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December 11, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-11

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Saturday, December 11, 1976


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events and entertainment
week of Dec. 11-17


Happenings fflin reviews are ! early '50's, which ends up doing' ant but certain
written by Christopher Potter. 1 little credit either to the witch- matic film. Joh
hunt victims of the time or to an Oscar for
the unremembering audiences as a brililant,
of today. * * law prof, butt
Car Wash - (Fifth Forum)- in Paper Chas
This day in the lives of a able. At one
COMMERCIAL CINEMA mostly-black car washing crew seemed headed
Carrie - (The Movies, Briar- may not contain much drama film status, b
wood) - Brian dePalna's cine- or even much good comedy, tapered off inr
matic wish-fulfillment of every but it still grows on you as a Nashville -(
born-victim teenager who sec- kind of reassurance of the hu- Co-op, MLB 3,7
retly craved ,revenge on his or man spirit-and its down-and- Altman's g i a]
her tormenting classmates. As out protagonists swing and jive back for a
with all dePalma's films this is their way toward making life ment. * * *
a very uneven Work, but often and its miseries just a little Duck Soup -
brilliantly terrifying - including more tolerable, a little more Arch. Aud., 7 &
the most frightening "shock fun. For all its crudities, I Brothers' 1933
scene" I've ever encountered found Car Wash one of the more side is their ba
in a film. Approach this one honest films I've seen all not their funnh
with extreme caution. *** I year. * * * ing, merciless
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Marathon Man- (Michigan)- fices some of t
Nest.(State)-The first film in -John Schlesinger's t o t a 11 y the Marxes' oth
forty years to sweep all the muddled thriller about an ex- film's f o c u s
major Oscars, but don't let that Nazi dentist (Laurence Olivier) jingoism is br
kid you-it's just not as good as stalking a Columbia graduate Duck Soup is a
it should have been. Director student' (D u s t i n Hoffman) comedy and ci
Milos Forman opts for carica- through the streets of New York, EV
ture over pathos in his disturbed for no translatable reason what- Dance C o m
inmates, plays for the easy soever. The only reason this Planets: La C
laugh over the grim undertones chaotic entry is still showing de": Power Ct
of Kesey's novel, and alters the here is because the Butterfield Ark - Paul
ending just enough so that Mc- Theater folks don't have any- blues:. 1421 Hill
Murphy's u 1 t i m a t e sacrifice thing else to run between now PTP - "The
seems less a liberating martyr- and the momentous debut of the Arena Theatre,
dom than a deluded act of self- revised King Kong Dec. 17, p.m.
destruction. which indicates only slightly UAC Soph Sh
Cuckoo's Nest is technically better planning on their part ceed in Busines
superb and splendidly acted, but than Schlesinger put into his Trying: Mendel
Forman's consistent insensitiv- film. ** & 8 p.m.
ity toward his material and Music School-
characters (an element present ber Concert: Hil
to varying degree in all the di- SatorB
rector's work) transforms what Bimbo's --
should have been a brilliant film CINEMA time, 6.
nto a competent but eventually The Man Who Fell to Earth- Blind Pig -
frustrating exercise. * * (Cinema II,. Aug. Aud. A, 7 & 9) Chicago blues,
Lenny - (State)-Bob Fosse's -Nicholas Roeg's dazzling meal- Casa Nova-T
garbled but sweetly luminous Strom of a film which nestles Golden Falco
:one poem to the saintly-satanic marginally under the science Latin jazz, 9:30
:omedian, with Dustin Hoffman fiction heading, then takes off Mr. Flood's P

ily not very dra.
hn Houseman wor
his movie debul
icily impersonal
there's little else
se that's memor-
time this flick<
[for campus cult-
but interest has
recent times. * *
(Ann Arbor Film
7 & 9:30)-Robert
n t country epic
return engage-
- (Cinema Guild,
9:05)-The Marx
anti-war broad-
est film, although
rest. The scorch-
screenplay sacri-
he bellylaughs of
her films, but the
on militaristic
illiantly incisive.
triumph of both
vics. * * * *
p a n y - "The
reation du Mpn-
r., 8 p.m.
Siebel, country,
, 8:30 p.m.
Man of Mode":
Frieze Bldg., 8.
ow-How to Suc-
ss Without Really
ssohn Theatre, 2
-Faculty Cham-
11 Aud., 8 p.m.
Gaslighters, rag-
Jimmy Walker,
om Sabada, 9.
n - Melodioso,
Party - Tucker
g-Mustard's Re-
RFD Boys, blue-
ebration, 9.
ce-Punch, rock,

unimaginative-a far cry from
his macabre stylistics of The
Manchurian Candidate and Sec-
onds. His ponderous steerage
fits hand in glove with Dalton
Trumbo's soporiphic screenplay'
(when asked by Malamud why
none of the lines from the novel
were being retained, Trumbo
reportedly told him they sound-
ed "too Jewish"). As the im-
prisoned handyman Alan Bates
is good but not great. ***
Dance Company - Thef
Planets: La Creation du Monde:
Power Ctr., 3 p.m.
Del Rio-Jazz, 5-9.
Golden Falcon - Benson-Drel-
les, jazz quartet, 9:30.
Second Chance- Punch, rock,
Mr. Flood's Party - Madcat
& Friends Band, 9:30.

most of hIs time attempting to
perfect an imitation of Daffy
Yet Inserts' makers should at
least be given credit for hav-
ing the guts to make a film
that atempts to deal seriously
with the portentous subject of
sex; most movie moguls, re-
cently paranoid from court de-
cisions, turn white at such crea-
tive proposals, leaving the pub-
lic to choose between the truly
hardcore opuses or the sex-vio-
lence distortions that increas-
ingly dominate both film and
television. Inserts could have
started a trend in the opposite
direction - would that a less
shabby crew had been carrying
the banner. **%
Second Chance- Raisin Band,
Mr. Flood's - Gemini, 9:30.

Cockfighter 4-(Ann
'rY rida Film Co-op, MLB 4, 9:30
- A 1974 Western by3
CINEMA Hellman, the recently ac
Sleuth - (Cinema II, Ang. ed "King of the B's" -
Aud. A, 7 & 9:30) - Aging from what little I've se
mystery writer Laurence Oliv- him, that's right where h
ier and young antique dealer longs.
Michael Caine wage a labyrin- EVENTS
thian and deadly game of on- parson Theatre Group-W
going one-upmanship that fairly The Burghers of Calais:
oozes with overspills of bigotry, Theatre, 8 p.m.
class warfare, sado-maochism
and other various and sundryl Musical Society - Pitts
perversions. It's endlessly fas- Ballet, see Wed. Events.
cinating, but you might just as will also be performed oi
well go see the original stage urday, and at 1 p.m. Sat
play instead; Joseph Mankie- in the Power Ctr. there w
wicz's thuddingly static screen a special lecture-demonst
production lends quintessential for young people).
credence to the notion that thea-
ter is by far the least adaptable
medium to motion pictures. The
show's plot is succinct and Oliv-
ier and Caine magnificent as
the demonically imaginative an-
tagonists, butN Sleuth could nev-
er be championed as great cine-'
ma because as it stands it is
barely cinema at all. **1%7
Rio Bravo - (Ann Arbor Film
Co-op, MLB 4, 7 only) - A late
Howard Hawkes Western with
John Wayne, Dean Martin and
- lest we forget - Ricky Nel-
son. I've never seen this, but
the film has become a prized
icon among Hawkes cultists.

- and
en of
he be-
n Sat-,
ill be

Dance Concert - See Thurs.
Bimbo's - Gaslighters, rag-
time, 6.
Blind Pig - Robert Jr. Lock-
wood, blues, 9:30.
Casa Nova-Tom Sabada, ,9.
Golden Falcon - Melodioso,
Latin jazz, 9:30.
Mr. Flood's Party - Tucker
Blues Band, 9.30.
Old Heidelberg - Mustard's
Retreat, 9.
Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys,
bluegrass, 10.
Rubalyat - Celebration, jazz,
Second Chance -- The Raisin
Band, 8.

Save and bundle



Illuflay Wednesday
Sherlock Holmes Night-(AnnCINEMA
Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3, Sher- The Harder They Come-(Ann
lock Holmes Faces Death at 7 Arbor Film Co-op,,sAng. Aud. A,
The Pearl of Death at 8:10, 7 & 9) - Jimmy Cliff wrote
House of Fear at 9:30, The Scar- and stars in this story of a
let Claw at 10:30. $1.25 for en- young Jamaican reggae singer-
tire show) - A veritable orgy turned criminal, who becomes
for all true believers of the sup- a kind of folk hero to his fel-
ersleuth. low countrymen. The Bonnie
EVENTS and Clyde-ish plot is pretty
Music School - University: warmed-over stuff, but the ac-
Choir, Symphony Orchestra, companying music and atmo-
WindEnsmbl, al-Staviskysphere are so infectious that
Wind Ensemble, all-Stravisky they largely make up for any
program: Hill Aud., 8 p.m. shortcomings in the storyline.
Blind Pig - Boogie-Woogie EVENTS
Red, 9:30. EVENTS




for recycli ng

laboring studiously at a role Al
Pacino was born to play (who
else could ever capture that
haunted, too-wise stare?). The
film doesn't even approach the
sum of its parts, but my, are
some of those parts sub-1
lime. * * *
Shout at the Devil - (The
Movies, Briarwood)-African ad-
venture, with Lee Marvin.
Two-Minute Warning - (Fox
Village) - The Disaster Film
Wave crashes to rock bottom
artistically and morally with this
sterile leaden impostor of a
motion picture. It was an open
question to begin with whether
the theme of a mad sniper tak-
ing potshots at a football crowd
constituted entertainment f o r
any save the truly blood-lusting
among us; alas, Two-Minute
Warning lacks even the courage
of its depravities. Let the sadists
be warned that for the first hour
and fifty minutes of this blimp'
of a film nothing - absolutely
Oh sure, we get the usual
parade of inoperative subplots
androided out by minus-one-di-
mensional characters, but
whereas most apocalypse films
swiftly and mercifully put these
nurds out of 'their (and our)
misery, Two-Minute Warning
allows their zombiefied mumbl-
ings to just go on and on and1
on. About the only interestingc
items in this inflated mass are
Merv Griffin attempting to vivi-
sect The National Anthem and
The President of the United
States saying "shit." His senti-
ments are accurate. BOMB t
TheFront - (Campus-WoodyC
Allen's "serious" comedy aboutc
entertainment blacklisting of thec

from there. The picture requires
more than one viewing: Is it
really that profound, or more
often a case of Roeg simply
s h o w i n g off cinematically?
Whatever the verdict, there's
still never been a film quite like
it, and the casting of David
Bowie as the extraterrestrial
visitor was a stroke of pure
metaphysical genius. * * * %/
Alice in Wonderland - (Ann
Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3 at
1:30 & 4:30 p.m., MLB 4 at 7 &
.0:30) 'The absolute worst of
the Disney Factory's literary
hatchet jobs-this time bowd-
lerizing Lewis Carroll's satirical
masterwork into a dull TV-level
cartoon complete with deter-
gent-white a n i m a t i'o n that
doesn't hold a candle to the
book's original illustrations -
local publicity blurbs notwith-
standing. *
Rocky and Bullwinkle - (Ann
Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3 at 3
p.m., MLB. 4 at 7 & 10:30)-An'
anthology of the only characters'
in the history of the cartoon to
consistently approach' the level
of the great cinematic humor-
ists, from Marxes to Brooks. For
all the then-contemporary so-
cial-political barbs thrown in
when produced, these decade-
and-a-half-old works remain as
fresh and funny now as they did
then-a test which all great
comedy must pass. Lewis Car-
roll would have laughed his head
off. * * * *
Paper Chase-While the rig-
ors of the academic rat race
may prove personally traumatic
to the victim, does it make for
equally consuming cinema? This
chronicle of a Harvard law stu-
dent's first year makes a pleas-

S t

Blues Band, 9:3(
Old Heidelberg
treat, 9.
Pretzel Bell-
grass, 10..
Second Chanc

Golden Falcon -- V-II-I, jazz,
Mr. Flood's Party - Steve
Newhouse (The New Mexico
Midget), 9:30.
Second Chance - Luther Alli-
son, blues, 9.

Parson Theatre Group-White's
The Burghers of Calais: Arena
Theatre, 8 p.m.
Blind Pig - Benson-Drelles
Qt., 9:30.
Mr. Flood's Party - Long-
horn, jazz, 9:30.
Band, rock, 9.
Second Chance - The Raisin
Band, rock, 9.

0. CINEMA Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, 9.
Inserts - (Ann Arbor Film
sd yCo-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9) -
eaAn interesting mess by direc-
CINEMA tor-writer John Byrum about a
former "boy wonder" movie di- CINEMA
His Girl Friday - (Cinema rector of the 120's, now reduced
Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:15)- in 1931 to brinding out low-budg- Bugs Bunny Superstar - (Ann
Probably the best of several et - but cinematically brilliant Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A,
adaptations of the classic 1920's - pornographic cheapies. The 7, 8:45 & 10:30) - An interest-
play "The Front Page." This whys and wherefores of his fall ing compendium of works from
slightly altered verison involv- from grace are explored in the sometimes hilarious, often
ing a newspaper editor indv sy np a violence-prone Warner Bros. ani-
insta rewprter (ado and his day-in-the-life tableaux as The mto col uddb h
'star reporter ' (and ex-wife) Boy Wonder rushes to finish his mation school. Guided by the
makes one of the very best of latest skin masterpiece under great Tex Avery and others, the
all American screen comedies, the deadlin e by hi gn-studio consistently outdid the
'With Cary Grant, Rosalind Rus- ster-producne set y is gang- Disney amalgamate in both hu-
sell and director Howard Hawks If nothing else, Inserts is at mor and imaginative verve, but
at their peak form. * * * * least different: The entire film whether this inspiration was al-
The Groove Tube - (Ann Ar- is set in the director's mansion- ways utilized to the healthiest
bor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7, 8:45, ic living room, it covers a ends will remain forever open
10:30)-A collection of satirical straight two-hour period in the to question. ***
skits intermingling sex and TV, protagonist's life without the EVENTS
about half of which are funny. usual celluloid time jumps, and Parson Theatre Group - See
A 1971 film called Is There Sex is one of the mere handful of sed. Events.
After Death? is quite similar in major American films to re- Musical Society - Pittsburgh
structure but far superior in wit ceive an X rating. (Female lead Ballet Theatre, Tchaikovsky's
and invention; it hasn't sur- Jessica Harper spends close to The NuTheatre, Power Ctr., 8
faced in Ann Arbor in at least a solid hour unclothed, whichTpkC.
a couple of years, and I really would certainly be a non-hard-Dpam.
wish someone would take the core cinema record if Guinness Barbara Lynn McGraw, Linda
initiative and show it here would allow it). This isn't to Sansom: Schorling Aud., SEB,
again. We need some varia- say that innovation is synony- 8 p.m.
tion. * * mous with great filmmaking, by
The Fixer-(Cinema II, Ang. any degree; Inserts' characters BARS
Aud. A, 7 & 9)-The film from are murkily- underdefined, its Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, 9.
the Malamud novel about a immobile setting ultimately Golden Falcon - Silverstones,
Russian Jew held prisoner for turns tedious despite the deter- 9:30.
years without trial on a trump- mined kinkyness of the mate- Mr. Flood's Party - Tucker
ed-up m u r d e r charge. John rial, and Richard Dreyfuss, Blues Band, 9:30.
Frankenheimer's direction is playing the part of The Boy Second Chance - The Raisin
solid, workmanlike and totally Wonder, seems to be spending Band, rock, 9.
ries U.P. residents


Seafarer woi

MARQUETTE, Mich. {P) - A munities where the project
long-simmering controversy in would be built say their main
Michigan's Upper Peninsula has fear is the project would dis-
pitted big government against rupt the near-wilderness area
residents and environmentalists., they call home.
The U.S. Navy has selected Michigan Gov. William Milli-
the area, known for its wilder- ken, who more than a year ago
ness preserves and vacation invited the Navy to take a look
hideaways, as a' prime site for at the area as a possible site
the proposed underground com- for, Seafarer, insists he has uI-
munications grid it calls Proj- timate veto power over the pro-
ect Seafarer. ject.
SEAFARER would consist of BUT SOME residents say the
buried cables screening part of Navy is "jamming it down our
the central Upper Peninsula. throats."
The Navy says with the grid, thrIfthe
it could communicate with new b"If the Navy wants it that
deep-running, nuclear-powered ad, they'll put it in no mat-
Trident submarines. ter what anyone says," contends
But many °residents in com- 43-year-old Negaunee fireman
Ken Paulson.
d 'a P Environmentalists insist the
system will give off harmful
radiation and cause the peaceful
. -Upper Peninsula to be singled
out as a nuclear target. But
few residents say they fear ra-
diation and many say the area
- with two Air Force bases,
the Soo Locks and countless iron
mines - already is a potential
nuclear target.

cables would be laid an aver-
age of four miles apart.
The Navy says 65 per cent of
the system would follow exist-
ing 15-to-25 foot easements. It's
,the other 35 per cent that is
causing problems for residents.
"WE'RE BEING carved up,"
says Don Kiiskila, 55, of Ish-
"This is a wilderness area.
We've hunted here, fished here,
have our favorite spots. Cut-
ting a wide swath through here
won't be very scenic."
Not all residents are opposed
to Seafarer, but many say they
don't like the way the Navy is
presenting it to the citizenry.

through its geologic bed of dry,
hard low-conductivity rock. The
Navy contends radiation given
off by the system is less than
that emitted by ordinary elec-
trical power cables.
and New Mexico are also be-
ing studied as possible Seafarer
sites. But testimony earlier this
year before a House Armed
Services subcommittee indicated
neither is as desirable as the
Upper Peninsula.
"We have substantiated that
there is a significant cost sav-
ings associated with placing Sea-
farer in Michigan," said Navy
Capt. Charles Pollak, according

creased to about 1,500 persons
during the peak summer months
construction period." Once the
cable is laid and five planned
transmitter sites constructed,
"between 60 and 100 civilian
personnel would be required to
operate and maintain the sys-
tem," the Navy says.
One key question is whether
the system would work.
erating a test site near Clam
Lake, Wis., at the western edge
of the peninsula. Officials there
say they've been able to estab-
lish contact with U.S. submar-
ines halfway around the world.
To be sure the proposed Michi-
gan system would work, the
Navy wants to construct a test
site at K. I. Sawyer Air Force
Base near Marquette.
But funding for the test has
been scrapped from this year's
Defense Department budget,
leaving the whole idea in lim-
bo. Col. William Norris, K. I.
Sawyer base commander, says
if the test transmitter is in-
stalled, "It would be like any
other tenant on the base. I have
1ci l a n ..i.... .c

"THE DOOMSDAY PROJECT to a congressional report. v
is a misconception," says Sam Environmentalists in Upper
Elder, 35, a Marquette real es- Michigan contend at least two
tate broker. "We're already a research reports show persons
nuclear target. But if there's exposed to ELF magnetic fields
any danger, the Navy should have a higher rate of health
let the people know. I thing prbe ctibut o heat
people don't really know, and problems contributing to heart
they have a fear of the un- disease. But the Navy says the
known. We're getting propagan- tests were inconclusive.
da from the environmentalists
and from the supporters." THE UPPER Peninsula is
Public opinion is strongly heavily forested and hilly. Min-
nag TTin,.nrni nUn ing and lumbering are the chief


ect is "vital to onr natinnalas I-



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