Sunday, SL pt,6-mber 7, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sunday, September 7, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Secret Service plans no' changes in Ford security WASHINGTON (P)-A Secret of "Mr. President, come over: from one community to an- Service official said yesterday here." other." no dramatic changes are plan- HE WAS doing just that on a WHEN FORD is in publiche ned in presidentialrsecurity ar- Sacramento streetwheneFrom- Wred Fr ise sihandsa b ith rangements as a result of the me, standing just three feet egcroy shakpopehndsatwith assassination attempt on Presi- away, pointed a pistol at his cowd s oe lnd adi- ~entFor inSacrmeno ~ports, near his hotel, and audi-; ent Ford in Sacramento on chest... toriums and elsewhere. Secret Friday. This is in contrast to nis pre-gd But spokesman Jack Warner decessor, Richard Nixon, who vice agent prod an said it is the service's desire made the Secret Service job but Ford has a habit of making that Ford not mingle in large easier by not mingling too *cften sudden moves toward groups of crowds, which has been his ha- with crowds. people, which sometimes throws bit both in Washington and in "It has been a long-term Sec- his protectors off stride. out-of-town trips. ret Service desire that those we FORD, meanwhile, seemed protect do not expose them- There was a noticeable tight-j unshaken by his near-brush selves to crowd or a large seg- ening of security in Sacramento with death and carried on busi- ment of the population," War- after the incident Friday. When ness -as usual yesterday. He met ner said. he left his hotel for the airport, with Democratic senators on ASKED IF the Secret Service two large press buses were energy, arranged a golf game would suggest that Ford cut parked across the street, par- and an appearance at a party down on this crowd-pleasing tially blocking the view of a for two military staff members activity, Warner said that is crowd of about 300. Who are being promoted in an answer the White House rank. would have to provide. At the airport, the presiden- "We are reviewing the Sacra-i A White House spokesman tial limousine drove right up to mento matter," Warner said. said Ford apparently will make Air Force One ramp, and the "But we are always reviewing no fundamental changes and President climbed aboard im- our protection procedures for that the President had provided mediately, although he might the President." his own answer on Friday when have been itching to shake He said he felt presidential he stated: "I'm going to con- hands with some of the several protection was adequate in tinue to have that personal con- dh Sacramento, where an agent tact with the American psaple. thousand people assembled to thwarted an attempt by Lynette In my judgment it's vital for bid him farewell. Alice Fromme, 26, to shoot the an American president to see ~~-~- President with a .45-caliberI the American people and I in- ******* *" pistol. tend to carry it on. F'.There IS a " WARNER declined to discuss . . a numbers of Secret Service per- "This icident under no cir sonnel assigned to the Presi- cumstances will prevent me or " dent at any given time but add- preclude me from contacting0 PREPARE FOR: " ed: "We are not anticipating the American people as I travel Over 35 years * any damatic changes in our! from one state to another and! n d suce methods of providing security." There was no beef-up in se- " AT Smalclasses curity for the President as he DAY CA R E: home traveled by car yesterday fromV CORNTREE C -OP % "studylmateras the White House to Burning " CORNTREE CO-OP R st"Ket Tree Country Club in nearby AGES 21/2-5 0Courses that are " Bethesda, Md. to play in a golf " IUUOD constantly updated " tournament. CALL i lIAT Tapef o What bothers the Secret Serv- LINDA FOSTER . reviews of cass ice most is that Ford loves to F AT lessons and for use. wade into crowds and shake 665-0606" of supplementary " hands. He can't resist the cry i+ F E aeil __ Make-ups for 0 " missed lessons ANN ARBO( CfIy 0 FUJI 0 PEUGEOT FE ATURING: FINE CYCLES - ROAD & TRACK 41 * FALCON * CONCORD 0 MOTOBOCANE 0 FRAME SETS FALL TUNE-UP CENTER Sales & Service by Dedicated Cyclists 761-2749 1224 PACKARD ANN ARBOR AP Photo SANDRA GOOD, LYNETTE FROMME'S roommate stands outside her apartment in Sacra- mento yesterday talking with reporters. Good said that Charles Manson did not order any of his followers to assassinate President Ford. SAT-SUN-WED at 1-3:05-5:10-7 :15-9 25 Open at 12:45 MON-TUES at 7 & 9:10 Open at 6:45 Due to Contractual Obligations Guest Night has been suspended Fromme friend denies Manson ordered murder SACRAMENTO, Calif. (P) - death. Charles Manson did not order l HER COMMENTS on assas- Lynette Fromme to try to kill sinations were similar to warn- P r e s i d e n t Ford, Fromme's ings she and other Manson fol- roommate and fellow Manson lowers have given for years. disciple said yesterday. Good called Fromme "a very "Squeaky acted totally of her giving person" and added: "I own volition," Sandra Good told miss her. I miss her a lot." reporters. "But if that's what she wanted "MANSON DIDN'T order her to do, I'm with her a lot. A to do this. Squeaky is acting on whole lot of kids wanted it done. the will of many people. I think They wanted Nixon done." she would have rather done it Good said she had not known to someone killing the air, to of any plans to try to shoot some executive of big com- Ford. She said Fromme has panies," she said. some experience with guns but "The President happened to none with the type of gun she be right out here available and; wielded at Ford. lying and lying and lying. You T lE REASON for Fromme's can only take so much lying. action, she indicated, was anger "The people who are pollut- ; over air pollution and over the ing the environment, who are imprisonment of their leader, killing the air and the water and Manson. wildlife, the trees; if they don't "You better let Manson talk," stop, they're gonna die," said Good angrily told reporters. Good. "Let him up or you're going FROMME, known as "Squea- to die. kv" in the Manson clan, was "He should be able to have a grabbed by officers Friday as new trial and the whole family she pointed a loaded .45 caliber should be together to put on a pistol at Ford, who was greet- new defense." ing a crowd near the state Cap- "SMILE AND smirk," she told itol. one male reporter, "but when Meanwhile, U.S. Atty. Duayne the blood starts running out of Keyes said at a news conference your face you'll pray for Jesus that investigators found "no and you'll realize you killed evidence at this timeaindicating him." a conspiracy" in the alleged as- sassination attempt. Keyes said Fromme carried the pistol in a leg holster be- neath her long, flowing dress be- fore she was seized by Secret B Service agents. uford SSo HE ADDED that a partially filled box of ammunition for a .45 caliber weapon was confis- cated from Fromme's apart- ment. Keyes also said letters p and materials confiscated from the apartment included un- mailed letters to companies complaining about their ecologi- cal policies, and he described the complaints "as not friendly in nature." "At this stage of the investi- gation," Keyes said, "we have j no evidence of any other person having knowledge" of Fromme's Showtimes: Mon.-Sat intentions. Sun. 5, 7, 9 In Washington, Secret Serv ice spokesman Jack Warner said yesterday that no dramat- ic changes are planned in pres- L identi al security arrangements as a result of Friday's incident in Sacramento. WARNER, however, said the Sacramento matter was being reviewed. FUTURE ROCK P He added that "we are always reviewing our protection proce- dures for the President." Ford, meanv bile, seemed un- shaken by his near-brush with death and carried on business WITH SPEC as usual yesterday, meeting with Democratic Senators on energy and arranging a golf JEFF H game. IN A RAMBLING conversa- tion from her front porch, Good Friday, e officials of companies she said were pliuting the air or the BOWEN FI The Manson family frequently referred to Manson as a Christ- like, figure. Manson, now serving a life sentence in San Quentin, was convicted in 1971 for the 1969 slayings of actress Sharon Tate and six others. MIXED LEAGUE BOWLING SIGN UP NOW Michigan Union Lanes OPEN 11 A.M. MON.-SAT.; 1 P.M. SUN. N9 NTLMED DOS # " # wrile or call-* (313) 354-0085 # 21711 W.Ten MileRd " # Southfield, Mi. 48015 #* * EDUCAfONAL CENTER. " TEST PREPARATION SPECIAUSTSSINCE1938 # Sanen May0 r s a WSI CIDE cl ,i GOOD SAID FBI agents came; and "ransacked" her apartment. Friday night and carried away carloads of material including all of Manson's prison letters toc the women. Officers said they questioned Good and another woman who lived at the apartment, but re-! leased them without making a; formal arrest. Goode said it was the first time she had been questioned by, authorities since she came to Sacramento 2'/% years ago. She held onto one copy of a statement she and Fromme had sent to various acquaintances two weeks ago - a statement! from Manson threatening the future of the city of Los Angeles. 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Current information on campus student organiza- tions and how to contact them is always available at Student Government Council. Also, the Student Organizations Board of SGC coordinates and assists the more than 400 groups on campus Trying to make UM a better SG, M place for students to live. 3rd floor, Michigan Union-M-F 9-5--763-3241 "The people who want to live will leave there and the world will stand back and see the fire and the madness grow until there is nothing left," the state- ment said. storW p i I I IT 2 -q t A SPECIAL -WHILE THEY LAST- t. 7, 9 1 PGi 7 4 Hewlett-Packard's IIPk35 Scientific Pocket Calculator PRESENTS: CIAL GUEST IARVEY pt. 12, 1975 ELDHOUSE Was X19500 NQ aN Y ;9995 I WITH FULL YEAR WARRANTY , I i I h' I