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December 11, 1976 - Image 18

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-11

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Page Ten


Sunday, December 12, 1976
Bo's heart attack
stunned Wolverines

on eve of
(Continued fromPage 5)
Moorhead came back in the
fourth quarter and passed Mich-
igan down the field twice within
the USC 15-but the Wolverines
never broke the goal line and
ended up losing, 10-3.
What was the effect of Bo's
absence on the game?
Powerful new fully-programmable l :tgm"aokowswhat
defensive cordinator right after
the game, "and who knows what
cacltrwitha-thrm l iner thtO meant to us"
calculator wll a pa nier To mMoorheaduse lost his "in-
spiration." To co-captain Jim
-fromHewlff-P ckar. Mnichwheylost "the nucleus
-from Hewlett-Packard. To prevensuch incident
from hsppening again, Bo took
some precautionary measures
The HP-97 Fully-Programmable Printing Calculator.som50* precMtunderwentaoes
heart surgery and got a coron-
In one small, self-contained unit, weighing only 2% pounds, the It was noted as a courageous
HP-97 puts in your hands: thing to do-have the surgery
The greatest programming power HP has ever made available and then come back to coach
in a personal calculator ..with more than 3 times the power of the his team. His colleagues remem-
classic HP-65. bered that when voting him
An integrated printing system that can make a permanent paper Coach of the Year.
record of all your calculations. a great advantage ischecking and Bo is not out of the danger
editing your programs. zone, however. He still has to
914 4 be very careful while at the
Battery operation, in addition to regular AC, that lets you perform Rose Bowl
and record your calclations almost anywhere. And the HP=97 "I would think that a person
_____________________________ is small enogh to it in a standard briefcase.twudtik htapro
(who has recently had a coron-
Large, wide-spaced keys that make desktop operatian easy and an
buffered keyboard for high-speed work.r
A large, brilliant display set at an ideal viewing angle foreasy reading.
Lets you write programs of up to 224 steps. And each function of one, two or three keystrokes is merged to take
only one step of program memory-thus greatly increasing program capacity.
26 storage registers provide the memory you need for your calculations.
Many prerecorded programs ready on magnetic cards in HP Application Pacs that program the HP-97 in
less than 2 seconds.
The HP-67 Fully-Programmable Pocket Calculator. $450*
The HP-67 gives you the identical programming power of the HP-97 and is ideal for
those who do not require a printing capability. The HP-67 and the HP-97 are completely
compatible in operation. That is, programs written on one unit may be loaded and
executed on the other.
'comes complete with 300-page Owner's Handbook; battery pack; recharging unit; soft carrying
case and Standard Program Paccincluding 15 representative program cards, 1 head-leaning
card and 24 blank program cards. Two nc-it. rols of HP Thermal Paper Tape
trnished with The HP-97.
Come try these incredibly powerful and convenient new HP calculators today
ANN ARBOR, MICH. 48104 Phone (3131 662-3201
Above Prices Are Manufacturer's List Prices "We'reCompetitive"'ic
'14, - - h
r Q
/ A Great Selection of Plants Flowers, and Accessories
plus a FREE Peoples Potting Bench for customer use in4
our 21 2 acre Greenhouse. Come Check Out Our . .
1021 MAIDEN LANE FREE MoN!fRI 8 30 4 10
2' ,SAT 8 30 4
ANN ARBOR-994-61 12 PARKING SUN tO 30-12 41
..G .

'70 game
ary bypass) would try to cur-
tail things that cause prolonged
fatigue and a lot of things that
carry on such as banquets,"
said Dr. Rudy Reichert, Schem-
bechler's doctor.
"The normal working schedule
isn't too bad. If a person gets
normal sleep and had no symp-
toms with the work-load-which
shouldn't be too much different
-I would think he'd be aright.
"It's all that extra stuff (Bo
has to worry about). I'm not
really sre how much is in-
volved because I've never been
there. ut the traveling and the
stuff that could be more of a
strain is what o would have
to be careful of."
Reichert, who will be exam-
ining Schembechler before the
trip, feels o has done a good
Job of handling the pressures of
coaching so far.
"Everybody deals with an-
xiety, themselves. You deal with
that sort of thing, no matter
what's the matter with you,
yourself. You handle stresses
by just learning how to do it.
"He's doing a good job," Rei-
chert continued. "I'd say he's
handled that aspect extremely
well from what I can tell."
Schembechler has had two
other bowl games since then to
work on keeping his blood pres-
sure down. Now, if only he can
handle USC as well as he does
Rose Bowl
1902-Michgan 49, Stanford 0
1916-washington State 14, Brown 0
1917-Oregon 14, Penn 0
1918-Mare Island 19, Camp Lewis 7
1919-Great Lakes 17, Mare Island 9
1920-lmvard 7, Oreognl6
i91-Caifotnia 28, Ohio state 0
1922-California 0, Washington &
Jefferson 0
1923-USC 14, Penn State 3
1924-Washington 14, Penn 14
1925-Notre Dame 27, Stanford 10
1926-Alabama 20, Washington 19
1927-Aabamaa 7, Stanford 7
192-Stanford 7, Pittsburg 6
1929-Georgia Tech 8, California 7
1930-USC 47, Pitt 14
1931-Alabama 24, Washington St. 0
1932-USC 21, Tulane 12
1933-USC 35, Pitt 0
1934-Columbia 7, Stanford 0
1935-Alabama 29, Stanford 13
1936-Stanford 7, SMU 0
1937-Pitt 21, Washington 0
1938-California 13, Alabama 1
1939-U5C 7, Duke 3
1940-USC 14, Tennessee 0
1941-Stanford 21, Nebraska 13
1942-Oregon State 20, Duke 16
1943-Georgia 9, UCLA 0
144-USC 2, Washington0
145-USC 25, Tennessee S
1946-Alaama 34, USC 14
1947-Illinois 45, UCLA 14
194-Micigas 49, USC S
14-Northwestern 20, Califernia 14
1950-Ohio State 17, California 14
1951-Michigan 14, California 6
152-IlinOis 40, Stanford 7
153-USC 7, Wiconnt0
1954-Michigan State 28, UCLA 20
1955-Ohio State 2, USC 7
1956-Michigan state 17, UCLA 14
1957-Iowa 35, Oregon State 19
i5s-Ohio State i0, Oregon 7
1959--Iowa 38, California 12
1960-Washington 44, Wisconsin 8
1961-Washington 17, Minnpsota 7
1962-Minnesota 21, UCLA 3
1963-USC .42, Wisconsin 37
1964-Illinois 17, Washington 7
1965-Michigan 34, Oregon State 7
1966-UCLA 14, Michigan State 12
1967-Purdue 14, USC 13
1968-USC 14, Indiana 3
1909-Ohio State 27, USC 16
170-USC 50, Mihtgan 3
171-Stanford 27, Ohio State 17
1972-Stanford 13, Michigan 12
1973-USC 42, Ohio State 17
1974-Ohio State 42, USC 21
1975-USC 18, Ohio State 17
1976-UCLA 23, Ohio State 10

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