Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 12, 1915 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 12, 1975 r F i ,. I ! a f F I LL I i 'I } Y w ' . ! .i ;I State iscount is having an 'A LPSale for5 AI99 Great New and Old Selections Including:. III i i SGC members debate finances By GLEN ALLERHAND In its first meeting of the term, S t u d e n t Government Council (SGC) debated last' ngiht policies concerning the funding of student groups on campus in the 1075-76 budget. Council members became em- broiled in a procedural argu-1 ment over whether to developr an allocation policy before ap- propriating any funds to student organizations for this semester.- THE discussion was prompted by a proposal from Treasurer: Elliot Chikofsky to place restric- tions on funding procedures, in- cluding a measure that would restrict any one group from re- ceiving over $250. However, President Debra Dance Space !I CLASSES in Goodman advocated the crea- tion of a special budget alloca- tion committee and a freeze on all funding of student groupst until a monetary policy has been finalized. COUNCIL - after debating the precise terminology of the motion - concurred, and voted to establish the new panel, which will attempt to develop Also during that session, Good-, had been appropriated at an man announced that she had: illegal meeting. been named in a lawsuit by Faye explained, "This is the David Frye and Bob Matthews, second year in a row they two former Council members, (Council) have broken the same who contest the way in which rule," referring to a similar $1,000 was earmarked last week occurence which he said in- for the SGC audit. Faye and volved former President Carl Matthews argued that the money Sandberg. However, Faye later said he would drop the lawsuit, upon learning that the $1,000 Artists bury had not yet been disbursed. a hiscal policy sometime inte -mobile SGC also voted last night to next few weeks. pledge its support to the Com- SGC also heard several stu- LEWISTON, N.". (/P) - First mittee to Fight the Tuiion Hike dent organizations' requests for they filled the 1968 Oldsmobile (CFTH). In other business, Ex- financial relief. David Roth- station wagon with sneakers, ecutive Vice-President David child, representing the city books, watches and "stuff that Mitchell said he had discover- chapter of Fifth Estate, a polit- meant different things to differ- ed that students are being ical activist group, announced ent people." Then they covered charged for private and govern- plans for a three-day teach-in the car with four inches of poly- mental projects being conduct- during early November that will urethane foam and two inches ed on campus. He explained ' i I ' deal with behavior modification, leged repression by the gov- ernment and political assassin- ations. To skirt a technicality which states that SGC has no power t: legislate until after its first meeting, Goodman adjourned the session 20 minutes after it had begun and immediately opened a "special meeting." of tar. The stuffed, preserved vehicle was then buried for safe keeping. A group of artists buried this Citizen's Time Capsule here in the hope that when it is un- earthed Sept. 7, 2000, it "will reveal to the citizens of the fu- ture those features of American life that reflect our present cul- ture," they said. ALL SINGLE MCA-21e and THO LP's 79182 Also New q i I DEODATO FIRST CUCKOO ROGER DALTREY Ride A Rock Horse d^ i i a MODERN DANCE for children & adults TAUGHT BY LINDA PECK Fall Registration Beqins Sept. 9th 3141/2 S. State St. 995-4242 - I t i - E iiVE PRESENTS: Ted Nuget and the Amboy Dukes DURING the second session A 25-year period was chosen Council heard the treasurer's so that the people who buried it report, which showed that SGC might be present at the disin- financial records are currently terment and drive the Olds to under audit. California. that the University has spent millions of dollars of student tuition funds on such research. Ford campaigns in East (Continued from Page 1) THE SENATE declared the seat vacant and ordered a new election after it was unable to decide on a winner in last No- vember's close election. Ford and Wyman rode to- gether in the presidential limou- sine, standing to wave through an opening in the roof when the motorcade entered towns. GOV. MELDRIM Thomson, a conservative who supports Ron- ald Reagan for the presidency, joined the motorcade after Ford made a luncheon stop at the home of George Brown at Am- herst. At most of the stops, hands in the crowd reached out to touch and shake hands with Ford. The Secret Service agents' cordon around the President ap- peared to be about the same as before last Friday's incident in Sacramento, Calif., where a fol- lower of convicted murderer Charles Manson pointed a pistol at the President before being grabbed by agents. A SECURITY helicopter flew over part of the President's 120- mile route. It was learned that a Secret Service agent and a state police detective had been assigned t:o keep an eye on Linda Kasabiaji, another Manson follower, who now lives eight miles from Mil- ford. Crush all smokes dead out. Please: hell !reent forest fires. Warehouse SALE MEN'S 10-speed BICYCLE " Srmplex prestige derailleur " Weinmann centerpull brakes " Quick release hubs e 27xel /" wheels* $99 " WT. 27 lbs (partially assembled) REG. $169 add $10 for assembly and adjustment. LADIES' 3-speed BIKE * 3-speed derailleur " 27x] 1/2" wheels with winc nut release SWT. 27 lbs. X 99 * Stainless-steel fenders 10-speed RACING BIKES " Columbus tubing * Campv Hubs & Drop-outs " Never Cotter-$1 9 less Crank " WT. 22 lbs. (partially assembled) REGULAR $325 and Mo Jo Boogie for ONE NIGHT ONLY, Mon.,'Sept. 15-8 p.m. MCA-491 ADMISSION-$4 516 E. LIBERTY (corner Maynard) Advanced Tickets on sale now! 994-5350 pp rr j A h lyyy 1 ' rSv 1!F Lt%7 f frY .'- Q.f ES I UT OF 4 u RITIME LD SAIfE t = f 4 ql M ..F r. D LIF SR-2138 MCA- U/ And From RANDY BACHMAN'S New Group: scmint In the time it takes to drive responsible for killing young people- ~-~-----------T - your friend home, you could save are most often other young people. DRUNK DRIVER, DEPT. Y* BX2345 his life. Take ten minutes. Or twenty. ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 If your friend's been drinking Or an hour. Drive your friendM too much, he shouldn't be driving. home. That's all. If you.can't do I wantto save a friend's life. The automobile crash is the that, call a cab. Or let him sleep on Tell me what else I can do,I !a sM.