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September 07, 1975 - Image 1

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See Today for details.

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 4

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 7, 1975

Free Issue

Ten Pages

I j



A 60 year old tradition at the Martha Cook dor-
mitory was only a memory when the building
opened its doors last week, The residents of the
all women dorm have telephones in their rooms
for the first time this year. And the ancient
switchboard which handled all calls, has been
dismantled ana donated to the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre's prop collection. The 150 women had
shared hall phones and complained that their
calls were constantly interrupted by switchboard
operators with incoming calls.

WASHINGTON (UPI) - From four rows deep
in a welcoming crowd, a tall young woman held
her daughter across the heads of people in front
to shake hands with the President of the United
Gerald Ford, smiling and eager, stretched
across a restraining fence to touch the child with
one hand while grasping at other well-wishers
closer to him.
IN THAT MOMENT - as in countless others -
the President was making the personal contact
he values so highly in trying to reach out to
But in such moments, not even the best efforts
by Secret Service agents can protect him entirely.
And hours later, only a mixture of good fortune
and bungling by another young woman - this
one reaching out with a gun - prevented Ford's
THE FIRST SCENE at Boeing Field in Seattle

and the second in Sacramento were wholly dif-
ferent but equally simple and so typical of the
potential risks inherent in Ford's totally open
style of campaigning. The question left in the
wake of the attempt on his life is whether Ford
can and will change that style.
See related stories, Page5
Despite Friday's close call, Ford said the in-
cident "in no way will prevent me or preclude
me from contacting the American people as I
travel from one state to another.".
He then passed up his first two opportunities
to prove it by waving from a distance instead of
plunging into large crowds cheering him as he
left a Sacramento hotel and McClellan Air Force
Base to fly home.
"WE HAD A GREAT trip - just a fraction of
a second or two that disturbed things - but.

)y attemp
everything else was superb," Ford said as he ar-
rived at the White House. "I don't know why all
the bother."
But several White House aides predicted Ford
would temper his campaign style for a while -
much like a driver slowly regaining confidence
after an automobile accident.
Lynette Alice Fromme came into Ford's life
shortly before he was to deliver the last of eight
speeches in a grueling West Coast trip through
three states in less than 24 hours.
IRONICALLY, SHE appeared in a crowd as
Ford was making his way on foot to the California
Capitol to call anew for mandatory prison sen-
tences for crimes committed with a dangerous
After the attempt Ford, his face ashen, was
rushed to the safety of the Capitol, less than 75
yards away, Fromme could be heard yelling:
"It didn't go off, can you believe it? It didn't go

AUTHORITIES said four bullets were in the
automatic clip but none were in the firing cham-
ber. A .45 must be activated manually to bring
the first bullet into the chamber and it appeared
that Ford's assailant simply botched a perfect
chance to assassinate the President.
Perhaps nobody was more surprised by the
episode than Ford. His associates said later the
President naturally always knew such a thing
could happen, but because he was so comfortable
with large crowds and so eager to please them
he tended to forget the possibility anybody would
want to hurt him.
Moreover, the President is said to feel that. he
campaigns better in the informal settings of air-
ports and city streets than behind a lectern with
a prepared speech - reflecting his 25-year career
as a congressman from Grand Rapids, Mich.
Some aides said Ford was so quick to. down-
grade the seriousness of the Sacramento inci-
dent because he wanted to maintain his style.




A University of Michigan China expert says
secret signals between Peking and Washington
during the Indochina War prevented a full-scale
war from erupting between the two super powers.
Political sciencF- Prof. Allen Whiting, writes in
his upcoming book "The Chinese Calculus of De-
terrence" that the two world powers both care-
fully measured and exercised deterrent steps and
responses to each other's actions in the Indochina
War to avoid the confrontations that developed
in the Korean conflict.
... are slowly picking up today and tomorrow.
The Outing Club will meet for a hike at 1:30
p.m. at Rackham, N. Entry; at 2 p.m. a student
of the Jose Limon Dance Company will perform
in the Union Gallery, Michigan Union; and at 7:30
former Goldwater speech writer turned radical
Karl Hess will speak at Rackham. On Monday the
Committee to Fight the Tuition Hike will meet in
the Kuenzel Rm., Michigan League at 7:30 and
registration for the Creative Arts Workshop Is in
the Community Center, 621 E. William at 8 p.m.
Kink~y calls
A British lawmaker wants an investigation into
charges that telephone engineers listen In on
lovers' x-rated calls and often hook them into
loudspeaker systems for everyone to hear. "This
kind of kinky behavior must be stamped out at
once," Laborite lawmaker Marcus Lipton said Sat-
urday. Lipton's demand for a probe by the post
office followed newspaper reports that some engi-
neers tan lovers and prominent people's lines. "If
these allegations are true," he said, "one can no
longer have any confidence in the privacy of tele-
phone conversations. The suggestion that inti-
mate conversations may have a big audience is
quite horrifying."
G'issie Brogdor was left toothless two months
ago when a Florida health center pulled out her
teeth and then said it didn't have the money to
give her new ones. Finallv. last week, Dr. Richard
Bach offered to fit the 58 year old woman with
new false teeth - free of charge. "If would be a
heck of a thing if you went through life without
being able to smile," the dentist said. Mrs. Brog-
don, who lives in a migrant farm labor camp,
says she has been eating boiled peas, pinto beans,
and stewed chicken since her teeth were pulled.
Spool days
The wood spool is doomed for the same fate as
the Model T, the player piano, and penny candy-
obsolescence. Competition from plastic spool mak-
ers is responsible for the demise of the home
sewing kit's onetime staple. The American Thread
Co., of Stamford, Conn., one of the nation's largest
producers of industrial thread, has announced it
will close its only wood spool plant next spring
and buy plastic spools instead. The reasons for
the switch is simple economy. Company officials
say plastic spools can be produced at half the
cost of the birch ones.
On the inside . .

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Anti-busing riots erupt
in Louisville; National
Guard ready 1n Boston

By All. UPI and Reuter
Police in Louisville, Ken-
tucky, reinforced by about
800 National Guard troops
yesterday herded some 75
arrested protesters aboard
the symbol of their fury-
yellow school buses - to
break up a banned march,
in the riot-torn city.
The arrests followed a
night of escalating violence
in which police, armed with
M16 rifles and .45 caliber
pistols, clashed near three
suburban high schools with
more than 10,000 rock-
throwing, fire-setting dem-
onstrators - all venting
their anger over the na-
tion's largest racial school
busing program.
IN ANOTHER hotbed of bus-
ing violence, 600 Guard troops
went on active duty yesterday
to backstop a force of more
than 1,600 police, FBI agents
and federal riot-trained mar-
shals in Boston for the begin-
ning of the second year of
school busing tomorrow.
The special military police.
task force is stationed 30 min-
utes from the city in Wakefield.
Orders for the Guard to move
into Boston will be issued only
by Governor Michael Dukakis.
Paratroopers of the 82nd Air-
borne Division are also on stand-
by at Ft. Bragg, N.C. in case
of violence.
Kentucky Gov. Julian Carroll,
responding to local appeals for
help, called out the guardsmen
early yesterday from two Louis-
ville-area units to help cope
with demonstrators rioting ver
court-ordered busing of 22,600
Police said at least 25 per-
sons, mostly juveniles according
to police, were arrested last

night when a crowd gathered
near Southern High School, the
scene of a violent clash be-
tween police and demonstrators
Friday night.
National G u a r d s m e n and
more than 100 state and local
police were on the scene to
disperse the group, but there
was no estimate available on
the size of the crowd.
Police said several hundred
Ku Klux Klansmen had gather-
edon private land in the south-
ern part of the county, but no

tro'ible was reported.
YESTERDAY'S arrests raised
the total of persons taken into
custody since the busing pro-
gram began Thursday morning
to more than 300, including 92
in the disorders Friday night
and yesterday morning. More
than 50 persons, including 15
policemen, were injured.
Antibusing demonstrators, in-
cluding the state leader of the
Kit Klux Klan, were loaded onto
two school bltses and driven to
See ANTI, Page 2.

Quake jars Turkey;
thousands are dead,
ANKARA, Turkey (Reuter) - More than 1,000 people were
killed and 3,000 made homeless by a violent earthquake which flat-
tened entire villages in eastern Turkey yesterday, rescue officials
Officials of the Red Crescent - the equivalent of the western
Red Cross - said darkness and the difficulty of .finding bodies
under rubble may conceal an even greater death toll.
THE HEAVIEST destruction came in the town of Lice, 560
miles east of Ankara where the earthquake ignited a fire storm,
they said.
About 1,400 people were being treated for injuries, officials
told Reuters.
Eyewitnesses in Lice reported that many buildings had col-
lapsed during the tremor, measuring 6.8 on the open-ended Rich-
ter scale. Hundreds of people were homeless.
RELIEF PLANES began airlifting food, medical supplies, tents
and blankets to the area as rescue workers sought to tend the
sick, search for survivors and provide temporary housing.
Premier Suleyman Demirel and opposition leader Bulent Ece-
vit both plan to visit Lice tomorrow.
The semi-official Anatolian News Agency said Mosques, hos-
pitals and schools were destroyed.
TODAY'S EDITION of the daily newspaper Hurriyet, reported
that the quake was felt in a wide area of eastern Turkey stretch-
ing from the Black Sea coast to the Iraqi border.
The anatolian News Agency said small tremors were still
sending periodic shivers through Lice last night, and forecast
that the death toll could go as high as 2,000.

Weary of physics and fruitflies, Robert Gode-
froi took a break from his routine as a zoology
major, to attempt a different sort of academic
experience - auto mechanics at Washtenaw Com-
munity College (WCC).
And like other students bent on gaining some
practical skills through the University's enrich-
ment program with WCC he's found the complex-
ities of mufflers and engines "refreshing."
THE TWO-YEAR-OLD program allows Univer-
sity students to sample WCC's wide variety of
courses concentrating in the vocational arts such
as typing and carpentry.
"When I began taking courses, I knew abso-
lutely nothing about cars. But now after five or
six courses I was recently able to completely
rebuild an MGB," boasts Godefroi.
"And I've really enjoyed the courses . . . the
teachers are good and you don't even have to
call them prof," he adds.
HOWEVER, BEING a zoology major as well as
a budding auto mechanic can pose some con-
flicts. Robert has found that he has yet to pass

for their own benefit.
"I DON'T HAVE a car now," explains one
other auto mechanics enthusaist, "but I don't
want to get socked for ten bucks an hour in
repairs when I do by some idiot who doesn't
know much more than me."
But beyond even the private, practical con-
siderations that are prompting students to spend
several additional hours a week in class and
more time in transit, some simply find the change
in atmosphere refreshing.
"The people out there are different - they're
maybe the kind who drove around in souped-up
roadrunners in high school. But it's been a wel-
come change from the intellectual type of per-
son you find up here at the University. It's been
great," comments another student.
HOWEVER, URBAN studies major and carpen-
ter Dave Clifford, also agreed that conflicts can
arise. "About a third of the class was students,
and another third was older people in the build-
ing trades. A split in the class came up between
those two groups. But the builders really didn't
know that much more than us, though they
tho'ght they did."

look at Pac R

sports writer

Rich Lerner takes a

On the outside -. -
Partial sunshine and comfortable temneratures

t '

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