Page Four I rtt MlC-NIUAN DAILY Slit doy, September /, 197 Page Four 5uriday, September 7, 1915 House committee passes bill limiting Ford's amnest lan WASHINGTON (P) -A Hcuse subcommittee has approved an amnesty bill for draft evaders and soldiers who deserted or refused to obey an order that would lead to killing because of! their opposition to the Indochina war. The amnesty would go only to persons who signed a certifi- cate declaring their acts "resulted because of disapproval of the military involvement of the United States in Indochina." BESIDES DRAFT resisters and deserters, amnesty would! go to servicemen who refused to obey orders they reasonably believed would lead directly to killing. Known as the "Vietnam Era Reconciliation Act," the bill was approved by the House civil liberties subcommittee by a 4-1 vote Friday. Chairman Robert Kastenmeier, (D-Wis.), said he did not know if Congress will approve the bill but believes there is a chance it will. But Republican Rep. Tom Railsback of Illinois, who cast "e "o voe aatee] Joan Little seeks solitude after trial the "no" vote, said there is no chance Congress will ap-I Solprove the bill. HE SAID only a small per- centage of deserters and draft evaders registered disapproval to returi of the Vietnam war and said "you may be encouraging oth- ers to perjure themselves" in! G e an effort to get the amnesty. Before the final vote the G aon ment by which amnesty would be withdrawn from anyone con- v e 1P e I cted of perjury or making a V * false statement by signing the DETROIT (UPI) - A federal declaration of opposition to the I war. RALEIGH, N.C. (R) - Three weeks ago, Joan Little's name was a cause celebre for women and blacks. Today she seeks anonymity. Little has begged out of several scheduled speaking engagements planned to help her pay the cost of a high-powered publicity campaign and legal fees of more than $500,000. "JOAN LITTLE is tired and wants to return to some sort of semblance of normal life," her chief lawyer, Jerry Paul, said in an interview. On Aug. 15, a jury of six whites and six blacks acquitted Little of a murder charge in the Aug. 27, 1974, icepick stabbing death of jailer Clar- ence Alligood, 62. Little, 21, is black; Alligood was white. During the five-week trial, the state contend- ed that Alligood was murdered in an escape plot. Prosecutors said the jailer had been lured into Little's cell by a promise of sexual favors. LITTLE, who was being held in the rural Beaufort County jail pending appeal of a break- ing and entering conviction, said she stabbed him after he forced her to commit an oral sex act. The Southern Poverty Law Center in Mont- i.vh:1xgomery, Ala., began a fund-raising campaign < aimed at blacks and whites who felt a black woman couldn't get a fair trial in the South. .$ And it drew the sympathy of women who be- lieve that female victims of sex crimes often = '~ lose out in courtroom confrontations. More than $500,000 was raised for her defense with contributions coming from at least 40 states and several foreign countries. HUNDREDS OF journalists were in Raleigh for her trial and it was publicized worldwide. After her acquittal, Little went to California AP Photo for two weeks. She spoke at several rallies, some of them arranged by the Black Panthers. She said she planned to devote her life to fight- ey holding ing racial injustice. group. Last week she appeared for a taping of the -!Mike Douglas show in Philadelphia that will be aired Sept. 22. Other television interviews are planned, Paul adds. court judge has ordered the FBI to return a car it seized from the son of a reputed Mafia king- pin because, he said, the FBI failed to prove its theory that evidence would show the car was used in the abduction of James Hoffa. The FBI challenged the ruling by U.S. District Judge Robert DeMascio. DEMASCIO ordered the car surrendered "forthwith" to Jo- seph Giacalone, the son of re- puted Mafia chieftain Anthony "Tony Jack" Giacalone, but de- layed his order until next Wed- nesday. This would give U.S. Attorney Ralph Guy Jr. time to file for a stay of the ruling in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cin- cinnati. The FBI seized Giacalone's car on Aug. 8, ten days after Hioffa vanished from outside a suburban Detroit restaurant aft- er telling his family he was go- ing to meet the elder Giacalone for lunch. What brought the car into the Hoffa case, the FBI said, was the fact that a self-described foster son of the formerTeam- sters International president told authorities he was driving it in the same area at the same time Hoffa dropped out of sight July 30. The bill also would release anyone serving alternative civi- lian service under President Ford's clemency program from that duty. It would enable de- serters and draft evaders who renounced their U. S. citizen- ship to regain it by declaring they did so because of opposi- tion to the war and further by renouncing whatever foreign citizenship they had taken. THE BILL could grant am- nesty to some 148,000 deserters and draft resisters iftthey all claimed they acted out of op- position to the war. Administration figures indi- cate the amnesty from prosecu- tion could apply to about 10,000 deserters and 4,000 draft resist- ers. It could expunge records and restore any civil rightsalost to some 125,000 deserters and un- authorized absentees who were given less than honorable dis- charges during the war, and 9,000 people convicted of draft evasion. The figures indicate up to 4,000deserters and 3,500 draft evaders fled to Canada, Sweden and other countries, in many cases renouncing their U.S. citizenship, during the war. , f i . , . Tied to the ground This young lady from Toledo, Ohio is not walking with her pigtails, nor are the her to the ground. She is actually in mid-flip during a practice for a gymnastics UFW, TEAMSTERS ELECTION: Lit le Movie, TV unions cancel strike plans LOS ANGELES () - Strike plans against Hollywood's movie and television industry have been canceled after a tentative agreement between the Association of Motion Picture and Tele- vision Producers and technical unions. Leo Geffner of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes and Motion Picture Operators said the development came after Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios bolted from the producers' group. Tne two studios negotiated separately after bargaining had reached an impasse. A STRIKE would have virtually halted movie and TV pro- duction. The unions which had threatened to strike represents film editors, lab and sound technicians and studio projectionists. If they had walked out, other unions were pledged to honor their picket lines. The mechanics of the contracts will be worked out over the weekend, Geffner said. Each local union will submit its pro- posed pact to the membership for a vote. Farm DELANO, Calif. (A) - Farm{ workers are choosing betweenI the Teamsters Union and Cesar' Chavez, United Farm WorkersI Union this weekend in the firstI narm labor representation elec- tions conducted under- a new, state law. The voting began Friday when 15 workers at a small artichoker ranch cast their ballots. Their ballots were notrtallied public- ly, but the 15 workers left littlej doubt about where their loyal-' ties lay. THEY EMERGED from the tractor shed which served as a voting booth and chanted, "Viva Chavez, Chavez Si, Teamsters No. {The artichoke workers are employed by a ranch belonging to the Molera Agricultural1 Group. The employers, claiming they were part of a larger bar-I gaining unit which should be, covered by a single election, ob- tained a court order forcing thej state Agricultural Labor Rela-G tions Board to impound the bal- lots and return them to Sacra- mento without counting them.- The Western Growers Associa-i tion, to which Molera belongs, { got a temporary restraining or- der barring the board from counting ballots in individual . elections at its 150 member ranches. The association, which ! holds a master Teamsters union, contract covering 30,000 work- ers, wants its growers consid- ered a single bargaining unit. UNITED FARM Workers at- torney Jerry Cohen says his un- ion is asking the ballots be BUT LITTLE won't be appearing elsewhere. w or e s vote gaements, said last week that at Little's request he canceled scheduled appearances for her in St. Louis next Friday and in Atlanta on Oct. 1. counted individually, because a each case, only one union is on Little, who has generally avoided reporters multi-grower unit would cause the ballot, and the voters must since the trial, wasn't available for comment. "incredible problems" in ad- decide between being represent-s ministering the new law. ed by that union or being repre-, Frequently her attorneys and other supporters The next elections were to be , sented by no one. say they have no idea where she is. held today at two San Joaquin THE YEARS since have been Total cost of Little's defense has already Valley table grape *'vineyards, reached about $328,00, and there is still the cost the focus of agricultural strife filled with strikes and boycotte reahed abo $328,000, and e te cost of her appeal of her breaking and entering con- for a decade, and at a Ventura as Chavez tried to force growers nursery, to sign farm labor contracts. He viction to deal with, Paul said. Fees earned by However, none of today's won in the table grape industry himself and the other defense lawyer are used votes involved a direct confron- in 1970, but growers switched to to pay the debt, Paul said, adding that Little tationebetween the Teamsters the Teamsters three years later, keeps the money she earns for appearances. and the United Farm Workers, ;Ykestemnyseersfrapaacs who began tryingrto organize and the inter-union struggle table grape growers in 1965. In: brought renewed violence. j THE TREASURER of the "Joan Little De- State w NEW YORK 03) - In the beginning, financial default by New York City was considered unthinkable. Now it looms as inevitable unless the state legislature acts quickly on a last-ditch rescue plan. "The City of New York is on the brink of financial collapse," Gov. Hugh Carey said in a message to the special session of the legislature he called to consider the plan. "An unparalleled disaster looms over it." THROUGH THE gloom there was one ray of hope, a growing national awareness that the consequences of a default by the nation's largest city could wreak havoc on municipal finan- cing, the banking system and the econ- on y. orks t it was not a question o rest of the nation pay for gimmickry that had helpe York in its morass, expert stabilizing the situation could begin to recover. Bluntly, New York, lon the richest city in the worl and in a desperate h scramble for money to; notes, salaries and othere THE CITY managed to roll Friday only because municipal union pensi agreed to buy $100 million Assistance Corp. bonds. What had happened was of eight million popul s'liUorts a 30,000-man poll ploys some 10,000 fire fi 0 save NY A having the 60,000 teachers, and in which o the financial of every eight persons is on some ed mireNew of welfare, this city had run up s said, but of billion budget deficit, had run so the city credit and could no longer b money. ig considered Origins of the crisis go back th .d, wandbroke a tangle of budgets that were to snd-to-mortk ally balanced but increasingly d and-to-mouth ed upon borrowing against antic pay bonds, revenues that the city had no re .xpenses. chance of collecting. meet a pay- WHEN THESE shor four of its notes came due they were refin on systems putting off the day the city h in Municipal pay for what it had already spe til early this year when the gr that this city debt brought sharp questions fro ation, which banks. ce force, em- The city paid increasingly hi ghters, hires terest rates to sell its notes and fense Fund," Jerome Streeter, 22, of Durham, N.C., said most donations were in the $1 to $10 range. Little girls donated their allowances and wrote "I can't go to the movies this week, but I want you to have the money," he said. He gave this breakdown of expenses: SALARIES of staffers who helped prepare the defense and publicize Little's plight, $200,000; the cost of the fund-raising mail campaign, $200,000; a project aimed at profiling the char- acteristics of potential jurors, $45,000, and se- curity for Miss Little, $13,000. The defense lawyers donated their services. There were also dozens of volunteers whc helped put out weekly newsletters and with mailings. There were also hotel bills, car ren- tals and bookkeeping costs and final telephone bills are due later with the cost expected to ex" ceed $18,000. -C budget ne out the banks said they could not sell the e form notes at all. In June the state legisla- a $3.3 ture created the assistance corporation out of -Big MAC - to refinance the debt borrow amid city budget cutbacks and pledges of reform. trough However MAC bonds soon proved no chnic- more immune to the investors' vote of epend- no confidence in the city's financial af- ipated fairs than the city notes, and the stage alistic was set for the present crisis. TO RESTORE confidence, Carey has t-term proposed that a five-man board domi- anced, nated by the state take over control ad to of the movement of money into and nt un- ot of the city government. rowing And Big MAC Finance Chairman Fe- m the Ijx tohntvn designed a $2.3 billion mon- o-" '-i k '^p that will meet the city's gh in- ohl--tion- throneh Nov. 30 - including finally -:' million from the state. New TV censorship pact keeps the screen clean iLOS ANGELES (A') - When televi- sion comedy minds meet nowadays, the No. 1 topic is The Family Hour. "What have you lost lately?" they ask each other. The "losses" are words, scenes and whole episodes which have been ex- cised in the largest wave of censor- ship since the Hays Office ruled movie morality. SO FAR television networks have not achieved the absurdities of the movie censors - kisses were limited to three seconds and married couples slept in twin beds. But the TV comedy makers fear that such an era may be return- in a. The cause for new restraints on TV creators is the Family Hour, an agree- ment between the networks and the Federal Communications Commission to limit entertainment before 9 p.m. to Producer Danny Arnold reports ABC refused to schedule a "Barney Miller" show because it contained the line: "You got a helluva lot of nerve." Arnold was told he could either elim- inate the entire spisode at his own cost or excise the "hell." He chose the lat- ter. Lee Grant, starring in NBC's "Fay" savs that an explanation in the show wa's changed from "Oh God" to "Dear God," the latter apparently considered less profane, IN THE FIRST show of the season she as a divorced woman has a fling with a suitor. But the word "affair" w-e not allowed. Says Cloris Lenchman of "Phyllis": "We had to eliminate the word "vir- (4" chanaing it to 'totally innocent.' W«hat kind of reasoning is that? If vir- Pinity is i-nocence, then non-virginity ""',.fl5 Qmilt. "We were told it was okay but 'make sure it doesn't get clinical" said Per- sky. "We did the show in what I thought was good taste, but then the network said we can't use the word 'vasectomy' at all. We're waiting for a meeting on it." James Komack, executive producer of the new "Welcome Back, Kotter," said ABC'c censor rejected a proposed script for the classroom comedy in which a girl student is believed to be pregnant. IT TURNS out she fabricated the story to stop talk that she was pro- iscilous. "When the boys are accused of being the father, they admit that they were never intimate with her," said Ko- mack. "I thought it was a beautiful story, and I argued with ABC. Finally thev said, 'Okay-if it's done in good taste ' r- .:. _ { " ..,