STRIKE AVERTED See Editorial Page 4fliti a D~ait BREEZY Td dh- ei Low-48 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 15 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 20, 1975 Ten Cents FltAJSEEW I&S SKAMCAL-*DY Forewarned is .. . Some football fans are going to have a tough time making their way to the stadium to see the Maize and Blue in action from now on. According to a spokesman for the State Police, thetSaline Rd. exit off of I-94-a major artery for Saturday football traffic-is closed "forever and ever." The exit appeared to be undergoing repair, but the State Police said yesterday that the repair plans have been offed. The police suggest travelers use either the State St. or Jackson exits to reach the Michigan Stadium. " Sexy Sears Looks like the 1975 Sears Roebuck catalogue may take the place of Playgirl magazine. A lot of people keep turning to page 602 for a good eyeful. A male model, about 30, is shown stripped down to boxer shorts and some sharp eyed catalogues readers say you don't need imagination to see what else is shown. The sexy man in shorts on page 602 makes the 1975 catalogue the most provo- cative since the company first began sending them out in 1888. Belly button cords A lot of people think the belly button is a waste -a useless hole in a perfectly good stomach. Even worse are the umbilical cords that get tossed away once they've been cut and tied to make the lowly belly button. Two surgeons have finally put the leftover cords to good use. They take a vein from the cord and fashion it into a substitute artery. They think they have saved the legs of five per- sons given the substitutes because their own leg arteries had become blocked. Expert advice In the wake of the second state-wide mushroom death, Dr. Alexander Smith, dean of the Univer- sity's mushroom experts, repeats his advice once again: "Get to know your mushrooms like you know your friends. Be able to tell them in the dark." Smith cautions amateurs to take a guide- book into the field with them, and not to eat any- thing until it has been positively identified. "It's easy to make a mistake," he warned, "but with education nobody has to get sick." Amen. Happenings.. . are slim but rewarding . .. . the A Squares, the campus square dance group, is holding an all- campus shindig at 8:00 at Barbour Gym. No part- ners or experience is necessary . . . and the Women's Coffeehouse, at 802 Monroe, features songwriter Betsy Firestar playing her guitar at 8:30. Refreshments will be served . . . hit the flicks. 0 Last laugh Liberals may laugh about a George Wallace wristwatch, but the fighting Judge may get the last guffaw. The timepieces may draw snickers, but the profit-a healthy $7 per chronometer-is hardly Mickey Mouse. Proceeds, of course, go to help little George buck the bad liberals in his third bid for all the marbles. The watch will have a picture of the pride of Dixie wearing boxing gloves as he prepares to fight. Other Wallace mementoes about to be unloaded on the public include medallions in bronze, silver and. gold, which sell for $10, $25 and $50 respectively, and a biography of the Alabama salvation for $4.95. Wal- lace himself will see his bank account-as well as his campaign's-fattened by the sales, and the Federal Election Commission smelled a skunk even if no law had been broken. In a letter to the Wallace campaign, lawyers for the commission wrote, "The commission would be less than frank if it failed to note its disapproval of any practice whereby a candidate personally profits from cam- paign contributions." On the inside .. . Sports Page features an advance on the Stanford game by Bill Stieg . . . the Arts Page has a review of the Doobie Brothers concert by Chris Kochmanski . . and the Editorial Page has Doc Kralik's look at the snatch of Patty Hearst. 0 On the outside .. . Politica By ANNE MARIE LIPINSKI and ROB MEACHUM A Republican-Human Rights Party coalition pushed through a compromise spending plan for the city's $2.4 million in federal revenue sharing funds last night, and thus set the stage for po- litical warfare. Democratic Mayor Albert Wheeler - vehement- ly opposed to the compromise plan - has vowed to retaliate with his veto power, and the Republi- cans, in turn, have promised to launch a recall drive against the Mayor when he signs the veto. THE 6-5 PASSAGE of the Community Develop- ment Revenue Sharing (CDRS) funds came yes- terday during an emergency City Council meet- ing, called by council members Louis Belcher (R- Fourth Ward), Robert Henry (R-Third Ward) and Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-Second Ward). Wheeler has until Friday to formally veto the measure, but said yesterday that "if the Republi- forces can-HRP coalition passed a resolution regarding the use of CDRS funds which appeared to be ir- responsible and untimely . . . then I would use the veto power of the Mayor to prevent such mis- use of funds." When questioned about the imminent recall campaign against him, Wheeler exclaimed, "They haven't got any charges and I defy them to get any charges that would justify a recall." "WHAT YOU folks have to realize is that these (Republicans) are cunning, devious politicians - they have some things in mind that they want to do and they're going to use any method they can to do it." The recall campaign "is going to bother me about as much as a - I won't say mosquito be- cause it might be carrying encephalitis - it'll bother me about as much as a fly on my coat," Wheeler asserted. Also high in the minds of city Republicans is clash ovc a petition drive which would repeal Ann Arbor's unique, confusing preferential voting (PV) sys- tem. Under the method - credited with giving Wheeler a victory over former Republican Mayor James Stephenson last April - voters were given three choices for mayor. No candidate received a clear majority, so the second choices of the candidate who finished third were redistributed among the other two candidates. It was this re- distribution that elevated Wheeler into office. "WHAT THEY'LL do with that stupid (PV re- peal) petition is go out and try to whip up some support and then offer Al Wheeler as a bonus," the mayor declared. If the GOP goes ahead with its recall campaign, the petitions will most likely be circulated with the PV repeal petitions. Nearly 10,000 signatures would be required to put the recall question on the ballot, while only 4,000 would be necessary for the PV repeal vote. The compromise CDRS plan passed yesterday See COUNCIL, Page 3 'Jr Six Pages plus Supplement CDRS 'What you folks have to realize is that these are cunning, devious politicians---they have some things in minld that they want to do and they're going to use any method they can to do it.' -Mayor Albert Wheeler INNOCENT PLEA PLANNED Judge Fromme pleads Hot gu.1ity to L charges SACRAMENTO, Calif. (P) - Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, calling out the "stoner the bet- ter," yesterday was ordered to stand trial Nov. 4 after plead- ing innocent to a charge that she tried to assassinate Presi- dent Ford. She also reluctantly agreed to the judge's own motion that she be examined by a psychiatrist to determine if she is competent to stand trial and act as her own attorney. THE 26-year-old disciple of convicted mass murderer Charles Manson entered her plea before U. S. District Court Judge Thomas MacBride, who also rejected a motion to fur- ther reduce her bail from $350,000. MacBride gave Fromme the option of her trial starting ei- ther Nov. 4 or Nov. 10, and the diminutive redhead spoke up: "Sooner the better." There was no further argument over when she would face the jury trial on the charge, which carries a PAT maximum penalty of life im- in R prisonment. Fromme, whose bail was cut from $1 million to $350,000 on Tuesday, is accused of point- ing a .45-caliber pistol at Presi- (lent Ford while he was shak- A ing hands in Capitol Park on Sept. 5. The gun did not fire and Ford was unhurt. E. RICHARD Walker, the public defender now represent- ing Fromme, said he would ap- peal the bail ruling to the 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco, HAM and the judge set an Oct. 17 hearing for a defense motion niynistr to move the trial from the ed yest adM state capital. from t MacBride questioned Fromme is a ho on her knowledge of the law, i o and said he was trying to "ser- Read iously dissuade" her from try- head d ing to represent herself. Friesz denies bail for Hearst Ex-fugitive seen as unsafe ri~sk By AP and Reuter SAN FRANCISCO - A federal judge denied bail yes- terday for Patricia Hearst and said he had serious doubts about granting freedom to someone who had declared op- position to society and "punctuated it with gunfire." Hearst's attorney responded that the once-fugitive heiress intended to plead innocent to the several charges against her and argued that she should be granted bail. He reminded the judge that Hearst began as a kidnap vic- tim before declaring her allegiance to her terrorist captors. U.S. DISTRICT COURT Judge Oliver Carter said he would con- sider arguments in favor of freeing Hearst, but made it clear ''e did not now regard her a safe risk. He revoked until Tuesday the $500,000 bail set Thursday. The court then would decide wheth- er she would be a "flight risk," he said. Hearst was ordered impris- oned Thursday on charges of bank robbery and possessing firearms unless she could put up the $500,000. SHE IS also being held on an- other $550,000 bail set by a Los Angeles court some months ago while she was still being sought. U.S. Atty. James Browning told the judge that Hearst, ap- prehended Thursday with three fellow radicals,,carried a load- ed .38-caliber pistol in her purse when arrested. The federal prosecutor said officers also found two carbines in a closet of the residence where she was taken into cus- tody. DURING the hearing in a packed courtroom, Browning disclosed that the government intended to use Hearst's own tape recorded revolutionary rhetoric in its case against her and he strongly argued against her release. "There are no conditions of release that will assure Miss Hearst's future appearance be- fore this court," Browning told See FEDERAL, Page 3 All SLA accounted for-FBI KANSAS CITY (.,) - FBI Director Clarence Kelley said yesterday he believes the ar- rest of Patricia Hearst and three associates in San Francis- co completes the roundup of the small and tightly knit band of revolutionaries called the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). "We don't know of any other SLA members ,they're all ac- counted for," Kelley told a news conference in which he ex- pressed great relief that the long hunt for Patty Hearst had come to "a satisfactory solu- tion . . . without bloodshed or violence." KELLEY was asked where Hearst has been since the SLA kidnapped her on Feb. 4, 1974, but he refused to go into details.' "The investigation is contin- uing, with the possibility that it could develop some cases of harboring," Kelley said without See SLA, Page 3 AP Photo TY HEARST, shackled and giving the clenched-fist salute, leaves San Mateo County Jail edwood City, California, yesterday enroute to San Francisco for a bail hearing. 0 ~ Force unit urges dismissal of By AP and UP. PTON, Va. - An ad- ative board recommend- erday that T. Sgt. Leon- latlovich be discharged he Air Force because he mosexual. ing rapidly and with his down, Lt. Col. Richard said the board found "that Technical Sergean ard Matlovich has enga one or more homosexua with at least two Air personnel and other ac civilians." FRIESZ said that Ma should receive "a g discharge for unfitness b of homosexual acts." Ag ADDITIONAL SLASH POSSIBLE: Rel~ents OK 1 C budget cut By BILL TURQUE The University Board of Regents yep closed the books, ,if only temporarily,{ 1975-76 budget, approving campus-wide ci averaging one per cent. The cutbacks, necessitated by a recent tion in state appropriations, brings this general fund to $164.4 million, over $1 less than the figure tentatively approved Board at their July meeting. UNIVEPSITY President Robben Fleming ed the Board that two factors could forc tional budget paring later this year: the f'-*lire to reimbirse the University for ro gfay sgt. t Leon- discharge is given under hon- aged in orable conditions, and, if Tho- al acts gersen agrees with the decision, Force would entitle Matlovich to vet- ts with erans' benefits. Matlovich has no avenue of atlovich appeal to a military court, but general his case can be considered by ecause avmilitary review board. Mat- generallovich's chief defense attorney general said the case would be appeal- ed through the federal courts, if necessary. The three-man board reached its decision after 4 hours and 22 minutes of deliberation. MATLOVICH, 32, was smiling at an impromptu news confer- ence after the decision was an- nounced. sterday He held up a bicentennial on the half-dollar and said, "It says utbacks 200 years of freedom. Not yet ... it will be some day." reduc- year's A DEFENSE lawyer said yellir "the members of the board just million don't like homosexuals." by the "The problem Sgt. Matlovich finds himself in today is not his fnult," an Air Force attorney, warn- Lt. Col. James Applegate, told e addi- the board. state's "DON'T ignore your duty to cketing vo'ir society as it exists now. Response seen to clerical demands By ELAINE FLETCHER The University clericals' former bargaining team (BT) will respond next week to clerical demands for the election of a bylaws committee and interim officers, according to Jean Jones, former head of the team. But Jones refused to say whether the group would agree to the demands presented Wednesday in a petition circulat- ed by members of the Clericals for a Democratic Union (CDU). THE NEW clerical union local, UAW 2001, which only last month ratified its first contract, has been torn by contro- versy over attempts by several former bargaining team members to write the local's new bylaws and control elec- tion proceedings. Bylaws, which remain in effect for the life of the union, are regarded as critical building blocks in the union's local structure. According to CDU members, the former BT's attemot to mummmOftw