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September 10, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-10

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See Editorial Page


Da itli

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 6

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 10, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


np" a.





Big wheel
President and University alumnus Gerald Ford
has become the fourth honorary inductee to the
Michigan High School Coaches Hall of Fame at
Central Michigan University. Besides having been
the chief exec, Vice President, and a U. S. Rep-
resentative, Ford played football and basketball
at his Grand Rapids high school. And he was a
standout center for the Wolverines. Although Ford
didn't attend induction ceremonies, he sent a
"beautiful letter of acceptance," according to a
hall of fame spokesperson.
Happenings .. .
... are slimmer today than the guy who could
take a shower in a rifle barrel. Maybe some-
thing exciting will start to happen later this week
. . .at 7:30 p.m. the Ann Arbor United Farm
Workers Support Committee will hold an organiza-
tional meeting on the fourth floor of the Union.
Highlights will include results of the unionization
vote now going on in California and the impres-
sions of locals who have just returned from the
fields . . . on the other end of the political spec-
trum, the Ann Arbor Libertarian League will hold
their organizational meeting in the Kuenzel Room
of the Union, also at 7:30. An introduction to Liber-
tarian philosophy will be included.
Bump'n grind brings boot
The Navy sunk another effort to titillate sea-
men. A submarine commander who invited a top-
less dancer to demonstrate her act on the deck
of the boat before it sailed off to sea found him-
self ordered home, relieved of command, and as-
signed to a paper-pushing job. Commander Con-
nelly Stevenson asked a 23-year old dancer, Cat
Futch to perform for the 121 crewmen of his sub
last July 10 before it sailed off from Port Cana-
veral, Florida, supposedly as a reward for their
hard work. So that morning she displayed her tal-
ents for about ten minutes as the boat sailed off
to the tune of piped music. But when the brass
heard about the incident, they ordered him home
and did a strip job of their own on him. They
busted him down to a desk job in Norfolk, Va.,
pending full investigation. Said Cat Futch of her
bare-breasted shimmy: "It really boosted the
men's morale." We bet.
Junior G-man
In Hollywood, where they say games are real,
a group of children pulled some true-to-life burg-
laries - and were brought to justice by a crime-
fighting 10-year old who captured a fleeing sus-
pect after a bicycle chase and brought in his man
with a set of toy handcuffs. Some game of cops
and robbers! Police said the arrest of the gang
solved a series of jobs in which over $1;000 had
been taken recently - mostly from the homes of
elderly people who had just cashed Social Security
checks. The case broke when the unidentified lad
walked into the station house in Hollywood and
told police he had seen a group of kids break into
an apartment, and that they had given him $11 to
keep quiet. He turned in the ill-gotten booty and
then led authorities to the neighborhood where the
children live. At one of the gang's "hideouts," po-
lice took a 12-year old girl and a 10-year old boy
into custody.
Grist for the Mills?
An unconfirmed report out of Washington has it
that Wilbur Mills, the once powerful chairman of
the House Ways and Means Committee, has suf-
fered yet another blow to his now-damaged dig-
nityi. Columnist Jack Anderson says that the male
half of Washington's Odd Couple has been drum-
med out of the Mason's Lodge in his hometown
of Kensett, Arkansas for his fling with Fanne Fox.
The head honcho of Wills' Lodge, Grand Master
J. Lee Overstreet, isn't talking.
Helter Skelter, revisited
Here's a note for all you conspiracy buffs to pon-
der. Did Charles Manson have anything to do
with the recent attempt on President Ford's life,
or was Lynette Fromme's action still another in-
stance of a single gunman, acting on personal im-
pulse? The evidence: Only 24 hours before
Fromme made her bid to become the Lee Harvey
Oswald of the 1970's, Manson sent a letter to the
state Assembly Criminal Justice Committee, "I've
told you people over and over-I can release
thoughts that will destroy you." "The working peo-

ple, I can understand," it continued, "But you
lawyers, drunk with the blood of the dummies like
me, are in tronble. You best be thinking on how to
save vour li-- hb nise the other justice will catch
in w'l v " "MAnson mailed the letter from his
,,n >',x-'ti" ,nr o'n cell, but it contained no refer-
ence for the President.
On the inside...
C thv Svak rp-iows the University Gallerv
a rrnn'Pr+. . th Editorial Pag" takes a look
1 tthe f;%rin of S+P KoPlv As nn RA in West
{1.. .. thn 'nnrt- e P pa£ featnres M'Arcia
AR.rromr'k .-i'Gi of +-bo f:Ynotb ll team's def-nsive
-d 1*nshaktrte
'-. 2. - .


State Attorney General
Frank Kelley yesterday
c a l 1 e d unconstitutional
Governor William Milli-
ken's plan to reduce Uni-
versity appropriations by
one per cent-about $1 mil-
This should ease the
University's financial trou-
bles by that same dollar
figure. However, it may
only be a matter of time
before the governor's office
mandates further budget
dent for State Relations Rich-
ard Kennedy said last night
that Milliken "has other means
of accomplishing the same ob-
jective, I'm afraid."
"We're not out of the woods
by any means," Kennedy
The governor's bill, signed
yesterday morning, would have
imposed an across-the-board one
per cent slash in appropria-
tions for all state agencies ex-
cept certain programs within
the Department of Social Serv-
THE CUT would have come
on top of a previous 1.5 per cent
cut in the 1975-76 higher educa-
tion bill approved by the legis-
lature last month.
Kelley's opinion, which does

not carry the weight of law,
called illegal Milliken's plan to
supercede the higher education
appropriations bill through a
clause in the general govern-
ment appropriations bill, ac-
cording to Kennedy.
"We're always delighted to
see anticipated reductions de-
ferred," Kennedy said. Howev-
er, he added, "I guess we're
not jumping up and down at
this point."
K E N NEDY explained
that MillikenE"has other ways
of accomplishing these reduc-
tions," for example, through
the executive order process.
"The big question mark,"
Kennedy said, '"is 'when are
they going to drop the other

Kelley's opinion restored $1
million of the $2.6 million in
cuts made since the Board of
Regents approved a tentative
budget of $109.8 million. After
that approval, the legislature's
1.5 per cent cut in the higher
education 'appropriations creat-
ed a $1.6 million deficit in the
University's budget.
"WE STILL have a 1.5 per
cent reduction," Kennedy point-
ed out. "That will take some
fancy stepping, to manage
those reductions. We're still in
a lot of trouble.
"We have, at least for the mo-
ment, $1 million back," he add-
ed. "We're $1 million better off
today than we were yesterday."
Kennedy said measures need-
See KELLEY, Page 2

U.S. could trade
grain' for Soviet oil

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Pickln' the tunes
David Bromberg performs at the Ark Coffeehouse last night during a special unannounced ap-
pearance. After telling' a packed house that Ani Arbor audiences are his favorites, the well-
known folk guitarist pleased everyone within ear shot. (See related story, Page 2).

Wheeler nay face. recall


Leveling one of their strong-
est attacks against Democrat
Mayor Albert Wheeler since his
election last April, city Repub-
licans yesterday threatened him
with the possibility of a recall
The five Republican Council-
men and city GOP Chairman
William Gudenau chided Wheel-
er during a press conference for
rejecting the recommendations
of a citizens' committee for the
spending of Ann Arbor"s $2.4
million in Community Develop-

ment Revenue Sharing (CDRS)
"CERTAINLY no one would
want to have a recall election,"
Gudenau said following yester-
day's press conference, "but if
it's your gut feeling that injus-
tices are being done to the citi-
zens, then you have to take
some kind of definite action."
The charges against Wheeler
stem from the mayor's recent
indication that he will try to
give Council the final say in al-
locating the CDRS monies in-
stead of honoring the citizens'

Fordvetos furter
control o olprices
WASHINGTON (P) - President Ford finally issued his long-
expected veto of extending oil price controls yesterday, sending
the dispute back to Congress for a showdown vote that Ford is
expected to win.
The collision between Ford and Congress over oil prices is
scheduled for 3 p.m. today as the Senate attempts to override
his veto.
FEDERAL Energy Administrator Frank Zarb said he thinks
Congress will sustain the President's action by a close vote. Key
Democrats have also said they expect to fail in the override
If the veto is not overriden, then Congress faces the choice of
approving a gradual removal of controls, as proposed by the Pres-
ident, or accepting the sudden, complete decontrol which took
See FORD, Page 2

committee's recommendations.
The citizens' committee was
appointed last fall by former Re-
publican Mayor James Stephen-
son, and chaired by William Col-
burn, a former Republican coun-
Wheeler has defended his de-
sire, claiming that the commit-
tee's recommendations do not
comply with the spirit of the
Department of Housing and Ur-
ban Development's (H U D)
guidelines for CDRS, and that
they weren't formulated with an
eye to long-range effects.
bridge (R-Fourth Ward) called
Wheeler's reasoning a "smoke-
screen," challenging the mayor
to produce evidence that his
charges were true.
"As Mayor Wheeler has pro-
vided us with absolutely no doc-
umentation of serious charges
by HUD, we are led to believe
that his public accusations
about HUD's deep dissatisfac-
tion with the recommendations
of the city's committee is a spe-
cious, euphemistic rationaliza-
tion offered by a partisan poli-
tician who simply doesn't ap-
>rove of the recommenda-
tions . . ." argued Trowbridge.
Councilman Robert Henry (R-
Third Ward) accused Wheeler
of attempting to mold the CDRS
budget to the benefit of two
Model Cities agencies with
which members of his imme-
diate family are linked.
Henry pointed out that neither

the .Health Care Center, which
is chaired by Wheeler's wife,
nor the Legal Services Office
which employs his daughter as
an attorney, filed CDRS appli-
cations in time to figure in the
committee's recommendations.
Gudenau said Wheeler's ac-
tion on CDRS was merely "the
straw that broke the camel's
back," citing the Mayor's push
for the passage of a door-to-
door voter registration ordin-
ance and his formulation of a
citizens' committee on fair ren-
tal practices as previous betray-
als of the community's voice.
Ballot issues for rent control
and door-to-door voter registra-
tion were defeated by the city
voters during last April's local

United States has opened dis-
cussions with the Soviet Union
about swapping Russian oil for
American grain, Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger con-
firmed yesterday.
Kissinger told a news con-
ference that only "a very gen-
eral discussion," has been held
so far, but other U.S. officials
said additional talks already are
INCLUDING Soviet oil in any
future grain deal presumably
would help ease complaints that
detente has been a one-way
street. Kissinger also gave as-
surances that the impact on
consumers will be cushioned.
Meeting reporters here for the
first time since his successful
Sinai mission, Kissinger said it
may yet "open a door to gen-
eral peace" in the Middle East-
ern trouble spot.
He said the administration
"will go to the absolute limit"
in telling Congress and the
American people about secret
aspects of the Israeli-American
HOWEVER, Kissinger added,
"There is an area of diplomacy
that no country has ever made
Throughout, the Secretary of
State appeared determined to
soothe Soviet sensibilities about
being left out of the mediation.
He said the Russians would
have "both a procedural" and

a "substantive" role in a set-
tlement and that they also have
a stake in reducing tensions in
the area.
"IN THE Middle East," Kis-
singer said, "I do not believe
that the essential interests of
the United States and the So-
viet Union are incompatible."
This generous view of Moscow
contrasts with the general im-
pression that one of the major
objectives of Kissinger's diplo-
macy was to offset provoca-
tive Soviet influence in Egypt
See SOVIETS, Page 2

U' Hospital contract talks
bog down for second time

For the second time in a week
Monday night, the University
and University Hospital interns
and residents reached an im-
passe in their contract negotia-
"Essentially they (the Uni-
versity) offered us nothing,"
stated Barry Carleton, head of

the House Officers Association
(HOA) bargaining team. "There
has been no movement in any
of the major areas."
LAST WEEK the negotiations
stalled for the first time, when
the administration offered what
one union source described as
an "insult" for a proposed pact.
Since then the 550-member


Ahido: A martial
art of 'harmony'

HOA has reworked their con-
tract slightly, but according to
Carleton, the University still re-
fuses to budge.
"They said," Carleton quoted,
"'We gave it all away last
DOUGLAS Geister, head of
the University bargaining team,
was unavailable for comment.
Both sides have agreed to call
in a mediator from the Michi-
gan Employment R e 1 a t i o n s
Commission (MERC) to get the
stalled negotiations going again.
However, the mediator will
not participate in the bargain-
ing sessions until September 22.
THE INTERNS and residents
are seeking a 12 per cent pay
hike, improvements in both
work environment and- patient
care, and increased fringe bene-
But the administration has
proposed only a six per cent
wage boost and refuses to even
touch upon patient care and
work environment issues, ac-
cording to union sources.
"They offered us no improve-
ments in fringe benefits, no im-
provement in work environment,
nothing on a number of issues,"
Carleton said.
IT IS illegal for any union in
a health-related field to stage
a strike or work slow down un-

"I want make nice. I want be peace-
ful," said Akido expert Takashi Kushida.
At that moment a burly man drove
his hand toward Kushida's forehead.
Kushida grabbed the man's wrist, deftly
twisted it, and sent him crashing to the
"BUT SOMETIMES," he added flat-
ly, "you cannot escape."
Kushida, black-belt instructor of the
University Akido Club, yesterday en-
acted several such painful scenarios, all
part of a demonstration in the Japanese
martial art of akido, held in the IM

Akido afficiando deliberately provoke a
confrontation, nor continue it past the
moment that an opponent was willing
to quit.
Even the some 3,500 techniques of
Akido deeply are incorporated into the
idea of "making harmony". An attack is
never blocked directly; instead one di-
verts the attack using its own direction-
'l force.
And so, ironically, Kushida "makes
horny" out of his motions, usually
sending his attacker flying gracefully in
the dirt-lion of the assault.
0- 0 A14 91-r Akido expert K'ishida
a "'' Iheln him on his way."

h , M. e

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