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September 20, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-20

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Satur4lay, S6ptorn,$ r 20, 1 X75


Page Threel

Scsturday, September 20, 1975 THE MICHIGAN t~AItX Page Three

Locals react to Hearst case

Regents approve 1%K
'U' budget reduction uic/


Despite a veritable mountain
of publicity, the unexpected cap-
ture of Patty Hearst elicited
little excitement from local ob-
servers yesterday. While most
admitted an initial feeling of
surprise, most soon settled into
a bemused cynicism with regard
to the event.,
LSA Junior Jeff Kahan spec-
ulated, "It must be time for her
to pick up her inheritance."
RUSSELL Linden, '77, com-
mented with mock mournful-
ness, "I guess this means the'
revolution is coming to an end."
"I think she should be given
a good spanking from Mommy
and Daddy," quipped Junior
Rob Orly.
Interspersed among the face-
tious remarks, however, were al
variety of serious observations.
"I DON'T see how the judge
or jury can possibly give her a
Federal ju
ba1l for Pa

fair trial," said Ann Arborite
Bob Kendall, 25. "I just read
the New York Times and they
just about came out and said
she was guilty."
Barb LaRow, 21, also noted
the effect of the press, com-
menting that "too much pub-
licity" would prevent a fair
But on the other side of the,
coin, many locals foresaw a
sham trial of a completely dif-
ferent order.
"SHE'S GOT absolutely noth-
ing to worry about," said fresh-
woman Sue Mendelsohn, 18.
"Her parents can put the fin-
ger on all the right people."
June Karchere, 64, expressed
a similar opinion. "Her father
is important enough to insure
her getting a more than fair
trial," she remarked.
As to whether Hearst deserves
imprisonment, Molly Egan com-
dge denies
bank to finance revolutionary

mented, "It depends on if she
did it of her own free will, or
if she just went bananas. If she
did it of her own free will, she
should get everything that's
coming to her."
Postman Tom O'Connel, 36,
spoke for many in expressing
his opinion of the Hearst drama.
"II11 be very interested to see
how the trial turns out, andfI'll
be even more interested to find
out the real story of what ac-
tually happened to her."
SLA all
_ wKel le
(continued from Page 1)
Why did she return to San

Mv'4hDi £ erice4

(Continued from Pt g6)
stitutional, leaving Milliken tot
cut the budget by executive or-
Lansing), also a lobbyist in the
state capital, thinks the reduc-
tion will come in "December orl
"The state will be getting an
idea next month as to what its
revenues will be from the new.
business privilege tax," Dunn

about the realization of affirma-
tive action goals.
In other business yesterdayj
the Board approved a plan for I
studying a major renovation of
University Hospital on the basis.
of an all-out, rather than phas-
ed, approach. The plan will now
be considered by the University
Hospital Planning Committee.
17 year olds
show improved

409 N. Division
M. Robert Fraser, Pastor
Church School-9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship-11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship-7:00 p.m.
* * *

218 N. Division--665-0606
Sundays at noon-Holy Eucha-
rist with a meal following.
- * *
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
Pastor: Don Postema

423 S. Fourth Ave. Ph. 665-6149
Minister: Orval L. E. Willimann
9:00 a.m.-Chapel Service.
10:00 a.m.-Worship Service.
10:00 a.m.-Church School.
Child care t 10:00 a.m. serv-

FIRST UNITED METHODIST ' Christian Reformed Worship. ice.
CHURCH Sunday Worship-10 a.m. and Service broadcast on WNRS
State at Huron and Washington 6 p.m. (1290 AM).
Worship Services:
9:30 Worship Service-Sanc-1 1833 Washtenaw 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560
tuary. Sunday Service and Sunday Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
11:00 Worship Service-Sanc- School-10:30 a.m. Sunday at 9:15 and 10:30 a.m.

Dunn said that even if an- ading ability
other cut is made, layoffs can
still be avoided, at least for the A G ( F
reminerof heficaly~r. WASHINGTON (AP - Func-
remainder of the fiscal year. tional literacy among 17-year-
But if the revenue picture does old high school seniors has im-
not improve, and he sees no over the pat three
sign that it will, personnel lay, provedoverte pas e
offs will become virtually in- years, but black students still
' evitable. lag significantly in reading abil-
ity, according to a nationwide


9:30 and 11:00 Church School.
Sermon: "When Life Doesn't
Make Sense" by Dr. Donald B.
Worship services are broad-
cast over WNRS-AM (1290) each
Sunday from 11:00 to 12:00 noon.

Wednesday Testimony Meet- -Worship Services.
ing-8:00 p.m. Sunday at 9:15 a.m. - Bible
Child Care-Sunday, under 2, Study Group.
years; Wednesday, through 6 Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. -
Midweek Informal Worship.
Reading Room -306 E. Lib- OF CHRIST
erty, 10-9 Mon., 10-5 Tues.-Sat. P rent
y Presently Meeting at

(Continued from Page 1)

the judge. activities and as a gesture of
"The defendant may have defiance toward her parents and,
close ties, but they are not to society.
her family." At separate hearings yester-
HEARST'S lawyer, Terence day, judges also revoked the
H4llinan, told Judge Carter yes- $500,000 bail for each of the
terday that the kidnap victim threeothers arrested yesterday
who converted to thehcause of -SLA founders William and
her captors, now wished to go Emily Harris and Japanese-
home to the parents she once American artist Wendy Yoshi-
denounced as "capitalist pigs."' mura,
Browning said that whenI Meanwhile, Stephen Soliab,
Hearst was arrested here Thurs- who rented the house to Hearst,
day she gave her occupation to was ordered held on $75,000 bail.
jail officials as "urban guerril- AS HEARST walked into the
la." He said there was a strong courtroom in the lavender
possibility she would again be- blouse and brown slacks in
come a fugitive if her family which she was arrested, she
bailed her out. nodded and smiled to her fam-
Her father, Randolph Hearst, ily and said: "Hi."
is a wealthy newspaper publish- Her three sisters, Anne, Vic-
er. toria and Gina were sitting on
MR. AND Mrs. Hearst had a one side of Mr. Hearst. Ms.
tearful reunion with their daugh- Hearst was on the other side of
ter in prison early yesterday him.
and were in the court with their When Hearst was asked if she
three other children. understood the charges of
Carter said Hearst - an heir- armed bank robbery against
ess to the fortune created by her, she said: "Yes, your hon-
her legendary grandfather, pub- or-"
lisher William Randolph Hearst SHE FACES 22 charges, in-
-aitd the three other members cluding bank robbery and kid-
of the SLA also arrested Thurs- napping.
day were self-proclaimed revo- H a 11 i n a n asked Carter,
lutionaries. "Where do you think the kidnap-
He said he knew that money ping ended and the flight be-
would be no object to a family gan?"
like the Hearsts. But he won- The judge replied, "I don't
dered if they understood the re- know that I am required to de-
sponsibility of standing guaran- cide that."
tee for a woman who could flee. Catherine Hearst said she and
"I DON'T know whether it's her husband gave their daugh-
fair to put them in that posi- ter a bouquet of roses when they
tion," he said. visited her in jail following her
Referring to the weight of arrest Thursday after 19 months
evidence he said was against as a fugitive from the FBI.
21-year-old Hearst, Browning1
stated: "We have the defendant "WE HAD a very happy re-
admitting in a tape that she vol- union with Patty. We hugged
untarily took part ... in a bank her, we loved her, we kissed
robbery." her," Ms. Hearst told journal-
In a taped "communique" ists.
from the SLA dat d April 24, "She said she would be happy
1974, Hearst declaied that she to come home," Ms. Hearst add-
had willingly taken part in the ed. "She would like to come
robbery of a San Francisco home."

"WE don't know." "IF YOU CUT the way we've
How long had she been there. been cutting," said Dunn,
"We think about three "there's really no place left to
weeks." i go."
ASKED about reports the ar- The Regents also received a
rests were a fluke, be counter-'TeRgnsas eevda
'ress wre flkehe ouner-response from the Literary Col-
ed with an assertion that they lege (LSA) to questions some
were the result of good, solid, members had about the effec-
investigative work. And he said tiveness of its affirmative action
the tracking down and break- program. The letter, from Asso-
ing up of the SLA is worth ciate LSA Dean Eva Mueller,
the more than $2.6 million it elaborates on the 1973-74 Affirm-
has cost. ative Action Progress Report,
"I am concerned about this which cited 11 of the College's
and other groups of revolution- denartments as not having re-
aries that would overthrow our I alized hiring goals for women
government using the weapon and minorities.
of violence," he said. According to the letter, the
Did the FBI have anything College is planning to upgrade
to indicate that Patty Hearst the program by providing addi-
was a genuine convert to the tional travel expenses for inter-
SLA. , viewing minority candidates,
I "WE DO not have this," Kel- bringing minority faculty to the
ley replied. "It has been re- campus on temporary appoint-
ported to me that she wants to ments, and updating national
be reunited with her family and availability assessments of wo-
will be taken back into the bo- men and minority applicants.

The government - sponsored * - *
survey of 5,200 high school sen- LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN
iors showed they had gained CHURCH (ALC-LCA)
two percentage points in basic (Formerly Lutheran Student
reading performance over a Chapel)
similar group studied in 1971. 801 S. Forest Ave. at Hill St.
The highest improvement oc- Gordon Ward, Pastor
curred among groups who had Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m.
U__ +1._ .- . + - 10

* , *

ST. ANDREW'S EPSICOPAL David Graf, Minister
CHURCH, 306 N. Division Students Welcome.
8:00 a.m.-Holy Eucharist. For information or transpor-
10:00 a.m. Holy Communion tation: 663-3233 or 662-2494.
and Sermon. 10:00 a.m. - Sunday Worshi:


YM-YWCA. 530 S. Fifth

been the lowest in 11

* * *

Students whose parents had ANN ARBOR CHURCH
not completed high school OF CHRIST
gained 4.7 percentage points, 530 W. Stadium Blvd.
blacks and students living in (one block west of
cities with high welfare or job-, U of M Stadium)
less rates scored 3.6 percent- Bible Study - Sunda
age points higher, and young- a.m.-Wednesday, 7:30
sters in extremely rural areas Worship-Sunday, 10:
went up 4.1 percentage points. and 6:00 p.m.
Students from the Midwest Need Transportation?
performed the highest, 93.3 per,662-9928:
cent, and those in the South-
east the lowest, 88.1 per cent,
according to the study.
Girls performed slightly bet-
ter than boys, 92 per cent com-W hat
pared with 90.2 per cent.
The most striking difference

ay, 9:30:
30 a.m.
? Call

331 Thompson-663-0357
Weekend Masses:
Saturday- p.m.
Sunday - 7:45 a.m., 9 a.m,
10:30 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m.
(plus 9:30 a.m. North Campus).

* * *
CHURCH, 1001 E. Huron
Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice,
9:30 a.m.-Church School.
5:30 p.m.-Student Supper.
10:30 a.m.-Morning Worship





som of that very close group."
Kelley said the FBI had
never been able to infiltrate the
SLA, and he indicated this also
was true with some other un-,
derground groups.
They are too tightly knit and;
are clever in their security mea-
sures against intruders, he said. 1
"THERE were some who
said the failure of the FBI and
other law enforcement agencies
to find Patty Hearst was an in-
dication of their fallibility,",
Kelley. said. "The credibility of
the FBI has been assaulted."!
He said he hoped the arrests
will restore a feeling of confi-
"We know again that no one
can run forever," he said.
THE NEWS conference was ,
held at an office Kelley main-
tains in Kansas City, where he
was police chief for 12 years.
He was serious throughout i
the questioning, but his voice
seemed to take on a light-
hearted touch when he noted he
no longer will be tormented
everywhere he goes by the
question: "Why can't you catch'
Patty Hearst?"

TT-TV i VTTIPM nrlA&A that Atf_ I

iim LL. mi aaaeaU I mw be en htad lc
ing LSA Dean Billy Frye is was between white and black
planning to meet with individual students. Whites scored 93.2
department chairmen "to con- per cent, or 14.1 per cent high-
vey his own sense of urgency" I er than blacks.

few minutes, ut
could save your

City Council passes



CDRS budget plan
(Continued from Page 1) ' ed that some of the provis
is opposed by Council Demo- in the committee's plan did
crats for its "piecemeal" out- comply with the spirit of HI
line. They claim that the plan - intent.
largely identical to the final rec- Belcher replied to Whee
ommendations made by a Citi- claim saying, "HUD expects
zens Advisory Committee for money to be spent now
CDRS in February - violates that's why they gave it to u
certain outlines established by not to be held, not to be ge
the Department of Housing and mandered."
Urban Development and does Yesterday's passage of
not reflect comprehensive plan- CDRS money came after C
ning. cil had defeated three alter
CDRS funding plans last N
THE REPUBLICANS, how- day. A plan by the Democ
ever, insist those accusations for allocating just under $
are inaccurate. 000 of the revenue sha
"I have just found out some funds, an HIP plan calling
things about you, Al (Wheeler), approximately $1 million
that have made me so damn funding and a plan identica
mad I can hardly see straight," the one passed last night u
said Councilman Ronald TProw- all rejected during the regi
bridge (R-Fourth Ward) last Monday Councilsession.
"I think you've been less than THE MICHIGAN DAILY
honest with us," he continued. Volume LXXXVI, No. 15
"You have not ' shown us one Saturday, September 20, 197
ounce of documentation to show is edited and managed by stud
that HUD felt we weren't corn- at the university of Michigan.r
plying (with their outlines." phone 784-0562. Second class po
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan4
t Pubished d a 1i y Tuesday thr
TROWBRIDGE then related to Sunday morning during the Un
#Council a conversation he had sity year at 420 Maynard street,
with HlD official Leonard Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscrip
rakys:yso by carrier (campus a
Watchowski yesterday after- $1 1 local mail (Michigan and 01
noon, in which Watchowski af- $12 nOn--ll mail (other states
firmed that the citizen's corn- foreign).
mittee planning did indeed com- day tmrsgsinaturday ser
ply with HUD outlines. Subscription rates: $5.50 by ca
Wheeler, however, claims that (campus area>: .o local
he has received word from an- lochiannoth ioa $.and5
other HUD official who suggest-

s the
us -I
al to

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Clerical demands considered

SEPT. 19, 20, 21, 1975

(Continued from Page 1) 1 And taking their complaints
information came from the In- straight to the top, they appear-1
ternational and we sought help ed before Leonard Woodcock,
from Carolyn Forrest (UAW head of the UAW, at a conven-'
regional representative) on the tion held locally last weekend.;
But Omer Dinningham, or-' CDU members feel that they ]
ganizing coordinator for the have been unfairly treated by
UAW international division of union regional representative
Technical and Office Person- i Forrest, dealing with them in
nel services disagreed. "No an "autocratic manner" during'
self - appointed group can write meetings by refusing to recog-
the bylaws," he said. "If they nize dissenting speakers.
do they're looking for trouble." Jones disagreed, saying, "I1
do not think Forrest has inter-,
"THE FIRST thing they have fered unduly in Union business,

plaints over the secrecy of the
bylaws being drawn up by
members of the former BT.
"No one ever asked me directly
about specifics in the bylaws,"
she said. "If they had I would
have informed them."
Weeks countered "That's al-
ways her position-"If the cler-
icals would just call me' - but
how can 3,000 clericals call?"
Along with a response to CDU
demands, by-law proposals are
being mailed next week, said
Jones. The CDU plans to meet
Tuesday to discuss them. !

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______ 3

to do under the constitution,"
he added, "is call a meeting to
elect an elections committee to
conduct the election of local
union officials- Officials must
then elect or appoint a by-
laws committee. That's the!
democratic way to do it."
In addition to soliciting 319:
names from the approximately
2,000-member local, CDU has
called for clericals to refusel
to sign "a voluntary authoriz-
ation form for the payment of
union dues," effecting a dues

. . . and its been much easier
for us as a new local (with
UAW) than one that had to go
it alone."
Weeks demanded that the
clericals be allowed to line up
before microphones for recogni-
tion, eliminating any possibility
of playing favorites.
"The mood of the clericals,"
Weeks said, "is that if they
lpersist in handling the meet-
ings like the ones in the past,
we will take them all the way
to the wall."
Jones also responded to com-

218 N. DIVISION 665.0606
Come by and help us celebrate the Feast of Thonksgivinc
eoch week in the living room of the bia, blue house on
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