Page Nineteen
Sunday, December 12, 1976
Continued from Page 11
I could never be a lineman. I
wouldn't want to be. You've
gotta be a genius. The easiest
position to play is in the back-
field, except for the quarter-
back. Those linemen have to
learn all those blockig adjust-
ments and all that stuff-you've
gotta be smarter than heck.
You can't think about it. A
play might get changed right
on the line, and it's gotta be a
reaction for you: 'Oh, this is
that certain defense . . . what
do I do when that defense shows
up on this one play . . .' I don't
know how they do it. That's
why I respect them so much.
That's what tees me off the
most. Why don't they get more?
Those are the athletes, the guys
on the line.
DAILY: How does the
crowd affect y o u at the
LYTLE: I don't hear 'em.
You hear them at the beginning
of the game when you come out
of the tunnel and they all start
yelling. Then, as soon as you
get into the game, you don't
hear 'em, because I'm concen-
trating on what I've got to do.
DAILY: But what about the
standing ovation they gave
you when you set the all-time
Michigan rushing record?
LYTLE: I didn't hear any of
that, either. I didn't even know
it until they told me afterward.
DAILY: The first part of
your season wasn't as spec-
tacular as later on.
LYTLE: It's funny, but out of
the fullback position people were
expecting me to run all over
the place, run wild. And after
the Wisconsin game-everyone's
out for blood when you fumble
once. You're tatooed as a fum-
bler all the rest of your life.
I attribute those fumbles to a
case of being a little big-headed,
because everything was going
real nice for me-the pre-sea-
son publicity, getting elected
captain, what more could a guy
want? Then I got nailed. It was
my fault. I came out in the sec-
ond half and thought, 'We're
See USC, Page 23
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