SUNDAY MAGAZINE See Inside I i~rt igau D4.ati TEDIUM High-33 Low-10* See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 78 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 12, 1976 Ten Cents Ten Pages 40 IfCU SEE NLSAPECALLTDAILY Sign off With this issue of the Daily we conclude publi- cation for the fall semester.. Be with us again January 7 when the Daily will once more spin into print. The Michigan Daily is managed and published by students of the University of Michi- gan who are solely responsible for its content. Now our national anthem . . . (Happy holidays.) Study daze For all those who have to use every spare mo- ment cramming for exams, the UGLI is extending its hours. From Tuesday the 14th until Wednesday the 22nd it will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 a.m. On Thursday the 23rd the hours will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Book sale Tired with the low return and high cost of used books at the local book stores? Well we may have just the thing for you. Beginning January 7 when we resume publication the classifieds page will feature a listing of people who are selling books. It will be broken down by course number and have the names and phone numbers of people try- ing to unload last semester's books. If you want to be included it just costs one dollar to be includ- ed in the listing for three days. By the way does anyone need the text for underwater basket weav- ing 123? Happenings ..- . . . not much will be going on between now and the start of the winter term, but here's what there is. Today, the University Housing Council will meet in Rm. 3909 of the Union to decide if the lettuce boycott should be continued . . . Monday (Dec. 13), the Michigan Society of Gerontology Students will meet in Rm. 3207 of the Union . Tuesday (Dec. 14) the Michigan Astronomical Film Festival presents the first of three reports on the Viking Mars exploration, including the Walt Disney Film "Mars and Beyond" . . . at 4 p.m. in the Law Quad, Section N there will be a "sher- ry hour" sponsored by the Medieval and Ren- naissance Collegium . . . from Wednesday through Saturday the Ron "OJ" Parson Theater Group presents "The Burghers of Calais, The Story of the Scottsboro Boys" at 8 p.m. in the Arena Thea- ter in the Frieze Bldg. . . . Also on Wednesday, there will be a meeting of persons concerned about recombinant DNA research at the First Uni- tarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw . . . and on Thurs- day (Dec. 16), members of Eckankar will nresent an introductory talk at 7:30 in the ciference room of the Ann Arbor Public Library. The bironic corpse (part 3) Officials aren't absolutely certain, but they think the mummified corpse discovered in a fun house during the filming of "The Six-Million-Dolla'r- Man" might be that of an Oklahoma train robber who died sixty-five years ago. Elmer McCurdy vowed he'd never be taken alive and died in a gun battle with a sheriff's posse near Pawhuska, Okla., and the outlaw's body was sold to a trav- eling sideshow. More than half a century later,it ended up at the Hollywood Wax museum, along with the wax dummies. From there it was sold to an amusement park where it was painted fluor- escent red and hung from gallows. Meanwhile, no one is quite sure what's going to happen to McCurdy's body. A spokeswoman for the Los A- geles coroner's office remarked, "I don't think anyone around here has even thought about it yet." " Ee t ra pin t The pesky oriental .fruit fly, which has estab- lished a stronghold in a 107-square mile area of Los Angeles, doesn't seem to be falling for the latest gimmick dreamed up by agricultural offic- ials to kill them off. Federal, state and county of- ficials had honed the insects' sexual instincts would prove their undoing, but thQ trap that work- ed in San Diego county isn't doing as well in L.A. The technione inlolves spravin ility noles with a substance dmlicoting the odor Piven off by an aroused female fruit fly, mixed with a nes- ticide which kills the rmalos attracted by the s--t. We don't know why the idea failed, but we s' - pect telephone nnles aren't much of a turn-on, at least for fruit flies. On the inside . . The Sunday Maga7mie examines the topic of rape . . . the sports nage has Rick Maddock writing about yesterday's hockey game against Michigan State. angingofthe guardin WASHINGTON (P) - As the inauguration of Jimmy Carter corporations, philanthropic organizations, book sales, conference grows near, Washington is awash with the tides of change. fees - and government contracts. Its budget this year totals $7 Hic un ItiaI immi n 11iiiioc11lo1t, ril ini h kIU haa n Pr i lin D.C. rs own retirement imminent, Presdaent F ord nas been as - ing questions about how his predecessors, from Dwight Eisen- hower to Richard Nixon, organiized their days after the White House. MEANWHILE, staffers at the Brookings Institution are bol- stering their image as a "shadow Democratic government" by helping Carter with foreign and domestic policy. But it's not an image the think-tank wants. - Brookings, in a large pale-yellow concrete building on Em- bassy Row, calls itself an independent organization. It conducts research and publishes studies in government and public policy. Established in 1927 by Robert Brookings, a St. Louis, Mo., merchant and philanthropist, it is funded by its own endowment, ITS STAFF traditionally has been prominent in Democratic administrations. Brookings scholars provided transition help for Presidents-elect Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, and sev- eral staffers had key jobs in the Kennedy and Johnson govern- ments. At least six senior staff members at Brookings are advising Carter during the transition on topics ranging from the defense budget to the size of the White House staff. Several others helped Carter before and during the presidential campaign. A number of Brookings scholars are rumored to be possibilities for positions' in the Carter administration, They include Charles Schultze, an economist who was President Lyndon Johnson's bud See FORD, Page 7 Ford Carter Carter to fpropose., record defilcit? By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - President- elect Carter probabl# will have to propose a record budget defi- cit for fiscal 1977 if he decides a government program is need- ed to stimulate the economy,, his advisers say. The advisers describe, the in- coming chief executive as be- ing concerned over public re- action to a record deficit be- cause he wants to avoid the big-spender label that President Ford tried to pin on him during the campaign. CARTER HAS PLEDGED a balanced budget by fiscal 1981. One adviser says that still could be possible, even with a record deficit in 1977. The deteriorating economic picture as well as lists of can- didates for Cabinet posts were among the top issues Carter studied here during the week- See CARTER, Page 2 AP Photo All they want for Christmas These Grand Rapids first graders want more than Baby-That-a-Way dolls and Bion ic Man Action Kits for Christmas. This year they're asking Santa for a couple of front row pearlies to replace the ones the Good Fairy undoubtedly took in exchange for a few silver coins. The radiant-albeit toothless--smiles belong to (top, left to right) Jenny, Kim, Graig, Sara, Jack and (bottom) Shawn, Lee and Mike. Federal council cols ide rs legal pot WASHINGTON (Reuter) - A high-level federal panel yester- day cautiously recommended that the government begin consider- ing the possibility of legalizing marijuana smoking. The suggestion came from the Strategy Council on Drug Abuse, which is required each year to draft a federal strategy for curbing drug problems. THE REPORT goes to President Ford, who in all likelihood will leave any action on the recommendation to President-elect Jimmy Carter. Carter said during the election campaign that he favored "decriminalizing" the possession of small amounts of marijuana. He said he would impose fines for possessing the drug, and harsher criminal penalties for selling or distributing it. The council called for a close analysis of the experience of several states and nations which have eased penalties against marijuana users - but said this suggestion was not a recom- mendation for decriminalization. THE THREAT of criminal penalties undoubtedly discourages some potential marijuana smokers, the council said, but added: "On the other hand, society pays a relatively high price for this form of deterrence - high in terms of stigmatising casual users with criminal records; high in terms of diverting limited criminal justice resources from other, more serious matters; and high in terms of contributing to an atmosphere which nurtures disrespect for the law." LISBON.'Portugal ()-Groups of socialists and Communists paraded in the streets chanting slogans and singing victory songs as Communist youth squads plastered the city with posters yesterday in the last hours before the nationwide local elections - elections that could make or break Portugal's moderate Socialist government. Election / issues are strictly local, but Premier Mario Soares has called the voting a referen- dum on his four-month-old mi-' nority government's perform- ance. Soares has said he might resign if his party loses signifi- can't support. POLITICAL analysts have pre- dicted gains by Communists and the right-wing Social Democra- tic Center-at the expense of the moderate Socialists, because apathy was expected to keep about 27 per cent of the voters at home. Part of the reason for the apathy may stem from the fact that Soares banned radio and television campaigning this elec- tion year, thus limiting the na- tional impact of the voting which will fill some 45,000 three-year legislative and executive posts ranging from tax collector to town planner in 3000 municipali- ties. The Socialists, who have a minori y in parliament, govern with the backing of President Antonio Ramalho Eanes, an army general who could call in the military to end Portugal's experiment in democracy. EANES HAS expressed dis- satisfaction with progress to- ward recovery under the Social- ists, and many Portuguese spec- ulate he may dissolve the gov- ernment and force the Socialists into a coalition government if they do badly at the polls, The balloting is the 'fourth round of free elections since the military overthrew a half- century of right-wing dictator- ship in 1974 and promised grad- ual civilian rule. Voters already have elected an assembly to CRUCIAL VOTE TODAY: Dissent rips write a new constitution, a par- liament, and the president. Soares has acknowledged that democratic government in Por- tugal could fail unless the coun- try's 1 per cent unemployment rate and its 30 per cent annual inflation rate can be cut. BOTH WESTERNeEuropean nations and the United States have made major aid commit- ments in an attempt to bolster the nearly bankrupt. economy of _a North Atlantic ally that seem- ed headed for communism until a leftist takeover attempt failed a year ago. The 11-day election campaign was'fairly quiet.aRallies in Lisa bon's bullfight arena and pa- rades of flag-bearing automo- biles through rural villages were poorly attended. Election day was to be Lis- bon's fourth without water since a bomb destroyed the main pipe- line serving the capital and sur- rounding suburbs Thursday. Two bombs earlier damaged main commuter railroads that bring hundreds of thousands of workers into Lisbon daily. No injuries,/vere reported. __(..That jtfl t 1 } p7 h happen here at Porter's FARMINGTON, Conn. (AP) - In the hard light of winter, Miss Porter's School a for young ladies is a place of beauty and order Clarity and purity hang in apits New England air. So does death. Barren trees line the streets that date from Puritan times. The campus is dot- j< ted with frost-white, black shuttered mansions. The clock in the imperious white steeple keeps the proper time of crime every day with1 Nixon's brigade By AP and UPI WASHINGTON - Federal agencies and departments violated the law or their own rules 897 times - or about once a day - in the last three years of the Nixon administration, says a study released yesterday by a Ralph Nader group. The Corporate Accountability Research Group's report sug- gested the large number of rulings in part reflected the atmos- phere of the Nixon years. But Mark Green, head of the Nader- funded group and co-author of the study, said the findings showed more "government illegality than Nixon illegality." "AS A FISH ROTS from the head down, so do institutions get their cues from their leaders," it said. "And the Nixon White House, by its legal judgments and the examples it established, did not reflect fidelity to law as its highest obligation."