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September 19, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-19

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4 Ae £rIdti an Dai uf
Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


take coup

in stride

Friday, September 19, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Faculty salary hike valid

THE UNIVERSITY faculty has asked
for a 12.4 per cent salary increase
this year. Considering the current
rate of inflation, past increases given
the faculty, and the need to main-
tain a quality teaching staff, that is
a perfectly reasonable request.
At the same time, however, the
University has an obligation to the
taxpayers -- who will ultimately foot
the bill - to tell them how that
money is being spent.
Therefore, it is incumbent on the
University to release faculty salaries
by name and position. In the past the
administration has resisted efforts to
pry loose such information, and the
faculty has made no attempt to force
Precedent for salary disclosure is
heavy -- Michigan State University
has already done so, and Atty. Gen.
Frank Kelley stated in a 1973 opinion
that the data should be public infor-
Despite the lack of public salary
lists at this point, there are many
compelling arguments in favor of the
faculty pay increase.
FIRST, AND FOREMOST, is the need
to keep high-caliber professors at
the University. The best way to do
that is by paying a salary that is
competitive with that offered else-
Unfortunately, at the professorial
salary level, the University.has slipped

nationally during the past several
years, and if the trend continues, fac-
ulty members will leave for greener
In addition, a 12 per cent hike is
not actually much of a gain consid-
ering the run-away inflation that has
stricken the entire economy. It will
barely keep pace.
A year ago, the faculty requested a
sizable increase and ultimately re-
ceived a seven per cent wage hike. But
with double-digit inflation, they ac-
tually lost buying power - a situa-
tion that should be improved.
Of course, some will argue - with
justification - that a few professors
here are dearly over paid. It's quite
true that prominent colleges shell out
huge amounts to attract big name
scholars and those persons engaged
in prestigious research.,
BUT, MOST faculty members do not
fall in that category, and there is
no valid reason to deprive them of an
increase they have earned.
In the face of the 12 per cent re-
quest, the University administration
will cry dire poverty and point to the
empty coffers. The state, however,
could come up with the additional $6
million required to meet the salary
demand, if it regards education as a
top priority.
On balance, the case made by the
faculty is compelling and should not,
or rather, cannot be ignored.

DACCA, Bangladesh, Sept. 15
(PNS) - One month after the
lightning-quick coup that killed
Bangladesh President Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman, the popular
mood of elation has subsided.
While the people of Bangla-
desh have been liberated from
the personal despotism of Sheikh
Mujib and his one-party poli-
tics, serious curtailment of the
press and suspension of civil
liberties continue as before.
The aims of those who execut-
ed the coup - a group of young
army officers - appear to have
been far from revolutionary.
Personal rancor was the domin-
ant motive. Some of the officers
captured and held as prisoners
of war in Pakistan, had been
fired from the army by Mujib
upon their return. Others had
lost Mujib's favor when they
openly criticized the govern-
ment. Then too, the entire army
had been displeased by itslow
status in the armed forces hier-
archy since Bangladesh gained
independence in 1971.
frustrations however, these of-
ficers had no set plan of action
-no specific political goals.
Shortly after directing the at-

tack on President Mujib's pal-
ace, they nervously roamed the
streets in their bloodstained
shirts - uncertain what t'o do
next, asking outsiders for politi-
cal advice. In contrast, the man
who was soon to be president,
Khondokar Mustaque Ahmed,
sat in a spotless white suit in
the central control room of Dac-
ca's radio station, negotiating
with the highest military com-
Indeed, the whole pattern of
events - the lack of resistance,
and the surgically precise re-
moval of the sheikh, his rela-
tives and a few confidantes -
suggest that the coup was a
model of efficiency. But who
orchestrated it remain in dis-
pute. Certainly it was not the
top military men. Within hours
of the coup, the chiefs of the
army, navy and air force were
required to pledge loyalty to the
new government, rather than
taking power themselves.
THE NEW president is con-
spicuously pro-Western, with
distinct rightist and anti-Soviet
leanings, despite the fact that
the most important hardware
used in the coup were Russian-
supplied tanks.
Soviet advisors who had been



and a few c
- suggest
coup was a
efficiency. ,
chestated h
in dispute."

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pattern of
the lach of
and the surd
case remov

the Soviet Union will react is
still a question-mark-and may
the whole play a major role in Big Power
politics on the subcontinent.
events -- The government is also shor-
ing up its ties with remnants
resistance, of the Mujib regime. Several
former ministers have already
gically pre. been taken into the new cabin-
c et, and- many of the armed
l of th gangsters who formed part of
lf } the the power base of the Mujib dy-
nasty have returned to their
9 relatives homes after temporarily flee-
onfidantes YET THE situation in Bangla-
desh is still unstable. In the
that the countryside, clashes continue
between the mostly paramilitary
model of government troops (the Rakkhi
Bahini) and armed guerrillas.
But wo or-Rumors of a second coup are
But who or- circulating, and a power strug-
gle may be brewing between
t remains the two armed elements of the
government, the army and the
paramilitary Rakkhi Bahini.
Meanwhile, the army has taken
.:sMim steps to secure the country's
borders from outside invasion.
government is
to Muslim sen- Ralph Conti is an American
was the first who has lived in Ban gladesh for
nd it recogni- t e a c r t o r
osely by Saudi two years and covers that coun-
er Mid-Eastern try for Pacific News. Copyright
How India and Pacific News Service, 1975.

Ru jib

,aa.: ry vf hG:t7 i?:rf~a.'' ' 5 :"'i fr . x. f .? t&.

posted with the Bangladesh ar-
my and air force were with-
drawn immediately after the
coup. The U.S. State Depart-
ment quickly released a state-
ment of support for the new

Today, the new
appealing chiefly
timent. Pakistan
country to exte
tion, followed cl
Arabia and othe
Muslim nations.I

Letters: Clericals

To The Daily:
and member of Local 2001 since
its inception in November of
1974, I would like to take this
opportunity to respond to the
letter in The Daily signed Rose
Kronsperger and dated Septem-
ber 11.

I must take issue with many
of the points Ms. Kronsperger
has raised. Firstly, quoting from
her letter, "We didn't want to
get involved or be bothered with
weekly meetings and so the bar-
gaining committee went it
alone . . ." You know it. It galls
me to read this, only because it

is so true. And it is those peopl
who do not want to get involved
that scream and complain the
loudest about the lack of com
munication and lack of involve
SECONDLY, she states, "At
the first ratification meeting a
raise of $52,50 was offered by

Pinochet squashes reform
AR L A E Is e iece 'C":i}.W..f :%%:i. ..t:. . ;i:<i. r..~.l ...f.% w... ...r: ..".neti : +%."r3::}+t: "i i ": '.:w. : ::" .'O

erly apathetic
e the University and our bargain- ducted from that figure. If a
d ing committee did not recom- add on two months of retroa+
e mend ratification. But at the tive pay, the average salary i
- last meeting a raise of $43 was crease comes to about 8.1 pe
recommended for ratification cent. With the additional insu
and was in fact accepted. ance, holiday, and sick pay,tl
A Why?" It was explained many 8.1 per cent figure increases sit
a times before, during and after nificantly.
the first ratification meeting Ms. Kronsperger objects 1
that the University's offer, the assistance given to us
which was rejected was 5.6 per the International UAW. I woul
cent in total monies, including ask her the following question,
all fringe benefits. That meant How many of us know how ;1
the cost for our insurance cover- run a large meeting accordi
age as well as sick and vacation to Robert's Rules of Order, an
pay would have to be deducted how many of us have experienc
from that 5.6 per cent figure. In in running a local that reprs
effect, the average salary in- sents 3,200 people?
tcrease that we would have seen
in our paychecks would have MS. KRONSPERGER implie
amounted to about three per that our local representative
cent or $10.62 per month. The were self-appointed. I would as
$52.50 Ms. Kronsperger refers to her if she attendee the meetin
was never offered by the Uni- held at the Michigan Union la;
versity. It was in fact the bar- November when our bargainin
gaining committee's final wage committee was elected by t0
, proposal to the University on membership, or if she was tc
June 10. lazy.to get involved and didn


AU' dean: WASP only?

TIE UNIVERSITY has begun adver-
tising for a new literary college
dean, which in itself s not particular-
ly surprising, since the school needs
The big 'U' is in the market because
last spring the administration inten-
tionally torpedoed the contract nego-
tiations with one candidate - Jewel
Cobb, a black woman who served as
dean of Connecticut College.
Although the Board of Regents
supported Cobb, President Robben
Fleming and Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Frank Rhodes offered
her a contract that could only be
construed as an insult.
Needless to say, Cobb refused in no
uncertain terms. And thus the Uni-
versity lost the opportunity to place
a well qualified black woman in a
very powerful position.
At the time, the affair upset a good
portion of the University community
because it seemed to scoff at the no-
News: Glen Allerhand, Jay Levin,
George Lobsenz, Rob Meachum,
Chery Pilate, Sara Rimer, Tim
Sch ick.
Editorial Page: Mike Beckman, How-
ard Cohn, Matt Ditzhazy, Gary
Gold, Paul Haskins, Annette Higby,
Doc Kralik
Arts Page: David Blomquist
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

tion of affirmative action and fair
ALL OF THIS was brought home
again with deanship advertise-
ment that appeared in The Daily this
week. It listed some qualifications for
the job such as "potential for effec-
tive administrative leadership" and
"a strong commitment to teaching
and scholarship."
But what stung was the tag-line in
the ad: "The University is a non-
discriminating affirmative action
The hypocrisy of that statement
when compared with the treatment
accorded Cobb would be laughable -
if the matter were not so serious.
That business about affirmative ac-
tion had to be included by law. The
University has complied with the let-
ter of the law, but it has ignored the
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor
BILL CRANE ............Associate Sports Editor
JEFF SCHILLER Associate Sports Editor
FRED UPTONE----s--Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jon Chavez, Andy Glazer, Al
Hrapsky, Rich Lerner, Jeff Liebster, Ray

R ARELY HAVE I seen a piece
, of writing, at least in a pub-
lication that did not identify it-
self openly with hate groups,
neo-Nazism, or "anarchy now"
organizations, that was as
biased, and perhaps as poorly
documented, as Mr. Green-
shield's claims about Chilean
socialism. Among other things,
Greenshield asserted that "Pin-*
ochet regime can be considered
no better or no worse than its
predecessor . . ." He later goes
on to criticize, by implication,
Latin American attempts at
self-government, referring to
"what serves as a free election
in Chile." Before Allende's over-
throw, Chile was the oldest de-
mocracy in South America, a
nation whose military had a
good recordsin impartially de-
fending constitutional democra-
cy, regardless of the identity of
the party in power.
THAT THE Allende regime
made mistakes in trying to solve
the problems which plague all
Latin American countries, ex-
cept perhaps Castro's Cuba, is
disputed by few intelligent ob-
servers on either side of the po-
litical spectrum. But to say that
Allende's attempts to deal with

"To equate Allende's
attempts to deal with
high infant mortality,
soaring inflation and


other social

ills with

P i no chet's torture-
prone police and lais-
sez-faire e c o n o m i c
policy is a gross inac-

Further, Ms. Kronsperger
should be fully aware of that
fact since her name appeared
on a Clericals for a Democratic
Union (CDU) flier attacking the
bargaining committee's proposal
of just that amount. The $43 that
was accepted by thek member-
ship is a full $43 in our monthly
paychecks. All payments cover-
ing Blue Cross etc., are paid for
by the University above and be-
yond the $43, and are not de-

bother coming.
In closing, I would also like
to ask Ms. Kronsperger why I
or any other clerical who is in-
terested in building a strong lo-
cal union should go to a CDU
meeting where I would be urged
to put my employment in jeo-
pardy via a dues strike or, al-
ternatively, attempt to decer-
tify this local.
Helen Colby-Bernstein
September 18


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high infant mortality, soaring
population growth, demographic
shifts from rural to urban areas,
double-digit illiteracy, and oth-
er problems which the "good
neighbor policy" has done little
to solve, are roughly equivalent
to Pinochet's torture-prone po-
ice and laissez-faire economic
policies, is a gross inaccuracy

Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
....Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate, State Capitol Bldg.,
Lansing, Mi. 48933.
Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem), House of Representatives, State
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933.
.Sa ... . ....r a s m m . j.}..,..... ar^:.":;;: ;:

which few persons on either the
political right or left would care
to defend.
PASSING OVER statements
such as those which implied that
the CIA and "certain corpora-
tions" contributed to Allende's
downfall, but that "free market
capitalism" had no part in it
(what?) and other which com-
pare a justifiably criticized CIA
to Hitler's Gestapo, which con-
tributed to the deaths of six
million Jews, I would merely'
question the author's documen-
tation and source materials.
FEW OF THE dozens of Chil-
eans I have met in European
countries, regardless of their
political ideologies, could agree
with Mr. Greenshield's letter,
whose statements only an ill-
informed or extremely imagin-
ative person could have in-
vented. '
Paul O'Donnell is an LSA
senior and The Daily European

}. :... The Lighter Sid er-'--
Shellfish connection:
S.craing the bottom

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The Selling of America

WASHINGTON (UPI) - I stopped by Benny's Shellfish Bar
the other evening for a quick bowl of clam chowder. Benny was
"Why are you morose, Benny?" I asked.
"They're blowing my cover," Benny replied morosely.
"They're whiching your what?'
"Senator Church and those guys who are investigating the
CIA. They're lousing up my business."
Benny asked if I recalled a House hearing at which it was
revealed that some of the commercial enterprises operating as
CIA "fronts" had turned tidy profits.
I said I did indeed recall such testimony.
"Well, I was one of them," Benny said.
I WAS FLABBERGASTED. "You, Benjamin J, Tiddleworth,
doing business as Benny's Shellfish Bar, were a front for the CIA?"
Benny nodded. "And have you been following the Senate hear-
ings at which it was revealed, that the CIA stockpiled enough
shellfish toxin to poison 11,000 persons?"
I suddenly lost my taste for clam chowder.
"I hope you aren't going to tell me you have been supplying
the CIA with a deadly substance extracted from the feeding tubes
of poisonous butter clams?"
Benny shook his head. "No. I've been supplying them with oy-
sters during months that don't contain the letter 'R'."
Everyone known you aren't supposed to eat oysters in R-less
months. It's not that there's anything wrong with the oysters. But
many oyster-lovers are allergic to missing R's.
ALTHOUGH THIS ASPECT wasn't mentioned at the Senate
hearings, the CIA apparently used oysters as a back-up for the
shellfish toxin, cobra venom and other fatal potions that someone
stashed away in a vault. Any James Bond fan con set the scene.
A foreign official is known to be slipping secrets to America's
enemies. The CIA decides he must be eliminated but can't get
close enough to hit him with a poison dart gun, known as a "non-
discernible microbicinoculator."
So an undercover agent wearing a red wig breaks into his of-
fice in late August and moves the calendar ahead so that the of-
ficial thinks it's September already.

NINE SCORE and nineteen
years ago our forebearers
brought forth upon this continent
a new nation which looks like
it's turning into a money-grab-
bing monster.
Every American businessper-
son is trying to jump onto the
Bicentennial bandwagon, or bet-
ter yet, sell it.
Yes folks, for a low, low price,
you too, can buy a piece of our
country's two-hundredth birth-
day. Our anniversary is turning
into a free-for-all market place
where the patriotic citizen can
purchase medals, ingots, charm
bracelets, plates, cups and sou-
venir pencils.
The Bicentennial celebration
has become a BUYcentennial.

country short. Red, white and
blue food sticks in my throat.
ANOTHER pet peeve of mine
is the empty shell commercials
are making of our history. When
gasoline companies try to refine
the story of the good ole' U.S. of
A. into one-minute segments, I
think it's about as profitable
for us as the sale of Manhattan
Island was for the Indians.
There are even BUYcentennial
fireplugs, painted to look like
three foot minute men. They
have their amusing aspects. It's
comforting to know that the dogs

of America are being allowed.
their chance to comment that
we're 200. On the other hand,
what would you do if you were
three feet tall and some fireman
tried to screw a hose into your
Seriously, I'm beginning to be-
lieve that, like the bird Ben-
jamin Franklin recommended
for our national emblem, many
Americans are turkeys.
These Twentieth Century Fa-
gans are coming dangerously
close to transmutting our na-
tional colors to red, white and
green. Come to think of it, our
contemporaries have one up on
the alchemists of the Middle
Ages. These modern business
people have found the secret of
how to create gold.



businessperson is try-
ing to jump onto the

.' rAV A

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