Roundup also
brings in
By AP and Reuter
SAN FRANCISCO - Fugitive newspaper
heiress Patricia Hearst and three radical
comrades were arrested yesterday, end-
ing one of the longest and most bizarre
searches in American history.
Hearst, first the captive and then the
zealous comrade-in-arms of the Symbion-
ese Liberation Army, was arrested with-
out resistance in a house in the city's
Bernal Heights district along with fugitive
Berkeley artist Wendy Yoshimura.
THE FBI SAID a 27-year-old house-
painter also was arrested at the house
where the two women were apprehended.
Stephen Soliah would be charged with
harboring a fugitive, agent Frank Perrone
said late yesterday.
The FBI said it had been watching the
house for two days before the arrests.
A San Francisco policeman who accom-
panied FBI agents said she opened the
door of the house herself and, despite a
vow never to be taken alive, the slender
woman surrendered without a fight.
"O.K., YOU'VE got me," she said.
About an hour earlier, police and fed-
eral agents arrested SLA members Wil-
liam and Emily Harris when they spotted
them jogging on a street a few miles
"Thank God she's all right," Hearst's
mother, Catherine, said in a barely audi-
ble voice when informed of her daughter's
"PLEASE CALL it a rescue, not a cap-
FBI special agent-in-charge Charles
Bates said the arrests "effectively put an
end to everyone we know who was in the
Hearst's arrest came less than 10 miles
from the Berkeley apartment where she
was kidnapped by SLA members Feb. 4,
rris pair
HEARST AND the Harrises were ar-
raigned before U.S. Magistrate Owen
Woodruff on a variety of state and federal
charges and held on $500,000 bail each
pending further hearings today.
Yoshimura was released to the custody
of the Alameda County Sheriff's office,
where she is charged with possessing ex-
Hearst, 21, appeared pale as she was
arraigned in a crowded courtroom on fed-
eral charges of bank robbery and firearms
See FBI, Page 7
Before kidnapping
After capture
See Editorial Page
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 14
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 19, 1975
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
If't SEE 4.6 APPE CL S N Y
Root of all evil
It was a moment reminiscent of Scrooge gone
berserk in his miserly counting house: Could it be
that financial doom-and-gloomism has finally ren-
dered the University's leadership so hysterical as
to consider borrowing cash from Student Govern-
ment Council? Don't look now, but at yesterday's
Regents meeting, President Robben Fleming was
so delighted with SGC Treasurer Elliott Chikof-
sky's accounting of SGC monies that he declared,
"You know, I think we should think about taking
out a loan!" Regent Gerald Dunn suggested hiring
Chikofsky. Or maybe SGC should hire Fleming.
Or maybe SGC and the University should hire
Abe Beame, and . . . well never mind.
Happenings .. .
. . .looks like there's more going on at the
downtown bars. East Wind plays volleyball at the
IM bldg. at 7:30 p.m.; there will be an Israeli Folk
Dance workshop at Barbour Gym; at 8 and also
at 8 the International Center hosts Puerto Rico
Pot and potency
Men who smoke a lot of pot, take note! A new
study of men who smoked marijuana daily under
controlled conditions has show that the drug can
interfere with production of reproductive hor-
mones, in some cases suppressing the male sex
hormone testosterone to levels that could result
in impotence or infertility. Although earlier re-
ports linked pot use to lowered testosterone levels,
the new study clearly indicates that the drug is
the actual cause of this hormonal effect and that
the effect can be reversed within two weeks of
stopping marijuana use.
No thanks!
The government's etiquette chief tries to be nice
and what does he get? Someone recently sent him
a telegram that read, "You aren't doing a lot for
your country by going around stuffing your face
and swilling whiskey." Henry E. Catto, the chief
of protocol, grimaced, "That's the impression peo-
ple have of my job." Catto is invited to almost
every official party of note in the capital. It's
his job to make sure Jews aren't served pork,
that dinner partners speak common languages,
and that Moslemsaren't served alcohol. He gets
Golda Meir her Chesterfield cigarettes, King Hus-
sein his late night hamburgers, and keeps the sea-
food away from the Shah of Iran.
Prudish Pat?
Pat Nixon could never be as candid as First
LadyBetty Ford was on television recently, said
daughter Julie Nixon Eisenhower yesterday. The
former president's daughter said she could not
imagine her mother talking about her daughter
having an affair as Mrs. Ford did. On NBC's To-
day Show, Julie was asked whether her father
had "repented" mistakes made during the Water-
gate affair. "He's honest with himself and he
knows he's made mistakes," she answered. But
she added, "I'm not going to repent for him.
He's a great man. He can admit his mistakes."
On the inside . . .
Cathy Reutter writes about the selling of the
Bicentennial on the Edit Page . . . the Arts Page
features Cinema Weekend . . . and Al Hrapsky
writes about freshman quarterback Rick Leach.
On the outside *. .
Get out and enjoy today's warm weather . . .
City Republicans warned
Mayor Albert Wheeler yes-
terday that if he goes
through with a threatened
veto of a GOP-Human
Rights Party (HRP) reve-
nue sharing compromise,
he faces a recall campaign.
Ten thousand signatures
on a petition will be re-
quired to force the recall
election. If, the GOP gets
them, the recall vote would
most likely happen in Feb-
"I'M going to veto it - and
I'm not going to be intimidated
by them," Wheeler said last
night, "they might as well start
(circulating the petitions) now."
City Councilman Robert Hen-
ry (R-Third Ward) confirmed
the ultimatum saying, "My own
feeling is that we will do it if
he vetoes the compromise."
Henry said that the final deci-
sion would be left up to the
members of the city Republican
party, however.
The latest dispute stems from
a long and heated battle, gen-
erally along party lines, over
the allocation of some $2.4 mil-
lion in Community Development
Revenue Sharing (CDRS) funds
- money designated by the
Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (HUD) to aid low and
moderate income families in the
The Republicans support al-
locating the funds under the
guidelines of a citizen's com-
mittee headed by former Re-
publican Councilman William
Colburn while the Democrats
and HRP want to overhaul the
committee proposal, placing
See MAYOR, Page 10
Doily Photo by KEN FINK
Strauch and his pet rooster Rojo
City police call fowl play
Neither Bill Strauch nor his rooster have
much to crow about these days.
The Ann Arbor police are trying to silence
the boisterous ol' bird, and Strauch is facing
a November court date for his recent foul
HARD TIMES for Strauch and his pet roost-
er began Sept. 1 when city cops received a
call from irate neighbors who were furious
with Rojo's midnight serenading.
Upon answering the call at 700 Madison
Place, police found the Mexican rooster croon-
ing away in Strauch's parked Buick. Acting
on a city ordinance which prohibits the raising
of "fowl, horses, goats or farm animals," po-
lice slapped Stauch' with a misdemeanor for
"chicken being raised in auto," and posted a
$35 bond on the citation.
Strauch paid the ticket, but kept the bird-
temporarily. He's taking his case to court No-
vember 24, at which time the law will decide
the fate of Strauch's feathered felon.
"I'M PLEADING not guilty to the charge,"
said 59-year-old Strauch, a self-proclaimed ec-
centric. Rojo was not being raised in my car.
See ROOSTER, Page 7
War, stats distorted
-ex-CIA official
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - U.S. estimates of National Liberation Front
(NLF) strength before the 1968 Tet offensive here were halved in
an effort to deceive the American public, but the result was to
fool U. S. officials instead, a former CIA analyst said yesterday.
Samuel Adams, whose job was to estimate the strength of
the South Vietnamese insurgents, accused former and present
high military and civilian intelligence officials of taking part in
what he called a deliberate deception.
IN TESTIMONY to the House of Representatives Intelligence
Committee, he said: "Although our aim was to fool the Ameri-
can press, the public and the Congress, we in intelligence suc-
Regents warned of isca crisis
Vice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes warned
the Board of Regents yesterday that the University faces "a state
of steady and discernible decline" unless additional funds can be,
og found to relieve a steadily deepening financial 'crisis.
ceeded best in fooling our-
Adams released to the com-
mittee cables from former U.S.
Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker
and the U. S. Vietnam com-
mander at the time, Jim
Creighton Abrams ,to support
his assertion.
The cables showed both Bun-
ker and Abrams wanted offic-
ial estimates of the NLF force
kept below 300,000 - despite
intelligence estimates of 600,-
000 -- to show, in Bunker's
words, that U. S. forces were
"grinding down the enemy."
Adams said he was a CIA
analyst for 10 years and its
only analyst on
Vietcong strength figures dur-
ing the two years preceeding
the Tet offensive. He said he
resigned the day of the Tet of-
fensive, calling the NLF
strength estimate in his resig-
nation memorandum "a mo-
ment of deceit."
Following up on action taken
last week, Student Government
Council (SGC) last night unani-
mously passed a nine-point al-
location policy intended to regu-
late funds given to student
According to the main terms
of the policy, an Allocation Re-
view Committee will be estab-
lished to look into any request
by student groups for SGC mon-
ies, and the total amount allo-
Rhodes formally proposed a budget reduction of up to one per
cent for all schools, colleges, and non-academic units with the ex-
ception of monies earmarked for utilities and financial aid.
RHODES said the cuts would be administered on a selective
basis, in consultation with the various deans, vice presidents, and
members of the Budget Priorities Committee. He called the re-
duction process "a time consuming and thankless process" which
will be finalized in three to four weeks.
The cut will yield an enforced savings of about $958,000, neces-
sitated by a last-minute 1.5 per cent slash in the University's
state appropriation last month.
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