Sunddy mcagczrne inside: page four- week in review page five-books Number 13 Editor: Stephen Hersh Associate Editors: Ann Marie Lipinski, Elaine Fletcher December 12, 1976 Rape DARKNESS ENVELOPES Ann -Ar- bor and a "Night Owl Bus" waits at curbside on South Uni- versity near the libraries. Every half hour, through the early mor- ning, a new "Owl" will stay parked until it is bursting with home- bound women who prefer going the circuitous bus route to walk- ing home. It's not that these wom- en abhor the cold -- rather they fear for their safety. No one wants to be' the next rape victim. - The rash of rapes and assaults on women which-has plagued the city recently has put nearly ev- eryone on alert. Police and inves- tigators are looking for one sus- pect believed to have committed all the rapes reported. Meanwhile, aware there is a rapist at large, many women refuse to face the night unescorted. But others, like This article was written by Ann Ma- rie Lipinski and Stephen Hersh, and is based on interviews by Megan Adams and Jane Siegel. on campus: /dpattern returns Court hassles entangle victims 3K-pi those who work night shifts, have no choice - they are forced to head home on foot alone. The ten- sion generated by this brand of terror may not subside until the rapist is apprehended. But while the presence of such an offender stalking the city is clearly a dan- ger, the waning vigilance that tra- ditionally follows a notorious sus- pect's arrest poses a far more ser- ious problem. The detective in charge of the Ann Arbor police department rape unit, William Canada, observes that rapes tend not, to be isolated cases. "We'll go for quite a while without a reported rape and then we'll get them in streaks," he not- ed. "If you've had one person op- erating he will stick in one basic area because he's had success in that area." But if the community's wom- en let their guard down in the wake of such a series of incidents, they may be setting the scene for the next "successful" rapist. The Women's Crisis Center in Ann Arbor - the first rape coun- seling service established in this country - has been working for six years to educate the commun- ity and mare, the city a hostile environment for rapists. Part of the impetus for setting up the Wo- men's Crisis Center, says Julie Hatchard, a staff member of the new county - wide Assault Crisis Center (ACC), was a rash of mur- ders committed in the area in 1972 - the ".John Norman Col- lins murders". "But part of it was just a growing consciousness on the part of people about the rape problem," Itchard said. Despite the healthy interest in WHEN A WOMAN has been raped, the last thing she often wants to do is report the crime. Visions of herself being tongue-lashed, badgered and shamed in front of a courtroom filled with accusing eyes may haunt the victim, and This story was written by Susan Ades and Elaine Fletcher with files from Enid Goldman, Stephen Hersh, Anne Marie Lipinski, and Tom O'Connell. may spark in her a fear of re- prisal. The rape itself was bad enough, she reasons. No need to prolong the pain with months of legal proceedings. Outside ofthe fact that the assault is often physi- cally brutal, it is almost always emotionally scarring, so after the rape has been committed the wom- an may just wish to erase it from her memory. S 5 no maagm -ms N 'Anger is very heal- thy in response to a rape. Anger puts it squarely where it be- longs, which is on this intruder. I think that as a society we have to look at these acts and say, "Yeah, they're wrong." And I think that that is one really good thing that is happening.' -Rape counselor Judy Price !4.54, . .. V. j;.v.:.a . " ,is i ~}fi ie for a victim this community,, Hatcher is still worried about failure on the part of many individuals to take pre- caution against rape when here is no, immediate threat. "When they catch him (the present sus- pect), all concern may stop and that's bad," she said, Incidents of reported rape have nearly tripled in the past five years. Between July 1, 1975 and June 30, 1976, 31 forcible rapes were reported. Twenty adult males were arrested for rape but, in a one-year period but out of that number, only seven cases made it to trial and, only one man was found guilty as charged. Yet is is no secret that the num- ber of actual rapes often far ex- ceeds the number known to po- lice. "I tend to think that they (the statistics) are very mislead- ing because it is a crime that is underreported. Most people will agree that we are in the working stage now of trying to get people to talk more about it," says Judy Price, a services coordinator at the Community Anti-Rape Effort which recently became part of the ACC. The Community Anti-Rape Ef- fort (a city-funded program start- ed in 1975) and the Domestic Vio- lence Task force, a county-wide rape assistance program funded by NOW, were the seedlings for ACC and both are now incorporated ito the new program. The ACC in technically an arm of the Wash- tenaw Community Mental Health Centpr. It officially opened on No- ve-nber 15. Still, not all women who sought heln from these community pro- grams went on t o report their r pes to the police, according ta Hatchard. But there has been new, nrogressive rape legislation passed recently. Why are women still hes- itant to report their cases? Says Hatchard, "People don't forefront of Ann Arbor's collective consciousness. But the phenomenon and the problems it presents for victims and potential victims alike are by no ieans new. Still, rape remains to an extent a mysteri- ous, veiled subject. There are certain emotional re- actions which many rape victims share = for example, guilt feel- ingsror unwillingness toconfront the experience. For anyone deal- ing with a rape experience, a familiarity with these reactions could be useful - for a better understanding of what they may be going through, and for a feel- ing of solidarity with other vic- tims. The subject of rape should come out of the closet. * * * LESLIE, A UNIVERSITY student, was raped by a casual acquaint- ance of hers whom she was visit- ing in his room in a campus co- op. She joined him in his room while a group of his friends were there, partying. When the rest of his friends started to leave, Leslie stood up to go, too, but he asked her to stay so they could finish the wine they had been drinking. "I said, 'Fine,'" she recalled. "I sat down - and suddenly, he was all over me. I said, 'Wat a min- ute, enough of this! I don't want to get into this. "And he hit me! He gave me a good left in the jaw, and it really hurt. So I tried to talk to him a little bit more. And he hit me again. After the second one I said, 'Okay, do what you want to do. I give up.' "When he got . done, I asked, 'Are you finished?' And he said, 'Don't talk like that - you loved it!' I said, 'Well, I'm sure there are people who like that kind of stuff, but I don't. I feel like I've been raped.' He repeated, 'Shit, you weren't raped. You loved It.'" She replied, "Well, if you're fin- ished with me, I'll just get dressed and go home." In the weeks following the rape, Leslie (her name and some of the circumstances have been changed) confided in only one person - a friend who had worked with the local Women's Crisis Center. The friend gave Leslie a telephone number to call at the center, and she dialed the number about a week, after the incident. But she was unable to reach a counselor, there, and didn't call back. Leslie remembers that she was reluctant to talk about the rape because of a vague feeling that she may have been partially re- sponsible for what happened. "I wasn't quite sure," she said, "if it was my fault, if I let it hap- have done. I actually did what they told you to do, which was to do nothing. And actually, he would have hit me again if I resisted again. The more I thought about it in those terms, the more it seem- ed it was really rape. It took me a while to convince myself of that, and that's why I didn't report it. I didn't want to see him again; I didn't want to have to point him out and describe him at the police station." Leslie wasn't sure at first wheth- er she should have fought back forcefully. "I could have defended myself," she maintained. "I could have hit him in the balls - I was in a position to do it. But I was afraid to. I was afraid that if he recovered he would beat me, that I wouldn't be able to get out fast know about the changes. All they know is what- they see in movies ies like 'Cry Rape', and that just doesn't go on anymore. It's not a realistic representation of Ann Ar- bor right now. "The police are really wonder- ful with rape victims," she said "They don't handle women the way they showed in that movie. They ask those embarras- sing questions very gently." Even if the rape is reported to the police, however, there is no assurance the case will ever get to courts - some women refuse to prosecute. However, since the pas- sage of a new rape law in Michi- gan two years ago, more warrants for the arrest of suspects are be- ing issued, and warrants are the first step in getting a case to the bench. Previous to the institution of the new statute, only about ten per cent of reported rapes were be- ing processed through the legal system. That figure has been dou- bled in some areas since 1974. rTHE SURGE in legal action against accused rapists is largely due t a new definition of the crime. Previously considered a "crime of passion," rape is treat- ed in the new law as a crime of violence. This has changed the na- ture of court proceedings, making them less humiliating for the vic- tim. Evidence concerning the-vic- tim's past sexual conduct, which had often been used by defense attorneys in order to prejudice the jury against the victim, now be- comes admissible only under very strict guidelines. Also, victims no longer have to prove they had at- tempted to physically resist the rapist. "It (the new law) has been ex- tremely helpful to us," says Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Jerome Farmer. "In the past the chastity of the victim has been an issue and the new law discour- ages this." But Farmer's optimism was not boundless. "The defense al- ways has ways of getting around that," he noted. The new law also states se- ,cifically that a victim's testimony needn't be corroborated. Although this was an unspecified principle of the old law as well, the fact of the matter was, prosecutors often refused to take up a rape case un- less there was corroborative testi- monv. The new law says a husband can be prosecuted for rape of his wife only if the couple is living apart and one of them has already filed for legal separation on or divorce. But critics would like to see the the Ann Arbor Police Records de- partment, "Rape is one of the most difficult cases to investigate. Usu- ally you're not getting a complete description. Damn few occur in well-lighted places. The woman is in such an emotional' state: she's trying to get away, not concen- trating on trying to get a descrip- tion." Even if the assailant can be identified and apprehended, num- erous problems await the prose- cution on the way to and during the trial. Almost immediately after the arrest, a preliminary investigation of the defendant is held. "According to the latest supreme court ruling," says Prosecutor Far- mer, "they (rape defendants) must be tried within 180 days if they But that's a near impossibility, say experts. "There are people who come here for the first time ten years after their rape," says As- sault Crisis Center education spe- cialist Julie Hatchard. "It's been a long time since the incident but something may have happened to precipitate 'the -memory and all of a sudden they feel a need to talk about it ... We can't ever erase the event for the woman, but we can be supportive and look her in the eye and say, 'I can deal with this problem' because her friends and family and lover often can't." Hatchard and other rape coui- seling specialists stress the import- ance of seeking emotional and le- gal assistance following a rape, no matter how painful discussion of the incident may be. Police, especi- ally in Ann Arbor, are no longer the cigar-chomping bullies televi- sion movies would make you ex- pect. Many police departments now require rape training for their of- ficers before they are allowed to DetectiveSergeant William Canada, "Some of these dudes (the rape defend- ants) aren't scared like the victim. He can get up there, and if he's a good talker, he, can make it out like he's the biggest damn angel on the face of this earth. He has the chance to get up there and lie like hell. Perjury is a very hard crime to prove." have not made bond. Rape cases are serious - so bond is usually substantial." This high bond policy insures that many cases go to trial quick- ly. "But if the guy happens to make bond ,there's no question these cases can be put over for a couple of years," notes Farmer. "And there's a tremendous advan- tage for the defense in postponing trials. A rape case isn't like a bot- tle of wine that gets better as it 0 EMMEMEM ,