Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, September 20, 1975 Pae -w THE MICH-GA- -A-L- 1k events and entertainment S.. for the week of sept. 20-26 all week long COMMERCIAL CINEMA Billy Jack and The Trial of Billy Jack-(The Movies, Briar- wood) - Sequential lesson on how fame and money corrupt. The low-budget original, for all its naivety, is fresh, spontan- eous and absorbing. The mon- ster-budget sequel is calculat- ing, self-inflated and dull. Shed! a tear for lost innocence.** ! The Happy Hooker - (The Movies, Briarwood)-Lynn Red- grave's seductively comic per- formance just isn't enough to redeem this otherwise very tepid film version of the ad- ventures of Xaviera Hollender. Save your money for the Art I. * Night Moves - (The Movies, Briarwood) - Arthur Penn's first full-length film in nearly five years proves an absorbing study of a private detective caught up too deeply in his in- vestigations, with tragic results. As the downtrodden private eye, Gene Hackman is wonderful, as usual. *** The Fortune - (The Movies, Briarwood) - This nasty little comedy involves, amongother things, marriage, the Mann Act and murder, but is primarily noteworthy as the latest chapter in the decline and fall of direc- tor Mike Nichols. Warren Beat- ty and Jack Nicholson fight a losing battle against the dynam- ic duo of offensiveness and te- dium. Walking Tall II - (Fifth For- um) - This sequel to the blood- bathed original is billed as "The Story Buford Wanted Told," in one of the more repulsive pro- mo-exploitations of recent years (The real Buford Pusser having recently died in an auto acci- dent). Considering its PG rat- ____ " 1 JGt PEPPER" ing, probably not the real story, either. ** Jaws - (State) - Remark- ably but undeniably on its way to becoming the most famous] film in history. And admittedly, within its limits, pretty grand entertainment. **** Andy Warhol's Frankenstein and Andy Warhol's Dracula - (Campus) - Hilarity, gore, te- dium and gore intermingled in the grand Warhol non-design., For the most party Shelly fares better than Stoker, but the whole enterprise is, dependent strictly upon individual taste. Proceed at your own risk. saturday SEPTEMBER 20 Cinema Patton - (Cinema II, Angell, Aud. A, 7, 10) - Franklin Schaffner's overblown, patroniz- ing epic which sheds precious little light on the psyche of the famous general. And definitely NOT George C. Scott's finest performance on film. ** Flash Gordon - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud, 7 only) - All 13 episodes worth. If you can handle the three-odd hours1 involved, a treat for sci-fi his- torians, camp connoisseurs and kids of any age. With Buster; Crabbe as Flash and Charles Middleton as the immortal Ming the Merciless. ***I Deliverance - (Mediatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30, 9:30) - Nature cast as brutalizer rather! than sanctuary, as John Voight' and Burt Reynolds struggle against human and ecological savagery in the Georgia wilder- ness. John Boorman directed this first-rate adaptation of James Dickey's cynical, pene- trating novel.* W. C. Fields Festival - (Ma- trix, 7 only) - Collection of W. C.'s shorter classics eminently worth seeing even as reruns. ** Animal Crackers -(Matrix, 9 only) - The Marx Brothers' longest early film, and some- what strained in comparison to their other efforts of the period. However, even 100 min- utes of B Groucho, Chico & Harpo is worth 50 hours of Mon- ty Python, and as such, not to be missed. ***I mUSIC Blind Pig - Small Change, Jazz, 8:30 pm, $1.00 Rubaiyat - Stutter's Ball, Dance music, 10 pm, no cover Golden Falcon - Head Wind, Jazz/Rock, 9:30 pm, $1.00 Ark-Highwoods String Band, Folk, 9 pm, $2.50 Bimbo's - Gaslighter, Rag- time, 6 pm, $.50 Bimbo's - on - the - Hill - J. B. and Company, Rock, 8:301 pm, no cover Mr. Flood's Party - Stoney Creek, Blue Grass, 9:30 pm, $1.00 Old Heidelberg - Mustard's Retreat, Folk, 9 pm, No cover Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys, Blue Grass, $1.50, 10 pm Bimbo's (Ypsi) - Smoke, Rock, 9 pm, $1.00 Huron Hotel - Marion Black- man Band, Rock and Roll, 9 pm, $1.00 Loma Linda Tony and Caro-I lyn and Company, Top 40's, 91 pm, No cover Casa Nova (Ypsi) -Jonathan and Michael, Country Rock, 9:30 pm, no cover Spaghett i Bender - "The Roadside Attraction", dinner theater, 7:30 pm, $7.00 Chances Are - Brainstorm, funky, 9:30, cover varies (bring student ID for discount). sunday Chaplin's last "Little Tramp" film and certainly his funniest. This mordant commentary on modern man bewildered by the mechanized "wonders" sur- rounding him endures 40 years later as one of the three or four best comedies ever made. Lola Montez-(Cinema Guild, Arch Aud., 7 & 9:05) - Max Op- huls' 20-year old film on the famous seductress was only re- cently released in this country. Considered a film classic, but a rather unknown quantity in these parts. MUSIC Ark - Highwoods String Band, Folk, 9 pm, $2.50 Bimbo's - Mother's Boys andC Kerry Price, Jazz - Blues, 1:30- 5 pm, $3.00 in advance, $3.50 at the door Loma Linda - Mixed Bag, Jazz, 9 pm, no cover Golden Falcon - Double-0- Soul, disc jockey, between 9:30{ Ark - "Hoot Night", folk, 9' pm, $0.75. Golden Falcon - "Ann Ar-' bor Experimental Jazz Band", jazz, bet. 9:30 & 10 pm, $1. Blind Pig - "Boogie Woogie Red", blues, 9:30 pm-2 am, $1. Chances Are - Mojo Boogie Band, funky, 9:30, cover varies. tuesday SEPTEMBER 23 CINEMA Birth of a Nation - (Cinema Guild, Arch, Aud., 7 only) - Motion pictures' original epic- The Civil War and its after- math seen through the eyes of D. W. Griffith. Rather creaky f 1 f s i i and 10 pm Huron H man Band pm, $1.00 Bimbo's Rock and] Spaghett side Attrac 7:30 pm, $ Chances funky, 9:3 son, jazz, bring stud' WUOM From Mar cordings o 1028 E. University 662-0202 o Open 7 days a week " 9:30-1 1 :00 BEER & WINE, FRESH MEAT AND PRODUCE, DELI COUNTER, IMPORTED CHEESES, IM- PORTED WINES. Sgt. Pepper brings the price of meat down. We are the STUDENT MEAT CENTER-Compare our prices. ROUND STEAK ....................$1.49/lb. BEEF LIVER .. . .................2 lbs. for 98c GROUND ROUND STEAK ......... ..... 98c/Ib. FRYING CHICKEN ............ ....... 59c/Ib. BONELESS STEWING BEEF ..........$1.29/lb. CUBE STEAKS ... ................. .$1.39/lb. PORK STEAKS ..................... $1.29/lb. MUENSTER CHEESE .................$1.29/lb. DANNON YOGURT .................3 for 98c FRESH MUSHROOMS (8 oz. pack) ..........49c GRADE A LARGE EGGS ............... 69c/doz. 8 PACK 12 OZ. COKE (cans) ............ $1.59 6 PACK 12 OZ. DR. PEPPER (cans) .... $1.29 CHERRY HILL ICE CREAM, (1/2 gal. ...... 98c WILSON'S COTTAGE CHEESE, 12 oz. ... 49c AWREY'S BREAD, 20 oz. ............2 for 79c AWREY'S DOUGHNUTS ..............79c/doz. HI C DRINKS, 46 oz. cans ............2 for 98c I *@e. ARTr CLASSES: sept 29*dec 6 ADULT CLASSES INTRODUCTORY DRAWING ................. ALTING BEG. LIFE DRAWING ................. HERMANSON ADV. LIFE DRAWING ......".HERMANSON , FIGURE DRAWING ......... . SCHLESINGER SPATIAL ILLUSION ................... CRAWFORD MIXED MEDIA ..................... CRAWFORD * CARTOONS ................ L. WIERTELLA BEGINNER OILS ........... ...... BACHMAN * . OIL ................-......- ......---... MILNE WATERCOLOR ........................... SEARS TRANSPARENT WATERCOLOR TECHNIQUES ... TIMMONS WATERCOLOR CRITIQUE ................ CALKINS f CERAMICSA & B ................. LINDBERG A CERAMICS (WHEEL WORK) ........... STEVENS CERAMICS..................-----... TAPPER RAKU ..... ..........---.-.------ PHARDELL HANDBUILDING AND SCULPTURE ....... CARTWRIGHT SCULPTURE ............. ........ SHANKWILER 0 JEWELRY .......... . ..... .... cCREEDY *p RAISING........................ McCREEDY -STAINED GLASS---- VAVRINA BEGINNING SILKSCREEN ................ HOLLAND PHOTO SILKSCREEN ............. LAHTI TAPESTRY ................ ....... BABICH LOOM WEAVING ................ SWEET * OFF-LOOM FIBER RELIEFS ......FURTADO * CREATIVE CLOTHING ACCESSORIES .. J. WIERTELLA * NATIVE AMERICAN APPLIED CLOTHING DECORATION s CONTEMPORARY BOBBIN LACE ........... GODFREY " WOODCARVING .............. ... WESBERG t LFE DRAWING STUDIO............. MONITGO~ j~ YOUTH CLASSES T STUDIO ART (kindergarten-4th) ....... JACKSON NATIVE AMERICAN CRAFTS (4th & up) ... TINKHAM WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO DO IN ART* ........ *(BUT WERE AFRAID TO TRY).....HOP CHILDREN'S GRAPHICS (4th-6th) ....... HOLLAND CERAMICS (Jr. High) ......KELLER a nn arbor art SEPTEMBER 21v CINEMA How I Won the War-(Cinema M II, Angell, Aud. A, 7, 9) - Ri- chard Lester's hysterical spoof, of World War II is one of the SE funniest and certainly most ov- erlooked films of the 1960's. Harold8 Considering it's poor history of World, ML distribution, you'd better catch day Cinem it now or you may never get Kind He another chance. With John Len- (Matrix, 7 non,. Michael Crawford and very first many, many others. **** Comedy g Harold & Maude - (New young Bri World, MLB 3, 7, 9) - This is seeks to a nice little movie which might through t] prove moderately diverting if ing off of one has nothing better to do on played by a Sunday night. However, all ing in hisN Ann Arborites are required to the premi view it on penalty of community Animal ostracism, so you better plunk 9 only) - down your money now, suckers. ma. W. C. Fields Festivals-Ma- Bimbos trix, 7 only) - See Saturday rock, 9 p Cinema. Loma L Animal Crackers - Matrix, olyn & C 9 only) - See Saturday Cine- pm-2 am, ma. Mr. Floi Modern Times - (Mediatrics, Lee Blue Nat. Sci. Aud., 7, 8:45, 10:30)- pm, $0.75. FREEA 'ISUNDAY DII Huron Hotel - "Marion Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys, Blackman Band", rock & roll, bluegrass, 9:30, $1. 9 pm. Mr. Flood's Party - Mike Bimbos (Ypsi) - "Smoke", Smith and his Country Volun- rock, 9 pm, no charge. teers, 9:30, 75c. Loma Linda - ".Tony & Caro- Bimbo's - Grievous Angels, lyn and Company", top 40's, 9 country, 9:30-12:30, no cover. pm-2 am, no charge. Bimbo's on the Hill - J.B. Spaghetti Bender - "Road- ' & Company, rock, 8:30-1:00, no side Attraction", dinner thea- cover. tre, 7:30 pm, $7. Casa Nova - Jonathan & Mr. Flood's Party - "Brian Michael, country-rock, 9:30, no Lee Blues Band", blues, 9:30 cover. pm, $1. j Golden Falcon - Athens Ex- Bimbos - "Grievous An- press, Greek, 9:30, no cover. gels", country, 9:30-12:30 am, Blind Pig-Silvertones, blues, no charge. 9:30, $1. Bimbos on the Hill - "J.B. & Company", rock, 8:30-1 am, No charge. Casa Nova/Ypsi - "Jona- than and Michael", country rock. 9:30 pm. no charge. t rid ay , $2.00 otel - Marion Black- d, Rock and Roll, 9; (Ypsi) - Smoke, Roll, 9 pm, $1.00 c i Bender - "Road- ction", dinner theater,c $7.00 Are - Brainstorm,' 0-11:00; Luther Alli- 11. Cover varies; ent ID. (91.7 FM) - Music rlboro: Vintage re- f Pablo Casals, 8. onday PTEMBER 22 CINEMA & Maude - (New' B 3, 7, 9) - See Sun- ma. arts and Coronets - only) - One of the' films of the Black enre. An enterprizing tisher (Dennis Price) gain an inheritance: the systematic bump-1 seven relatives (all Alev Guiness) stand- way. If one can stand se, quite funny.*** Crackers - (Matrix, - See Saturday Cine- atter 6U years, and attimes lk l=,m , l! ,W Arbor j SEPTEBR2 embarrassing in its racial-po- Blind Pig - "Ann Arbor Ex-S TEMBER 26 litical perspectives, but still an perimental Jazz Band", jazz,' CINEMA absolute must for anyone inter- 9:30 pm, $1. A Woman Under the Influ- ested in the evolution of film. It's a good day to sleep in enA - (Cinema II, Angell And. *** ... until Thursday. Prize Movie A, 7, 9:45) - John Cassavettes' Harold & Maude - (New with Rita Bell presents Edward searing, merciless study of World, MLB, 7 only) - See G. Robinson in The Old Man non - cmmunicative marriage Sunday Cinema. Who Cried Wolf at 9 am on with Gene Rowlands and Peter Kind Hearts and Coronets- channel 7. Bette Davis stars in I Falk working the director's im- (Matrix, 7 only) - See Mon- All This and Heaven Too at 1 I provisational technique to an al- day Cinema. in the afternoon with Bill Ken- most unbearable intensity. Animal Crackers - (Matrix, nedy on channel 50. At 4:15 Rowlands is simply spectacular 9 only) - See Saturday Cinema. you can catch The Three Stoog- deserving of every award on re, MUSIC es at a burlesque show, also dsrv ing e awar re Bimbos (Ypsi) - "Smoke", on channel 50" And if you think didn't ludin g t*c rock, 9 pm., no charge. that's bad, tune in channel 7 at The Harder They Come - Loma Linda - "Tony & Caro- 8 for When Things Were Rot- (New World MLB 3, 7 9) - lyn & Company", top 40's 9 ten. But stay up to catch oneY' pm-2 am, no charge. of Johnny's few appearances ontnedcrimialbecomesakin Mr. Flood's Party - "Brian his own Tonight Show at 11:30 of folk hero to his fellow coun- Lee Blues Band", blues, 9:30 on 4. trymen. Bonnie and Clyde-ish pm, $0.75. plot is very thin stuff, but the Bimbos on the Hill -"JBh Bimbs onthe ilthur<