Rage Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1975 Page Four ThE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1975 BOO KS Portrait of an urban murder: A slick but shallow stereotype Merce Cunningham: Insisting upon independence for dance LOOKING FOR MR. GOOD- BAR, by Judith Rossner. New York: Simon and Schuster; 250 pp., $7.95. By DEBRA HURWITZ HERE IS a rumor abroad that Judith Rossner wrote Looking for Mr. Goodbar to make money, having tired of the critical success but financial failure which met her first three novels. Certainly Looking for Mr. Goodbar is the stuff of which best-sellers are made: it is based on the sensational mur- der of a New York schoolteach- er; it boasts a sexually aware female protagonist, plenty of ex- plicit sex scenes, and a flashy, easy-to-follow style. Yet despite its gratifying fi- nancial success, Looking for Mr. Goodbar is generally un- satisfying. Its style and lan- guage, though catchy, are em- pty; one fails to care very deep- ly about any of the characters owing to the undifferentiated, stereotypical v e r b i a g e they speak. Told in the third person, but from the main character's point of view, the novel often slides into what is supposed to constitute a stream-of-conscious- ness narrative; unfortunately, it succeeds only in looking and reading like a bunch of sen- tence fragments strung together into a paragraph. The overall effect is little better than awk- ward. THERESA DUNN is the cen- tral character. She is, at the time of her murder, leading a rather bizarre double life: she teaches first grade on New York's Lower East side during the day and "whores around in bars" at night. It becomes clear after the first-and by far the best-section of the novel that Theresa Dunn has long had two distinct personalities. Until she contracted polio as a young child, Tessie was imaginative, uninhibited, and happy. After the polio cleared up, Theresa gained several pounds along with a marked tendency toward depression. Further family dif-t ficulties help to disjoint The- resa's personality while serving to highlight her alienation. Rossner is at her best in this first section of the book. Subtly and surely, she delineates the air of depression and grim rig- idity which characterizes the Dunn household during There- sa's adolescence. In fact, it is in this section alone that we are able to sympathize with the pain, confusion, and isolation felt by the ungainly Theresa. A F T E R CONCLUDING the novel's first section, how- ever, Rossner finds herself in a bind. The two halves of The- resa's personality, at best only tenuously connected, here split almost entirely. Rossner's bind is simply that she has chosen to deal with Theresa, the character with no reality. We as readers can easily peg Miss Dunn and Terry because both are unabashed stereotypes. But Theresa, the victim of the murder, the non- personality Rossner has chosen TAE KWON DO (KARATE) TRAINING SCHEDULE- TUESDAY and THURSDAY, 6-8 p.m. BARBOUR GYM on CAMPUS WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 6-8 P.M. ANGELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Corner of South University and Oxford) Fo M rndWOEN s.n TF rNNW CL 6-55 /. .f/ ..., .> . ., .*.......,..,/... ~ .r . . .. . . . . ................... .... ... .. .. ., FRI..,.v ........om.... . .. . . .4./ Th utmaeinslfdfese hyialftns,.ndmntldicpln For EN.nd.OME spnsrd yt. UMInenaioa TeKwn oFeea.o JOI -OW!CAL 65-5. to create, remains an enigma. THEORETICALLY, t he pre- mise on which Looking for Mr. Goodbar is based is an in- triguing one. Take what ap- nears to be a rather ritual ur- ban murder: woman picks up man in bar, takes him home, and ends up smothered. Then look at the particulars: in this case, an unexpected double life. Finally, speculate about the vic- tim's background, create for her a past, draw in the lines and angles which will finally-per- haps inexorably - culminate in her helpless position as murder victim. Whatever her reasons, Rossner chose a universally fasinating topic. She attempts in her novel to answer a very comnelling set of auestions: are murderers and their victims re- lated in some way, are they drawn to on another is there something more than random had luck which causes an erup- tion of violence? Or is there some articular aspect of char- acter which sets uno murderers and their victims? Sadly, the novel fails to answer any of these onestions; it cannot even begin to do so with so incom- plete and implausible a heroine. Structurally Rossner's novel is sound. Beginning with a tran- script of the murderer's confes- sion, it proceeds circularly to the murder itself. The last few pages should by rights be mar- vellously tense . and so they would be if only Theresa her- self were a fuller, and thus more interesting, character. As it is, we are simply relieved to have finally arrived at the end. OOKING for Mr. Goodbar purports to be a psychologi- cal study of the people and events who add up eventually to murder. However, in order to be interesting, thrilling or even plausible, such a work must in- volve characters who are psy- chologically interesting. By pop- ulating her novel with stereo- types and a confusing heroine who remains undefined through- out, Rossner has defeated her own purpose. Debra Hurwitz is a mem- ber of the Daily Editorial staff. MERCE CUNNINGHAM, edit- ed by James Klosty, New York: Saturday Review Press, E.P. Dutton & Co., 217 pp., $8.95. By MARY LONG The Saturday Evening Post cover featured a solemn face split vertically by chalk white and red makeup and the ques- tion: "Who Is This Man?" When Merce Cunningham passed his likeness staring out at him from a neighborhood news stand, he said he didn't recognize it. Nei- ther did his mother, who as- sumed the face belonged to Nixon. But scattered around the globe in national capitals and obscure towns and on innumerable col- lege campuses, that face is known. It belongs to Merce Cunningham: dancer, choreog- rapher, teacher and director of his own company. And to give an answer to the question "Who Is This Man?" is no easy task. The Saturday Evening Post cer- tainly didn't do it. And, unfor- tunately, this volume of tributes and photographs, for all its ex- tensiveness and good intentions, never quite manages the job either. Several of Cunningham's col- laborators have contributed sen- timental, adoring tributes. The pieces include a recollection of the company's history by Paul Taylor and New York City Bal- let Director Lincoln Kirstein, and a rumination by composer John.Cage on touring with the Cunningham company. Several dancers who have worked with Cunningham have written ap- preciations, but only Carolyn Brown's thoughtful memoir cap- tures something of the essence of Cunningham and the experi- ence of sharing his work for twenty years. Editor Klotsky in- troduces the book with his own thorough-going essay on Cun- ningham's aspirations and re- E pendent of the other, that the bellious achievements. two have nothing arbitrarily in common but custom, that their CUNNINGHAM'S revolution, combination is less necessity begun in the early 1950's was than reflex, and that they can undertaken not to startle or to be advantageously freed of one scandalize, but to discover a another's syntax. way of working comfortable for! Cunningham proceeded to de- his personality and compatible velop a choreography and a with his personal vision. His technique based on the kinetic ideas were not unique. They integrity of the body uncon- were shared by friends: com- strained by the rhythmic, mel- nosers (John Cage, Earle odic or formal proposals of an Brown, Morton Feldman, Chris- external music. He turned dance tian Wolff): and painters (Rob- back upon itself, focusing on its ert Rauschenberg, J a s p e r primary component: each move- Johns, etc.). But the ideas were ment as an atomic gesture in not shared by his compatriots in time. He felt that dancing need the world of dance. In fact, not concern itself with narrative Cunningham's ideas were anti- nor with philosophical, psycho- thetical to commonly held con- logical or mythic pretensions. cepts of serious dancing, to Presumably if one danced, and many ideas of classical ballet danced well, that ought to be and particularly to the aesthetic enough - both for the dancer of Martha Graham, in whose and for his audience. company Cunningham's career To ballet's virtuosity and had begun. grace, he added the possibility Cunningham was urged to of awkwardness - a quality leave Graham by John Cage, that has always intrigued him - who was soon to become Amer- and his choreography is the first ica's most controversial com- to honor equally the graceful poser. The two men gave sev- and the timid. eral concerts together in the 1940's, and when Cunningham E DITOR KLOSTY claims that began to assemble his own com- Merce Cunningham is not a pany of dancers, Cage did what- "dance book". And why is a ever had to be done to keep the book about a dance company company going. At one time or not a dance book? Most prob- another he has been its program ably the answer has to do with designer, agent, pianist, compos- the editors' intentions, which er, chauffeur, food gatherer, im- may be found in the large pho- pressario, apologist, fund rais- tographic section at the end of er, chef d~e cuisine, comedian the book. and spiritual mentor. If Klosty's purpose was to doc- Cunningham's association with ument or illustrate Cunning- Cage was as much an idea as ham's dances, it was not it was a fact. Their working to- achieved. Thus the most im- gether brought forth a new aes- portant reason why the book is thetic holding that dance is finally less than successful: The dance and music is music - an union of dancing and photogra- aesthetic so simple that few phy has always seemed an ill- were able to accept it with fated marriage of opposites. The equanimity. images it spawns are often beautiful, but what has to be POTH MEN SHARED the be- asked is what one can learn lief that neither dance nor from them either about dancing -mIsic need function as a de- or choreography. t r 1 t 5 1 1 s t We consider d a n c e photog- raphy successful when it de- stroys time at precisely the right moment. Dancing is about something beyond the syntacti- czl ability of graphic images to describe. It is about qualities of movement. Not the shape of movement bt the quality of movement. While photography is literAly a' timeless art-what's left when time is taken away- dancing's very being is time. The essence of its art is the linking of seconds into a lan- guage. and without time it is as meaningless as sculoture with- out density or poetry without words. MERCE CUNNINGHAM has always been a subject of conjecture, a mystery, not only to critics, other artists and the nuiblic, bt to the company he calls his own. For over twenty veers his energy has been dic- hotmonmos, distinct in nature and in unonse: partly radiant-cat- alvving ideas and practices with- in the arts, and partly insular- seate-erin a otivate man, even from those few with whom he works intimately day by day. And desnite the combined knowl- adze and the wealth of feeling that those who know him have Given to this volume, Merce Cu1-nini~ham remains a hidden, Qnicrn-ti man. Mary Long is an editor of the Sunday Magazine. I 111 I Jli . liLL61 li.t11L i1 V;; f.tU K .. .. . .. ..-o - r Woody Allen chuckles through the world of existential dread WITHOUT FEATHERS by Woody Allen. New York: Ran- dom House, 210 pp. $7.95. mostly in The New Yorker-' have been regular gems of hi- larity. We now have Withouti with the cosmic opening: "There is no question that there is an unseen world. The problem is, Feathers, his second collection how far is it from midtown and By THOMAS FIELD of these magazine 'casuals' with how late is it open."; from "The THANK GOD for Woody Allen. a few new bits thrown in. Allen Notebooks," "Should I When most of us are pitted ,N HIS VARIOUS o u t p u t s' marry h? Not if she won't tell against the highly mechanized, Woody Allen has unfailingly me the other letters in her atsophisticated, Futureh projected the persona of the er ca- Shockish society around us, we ninety-pound weakling constant- o ereHocan I asgive p the shrink away i a cloud of be- ly having sand kicked in his Roller Derby? Decisions .."; wilderment and insecurity. But face by Contemporary America. and an Allenian proverb, "Who- not Woody Allen. He has that Befuddled by gadgets, baffled soever loveth wisdom is right- ability to look unflichingly into by the unknown, bewildered by us t h kht- the face of existential dread- the somber offerings of intel- eous but he that kee com- and make funny faces at it. lectuals and lusting for sexual pany with fowl is weird." Allen, now 40, has used almost encounter but petrified by the TN HIS BEST pieces, Allen every aspect of the media over thought of committing himself shows just how well he can the years to spread his fresh, to an actual involvement, Allen sustain his wit. He has that un- madly inspired humor. For sev- appeals to that feckless, inse- canny knack for capturing per- eral years he was a highly suc- cure creature residing more or fectly the style of a particular cessful nightclub comic and, for- less in all of us. The title of his literary genre and then punc- tunately, some of his perform- new book proclaims thi4 theme turing the story with his devas- ances have been preserved on being a play on Emily Dickin- tatinglyhfunny jokes. "No Kad- record. His plays have been son's line, "Hope is the thing dish for Weinstein" is a paro- hits. Allen's seventh film, Love with feathers." dy of the Bellow-Malamud anti- and Death-which he, as usual, Allen's brand of satire, rather hero, the intellectual, self- wrote, directed and stars in- than cutting with a sharp, cruel doubting urban male. Laying in has currently been cracking up edge, is wonderfully playful. But bed one morning, Weinstein ru- audiences with its lampoonish it never fails to hit its mark. minates, "Look at me, he look at War and Peace and re- His trump-card is the non- thought. Fifty years old. Half lated themes. And Allen's short sequitur one-liner; the quick, a century. Next year I'll be magazine p i e c e s-appearing unexpected banality juxtaposed fifty-one. Then fifty-two. Using , ._______ - ,..,, _ ,,a ..^111.1 This is a Picture of ANDY W 1 ARHOL He is sitting at a table. His arm rests on the table. He is support-" ing his head in his hand. He isa having fun.- HEIS AT Centicore Bookshops MONDAY, SEPT. 15 11:30-3:00P.M.Q Come to Centicore and Rap with ANDY WARHOL He'll talk to you about anything from (Campbell's) Soup to (Joe D'Al- lessandro's) Nuts. He also might try to sell you a copy "THE PHILOSO- 4 PHY OF ANDY WARHOL" From A to B and Back Again $7.95. And auto- N+ graphed by the master. .i k . r I i I TODAY at 7:30 & 8:00 OPEN at 1:00 WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS!1 DAVIDLEAN'S OFeon s P ~ DOCYOR FtIlM co TODAY at 1-3-5-7-9 OPEN at 12:00 "A cross between Love Story and LastTango In Paris!" -P/a yboy Maqazine Distributed by CINEMATION INDUSTRIES () SAT-SUN-WED at 1-3:05-5:10-7:15-9:25 Open at 12:45 MON-TUES at 7 & 9:10 Open at 6:45 Due to contractual Obligations Guest Night has been suspended this same reasoning, he could figure out his age as much as five years in the future." The best piece in the book is certainly "The Whore of Men- sa," a story done up as a Ray- mond Chandler hard-boiler. Kai- ser Lupowitz is the private eye whose mission is to cracl a certain brothel that caters to men looking for intellectual en- tertainment. His client, now be- ing blackmailed, has been us- ing the service for several months, "I mean my wife is great, don't getme wrong. But she won't discuss Pound with me. Or Eliot. I didn't know that when I married her. See, Ij need a woman who's men- tally stimulating, Kaiser. And I'm willing to pay for it. I don't' want an involvement - I want a quick intellectual experience, then I want the girl to leave." Infiltrating the organization, Kaiser discovers that for three hundred you can get the whole works, "A thin Jewish brunette would pretend to pick you up at the Museum of Natural Art, let you read her master's, get you involved in a screaming quarrel at Elaine's over Freud conception of women, and then fake a suicide of your choos- ing." Wfithout Feathers is not flaw- less. The two theater-of-the- absurdish one-act plays Allen has included do not quite come off. "God" hovers dangerously close to self - parody and be- comes hopelessly buried in its own ridiculousness. "Death" is a little better but its disturbing- ly serious edge obscures the humor. But the few imperfec- tions can be excused. Allen con- sistently strikes our funny bone and his humor never seems to wear thin, in any of its mani- festations. He was recently pho- tographed greeting Betty Ford at a gala party given by the First Lady, wearing, quite con- spiculously, a pair of big, black gym shoes. Woody Allen, it's a comfort having you around. Thomas Field is a senior majoring in English. The story Buford Pusser wanted told.. PAHT 2 ry i :.:... ?it n. tfDS :RF J 's