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December 11, 1976 - Image 30

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-11

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Page 'Twenty-Two


Sunday, Dcember 12, 1976


Lustrous antique ivory, stained with
henna and softened with the patina of age.

Rieky Bell not convinced that
Pittsburgh deserves top rank
Continued from Page 18 "They don't mean a thing to McKay is a super coach to work
About the offense, Bell had me, really," he said. "If I just for."
plenty of praise for Michigan's wanted idividual accomplish- Wherever he ends up next
All-American running back Rob ments, I'd play tennis.'
Lytle. Profesisonal f o o t b a II lies y
"I haven't seen that much of ahead in the near future for start off his profesisonal career
him this year, but I do know Ricky Bell. The'talk of a pos- with the same desire and de-
that he is a super back. I know sible reunion next year with termination that won him the
that it's tough running from both former teammate Davis and job as Southern Cal's tailback
the fullback and tailback slots former coach McKay excite the last fall.
as he did for awhile," he noted. USC senior. "I never wanted to be just an
Still talking about the two op- "Hey, I'd really enjoy playing average football player," said
uwsing backfields in the Rote "ith A. D. again," said Bell. Bell."I've always wanted to
Bowl, Bell feels that UStC quar- "He's a great back and Coach be great."
terback senior Vince Evans has
a decided edge over Michigan
signal caller Rick Leach.
"I know that Evans is a bet-
tr runner," said Bell. He's as
i and strong as I am and hes
a lost faster than Leach. Plus
Evans has more experience."
With the Trojans riding on
the wake of a ten-game win-
sing streak, Bell feels that a
Rse Bowl victory would gsve
USC a claim to She natsenal:
"The national championship
has been our goal all season
long, and we blew it the first -rt
week against Missouri (losing -...:"
46-25). Now we have another
shot at it and we're ready," said
But what about Pittsburgh,
who has been ranked number
one since Purdue upset Mich- .f 1{
igan? Bell just is not convinced <{ rr:' f '
that Pitt is a legitimate number-
one team in the nation.
"The only way that I would
ever be convinced that Pitt is
number one is if they played
and beat us or else Michigan,"
Bell said.
The Rose Bowl marks Bell's
last appearance in a Trojan uni-
form and he says that his career
at Southern Cal has meant a
great deal to him.
Bell indicated, however, that
all the USC records he now
holds are not that important to

Jade bangles, jewelry fashioned from
beads gleaned from three continents.
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Bell on the rampage
for 1

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