Po' ge Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 10, 1976 I'aqe Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fr~doy, September 10, 1976 China faces turmoil in wake of Mao's death (Continued from Page 1) PRESIDENT FORD, who con- ferred with Mao for almost two hours last December, said in Washington that his death was "tragic," and called him a "re- markable and very great man." Tributes to Mao flowed from world leaders and time and again he was referred to as one of the greatest figures of this century, if not in the history of mankind. But while many Western lead- ers of opposing political belief praised Mao unstintingly for his, personal contribution to mod- ernizing China, there was almost tntnl silence from the Soviet = Mao's body might taken there. have been THE PEKING correspondent of Tanjug, the Yugoslav news agency, reported that "All Chinese who come in contact with foreigners are openly show- ing their emotions. Many of them are so upset that they cannot perform their usual work." There was no immediate in- dication who might emerge as successor to Mao, leader of the People's Republic since he de- clared its founding on Oct. 1, 1949. Under the party constitu- tion of 1973, the central com- Union and other Communist re- coste chairman. gimes that support Moscow in choose the chairman. its ideological feud with Peking. Hua, the relatively obscure former security minister who THE OFFICIAL Soviet news was made premier when Mao agency, Tass, reported Mao's fired Teng, was named party death in a two-line item, while vice chairman at the same Moscow. Radio's domestic ser- time, making him China's No. 2 vice reported it as the 10th item man. on its morning bulletin. The Soviet Communist Party HUA IS regarded as occupy- cabled a brief message of con- ing a middle ground between { ! the , quarreling radicals and dolences. moderates. But he may not The central committee ordered have had time to entrench him- a mourning period to last untilhaelhud t e tor m the memorial meeting Sept. 181 self securely at the top. in Peking. The ceremony is to There have already been begin with all Chinese, "where- hints of more recent disorder ever they are," standing at at- in China. Besides the People'sl tention in silent tribute for three Daily editorial Monday men- i, 1., ti i k . k contending groups using the anti-Teng campaign to criticize their foes. Given the short and incon- clusive five months Hua has been in the No. 2 spot and the vaulting ambition of other con- tenders, the contest for the chairmanship - the most pow- erful job in China - could es- calate rapidly. THIS IS SUGGESTED by the violence which swept Pe- king and other major cities in early April when Teng made his ill - timed bid to become premier and was fired by a still vigorous Mao. Among other contenders for Mao's job are Chiang Ching,' 62, a member of the party Po- litburo; and her three radical proteges, Wang Hung-wen, about 40, the Shanghai boy won- der raised by Mao from the factory assembly line to a par- ty vice - chairmanship for his services in the 1966-69 Cultural Revolution; Chang Chun-chiao, about 58, first vice premier and member of the Politburo Stand- ing Committee, and Yao Wen- yuan, about 51, critic and Po- litburo member whose bitter attacks on the establishment touched off the cultural purgeI in 1966. The moderate candidates in-3 clde Yeh Chien-ving, 78, Chou's old crony who is a party vice chairman and defense minister, and Li Hsien-nien, a vice pre- mier. Yeh and Chen Hsi-lien, commander of the Peking units of the army, pres'imably would have strong military backing' but age and snoradic ill health comnlicate Yeh's chances. WHOvE VE wINS in the fight for the party chairmanship, the nation's recent policv of friend-; Shin toward America appears likely to survive, at least for now, chiefly because China's own suyrvival may be caught un in it. The move toward ran- nro-hement was dictated by Pe- king's fear of what it calls Soviet expansionism. But in recent months, bemin- ning with President Ford's visit in December, the Chinese have made it plain that they are im.- patient to achieve full diplo- piatic recognition, a move which would result in a rupture of, U.S. relations with the Repub- lic of China on Taiwan. The central committee an- no'mcement emphasized that Communist China would con- tinue its policy for " what it calls the liberation of Taiwan. THE RUSSIANS HOPE that in the post-Mao period new Chi- nese leaders will reassess the estrangement which began in 1956 and has continued un- abated since. But both moder- ates and radicals are commit- ted to a policy of such deep antagonism toward the Rus- sians on ideological grounds that the gap may never be bridged. The door always has been open, however, for some kind of accommodation on govern- ment-to-government lines. Amer- ican hesitation to draw closer to Peking could result in initia- tives toward Moscow intended as a reminder that the Chinese also can play the game of pow- er politics. The battle for succession may also settle the other major ques- tion raised by Mao's death - wether his personal brand of Communism will survive in China. A BELIEVER IN the masses and permanent revolution, Mao engaged in a constant struggle to keepChina from "the capi- talist road." to keep her self- reliant and to maintain power in the hands of peasants and workers instead of China's cen- t'iries-old elite of landlords, in- tellectuals and officials. Mao. born to a peasant fam- ilv in H-inan province on Dec. ?6, 1893, was a teen-ager when vears later, in 1921, he was one Sun Yat-sen's revolution over- threw China's monarchy. Ten of the 13 founding members of China's Commniist party. He asslumed leadership of the party in 1935 when it fled en- -irclement by Chiang Kai Shek's armies at Chingkangshan in southeast China in the 8,000- mile "Long March" to Yenan. Of 120,000 Communist followers that began the march, only 20,- 000 finished. minutes. JAPANESE and Yugoslav cor- respondents said that after the d e a t h announcement crowds <>r-" gathered before a large floodlit portrait of Mao in Peking's huge Tien An Men square and near Mao's residence. They reported! '" "seeing elementary school pupils' >led by teachers, with tears in their eyes and heads lowered, in Peking's major streets.' Slf3Tens of thousands of Chinese- each holding a white flower, theI symbol of mourning-arrived at; the portrait by bicycle. On Chang An Boulevard police with' black arm bands were standing1 every 50 to 100 yards. AP Photo The road to a major Pekingi hospital was closed to all but CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG is shown sitting in the labrary of his home in the last photograph of him released be- official cars, the Japanese cor- fore his death yesterday. Mao, 82, died after a long illness. respondents s a i d, indicating1 tioning "settling old scores" and "armed struggles," other recent editorials have caution- ed against sabotage by "class enemies." However, there has been no specific report of trou- ble. There was no explanation of the reason for the warnings, which also included an admoni- tion that railway communica- tions must not be impeded. These portions were excluded when Hsinhua broadcast the editorials in English. MAO'S DEATH also comes amid a call in the Chinese press to step up the campaign to criticize Teng Hsiao-ping, for- mer vice premier, who was ousted earlier this year. I Some factional squabbles have been reported recently, with: -___________-___________-_ ______________i Panel approves tax reform proposal AFTERNOON DISCO3--8 p.m. TODAY at NO COVER CHARGE All Drinks at Reduced Prices Today we are going to open the doors, turn up the music and say hello to o u r first autumn in Ann Arbor. Join us for an after- noon of dancing and fun at the newest meeting place on campus. Bring an old friend or meet a new one. Things are al- ways hopping at the Frogge. DISCO NIGHTLY-9-1:30 LUNCH-l:30-3 DI NNER59 SNACKS-I Oi 2 PITCH ERS / price every Weds. Look for our Daily Specials FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVA TIONS CALL: WASHINGTON (/P) - Senate- House conferees approved a far - reaching bill last night that assures tax relief to indi- viduals and businesses through 1977 but sharply raises the tax' on wealthy investors. The basic individual tax-cut: extension would be worth about $180 a year to a typical family of four. IN ADDITION, the measure would completely overhaul the gift and estate tax laws; pro- vide special tax benefits to working parents, the elderly and a host of industries and sim- plify the tax-filing process. The bill, three years in the making, now goes to the House and Senate for final considera- tion. all types of income for those over 65; authorize a first step that could lead to tax - defer- red pensions for many house- wives, and allow tax-free treat- ment of group legal - service plans. Despite their impact and cost, there was little controversy over these benefits. Most fight- ing was over how to raise taxes on the wealthy. The conference voted to do this in three ways: -RAISE THE revenue from the minimum tax on the rich by about $1 billion a year. This tax was enacted seven years ago in an effort to ensure that ,some tax is paid, no matter how many big deductions a high - income taxpayer uses. The compromise measure, -Tighten the maximum tax when extension of the individ- by about $50 million a year. ual and business tax cuts is This tax actually is a lid on disregarded, would raise fed- the regular income tax im- eral revenues by $1.6 billion in posed on earned income, gen- 1977, dropping to $984 million by erally salaries, at the $50,800- 1981. annual - income level and high- er. THUS, the bill easily meets ' -Limit the amount of tax de- congressional budget targets ductions that an investor may for the 12-month period that be- take for investing in such tax- gins on Oct. 1. shelter operations as movie- The individual tax cuts would making, farming, real estate, cost the Treasury about $15 bil- I oil and gas. eouioment leasing lion a year and would be ex- and professional sports. tended through Dec. 31, 1977. Without extension of the cuts, which technically expired on" July 1, a family of four earn- ing $6,000 would lose $445 a year. A single person earning $8,000 would face a $182 tax: hike while a couple making $10,000 would have to pay $204 more.. THE KEY hart of the individ- ual tax cut is a $35-per-person credit, subtracted from taxes owed. Or, a taxpayer could sub-, tract 2 per cent of his first $9,000 of txable income, for a top credit of $180. Another provision, increasing, the minimum and maximum standard deductions to $1,700 and $2,400 for single personsI j and $2,100 and $2,800 for cou- ples, anlies only to the 60 per, cent of taxpayers who do not itemize deductions. The third portion of the indi- vidual cut is a credit of uu to $400 for working families with children. t is designed to Generally, the deduction would be limited to the amount of cash that the investor risked. On the other hand, some of the nation's wealthiest families will benefit most from the broad changes in the gift and estate taxes. THE NET EFFECT of the changes would be to exemppt from inheritance taxes all but the wealthiest 2 per cent of U. S. estates. For all practical purposes, no estates worth under $525,000 would pay the tax. Current law taxes the estates of about 127,000 persons, or 7 per cent of those who die each year. The compromise would cut that number to 50,000. THE NEW provisions would cost the Treasury $1.4 billion a year by 1981 in lost revenue. The changes are aimed pri- marily at ensuring that family farms and small businesses do not have to be sold to pay taxes i WATCH4 FORQ US AT THEi: FOO)TBALL STADlIUM