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September 09, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-09-09

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rl '


To The Daily:
If you were billed fo
credit hours" this Sp
Summer half-term, you
have to pay for them.
If you are refused en
this Fall for non-pay
that "extra" fee, this le
interest you!
The minimum fee sch
stated in the R'ackha'
logue covers only ful
There is at present n
minimum enrollment
terms. Therefore, all 9
dents who registered
than three credit hours
er half-term of 1975 n
only for the hours elec
The University will n
you about this. The ov
can be cancelled only
registrar's window of
(Betsy Volaric).
The University will b
to keep all monies alres
although clearly a refu
Sandra C. Brow
Graduate Stude
Department of
Sept. 1

grads ple who negotiated that contract
have appointed a committee to
ADUATE write our local bylaws. Those
people - the former Bargaining
Committee - have NO constitu-
r "extra tional right to do that, but they
pring or can, and they will, if we let
u do not them. We feel it is time to stand
together and insist we elect a
irollment Bylaws Committee from the
ment of membership.
;tter may
There is a meeting scheduled
iedule as for Wednesday at Noon in Angell
m Cata- Hall in Room 1025 to discuss
l terms. ways of stopping the members
o stated of the former Bargaining Com-
for half mittee from usurping the rights
grad stu. of the membership. There is a
for less petition being circulated by cler-
in eith- icals who want a Special Mem-
ieed pay bership Meeting to elect a By-
ted. laws Committee from the mem-
ot notify bership, and to elect Interim
ercharge Officers. We wish to encourage
at the all clericals to attend this meet-
f L.S.A. ing -we are all affected by the
consequences of a poorly run lo-
e happy cal, that is, a poor contract.
ady paid, Carolyn Weeks
ad is in Sue Ellen Hansen
Janet Laczkowski
me Lisa North
nt Pam O'Connor
Sept. 8





registration, voting, and democ-
racy in general.
Democracy hinges upon the
right of individuals to partici-
pate in decision making at some
level. In looking at democracy
in the UnitedStates we must
look at not only who is allowed
to participate, but also at what
kind of decisions they are al-
lowed to make.
In the U.S. only persons 18
years old or over are allowed
to vote. Those under 18 are
ruled without their consent and
without their participation. This
law stems from a cultural as-
sumption that young people are
incapable of making decisions
for themselves and are better
served by the decisions of
adults. This same reasoning
was previously used when males
said that women were better
served through the votes of their
husbands, and blacks through
the votes of more civilized
whites. And it is this same ide-
ology which excludes young peo-
ple from significant decision
making powers within the
schools and within the home.
(It is interesting to note that
much the same reasoning is
used in saying that department
heads are better able to make
decisions than workers.) The
Human Rights Party, and the
national People's Party with
which we are affiliated feel that
individuals should be able to
make decisions which affect
their lives whenever they feel
they are able, and that there
should be no arbitrary age law
concerning voting or any other
BUT LET'S LOOK at what
kinds of decisions voters are al-
lowed to make within the pres-
ent political system. It turns out

that the decisions are very nar-
row - usually down to the level
of which Democrat or which Re-
publican is allowed to supposed-
ly speak for us. We have no
voice and no control over what
kind of jobs are available to us,
what kind of schools and health
care are available to us, what
kind of profit levels the banks,
corporations, and private indi-
viduals are allowed to amass.
This results in the mass unem-
ployment we are now experienc-
ing - 15 per cent in New York
City and 12 per cent in our own
county, while Rockefeller, GM,
the banks, and Standard Oil roll
in profits. Democracy within the
current economic system is used
as a ploy to keep people from
realising their true powerless-'
ness. Only when the economy
and the country's resources are
controlled by working people
will we have real democracy -
both political and economic.
That is the meaning of social-
ism. When we harness our re-
sources and wealth to meet our+
needs we will have decent jobs,
good health care, quality hous-l
ing, and quality education. We
are a long way from that with-
in a capitalist political system.
ironic repulsion at the argu-
ments against door-to-door vot-
er registration. The decisions l
voters are allowed to make are
pitifully limited as it is. TheI
Human Rights Party believes it
is the obligation of a govern-
ment to make it as easy as pos-
sible for its citizens to partici-
pate in the decision making t
process. Those who argue 1
against door-to-door are moti-
vated by their own lust for pow-
er and the political and econ-

omic control that power gives
Kathy Kozachenko
Ann Arbor City
Human Rights Party
Member of he
Washtenaw County
Unemployed Council
Sept 4
To The Daily:
IT WOULD BE difficult, to
add much to your appealing ar-
ticle concerning the Third An-
nual Ann Arbor Multi Ethnic
Fair except by drawing the at-
tention of your readers to the
fact that these festivities are to
take place during the forth-
coming Friday and Saturday,
the 12th and 13th of September.
This year the number of eth-
nic groups appearing has in-
creased by the participation of
the Scandinavian, Turkish, and
Czech Americans. Traditional-
ly excellent weather, secured
by highly influential contacts
of Father Aneste and Rabbi
Marshall - two of the original
organizers of the Fair - an ex-
tremely rich program of stage
performances, the colorful and
diversified cultural displays, ap-
petizing culinary attractions,
and spiritous immemorabilia
guarantee the success of the
On behalf of the Multi Ethnic
Alliance of Ann Arbor I wish to
invite herewith the members
of the UM community to come,
to see, and to succumb to the
joyfulness of multi-ethnicity.
Andrew S. Ehrenkreitz
Sept. 8


Pietd Nrp.m.v"P.a*e& *7

To The Daily:
SOME OF US who are mem-
bers of Local 2001 feel com-
pelled at this point to commun-
icate briefly with all U of M
clericals regarding the contract
and the "state of our union."
Right now, Local 2001 has no
leadership with any constitution-
al authority. The Bargaining
Committee lost its right to exist
when the contract was ratified.
Yet right now, those same peo-

To The Daily:
AT THE LAST Ann Arbor City
Council meeting a lot of debate
ensued around the question of
door-to-door voter registration.
While I am, of course, happy
that door-to-door voter registra-
tion passed, I think it's import-
ant to look at the issue within
a broader context. The follow-
ing statement which I gave at
last Tuesday's council meeting,
gives you some feeling of the
position of the Human Rights
Party concerning door-to-door

ihie 3mirfjian Daily
Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Tuesday, September 9,1975

News Phone: 764-0552

Prisons lack minimum health services

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Gun control: A first step

complaints through other
means, the Prisoners' Progress
Association (PPA), a group
founded in 1972 to "regain and

retain certain rights of prison-
ers, parolees and mental pa-
tients," filed a class action
complaint in federal court con-
cerning the inadequacy of medi-
cal delivery systems at each

and there are over one and a half
million registered handguns in the
However, it must be admitted that
no gun control plan could ever pre-
vent all or even most homicides. For
example, such unfortunate incidents
as presidential assassinations and at-
tempted assassinations are probably
unavoidable - if someone wants a
handgun bad enough, he'll probably
be able to find one.
Similarly, the hardened, profes-
sional criminal will likely not be de-
terred since some guns will probab-
ly still be available illegally.
CRITICS OF GUN control, particu-
larly those from the powerful
gun lobbies, contend that gun con-
trol would disarm law-abiding citi-
zens and leave only criminals in
possession of guns. They also believe
that every citizen should have the
right-as guaranteed In the Consti-
tution-to bear arms.
Proponents of gun control argue
instead that the "right" to own fire-
arms was much more relevent 200
years ago than it is in today's more
crowded and more violent society.
Although both sides present some
valid arguments, we believe that the
present dangers to our society are so
pressing that action must be taken.
Admittedly, gun control has its
drawbacks - enforcement would be
exnensive and time consuming and
will never, by itself, reduce the level
of violence to a safe level.
To truly reduce crime, we will have
to recognize and act upon the real
reasons for crime, which are often
poverty and social injustice.
NEVERTHELESS, GUN control could
serve as a first step in the right
direction-even If the plan results
only in deterring a small number of
homicides, those committed between
close friends or relatives in a heat of
pa ssion,
Any such measure must be given
serious consideration and Is deserv-
ing of strong support of citizens who
want to see a change in our rapidly
deteriorating situation.
Business Staff
Business Manager
Peter Caplan..............Finance Manager

The Lighter Sidenk -
The courage of two
dimensional voting
memnasammsama. Dick West -e
WASHINGTON UPI - There are, at present, two highly pub-
licized congressional rating systems.
Each year, Americans for Democratic Action-ADA- ana-
lyzes the votes in the House and Senate and rates the members
from a liberal standpoint. Then Americans for Constitutional Ac-
tion-ACA--does the same thing from a conservative vantage.
This is all very well as far as it goes, but it leaves one in-
creasingly important group unrated. I refer to members of Con-
gress who vote two ways on the same bill.
These highly versatile lawgivers don't just take sides on a
given issue-they surround it. They stand not merely four-squared,
but eight-square.
Although they may wind up being rated both "conservative"
and "liberal" on a single piece of legislation, their triumph of
adaptability frequently is overlooked, the reason being that the
ADA and the ACA publish their ratings at different times.
CLEARLY, in an age when specialization is rampant, the two-
way players deserve a rating system of their very own.
The ADA recently moved in that direction by compiling a list
of House members who originally voted for passage of certain
legislation and then voted to uphold President Ford's vetoes of said
measures. That bit of recognition, however, is unsatisfactory on
two counts.
1. The ADA already operates a liberal rating system. One
questions whether it could undertake a whole new category with-
out spreading itself too thin.
2. The ADA apparently disapproved of pluralistic voting.
It used perjorative terms such as "inconsistent" in citing the con-
gressional "switch-hitters."
Since the liberal rating system is operated by an organization
that espouses liberalism, and since the conservative ratings are
compiled by a group that endorses conservatism, fairness de-
mands that panoramnic voters be rated by people who believe that
perception is improved by double vision.
IN THAT CONNECTION, permit me to call your attention to an
immortal line by novelist Peter DeVries: "There are always two
sides to every question, and it behooves an honest man to take
them both."
Wit DeVries as our spiritual father, some of us who admire
honesty in lawmaking are in the process of forming a rating
organization to be called Americans for Convertible-Dualistic Con-
Once we get rolling, the liberal and conservative ratings will
be augmented by annual bilateral ratings to honor that won-
derfully flexible band of congressmen who have the courage of
their convictions in two dimensions.
WATCH FOR THE results on television. They'll be brought to
you via split screen.
Dick West is a syndicated UPI columnist.
... .":q.":i{?.";y;,}.W" ":itt' t ;: ? .
Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Hart (Deny), Rm 253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol
Hill, Washington, D.C. 2051S.

major prison in Michigan on
July 8, 1975.
The action is before Judge
Noel P. Fox, U.S. District Court
in Grand Rapids. No date for
a hearing has been set.
Also listed as plaintiffs in the
suit, PPA vs. Milliken, is the
Justice Corporation, an organiz-
ation founded with goals simi-
lar to those of PPA's.
The complaint is represented
by a "jailhouse lawyer," Ron-
ald L. Jordan, and attorneys
Judith Magid and William Ras-
consultant, lauded by both
judges and attorneys for his
legal acumen in criminal ap-
peals and civil actions, said the
complaint should bring some
improved health care to Mich-
igan prisoners.
"With our complaint, we
should be able to make the
Governor's Committee's recom-
mendations bear fruit," Jordan
He is referring to a recent
governmental study, "Key to
Health for a Padlocked Soci-
ety," which reported that medi-
cal facilities throughout Michi-
gan are completely lacking in
the delivery of medical services

the spread of infectious dis-
* A total lack of health care
for prisoners.
f The suit also charges that
present facilities are, "unsani-
tary and vermin - infested .. .
thereby inhibiting the recovery
of . . . prisoners."
scope, lists both male and fe-
male plaintiffs, including pris-
oners at the Detroit House of
Judith Magid, an attorney
keenly interested in the rights
of women prisoners, said that
women at the Detroit House of
Corrections receive less medi-
cal attention than do male pri-
soners at other institutions.
"After interviewing women
at DeHoCo, I felt they must be
included in this action because
the medical care they receive
is as good as no care at all,"
Ms. Magid said.
Ms. Magid is also involved
with attempting to gain a law
library for women prisoners at
the Detroit House of Correc-
tions, and plans to coordinate a
workshop to teach them how to
file appeals and other legal
William Rastetter said one of

S"Responsibility f o r
prisoners' health
should lie not with he
state Department of
Corrections but with
t h e Department o f
Public Health."
quette, said, the right of pri-
soners to receive adequate med-
ical care is only one example of
why the Prisoners' Progress
Association was founded.
The class action is expected
to gain answers to the question
or responsibility in regards to
prisoner health care. It also ex-
presses the belief that respon-
sibility should lie with the
Michigan Department of Public
Health, and not the Michigan
Department of Corrections, as
is presently the case.
The suit demands that state
prison health facility standards
be raised to meet the minimum
statutory requirements set up
for non-prison hospitals and
uses "A Key to Health for a
Padlocked Society," and other
governmental publications as
proof that the charges claimed
are factual and that the case
has meritorious pleadings.
been answered by defendants.
Claude Williams is an inmate
of Jackson Prison and a nation-
ally known advocate of correc-
tions reform.
Letters should be typed
and limited to 400 words.
The Daily reserves the
right to edit letters for
length and grammar.

... f.

"A recent governmental

study reported

delivery of medical services to prisoners in
the state is completely lacking."

to prisoners.
The action claims deprivation
of prisoners' fifth, Eighth, Ninth
and Fourteenth Amendment

the reasons the Justice Corpora-
tion was founded, is to assist
prisoners in civil rights issues.


ghts. It alleges: WE FILED THIS action in an
* Inadequate emergency attempt to bring proper medical
iedical care; care to all Michigan prisoners,"
* Inadequate and untrained Rastetter said. "Health care is
iedical staffs; the most basic of all human
0 Health - deficient diets; rights."
* Antiquated facilities and Rastetter is also representing
quipment; an action to gain the "right to
e Lack of post-operative vote" for convicted felons.
are; Charles Eaton, PPA board
* Conditions that promulgate chairman and prisoner at Mar-

A change in gun possession laws
o u l d require a constitutional
mendment. Briefly; such a proposal
rould ban private ownership of
andguns or rifles or both and would
llow only police, military personnel,
scurity guards, antique gun collec-
3rs, and pistol clubs to possess
ning guns would cut down the
umber of homicides committed in
ae heat of passion since statistics
iow that most homicides are com-
ftted between people who know
ch other and are not premeditated.
Advocates of gun control argue
at the availability of firearms
ntributes to the state's high homi-
de rate, which is in excess of 1,000
inually. Some 55 per cent of the
urders are committed with pistols,



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