°age Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY pageFoureenTHE ICHGAN AIL FDA investigation shows cough andI _________________________________________Friday, September 10, 1976 Rural New Hampshire town says farewell to post office cold medicines don't cure anythin V I 1 1 WASHINGTON (AP)--Grand- BUT GRANDMA'S advice was and wants some relief from ma's remedy for colds and hay- "as good as any," he said, and sneezing and a runny nose, Lo- fever was as good as any of "there is no need for your ulti- well's panel prepared a 1,000- the $735 million worth of non- mate welface to take any medi- page report recommending how prescription cough and cold cine at all" for a cold. the FDA could improve the safe- medicines sold last year, ac- Most of the nonprescription y and effectiveness of nonpre- cording to a Harvard allergist, scription medicines. pills, potions and syrups pro- Dr. Francis Lowell, who head- vide temporary relief from the AS A FIRST ste ed a scientific panel's three- symptoms but some medicines a a nscp, the FDA year study of the industry for are so weak that they "might announced at a news conference the Food and Drug Administra- not do very much," said Low- that it is allowing the sale with- tion (FDA), said neither the ell, associate professor emeri- out a prescription of 10 medi- drugs nor grandma's prescrip- tus of medicine at Harvard cines at strengths that until now tion of bed, rest, plenty of liq- Medical School. had been available only on a uids and chicken soup will cure For the average American, doctor's order. the common cold. who suffers three colds a year The ten antihistamines, bron- 0%*. 14 # aQ a,'4RiE S°% HOURS: 11 a.m12p.m. M-Sat. PARTHENON GYROS 12 a m.-12 p.m. Sun. t & Holidays For those who have never tasted it, Gyros is a combination ofLamb and Beef lightly seasoned. It is broiled on a spit and is sliced as soon as the outmost layer is cooked. All 2 S an SGyros is thus an end cut, but rare a quarter inch in-the best of roast meat whether you like it rare or well done. 994-1012 THE BEST SELECTION IN TOWN! GYROS--You Said A Mouthfull chodilators and nasal deconges- tants can be marketed immedi- ately either in new cold reme- dies or in new formulations of older brand name products, the FDA said. Industry sources said three previously prescription-only pro- ducts containing one or more of the ingredients are now being sold without a prescription: Af- rin nasal decongestant and Cori- cidin-D antihistamine-decongest- ant, both by Schering Corp., and Benylin cough syrup by Parke. Davis & Co. IN ADDITION, Menley-James has begun marketing a new product called A.R.M., stand- ing for allergy relief medicine, containing a higher dosage of one of the antihistamines. A spokesperson for the Pro- prietary Association, the trade group representing nonprescrip- tion drug makers, said reformu- lation of heavily advertised and leading brand names to incor- porate the ten newly available medicines is more likely to oc- cur than the introduction of en- tirely new products. "If a company is already keting a cold remedy an troduces a new one, it n cut into the sales of its product," the spokesperson The FDA said it had rej the panel's recommendati remove three other antib mines from the prescri drug list, and was deferri decision on removal of one stance for cough relief. The Proprietary Associ did not quarrel with Low comparison between ch soup and nonprescription remeides. "None of these cures the of flu, they only relieve the ptoms," a spokesman said. cold will run its course in time, but if everyone wen bed and took chicken soup a week how much time w they lose from work?" The Lowell panel's other ommendations, if adopted the FDA, would require the labeling and reformulation virtually every cough and+ remedy sold without a pres (Continued from Page 1) people your address was just I says the closings are not "a Country, his veteran's checks Randolph, New Hampshire, zip " wholesale, arbitrary" program dm- will be safe from theft, and how 03593. It was so simple," ex- to shut down post offices, but might things will change without the plained John Cairnes, one of the he added: "We must recognize own post office "where you always hundreds of seasonal visitors that the Postal Service is a ser- said got the news." who swell the town's population vice that we .pay for through ected "WHERE ARE we going to to more than 1,100 in the sum- postage and tax dollars-and not on to get stamps . . . And when you mer months. a birthright, deeded to us as a hista- want to send a package out James Howard, regional pos- gift by our government." ption you'll have to drag it someplace tal director at White River Junc- IN RANDOLPH, Gordon Lowe, ng a else," fretted another resident. tion, Vt., said the identity issue 67, chairman of the town's board sub- A few miles from the Lowe has been exaggerated and the of selectmen and proprietor of home, Curtis Bader, a horse real issue is whether service is the only service station and ation breeder and the town's police maintained. "And service," he store, has never met Bailar, but well's chief and clerk, vowed never to said, "will be better because he disagrees. icken send a package parcel post they're getting house delivery. "Every community of any im- cold again, just to show "the bureau- BUT MANY people of Ran- portance at all should have a crats in Washington." He said dolph as well as the National post office," he said. cold he'd use a private carrier, which Association of Postmasters and sym- goes through Randolph. dozens of congresspersons dis- nd o town, her "The The new rural route out of agree. Wood, who succeeded her due Berlin eliminates Randolph from "I think what bothers people mother as postmistress in 1947, nt to the postal directory, says Bader, is the open possibility that any saill of her longtime employera )for who claims the issue is one ojf OffiCe can be closed or consoli- il*fhrlntm mlyr ould identity. dated," said Deborah Bowker, "We'll get used to RFD (rural "WE'VE COME here because administrative assistant for the route). We'll live with it," she rec- it's an old community and the Washington-based postmasters told a visitor. "It's always hard 1 by name Randolph appealed to us," group. to lose a post office. That's e re- said Bader, who moved here a Postmaster General Bailar always hard." n of dozen years ago from Long cold Island. "I don't want people to " crip- be looking for me in Berlin." 79-21 "Think how nice it was to tell fo ?pCial? Via space shuttle (O6ntinued from Page 1) nxe week at the. Rockwell In- ried into space by a shuttle. ternational's plant at Palmdale, The lab will be manned by sci- Calif. After more than two entists from several countries. years of testing, it is expected The first shuttle is scheduled to make its first orbital flight to be rolled out of its hangar in 1979. Wh6 iA h A VA P what maked a club tA G . - I-U. we'll design & print them A-Scott Corporation - 2 R y nT11 "V W%1 THE DAILY IS A GREAT PLACE TO: * meet other good people * drink 5c Cokes * write stories 0 see your name in print * earn a little money Come on down to 420 Maynard anytime and join the business, news, sports or photography staffs? CITY NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there will be a public hearing on Monday, September 13, 1976, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber, City Hall, for the purpose of hearing all persons interested in the proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 59-Off Street Parking. A copy of this ordinance-may be obtained at the Office of the City Clerk. Ordinance No. 50-76 Authorized by JEROME S. WEISS, City Clerk ________________________ I II~.., --i' The Housing Division feels that students should be free to concentrate on academic (and other) pursuits without added w o r r y of dietary re- quirements. Therefore, University Residence Halls offer "Optional Meal Contracts" for University students living in Baits, Fletcher, and in non- University housing I 9 available at most halls Fol Term Winter Term all & Winter Terms " select one convenient location " initiate or cancel at your request " select lunch, or dinner, or both * re-serves on nearly all foods. Salad bars, soft drinks, and soft serve ice cream available for both meals. BOTH MEALS (excludes Sunday lunch) LUNCH ONLY (excludes Sunday lunch) DINNER ONLY $378178 $407. 10 $785.88 $1 60.50 $236.47 172.50 $254.15 $333.00 $490.62 * reasonable prices: Ii l Eill