Foge Two' THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAA2AVt C4MA mi... 16 1 tIAC~ r"c7gyt ,aapTcmcmr w -P, r 17 . I ;yI t [A Everyone who owns a pair of Rootscan skip this. The rest of the world, please note. Roots is a comfortable, casual shoe - different from the shoes you grew up in, and different from other casual shoes, too. There's nothing else quite like them. Here's the story. How Roots are different from ordinary shoes. The Roots sole is a single, seamless piece. Inside, it is sculptured to fit your foot. It cradles your heel and supports your arch. Unlike ordinary shoes, you stand in Roots, not on them. The Roots toe is not pointed like the toes of ordinary shoes. It is broad and rounded like feet so your toes have room to wiggle and air can circulate to keep your feet cool. The bottom of the sole is molded in a "rocker" shape so that it fits the natural heel-to-toe motion of walking. The heel is only about the height of the heel on a tennis shoe and C t~he "roker"sol Your shoes are trying to tell you something curves up toward the tip of the toe. If you wonder whether or not all this makes any o sense put one of your ordinary shoes on a table and look at it for a minute. f f j Notice that the heels have worn taway and the sale - - has assumed a comfortable curve. Whether you wear size 3% or 13, high heel or regular heel, the more you wear an ordinaryshoe, the more it assumes the shape of Roots How Roots are different from other casual shoes. There are other casual shoes that look like Roots at first glance. Some have sculptured soles. Others are styled to look as though they do. But none of them has the obvious love of good leather and fine boot-making you'll find in a pair of Roots. The difference in Roots is due, in large part, to the men pictured here. John Kowalewski and his sons are custom-bootmakers. They built the first pairs of Roots with the same care and enthusiasm they poured into the expensive shoes they had made for exclusive boutiques. Today they run the Roots factory in Toronto where every pair of Roots is made. They pick the leather, set the standards, supervise the whole operation. They are of the old school. So, in Roots you have more than a shoe made for the way you were born to walk. You also have a beautifully made pair of shoes, visibly nicer (and a little more expensive) than the rest. The trouble with Roots. The'trouble is, they're so damned comfortable. Believe it or not, people worry about that. They worry that after wearing Roots they'll hate their old shoes. They worry that after getting used to Roots they won't be able to wear ordinary shoes. Some people just like to worry. But there simply isn't anything to worry about. Walking in Roots is very much like walking in bare feet and you've been doing that on and off for most of your life. Roots do take some getting used to because they ask you to use muscles in your legs and back that have been under-used wearing ordinary shoes. And of course, they don't look like ordinary shoes either, which bothers some people. But, if you're secure enough to deal with a few characters who want to know why you're wearing those "funny-looking shoes" you're going to love the comfort of Roots. Sold only at Roots stores. You'll find genuine Roots only at Roots stores throughout Canada, the U.S. and in Europe. And you'll find these stores as comfortable an experience as Roots themselves. They don't look like ordinary shoe stores. And the sales people don't act like ordinary shoe sales people. You'll find them wearing what they're selling and servicing what they sell. As a result Roots customers keep coming back for more. The record right now is 10 pairs bought in less than a year, by a man who is definitely old enough to know better. Evidently it's easier than we guessed to go bananas over Roots. oli "Be kind to feet.They outnumberpeople two to one." .: 354 ..,-r i ;; ' ';