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September 16, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-16

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 11

Ann Arbor,-Michigan-Tuesday, September 16, 1975

Ten Cents


Pages plus Supplement

Ten Cens Eiqh

h ,
flCAJSi E SI 1 kncAL ;G-MY
A Natural choice
Prof. William Johnson, teacher of landscape
architecture at the University since 1958, will be-
come the dean of the School of Natural Resources
October 1. Vice President for Academic Affairs
Frank Rhodes made the announcement yesterday,
and the Regents are expected to confirm the ap-
pointment at their Friday meeting this week.
Johnson will succeed Dean Charles Olson, who
has been acting dean for the past year.
Happenings .. .
Begin today with a prickly situation. The
University fencing club will sponsor a fencing
demonstration on the diag today between 12 p.m.
and 2 p.m. . . The Residential College Lecture
series presents Prof. McCracken on current eco-
nomic developments at 7 p.m. in the Greene
Lounge in East Quad . . . and there will be a
planning meeting for the Food Action Coalition at
7 p.m. in the School of Public Health II, Rm. 11R.
Unobstructed view
Highway officials report that over $7000 worth of
trees and shrubs have been destroyed on Michigan
highways, apparently to give motorists an un-
obstructed view of the billboards decorating the
roadsides. Greenery destruction by poisoning or
cutting has been reported around at least 30 signs
in the Upper and Lower peninsulas. "Our assump-
tion is that it is very likely that the ones who did
it are either the companies advertised, or the
people who own the signs," said Ed Shelberg,
coordinator of the state's billboard programs. He
also added that there is no way the highway de-
partment can take action against the vandals.
Beauty is, after all, in the eye of the beholder.
Sorry Charlie .. .
The next shortage to hit the country could be
tuna fish, according to a recent announcement by
the Commerce Deptrament. The department plans
to impose an embargo on some imported tuna, a
move which could cut off most of the tuna sold in
the U.S. The embargo is intended to pressure other
nations to abide by a 1956 fishing treaty. The move
follows complaints by U.S. tuna fishers that this
country is the only one which forces its fishing
fleet to stick to the internationally set quotas for
a five million square mile area of the Pacific
Ocean off North and South America. But the
Commerce Department declined to say which
nations the embargo is directed at. However, the
U.S. imports 65 per cent of its tuna from Japan.
At this rate Starkist may take Charlie the tuna
after all.
Dope note
Paris custom officers seized 6.6 pounds of heroin
hidden in a cake box carried by a Chinese pastry
cook yesterday. The cook, named by police as
Hong Kong resident Wong Oi Yin, was taken into
custody. He was on his way to Amsterdam from
Hong Kong via Cairo and Paris, and the heroin
found in his possession was estimated to be worth
about $700,000.
A demise
Police in Tacoma, Washington are investigating
the disappearance of a house. A wrecking crew
appeared on the scene last Thursday and tore

down the house. But the owners, Mr. and Mrs.
Mattson said they never intended it, only to sell it.
But when neighbors told them of the house's
demise, they ran over only to discover that they
had a plot of land, but their three bedroom, bay-
windowed abode no longer existed. Now they are
planning to get a lawyer to find out how they can
get damage payments-if they find the people who
did it.
On the inside ., *
. . Gary Thomas recounts his experience with
the Defense Intelligence establishment on the Edi-
torial Page . . . Brian Deming talks about Bo
Schembechler's choice of a freshman quarterback
during last Saturday's game on the Sport's page
. . . and Andrew Zerman previews the Couzen's
Ensemble Theatre production of "Slow Dance on
the Killing Ground."

Fred Harris on



Oklahoma populist battles for nomination

Former Senator Fred Harris is mighty tired
of hearing what the experts have to say about his
presidential candidacy.
"One thing you have to remember," the portly
Oklahoman told several city audiences Sunday,
"is that the experts are always wrong, not some-
times, but always. And you can underline the
WHILE HARRIS may not be around when the
smoke clears at the Democratic national con-
vention next summer, his campaign is a breath
of fresh air in an uninspiring field of contenders.
Lacking the extensive bankrolling and high-
powered national staffs of hopefuls like Senators
Lloyd Bentsen and Henry "Scoop" Jackson, Harris
has spent his spring and summer traveling the

country on a shoestring budget.
Harris' Michigan visit was typical of his ap-
proach-staying in supporter's homes, shaking a
lot of hands, meeting the local party heavies,
and most importantly, speaking to the issues.
"The fundamental problem is that too few peo-
ple have all the money and power," Harris said
to a crowd of about 150 in front of the Michigan
Union. "Let's have a graduated income tax in-
stead of graduated loopholes." -
HARRIS enjoyed a good rapport with the pri-
marily student audience, deftly fielding their
questions in his distinctive-southern drawl.
He tore into the Ford admnistration's "high
interest-tight money" policies whch he interpreted
to mean that "Some of you ought to be out of
work so that I can buy a cheaper car."





U. S.; captives'
fate uncertain

By AP and Reuter
BEIRUT - The Eritrean Lib-
eration Front-Popular Liberation
Forces (ELF-PLF) warned the
United States yesterday that un-
less it responded to its demands,
the front would not be respon-
sible for what happens to de-
tained Americans.
Two American technicians
and six Ethiopian employes
were kidnapped by ELF mem-
bers in a raid on a communica-
tions station near Asmara on
Poice kil
hij ackier;
hostage is
SAN JOSE, Calif. (A) - A
frantic gunman seeking to flee
aboard a hijacked airliner was
shot and killed by a police
marksman early yesterday aft-
er two hours of violence that
left one of his four hostages
critically wounded.
The would-be hijacker was
felled by a single bullet as he
emerged, gun in hand, from an
empty jetliner with a captive as
a shield. Minutes before, police
sharpshooters had fired into the
cockpit and shot out the tires of
the Continental Airlines 727 as
it sat on a floodlit runway at
San Jose Municipal Airport.
THE GUNMAN was identified
by police as Fred Salomon, a 24-
year-old San Jose man also list-
ed on policerecords" as Fred
Soloman. Officers said his ar-
rest record dated back to 1968,
when he was convicted of as-
sault with a deadly weapon.
Salomon's last brush with the
law ended at about 1:30 a.m.,
after a violent journey during
which he fled the scene of a
See POLICE, Page 2

Friday. The two technicians
two other Americans kidnapped
by the ELF from the same sta-
tion last July.
AMERICAN officials have
said they had been unable to es-
tablish contacts with the guer-
rillas on the basis of which ne-
gotiations could take place.
A spokesperson for the Beirut-
based front said in a press state-
ment that the U.S. authorities
could get in touch with any of
the front's offices to discuss
these demands.
The spokesperson listed the
following conditions:
* The U.S. should close down
the station and all other bases
in Eritrea.
* The U.S. should compensate
areas "bombed with American
weapons" in the fighting last
* The U.S. should ask the mili-
tary rulers in Ethiopia to re-
lease Eritrean "freedom-fight-
ers" detained in Addis Ababa
9 The U.S. should abstain from
giving military aid to the rul-
ers in Ethiopia "as these wea-
pons are used against our peo-
ple in Eritrea."
The spokesperson said, "The
front's aim behind seizing the
two senior military technicians
at the base in July was to ques-
tion them on the role played by
the base to the military rulers
in Ethiopia against the revolu-
tion of its people.
"THEY WERE also interro-
gated on the hostile role played
by the base against the Arab
region," he added.
He also said that investiga-
tions revealed "important and
serious information on the role
played by this base not only
against the revolution of our
people, but also against the Arab
people and the African libera-
tion movements."
This led the PLF command to
send a letter to the U.S. govern-
ment containing the conditions
for the release of the detainees,
the spokesman said.
M E A N W H I L E, scattered

"Getting the rich off of welfare" is at the center
of Harris' neo-Populist pitch. Taxing the banks, }
lowering'the interest rates and stringently en-
forcing federal anti-trust laws, are all part of
his program to cure the national ills.
Harris hopes to build a broad based following
around these issues that will cut into George
Wallace's white working class constituency while
retaining the left wing of his party. For Harris,
the issues are the strategy.
"WHAT I SAY cuts across race, age, and sex
lines," claimed Harris.
"We have to commit this country to full em-
ployment," he told. reporters shortly before the
rally. Harris wants to create two million public
service jobs during the first 18 months of his
See HARRIS, Page 8 Harris
Aiihb ificials
f lelease
k Iilostages
} f
By AP and Reuter
~~ALGIERS - A special
plane carrying four Pales-
tinian gunmen and three
Egyptian hostages t h e y
seized in Madrid arrived at
Algiers airport early today,
and the hostages were im-
mediately released.
Also aboard the plane
were the Algerian anl Iraqi
ambassadors to Madrid who
played a major part in ne-
gotiations for the freeing oft
the captuured diplomats.
Foreign journalists who went
to the airport were not allowed
to approach the spot where the
plane landed, and were told to
return to the city.
The terrorists were protesting
Cairo's non-aggression pact with
their way into the embassy on
the second floor of an eight-
story office building before noon
yesterday and grabbed Ambas-
sador Mahmoud Abdul Ghaf-
Daily Photo by E. SUSAN SHEINER far, the consul, and a press at-
irhol pltus aw ay Through telephone conversa-
kground, off-beat artist Andy Warhol autographs a copy of his tions and messages slipped un-
terday at Centicore bookshop. der the door the gunmen said
they would kill the three priso-
ners and blow up the building
yI st reunless their demands were met.
Egypt cancel the Egyptian -
Israeli disengagement pact and
recall its negotiating team from
S peGeneva. They called the agree-
ment a "betrayal of the Arab
"and I thought he might use mine in his next
d pink-framed movie." IN CAIRO, President Anwar
ure hero Andy Sadat said "No! Never," in a
rantic fans at A YOUNG man wearing a blue and brown scarf speech to a political assembly
okstore yester- who had just had his can of soup autographed that was televised nationally.
said: "I've wanted to sleep with Andy Warhol
for the last four years. I asked him when he e was applauded by delegates
ed to p signed my can, but he wouldn't answer me." as he declared the attackers
Andy Warholse"thought they could terrorize us
drew hundreds Shouted questions from his fans went unan- or compel us to a path that is
autograph on swered as Warhol stood on a table in front of the not ours. We say no! I repeat:
:ans and Brillo book store. But the fans themselves were more Never will anything of this sort
ies of his new willing to talk.tNepes
"He's a genius," proclaimed one student. "He take plce."
m to sign her brings art to the people. His art is real, it's life." Egypt, Spain, and Algeria -
along with Arab diplomats here
," she gushed, See ANDY, Page 2 See PALESTINIAN, Page 8


With his trademark in the bac
latest book which he hawked yes
Warhol hi
greets fan4-
Staring impassively from behin
glasses, pop artist and counter-cult
Warhol weathered a swarm of f
the Maynard Street Centicore bo
day afternoon.
The artist's appearance, intende
his new book, The Philosophy of
(From A to B and Back Again),d
of admirers bent on securing his
everything from Campbell's soup c
boxes to a McDonald's box to cop
One women even tried to get hi
"I heard that he has a dachsund

Wyman, Durkin battle

Moves to reallocate
CDRS funds fail

BOSTON UP) - Democrat John Durkin ac-
cused his Republican rival of Watergate-style
campaign tactics Sunday, and Louis Wyman
countered that Durkin had lied time and again,
as New Hampshire's overtime Senate cam-
paign flared in a bitter televised confronta-
Wyman and Durkin argued on camera and
off, their grudge match erupting over a Re-
publican letter to New Hampshire hunters,
saying the Democratic candidate favors gun

gretti, who served 4 months in jail after
pleading guilty to three counts of distributing
illegal campaign literature during the 1972
Nixon campaign.
"THAT'S the Nixon - that's the lesson of
Watergate and evidently you haven't learned
it yet, Mr. Wyman," Durkin said.
"Mr. Durkin, that's exactly the sort of thing
that you've done in the campaign, but that
sort of thing is reflecting on your own situa-
tion," Wyman replied.
Despite a year-long campaign - or perhaps

Attempts to allocate portions
of the city's $2.4 million in
CDRS funds were defeated last
night by City Council.
Four resolutions, all aimed at
providing emergency funding
for community service agencies
were voted down by City Coun-
A MOVE b nDmocratic Citv

committee's recommendation
w a s a "piecemeal" plan
which lacked long range plan-
AFTER the Democratic reso-
lution was defeated, HRP Coun-
cilwoman Kathy Kozachenko
proposed allocating $1,102,918 in
emergency funding for social
services until the entire $2.4
million CDRS grant proposal is

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