lund has vio- lated regulations by running a baseball school on the ath- letic grounds this past summer, two students have charged in a letter to President Robben Flem- ing. In their correspondence to Fleming, SGC Executive Vice President David Mitchell and former Director of Student Or- ganizations Calvin Luker claim- ed that "there have been abuses of the Regents' Facilities Use Guidelines." They contend that certain rental procedures by Lund might constitute a viola- tion of the rules. "I RENT Fisher Stadium and charge $30 per week or $50 for two weeks," said Lund. He adds that the baseball school has operated the past several resident to curtail public appearances WASHINGTON 0P) -- President Ford is heeding widespread suggestions that he curtail his public appearances and will be traveling less than had been expected in October. However, it is not yet known whether Ford will cancel his scheduled appearance at the Michigan-Michigan State football game in Lansing on Oct. 11. PRESIDENTIAL Press Secretary Ron Nessen said yesterday: "Some of the trips that have been rumored or speculated about or tentative or reported to be under consideration are not on the President's schedule." Asked if security considerations were a factor, Nessen said he did not know all the reasons involved. The cutback has been urged by many after two attempts on the President's life in less than a month. THE PRE ST)ENT'S scheduled trips, confirmed by Nessen, now inclide Chicago next Tuesday, Omaha on Wednesday and Knoxville, Tenn., on Oct. 7. At vesterd v's White House briefing for reporters, Nessen first said his office no longer would announce presidential trips v.ntil nll detvils had been arranged. -171.5, ,. .+ - -4cctf .ii nii-znctrnc. NPn,nn a1nrnnnwl. U'rules summers for the benefit of local boys "between eight and 16 or 17" years of age. Any question of impropriety hinges on whatever profits Lund may have made while running his sports school. The issue of profits is dealt with in one of the University regulations cited by Luker and Mitchell. The rule states that "charges . . . in excess of the actual costs incidental to producing and conducting events" must go to charitable organizations, to the benefit of the University faculty, students, or staff, or to "Uni- versity-related purposed of the sponsoring organization itself." "THERE'S some profit, of course," admits Lund. The guidelines were first draft- ed last summer by the Execu- tive Officers to regulate the per- sonal earnings of student organi- zations, most notably, several film groups. In defense of Lund, Athletic Director Donald Canham com- mented, "You've got the same thing when a University pro- fessor tutors a student after hours for pay." "THE PROFITS I don't worry about," Canham added. "Be- sides, I don't think he made any profits. And if he did, it's nune of my business." Secretary to thesUniversity Richard Kennedy, asked if the rules apply to the Athletic De- nnrtment as well as to rest of the campus, renlied, "I guess it would be my feeling that they would aoply." Kennedv added, Look-alikes John and his dog Lady strike similar poses as they soak up some of the last rays of sparse autumn sunshine on the Diag. What better way ,to spend an idle afternoon on campus? WHEELER CRITICIZED: CDRS fund veto hit By DAVID WEINBERG Mayor Albert Wheeler drew sharp criticism yesterday from Human Rights Party (HRP) and and GOP leaders, with his veto of their coalition Community Development Revenue Sharing (CDRS) plan. But Republicans say that their threatened re- call drive of the mayor will be "held in abey- ance" for the time being, although they do plan - -.., . .. '. F_- 4- 1A- --'rana ix now we have to totally overhaul the whole thing right from base zero." City Council Republicans expressed "regret" and "a genuine sense of outrage" at the veto. IN A PRINTED statement, Councilman Rob- ert Henry (R-Third Ward) referred to the "countless hours" put in by the Citizens Commit- tee in formulating the CDRS program, and said, "With one stroke of a pen, Mr. Wheeler has laid