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December 11, 1976 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-11

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%Page Two


Sundoy, December 12, 1976

PaeTo H ICIA DIYSndy ecme 1,17

LA offers fun, sun,.

If you're heading out to the
Rose Bowl you're probahly plan-
ping to spend a few days in the
Los Angeles area. After all,
wouldn't it he a little silly to
travel all that way just to watch
a football game that's going
to be on TV anyway?
So, what can you do to pass
the time in the City of Angels
before and after the big game?
First of all, you can enjoy
the weather.
The average temperature
in L.A. is about 40 degrees
higher than the Ann Arbor
average this time of year. You
should expect some rain, but
just enough to clear the smog
away and wash a few hilltop
houses into the valleys.
The weather will be important
>ecause most of the interesting
hings to do in LA are outdoors.
Table of
Table of Contents ...
California travel guide.
Season in review ...
Other Bowl games ..
1970 Rose Bowl .....
Stats ................
USC scouting report.
Line-ups ..........
Michigan offense.
Rob Lytle interview.
Michigan defense ..
Ricky Bell feature.
Match-ups ..

The big event is the Tourna-
mentof Roses Parade on Janu-
ary 1. This seven-milelong prom-
enade takes place on the morn-
ing after New Year's Eve, but
if you can manage to roll out
of bed you should find it well
worth the effort.
Tickets for grandstand seats
along the parade route can be
purchased, but the parade route
is so long that you should be
able to get a good view for
Next are the traditional
tourist attractions - but don't
knock them if you haven't
tried them. After all, you
might be able to fulfill your
childhood fantasy of shaking~
hands with Mickey Mouse.
f DISNEYLAND - It's in
Anaheim, and it's everything
you've heard about.
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Near Disneyland, this is "the
second biggest tourist attraction
in Southern California." It start-
ed as a berry farm and has
grown into an amusement park
with big name stage shows.
* MARINELAND - South of
Santa Monica; the performing
creatures include a killerwhale.
Universal City of course; they
offer an, entertaining tour in-
cluding backlots and stunt and
special effects shows.
* NBC STUDIOS - In beau-
tiful downtown Guess Where?
Another entertaining tour and
you might even get a chance
to sit in on the filming of "Hol-
lywood Squares." Aren't you
glad you came to California?
Beach; her majesty is now the
home of a hotel, shopping cen-
ter, and Jaques Cousteau's Un-
dersea Museum.
Nuys; botanical gardens, bird
sanctuary, and free samples of
the products of the brewer's
* CHINATOWN - It was bad
luck for Jack Nicholson, but
maybe not for you.
Those are the hot spots for
tourists, and you could spend
a couple weeks doing them jus-
tice. Still, there are a few oth-
er things you might consider.
Since California was the Mec-
ca of youthful outdoor types (un-
til someone discovered Colorado
a few years ago) you might
want to try some more active
forms of recreation.
From hiking to hang-gliding,
from surfing to snow skiing,
you'll be able to do it in Cali-
fornia. The most popular local
beach is Santa Monica but Mali-
bu is only a little further away
and much nicer.

In the evening, depending unique agricultural products.
on your tastes, you can hear Don't drink the water.
the Philharmonic or head to- Finally, there's the new home
wards Sunset Strip. For big- of the California counter-culture
ger names you can drive to -San Clemente. One of the lo-
cal residents gave up a $200,-
Las Vegas, just a few hours 000 a year executive position
away. to live by the sea, and com-
If nothing in LA excites you, mune with Nature and David
remember that Mexico is only Nomatter how you spend your
a little more than 100 miles time in the Golden West, don't
away. They say Tijuana is a get too enthralled. After all,
quaint little town with interest- we want to see you back here
ing attractions and access to when classes start again.

The all-lime favorite, indoors or out, Pendleton's pure
virgin wool apart shirt. Featuring flap pockets and long
sleeves in bold plaids and solids. $26.

SHOULD YOU run out of things to do in Los Angeles, there's
always lost wages, er Las Vegas. C'mon Big eleven.

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