Parge Twelve
Thursday September 4, 1975
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We have
to fit
your needs.
The staff of the University Cellar is well informed
about the calculators currently on the market. We
will spend the time necessary to help you find the
right machine, even if it means telling you to wait a
Service Poliey to
Protect You ...
In addition to protection through a ten day over the
counter exchange on defectives, the University Celar
backs you up during the entire warranty period. If any-
thing goes wrong with your calculator while it is under
warranty, return it to the Cellar, we will handle the
shipping and servicing and provide you with a loaner
while it is being repaired. If you don't think that's im-
portant, read the section on reliability.
while or convincing you to buy a I e
Prices You'll Like..
The University Cellar generally has the lowest prices
on calculators in the city. All models (including Hew-
lett Packard) are discounted. We can't list any prices
in this ad because we expect most of the prices to drop
by the time September rolls around. Prices in the cal-
culator market are all dropping fast. The prices of
many machines have been cut in half during the past
year. Most machines have dropped 30% to 40% from
a year ago.
Excellent Selection .. .
The Cellar attempts to maintain a good selection of
quality machines. We do not carry extremely cheap
machines, or many secondary brands which have ques-
tionable quality. If you are looking for a tool rather
than a toy, the Cellar is the place to go. Calculators
are more powerful now than ever before. You can not
only add, multiply and divide, you can take standard
deviation, you can take a simple linear regression, you
can do all the log and trig functions, you can compute
compound interest problems from every direction. With
a fully programmable calculator like the HP 65 you
can do just about anything. Even the less expensive
machines are better than before; you get automatic
constants on all four functions, you get add-on dis-
count percentage, you get square root, you get versa-
tile memories. Calculators are better and cheaper than
ever before. Stop and see for yourself.
Calculator Reliability
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Time and again we are asked, "What machine cdn I
buy that I can be sure won't break down?" The answer
to that question is none. The state of the calculator
industry at this time is one of unreliable machines and
mediocre testing. Some companies (HP) do a better
job than others, and a lot do- really terrible. In our ex-
perience about 15% of all calculators sold have a de-
fect that shows up during the first few days Of those
that make it past the first few days another 3 % devel-
op some kind of malfunction during the year they are
under warranty. The initial defect rates varies from
3% for the best company to 10-12% for the average
companies to 20 to 50% for the off brands.
We're a non-profit Store...
The Cellar is a non-profit store. It is owned and controlled by the Students
of the University of Michigan. The money you spend at the Cellar goes to
get you quality products and good service, it doesn't pad anyone's poc-
kets. It only makes sense to shop where nobody's interested in ripping
you off.
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TUESDAY, SEPT. 2-9:00-6:00
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3-9:00-9:00
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