Wednesday, September 24, 1975' HE MICHIGAN DAILY page'5even Wednesday, September 24, 1975 tHE MICHIGAN DAILY !~cge Seven ...,.. A erieans lack enou h health- care --ex ert By RICK SOBLE Americans fail to get a com- plete range of medical care be- cause this country lacks, a na- tional health policy, according to the former chancellor of a leading medical school. Dr. John Millis, who headed Case Western Reserve, yester- day told a Rackham Auditorium crowd that health care in the United States is a piece-meal affair. "WE AGREE as a nation that the access to health care is a basic right," he said during the brief speech. "But there is no describing the pattern of a na- tional health policy." Millis attributed this to a Con- gressional preference for pro- grams designed to "conquer spe- cific diseases" rather than to insure the nation's overall' health. A shortage of doctors and nurses has also led to relatively inadequate health care in this country, the doctor said. In part, the lack of medical personnel' grew out of Medicare and Med- icaid, according to Millis. Hearst tells of *1 (Continued from Page 1) HER LAWYERS argued yes- terday that she was "too frail" to submit to cross-examination and asked the judge to appoint psychiatrists to determine her mental competence to stand trial. The judge made no deci- sion at yesterday's 40-minute hearing and said he would con- tinue the case next Tuesday. Hearst, wearing a red shirt and blue slacks, sat silently through yesterday's session. Her affidavit was not read in court, but her lawyers later read it to reporters outside the courtroom. Hearst is charged with taking part with SLA members in a California bank holdup in Ap- ril, 1974, in which $13,000 were stolen. After the robbery a photo- graph showed her standing in the bank with a gun. frightened mind, she believed it.I "Everything appeared so dis-I torted and terrible that she feared she was losing her san- ity. Unless soon freed, she be-t lieved she would become in-I sane." "FANTASTIC shapes keptI coming and going before her. The faces of her jailers ap- peared as weird, horrible masks," the affidavit said. Hearst said that from the mo- ment of the bank robbery until her return to San Francisco two weeks ago, she lived in a world of fantasies and confusion. She finally decided to return to San Francisco to try to get in touch with her parents and discover whether she would really be murdered by law en- forcement officers as the SLA had told her. torture facing her family kept throwing her back into a distorted state of mind," the affidavit said. Hearst said the first realiza- tion she had that she had been living in a fantasy world came when her parents visited her in jail and she hugged and kissed her mother, father and sisters. . hbere's thru AP Photo But cain he throw it? A frisbee player in Pasadena displays the talent which his owner hopes will encourage the International Frisbee Asso- ciation to start a dog division.. Court finds' Fromme fit to stand trial IN HER affidavit, Hearst said Franci"SHE RETURNED to Sanpec she was told by her captors sheF s but the prospect of must accompany them on the bank raid, allow herself to be photographed and announce iher name so that everyone would$ The Medieval and Renaissance Colleen know she had been present. one-credit hour mini course to be held in She stated she was put in a the Fall, 1975. Boccaccio Festival. Reau car, given a gun and directed to course are to attend 1 ) the Festival lec stand in the center of the bank. 22 & 23; November 6, 7, & 8; and No' She said that throughout the 2) four Festival films (October 24, 25, 2 bank raid, a member of the SLA 5 & 6), 3) the performances of "Lat had a gun pointed at her. She "Cormina Burana," and 4) a show of la was told in advance that if she Renaissance art in the University Art Mu made one false move, she would 21 throuch January 4). In addition, eac be killed instantly. i d-i ch- ( 7 b n announces a nconjunction with irements for the, tures (September vember 20 & 21, 26, and December Mandraqolo" and ate Medieval and iseum (November h student will be nnr Ft~~a h n The beatiul'icure ever' of a wman's It's a thermogram-a picture of heat patterns in breast tissue. Along with a mammogram (X-ray), it's the most advanced way to spot trouble before it's felt as a lump. And that will save lives. And that's beautiful. s. 100,000 women this year will be tested at Breast Diagnostic Centers set up by the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer institute. But we're greedy. We want to protect millions of women. And men and children, too. Another major project is looking into possible causes of cancer in our environment-our habits, foods, jobs. - We need money for all our cancer research. Please give., We wantto wipe out cancer in your lifetime. Amercan ancer odetylm We want to wipe out cancer in your lifetime.1 (Continued from Page 1) court appearances after she was AFTER the bank raid, shej BUT IN that respect, the pic- At one joint Fromme rose arrested here on Sept. 5 for said, she was told by her cap- I ture looks brighter because of from her seat to make a state- allegedly pointing a gun at Ford, tors that the FBI would'be hunt- efforts to increase enrollment in ment and Judge Macbride inter- she made a rambling plea "to ing for her because she was professional medical schools, he rupted her saying, "Now that! save the redwood trees." guilty of bank robbery. said. Teafdvtwihicue Millis predicted that the na- you are co-counsel, you are go- FROMME, outfitted in a olood thanlyfidarst 'sac nclude ing to hae to leanotowonoy redarste'soldatheJudgebut tion could have an adequate pg to have to learn how to red robe, told the Judge she comments by her lawyers, con- number of doctors by the 1980's approach the lectern. wanted arrangements made rtinued: "In her disordered and and thereafter "appropriations Then the Judge warned, "I'm a desk, chair and typewriter in for education will decrease." not going to permit you, From- her solitary jail cell. Currently, however national me, to make political state- The judge denied the request. health care remains a "bewil- ments or any statements on the "I can't impose special condi-j dering" subject that has been ecology or how bad things are tions to give special considera- capriciously treated by legisla- in the environment. tion to federal prisoners, he tors - both at the federal and During one of Fromme's first said. state level -- and medical pro- fessionals who have "fluctuating values and alternating empha- GIRLS! GUYS! WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER SAY MILLIS spoke lat the Univer-I IF YOU JOINED A FRATERNITY sity as this year's John Kraus FIND OUT Today, millions of people Memoiallectrer ics are influencing the str He said that the impetus for Join THETA XI io r inacin. t t a national health policy must THatinorlnatAT.PetTh .:,;,, ,,,o ,,e._1ITHE COED FRATERNITY.r.,.a__^.A reaulrea to write a snort -I pages) paperr. rto - formation recardinc times and titles of performances, lec- tures, and films may be obtained through the MARC of- fice, N-Entrywov. N-12, Law Quad (tel: 763-2066). Students mov register for the course in the MARC office. Reoistration must be completed by September 30. 1975. Course co-ordinator: Jeanne S. Martin, Associate Director, MARC. Office hours: MW 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. ----- -- gefort te influencers: who have never had a course in econom- know "the patient", The Business Roundtable is sponsoring mes- ructure of our economic system by their sages thatdiscuss innerworkings of ourAmerican economic system. e well-being of each individual and family They are giving this special "mini course" monthly exposure be- mics. Realizing that "the doctor" needs to fore the country's largest reading audience in Reader's Digest. originate with the medicai schools across the country be- cause they are "primarily re- sponsible for the organization, criticism, and dissemination of knowledge," RUSH - SEPTEMBER 21-25 - 7-10 p.m. depends on sound econor OR CALL 1345 WASHTENAW 761-6133 or 665-0334 (the house with the white pillars) Free Enterprise- Is This Any Way to0 Live ? . VERY TIME you pick up a paycheck, buy a gallon of gas or make a bank de- posit, you renew your ac- tive membership in the American free market. Our economic system's almost infinite freedom of choice- between house and condominium, one supermarket and another, large- car and small-is the "humdrum" reality of the highest standard of living in the world. And yet a vocal group of econo- mists, social reformers, "consumer advocates" and other self-proclaimed critics are trying to convince us. that our system is evil, that, we should feel guilty about the way we live. Indeed, one of them says that our system "has issued a death sen- tence against the individual human spirit" and "plunged our country into its present economic chaos, de- stroyed the lives of millions of fam- ilies and threatened the very survival of the republic." Strong stuff. But is it even partial- ly true? Maybe it's time to remind ourselves of a few facts as we con- sider the following charges against our way of life: " Free enterprise exploits people. The critics say that the system de- grades man, making him a cog in the industrial machine, repressing his individuali:m. Yet how dmin e Md., on summer weekends, or the machine operator in Dayton who rises to plant manager? The view is hardly compatible with the fact that median family real income (figured. in constant dollars) has nearly trebled since 1939. Nor does it jibe with polls showing that Americans 8 to z like their jobs. " The free enterprise system makes us selfish and materialistic. No one doubts that our economic system has produced an extraordi- nary abundance of material goods. And it is true that "average Ameri- cans" spend nearly half their total income on what they want (the otherhalf takes care of necessities- food, clothing, housing). No people have ever lived so comfortably. But the record indisputably shows that, even as they have enjoyed and in- sisted upon material benefits, they have poured out much of their material wealth unselfishly. In 1965, for example, we gave $12.2 billion to churches, hospitals, schools and a dizzying variety of charitable causes. Last year, despite recession, we gave $25.2 billion,.a seven-percent jump over 1973. And we give of our time, too- much of that time free because of material things that shorten our working hours at home and on the :nh Wp m n-n-.nn ,n .. ..n. .C . The way we earn our "daily bread" in this country is under attack as never before. It's time to face up. to the question .. . culiarly vital effectiveness to the big intere concept of volunteerism. But if tha " Our way of life debases our were the t taste. The critics picture us as help- by $6.5 bil less slaves to manufacturers, addicted form Act? to a stream of frivolous products put 'big intere out purely for profit. But if we don't of inimica want such products, we don't buy cause the them. The choice is ours. marketpla Critics also blame the system for the fact that some of us persist in eat- PERHAPs y0 ng "junk food" or listening to against th "awful noise" on the radio. They're made on1 afraid that we'll make the "wrong" but ratherc choice between wool and nylon, osophical pretzels and carrot cookies. Yet the facts of p very genius of the market enables us whelmingi to make such choices freely and in Here are abundance. "Indeed," notes, econo- percent oft mist Milton Friedman, "a major six percen source of objection to a free economy produce 3 is precisely that it does this task so goods and well. It gives people what they want the total o instead of what a particular group and Japanc thinks they ought to want. Underly- labor forc ing most arguments against a free thirds the market is a lack of belief in freedom we produ itself." Russians d " Free enterprise concentrates American wealth and power in the hands of a ten people few. In no other society is wealth so can farm w obviously in reach of its people. The and abroad Bureau of Census reports 59.2 per- But allt cent of national income goes to the tem's wel 103 million people in families mak- productivit ing $10,ooo to $25,000. More signifi- portant as cant, in 1962 there were 464,ooo looms larg households making over $25,000. By This is the 1973, there were 5.4 million such and orderi households-a more than tenfold place. You a increase-astounding even when in- your skills flation is taken into account. One in- you will wv dicator of how wealth is distributed with your e in America: two out of every three ine some c families own or are purchasing the who will b dwelling in which they live. Latrobe, P Well, then, say the critics, wealth repairman and power must be in the hands of market mo big corporations. But who are these plex assort corporations? They are more than resources, s 31 million Americans who own cor- yet it leaves porate stock, plus more than zoo million others who indirectly share in ownership through stock'owned I . I 1:10 For reprints, ADVERTISEMENT O00 sts run the government t's true, how in the world axes of 'big interests' raised illion in the 1969 Tax Re- ? And why haven't those sts' prevented the passage al regulatory acts?" Be- people-who run the ce-still run the country. ou've noticed that the case e free market is seldom hard economic grounds, on hard-to-pin-down phil- issues. That's because the erformance are so over- jy in its favor. some figures: With seven the world's land area and. t of the population, we 3 percent of the world's services (about equal to utput of Western Europe combined). Although our e is approximately two- size, of the Soviet Union's, ce twice as much as the io each year. In 1940, one farm worker fed about Today, a single Ameri- vorker feeds 54 people here d. the evidence of the sys- 1-known efficiency and y is ultimately not as im- a certain intangible that er than mere economics. subtle blend of freedom inherent to the market- are free to decide how best can be applied, where tork, what you will buy earnings. Can you imag- entral authority deciding e'a tool-and-die maker in a., or a vacuum-cleaner in Keokuk? The free nitors an incredibly com- ment of prices, wages, kills, needs, desires-and s you in control. , write: Reprint Editor. The i