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September 25, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-25

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Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Title Nine bucking sexist barriers

Thursday, September 25, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
Shake up palace guard

ON THE HEELS of the shocking and
unprecedented second Presiden-
tial assassination attempt on Mon-
day, comes the news that the Secret
Service learned two days before the
incident that Sara Moore had threat-
ened to kill Ford. Apparently, she
had suggested to local police in San
Francisco that she might attempt to
"test" the Presidenial security sys-
Her threat against Ford, which re-
portedly included an assertion that
she owned a gun, was regarded as im-
portant enough to warrant an inter-
view with Secret Service agents Sun-
day, but they decided "that she was
not of sufficient protective interest
to warrant surveillance."
Meanwhile the office of Senator Jo-
seph Montoya (D-New Mexico) says
that his Senate Appropriations sub-
committee with jurisdiction over the
Secret Service, will hold hearings
next Tuesday in an attempt to in-
quire into details of the assassina-
tion attempt as well as the Secret
Service's protective procedures.
WE FEEL THAT this investigation
is long overdue. The public clearly
has the right to know how millions
of dollars of tax monies are spent on
the activities of thousands of agents.
But another pressing reason for
this investigation is the need to know
why the Secret Service let Moore go
when she had admitted to them that
she carried a gun and might very
well use it against Ford the next day.
The incident raises questions of
the most serious nature.
If the agency fails to protect the
president, as it apparently did this
week, one is forced to conclude that
agents have not been as. thorough
in their work as they should be. And
if agents are falling to carry out their
tasks, it's time for the public to know
A S LONG AS we our elected repre-
sentatives feel an obligation to
sneak to their constituents, and as
long as our society if filled with vio-
lence and hate, we will have assas-
sinations and attemnted assassina-
tions. But a truly effective Secret
Service can do much to protect our
most prominent citizens.
News: Lois Josimovich, Cheryl Pilate,
Sara Rimer, Bill Turque, David
Whiting, Margaret Yoo
Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Steve
Harvey, Paul Haskins, Debra Hur-
witz, Linda Kloote, Theresa Mc-
Cracken, Tom Stevens
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens

The members of Senator Montoya's
committee have the clear responsi-
bility of taking every precaution in
their investigation to ascertain whe-
ther or not the Service is doing its
job and to suggest improvements that
could be made if it is not.
But, at the same time, it's even
more important to realize that we
must not give the Secret Service
carte blanche to expand their sur-
veillance activities to a much greater
scale to the point that the agency
would pose an even greater threat to
the citizens than assassins may pose
to the President.
This investigation could serve
above all, as the first real opportun-
ity in years to be bring this massive
agency under some sort of public
Business Staff
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Peter Caplan ..................Finance Manager
Robert F. Cerra ............Operations Manager
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ASSOC. MORS. David Harlan, Susan Shultz
ASST. MGRS. Dave Schwartz
STAFF John Benhow, Colby Bennet, Margie De-
Ford, Elaine Douas, James Dykdema, Nine
Edwards, Debbie Gerrish, Amy Hartman,
Joan Helfman, Karl Jenning, Carolyn Kth-
stein, Jacke rammer, Anna Kwok, vicki
May. Susan Smereck. Wayne Tang, Ruth
SALES Cher Bledsoe, Slyvia Calhoun, Marilyn
Edwards, Stevd Wright
Editorial Staff
DAVID BLOMQUIST ................ Arts Editor
BARBARA CORNELL .. Sunday Magazine Editor
PAUL HIASKINS ............. Editorial Director
JOSEPHINE MARCOTY SundayMagazine Editor
SARA RIMER................Executive Editor
STEPHEN SELST...............City Editor
JEFF SORENSON.......Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Allen, Glen
Aerhand, Elen Breslow, Mary Beth Dillon,
Ted Evanoff, Jim Finklestein, Elaine Fletch-
er, Stephen Hersh, Debra Hurwitz, Lois Josi-
movich. Do Kralik, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly.
Ann Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline
Lubens, Rob Meachum, Robert Miller, Jim
Nicoll, Cathy Reutter, Jeff Ristine, Tim
Schick, Katherine Spelman, Steve Stojic, Jim
Tobin. Bill Turque, Jim Valk, David Wein-
berg, Sue Wilhelm, David Whiting, Margaret
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer Picture Editor
E. SUSAN SHEINER.....Staf Photographer
GORDON TUCKER.. StaffPhotographer
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor
BILL CRANE.............Associate Sports Editor
JEFF SCHILLER,........ Associate Sports Editor
FRED UPTON.........Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jon Chave, Andy Glazer, Al
Hrapsky, Rich Lerner. Jeff Liebater, Ray

MARCIA Federbush is mad at
Don Canham and Bo Schem-
Federbush, the Athletic Coor-
dinator for the National Organi-
zation of Women (NOW), be-
lieves that there is gross dis-
crimination against women in
athletics at the University of
Michigan. Moreover , s h e
thinks Canham and Schembech-
ler are attempting to mislead
the public about Title IX of
the Education amendments of
Before taking up the cause of
women's athletics at UM,
Federbush worked for athletic
equality at the elementary and
secondary school levels. During
the 1973-74 school year, she
was consultant on sex discrim-
ination for New Jersey schools.
She held the same position in
the Ann Arbor public school
system in 1974-75. She claims,
"I'm really just a concerned
citizen, but I don't want only to
complain, I want to offer the
solution to the problem as
Title IX prohibits sex dis-
crimination in educational pro-
grams and activities which re-
ceive federal financial assist-
ance. Last month, the Depart-
ment of Health, Education, and
Welfare (HEW) issued guide-
lines for Title IX, giving insti-
tutions three years to comply.
The guidelines caused consider-
able alarm at the UM athletic
department. Both Canham and
Schembecher told newspapers
that a strictly enforced Title
IX would endanger or destroy
their program.
REFERRING TO an inter-
view Canham gave to The Daily
on September 5, Federbush
said, "Either he doesn't read
well or he's forgotten what
Title IX says or he's lying."
The two points Canham and
Schembechler emphasize in
their attacks on Title IX -
equal expenditures and equal
scholarships - are also the
points they have misinterpreted,
according to Federbush:
0 On equal expenditures the
guidelines state: "Unequal ag-
gregate expenditures for mem-
bers of each sex . . . will not
constitute non-compliance with
this section."
In an interview with The
Daily on September 5, Don
Canham explained his view of
Title IX's equal expenditure
guidelines. "HEW was saying
that you shall spend equal
funds on men and women. You
shall spend equal funds on
your men's football team as you
spend on your women's field
hockey team. That's just ridi-
culous. It can't be done."
*With regard to scholar-
ships, the guidelines state that
aid should be given propor-
tionally to men and women ac-
cording to the size of each
Canham's view of the schol-
arship guidelines is equally ex-
treme. "There's no possibility
we could match the women's
scholarships with our men's
scholarships. We just can't do
it. We haven't got the money
and we can't do it."
Why are Canham and Schem-
bechler so afraid of Title IX?
Federbush puts it in athletic

terms: "They think we're try-
ing to steal their balls."
Although the athletic depart-
ment will not have to change as
much as they fear, Federbush
believes they still have a long
way to go. She says, "If the
size of the woman athlete were
dependent on the amount of
money you spent on her pro-
gram, she would be, say, five
feet tall. The corresponding
male would be 375 feet tall."
that women should be given the
opportunity to participate in
every sport in which men par-
ticipate. "If the men have a
swim team, the women should

have one. Why shouldn't wo-
men participate in cross coun-
try, track, golf, tennis, and so
on?" According to Federbush,
there should be equal coaching
(and equal coaching salaries),
equal equipment, and equal
opportunity for travel and ad-
ditional expenditures.
NOW's Athletic Coordinator
also believes that a restructur-
ing of the athletic department
is fundamental to the achieve-
ment of equal opportunity in
athletics. She foresees an ath-
letic board which would de-
velop a single philosophy for'
both men's and women's ath-
letics. Further, Federbush sees
a need for two equal athletic
directorships: one for the men

and one for the women.
Not surprisingly, Federbush is
extremely unhappy with Don
Canham as an equal opportun-
ity athletic director. In his pub-
lic statements, Can ham has as-
serted that he will fight rather
than comply with the bill. Says
Federbush, "Canham has a
'we' and 'they' attitude. He
says, 'We even let them use
our tartan turf.' In fact he is
supposed to be the athletic di-
rector for both men and wo-
OF COURSE, the program
most endangered by Title IX
is the monolithic football pro-
gram. It would be impossible
to give nearly anyone else the

opportunity, attention, and fi-
nancial support which the UM
football player receives. To re-
medy this, Feder bush recom-
mends that football be separat-
ed from the athletic program
and recognized for what St
really is, a revenue-raising busi-
ness for the University.
Federbush believes that giv-
ing women a chance will en-
hance the revenue potential of
University sports. "If you had
the men's and women's basket-
ball teams appearing on the
same night, you'd have extra-
ordinary revenue."
Doc Kralik is a member of
The Daily's editorial staff.

From bathrooms to beaus

Question: I use a lot of different bath-
rooms on campus, and I was wondering if
you can get VD in the bathroom.
Answer: The only way to get VD in the
bathroom is to have intercourse on the
bathroom floor. If what you mean is that
you're worried about getting it from a
toilet seat, towels or a public drinking
fountain, there doesn't seem to be evidence
to support such possibilities. VD organisms
need warm, moist surfaces to live on and-
will die pretty quickly once outside the hu-
man body.
Question: Is there anyone I can talk to
in person about a complaint I have about
Health Service?
Answer: We have a very lovely woman
here who is our ombudsperson and inter-
ested in all input. She was specifically hir-
ed because of her broad shoulders on to
which you are invited to heap complaints
as well as compliments and suggestions.
Just call Sheila Farmer, 763-4384, Monday-
Friday between 10:00 a.m. and noon.
Question: I've tried the pill and the IUD
and unfortunately my body rebels against
both. My boyfriend keeps saying that using
a condom is like taking a shower with a
raincoat on. Is it really so bad?
Answer: At the risk of alienating your
boyfriend, it has been found that those who
voice the most objection to using the con-
dom are usually the type who want to
shirk responsibility for using contracep-

he pulls out. For really great protection
and even more fun, he should put foam in
for you in a sexy manner after you've
turned him on by putting the condom on
for him. You can both learn the steps for
using condom and foam by either reading
the instructions on the packages or by the
two of you coming to our gynecology clinic
lectures. They are held M, W, TH, 3-S
pm and Tues. 10-12 am.
Question: I've given up smoking 4 times
but this time I really want to give it up
forever. Any suggestions?
Answer: Our research team for investi-
gating such things (which is us) has been
in contact with the Michigan Lung Asso-
ciation and has discovered that there are
very effective groups around Michigan
'working on smoking cessation. We are
now in the process of planning a program
with them to bring to our Health Service
in the near future. As soon as the plans
have been made, we will be publicizing
the meetings, charges, and other details.
Question: I'm really confused about all
the controversial stuff on marijuana and
L.S.D. Any new information on their bene-
fits or harmfulness?
Answer: The Office of Student Services
Counseling Service has just updated a nice
little booklet on drugs with many things
you'd want to know about them. The in-
formation represents a good summary of
present knowledge on various drugs and
it is attractively presented. Drop in to their
office (third floor of the Union) and for a
_rice nia aacntrn lvarm

To The Daily:
your campus the other day I no-
ticed a flyer proclaiming "Je-
sus is against Mr. Transcenden-
tal Meditation," citing Bible
verses to discredit the Maharishi
Mahash Yogi, founder of the
Science of Creative Intelligence.
The T.C.T. is an entirely non-
religious process whose basis is
the practice of transcendental
meditation. T.M. is a scientific-
ally proven method of attaining
a level of deep rest. I shall not
sing its praises or proselytize,
but simply clarify what seems
to be either a misconception or
a lie.
Transcendental Meditation is
a non-religious process, followed
and acclaimed by priests, rabbis
and many practicing Christians,

Jews, and believers and leaders
in other faiths. It is not, as this
sign blindly and presumptuous-
ly asserts, "a course on salva-
tion, Krishna style."
I, like a growing number of
others who practice T.M., find
it a most relaxing, energy pro-
viding, and awareness heighten-
ing "exercise". It is no more a
religion than sleeping, eating or
brushing one's teeth. The ob-
vious assumption of the flyer is
that meditators worship the
"Lord Krishna" and the Maha-
rishi, who, along with the T.C.T.,
must form some demonic trinity
in the minds of whoever distrib-
uted the flyer.
BUT MY POINT is not to de-
fend "Mr. Transcendental Medi-
tation". I expect he will be mis-
represented for a long time yet.
What I cannot palate is the bla-


tant misrepresentation of the
Lord Jesus Christ, who any true
follower of the Bible knows is
not "against" anyone, but rath-
er, for everyone . . . Even Mr.
T.M. and even those who blas-
pheme His name on ignorant,
sensationalistic flyers.,
Jasmine Wise, -
Kenilworth, England
September 21
To The Daily:
AS A MEMBER of the ex-
bargaining team of Local No.
2001, I am writing to clarify the
terms under which we were
elected by the membership.
Only 10 per cent of the member-
ship attended the November
25th meetng at which the bar-
gaining team was elected on an


interim basis for the sole pur-
pose of negotiating the first con-
We were not elected to be of-
ficers, trustees, or stewards. We
were not given the responsibil-
ity or authority to negotiate
loans on behalf of the member-
ship or write by-laws for them.
It was understood that upon rat-
ification of our first contract,
our term of office would expire.
When situations requiring ac-
tion arose, rather than approach
the membership with the facts
and proposed courses of action-
the bargaining committee chose
to make individual assumptions
and determinations which would
"resolve the situation quickly".
This "time factor" has always
been the excuse applied to deny
the membership due process ac-
cording to the democratic union-
ism outlined in the UAW Inter-
national Constitution.
The members at the June
membership meeting requested.
application of the UAW Consti-
tution. They were denied an
electon of interim officers and
a by-laws committee by Region-
al Rep. Carolyn Forrest on the
grounds that it was "too politi-
cal an issue". Yet other new
clerical locals at other univer-
sities conducted elections for
interim officers, an interim bar-
gaining team and established
by-laws prior to contract nego-
tiions. Since Ms.Forrest is the

well aware of the procedure.
Such locals have an advantage
that our local has consistently
been denied - a functioning,
democratic, structure.
After denying the membership
of 2001 due process, the Educa-
tional Director of Region lE
wrote a set of by-laws, admon-
ished us to keep the drafts with-
in the confines of the bargaining
committee, and not to let the
membership see them. I would
like to quote an International
Rep., Omar Dillingham, whose
comments appeared in The
Daily, Sat., Sept. 20 . . . "The
first thing they have to do under
the Constitution . . . is call a
meeting to elect an elections
committee to conduct the elec-
tion of localunion officials. Of-
ficials must then elect or ap-
point a by-laws committee.
That's the democratic way to do
it." There appear to be discrep-
ancies between the goals and
ideals set forth. at the Interna-
tional level of the UAW and the
real way they are being applied
at the Regional level.
The rights for which we or-
ganized into a collective bar-
gaining unit have been lost in
the shuffle since we were certi-
fied last November. Our right to
have input on an individual ba-
sis as well as collectively about
the policies and decisions which
affect our lives is not being rec-
ognized. We can achieve those
goals and establish a democrat-.
ic functioning local attuned to
one another's need.
Attend the June 28 meeting at

Volunteer time, ideas

control over what happens to
our money, not just Student Gov-
ernment Council funds, but tui-
tion money and housing pay-
ments as well. That's why I ran
for SGC. That's why we're try-
ing to make SGC a workable
body and an advocate for stu-
dents. That's why I think all of
you should get involved and
find out what's happening with

the dormitories, developing
methods of publicizing ourselves,
and we may establish an SGC
newsletter. We are also ex-
changing information and ad-
vice with other universities and
mittee is communicating with
governments of the seventeen
schools and colleges within the
University of Michigan and with

rules, and bylaws and will keep
the council files. The committee
will also investigate and inform
students on administrative pro-
cedures within the University.
There are openings on stand-
ing University committees, and
there are new committees form-
ing all the time. We are looking
for a director and several assist-
ants to supervise the upcoming
SGC elections.

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