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December 11, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-11

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See Editorial Page

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Vol. LXXXVI, No. 77

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 11, 1976

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

... . . .... Eioht anesVVi



Well how about Foghorn
The droves of tired, exam-obsessed students who
filed into the Nat. Sci. Auditoium last night look-
ing forward to an evening of Bugs Bunny, Daffy
Duck, Porky Pig and other Looney Tunes charac-
ters were, well, ripped off. The People's Bicenten-
nial Committee (PBC) plastered the campus this
week with three-color flyers featuring Bugs and
Dafy and the Warner Brothers emblem, promising
an "All New Collection of Warner Brothers '40's
cartoon classics." But what you saw wasn't what
you got. There was,/ instead, a collection of mildly
amusing MGM cartoons from the creators of Bugs
Bunny-but they just weren't Looney Tunes. The
audience at the 8:30 showing hooted the house down
af er being informed by a sheepish and contrite
PBC spokespersonthat the offerings were "identi-
-cal" to Looney Tunes. Amid the howls for refunds,
the spokesperson said, "Well how about Foghorn
Leghorn?" Well how about him? There wasn't a
sign of Warners favorite rooster among the ten or
so cartoonS shown. Perhaps next week PBC will
show Warners' Version of Gone With the Wine, and
no doubt it'll be identical to MGM's original.
Hart-felt dedication
In honor of retiring Michigan Senator Philip
Hart, a visitors' center was dedicated at Sleep-
ing Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and a special
scholarship fund was started at Lake Superior
State College yesterday. The visitors' center,
named after Hart, was dedicated in Leland by
Gov. William Milliken, who called the 18-year
veteran of the Senate "one of Michigan's finest
servants." "Senator Hart's long and distinguished
career contributed substantially to a better Michi-
gan, and this visitor center will long stand as
a landmark of his contributions and achieve-
ments," the governor said. Plans for the scholar-
ship fund have yet to be decided.
... are sparse today. An open house and pot-
tery sale runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Andree
Valley, 2855 Gross Rd. ... a non-denominational
"Children's Holiday Celebration" begins at 11 a.m.
at St. Andrews Church on the corner'of Catherine
and Division. Call 665-2565 for details ... The Michi-
gan Youth Band performs at 7:30 p.m. at St.
Thomas High School ... and the choir of St. Mary's
Chapel offers "A Procession with Carols on the
Third Day of Advent" at 8 p.m., 331 Thompson.
The bionic corpse (cont'd)
That ghoulish amusement park "wax dummy"
we told you about yesterday - the one that
turned out to be a human corpse '- has been
identified as a man who was shot to death, prob-
ably around the turn of the century. A coroner's
examination of the body, discovered in the Long
Beach Pike "Laugh in the Dark" fun house dur-
ing filming for an episode of "The Six Million
Dollar Man," found the fatal bullet in the man's
chest. "The body was professionally embalmed,"
said the coroner, employing a type of hardening
compound used in 'the early 1900s. He added that
it appeared the victim had been medically ex-
ami ed after being shot, but "how the body be-
came available for display is unknown."





my Carter said yes
programs are his fi
ence if the economy
next year, supplem
tax cuts if necessai
While making it cl
hasn't made any fina
the President-elect t
conference on the
steps: "The first r
mains, jobs.
"I'D LIKE TO mov
ly as I can with put
jobs, job-training pro
also public works pr
Carter said. "What
with job opportunitie,
total amount of st
quired would be deriv
a tax decrease."
Carter spoke with
after visiting the Pen
cret war room with

first priority;
cuts posnsible
P) - Jim- dent-elect Walter Mondale. Both fort to move or silencet
terday jobs were briefed on how it operates. But Gen. George Brown,c
irst prefer- Carter said Defense Secretary man of the Joint Chiefs,g
needs help Donald Rumsfeld and the Joint ed at them occasionally
ented with Chiefs of Staff told him how to a frown.
ry. order the use of atomic weap-
ear that he ons. WITH RUMSFELD, B
l decisions, and the other servicec
old a news AS THE FUTURE command- standing nearby, Carter sa
Pentagon er-in-chief walked out of the reply to a question that he
priority re- Potomac River entrance to the believes a $5 billion to $
Pentagon after the briefing, two lion cut is possible in the
small groups of demonstrators tagon budget.
ve as rapid- chanted: "Disarm now, disarm He said anew that the cu
blic service now," and "A future for our is possible through econon
grams and children, Jimmy Carter." Carter had said during thet
ojects . . ." The President-elect gave no paign that such savings
I can't do indication that he heard the possible without endangerin
s to fill the demonstrators, who identified tional security.
imulus re- themselves as a Jonah House Carter said he and Mon
ved through antiwar group from Baltimore, ate lunch with Rumsfeld
Md. the Joint Chiefs. The inco
i reporters Neither Pentagon security of- chief executive said the
tagon's se- ficers nor Secret Service agents and coffee were far better
Vice Presi- guarding Carter made any ef- when he was familiar witht

aid in
e still
7 bil-
g na-


Kissinger pleads for
a code of restraint'

By AP and UPI
BRUSSIFLS, Belgium - Secre-
tary .of State Henry Kissinger,
t leaving his last meeting of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion (NATO), appealed yester-
day for "a code of restraint"
between East and West to keep
the world from sliding into "an
unimaginable catastrophe."
Kissinger addressed a news
conference following a two-day
meeting of NATO foreign minis-
ters, then flew to London to
discuss the deadlocked Geneva
conference on Rhodesia.
AT THE NATO meeting, the
United States and its allies voted
to reject a Soviet proposal that
NATO and the Communist War-
saw Pact agree not to be the
first to use nuclear weapons. A
joint statement said the West
must be free to use any weapon
against an aggressor.
U.S. leaders distinguish be-
tween "first use" and "first
s'rike" my many missiles in
talking about nuclear weapons.
First use might be defensive,
they say, as in a nuclear land
mine used against a tank ad-
The meeting, which was Henry
Kissinger's last foreign mission.
-as secretary of state, also voic-
ed concern about the current
Soviet military buildup and
warned the Kremlin not to take -
advantage of situations like An-
gola to seize opportunistic ad-

THE WESTERN allies also re-
jected a Soviet proposal to freeze
the membership of NATO and
the Warsaw Pact. The rejection
leaves the way open for Spain
to join NATO, a move long ad-
vocated by the United States.
Kissinger said at the news
conference that NATO has two
tasks - to improve its security
to neutralize the growing Soviet
strength and to work for peace.
"In a nuclear age." he said,
"there can be no question we
have a direct responsibility to
prevent any temptation on the
part of those countries that con-
inue' to multiply armaments to
believe that they can achieve
political or economic solutions
by the use of arms."
AT THE SAME time, he went
on, "the future of world peace
and perhaps the survival of hu-
manity depends on whether, in
relations between East and
West, we can find a solution to
our problems and a code of re-
straint lest we slide-again, as
has happened so often in history.
to a series of miscalculations to
seek the accumulation of mar-
ginal advantages and into, per-
haps, an unimaginable catas-
Kissinger left with tributes
from the other Western minis-
ters. NATO Secretary-General
Joseph Luns said, "We in the
alliance have been privileged to

as a young Navy oticer.
IN HIS REMARKS about the
national economy, Carter ap-
peared to be moving away
somewhat from the recommen-
dations he has received over
the past 48 hoursrfrom a $15-
billion tax cut to stimulate the
The large tax reduction has
been urged by nearly all of
his economic advisers and some
of the nation's top business lead-
ers. However, Carter's -advisers
argued for a temporary tax re-
duction while the businessmen
want a permanent cut.
In making it clear his first
preference would be to create
jobs, Carter said Congress al-
ready has enacted legislation
that can be used in such an
effort. Already-enacted jobs pro-
grams include the Comprehen-
See JOBS, Page 8

Is yourber



We don't know who the fat guy is, but the charmer on the left is Brenda Cornett, 7, whose Christ-
mas list is long and varied.

The two-year-old boy paused a moment and
looked at the rotund man hidden behind the
flowing white beard, took two steps forward,
then burst into tears.
The li tle girl next in line eyed the red suit
skeptically and asked, "Is your beard fake?"
For Santa, it's all in a day's work.
The jolly old elf, known as Warren Anthony
eleven months of the year, spends his time from
Thanksgiving through Christmas at Briarwood
Mall listening to the wishes of good little boys
and girls-of all ages.
He breaks his list of those who are likely to be
naughty or nice into age groups. Anthony's best

behaved visitors are infants, who usually have
lit le to say and don't know what's going on any-
way. Between that age and three years, the
children tend to frighten easily and usually
scream or cry.
But it's the post-adolescents who give him fits.
Three London stewardesses. recently dropped by
for a ,stay on Santa's lap, and Anthony found
them "a little overly friendly.' A sixty-five-year-
old who brought her grandchild ended up staying
to get her picture taken with Santa.
The kids ask for toys, sure, but Anthony says
they usually ask a personal question or two as
well: Do you really live at the North Pole?
Where are your reindeer? Is your beard real?

BGS thIves4
Bachelor of General Studies - BGS. Once the degree pro-
gram was the weak sister of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of
Science concentration. People said "Oh, he's a BGS" in the same
way they'd say "Oh, he's from out of town."
Now, the BGS program is thriving. One of every five LSA
students sees the advantages of the program - a lack of dis-
tribution and concentration requirements - as outweighing the
disadvantages - the skepticism of friends and possible em-
ployers towards a BGS 'degree.
"THERE JUST ISN'T a stigma anymore," says Isabel Reade,
a counselor's secretary at Angell Hall. "No one cares what your
degree is called." Reade, a staunch defender of the BGS pro-
gram, knows several Medical School students who graduated with
the BGS.
The degree requires English Corpposition and 120 semester

4m leibiit
hours with a 2.00 grade point average. Half of those hours must
be upper level work with a minimum grade of "C," and no more
than 60 hours in any one department.
Fourteen students formed the first group of BGS majors in
1969. Now, approximately 3,000 students call themselves Bache-
lors of General Studies, though Honors and Residential College
students are still ineligible.
MANY OF THE BGS majors like the program because it
gives them the opportunity to dodge the language requirement of a
BA or BS. "I don't like languages," says senior Paul Shore flat-
ly. "I've applied to Dental School, and they don't care about
Some University officials have reservations about a degree
without a language requirement. Ed Dougherty, assistant to the
Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Frank Rhodes, says students
students should take a language simply because they can't forsee
See BGS, Page 5

Musical cops
What's happened to baton-wielding, head-bash-
ing police at the University of Wisconsin in Madi-
son now that the days of student radicalism are
over? They've gone 'soft. "The new policy is not
to aggravate people-," says officer Hugo Tiedt,
who helps patrol the campus area. Even jay-
walkers are getting a gentle, I-want-to-be-your-
friend treatment. One officers rides a squad car
equipped with a hi-fi system and a loudspeaker,
playing music and exhorting students not to take
chances: "Hello, everybody. Watch your step. Pro-
tect yourself. A wise person crosses only at an
Ghostly goings-ont
The British Medical Association (BMA) says
its headquarters in London are haunted, possibly
by the ghost of Charles Dickens' wife. The current
edition of the BMA News Review says three clean-
ing women have spotted the shimmering, veiled
figure since it was first seen in the building's
library several years ago. "The part of the li-
brary where the physical phenomenon is associa-
ted is the part which is built over Charles Dick-
ens' garden and is the nearest point to the house
in which the author lived," the magazine re-
On the inside ..
The Meg Christian concert a few nights ago
was No Man's Land as far as the audience was
concerned. Jim Shahin describes his fruitless ef-
forts to get inside for the Editorial Page ... Les-
lie Brown brings you all the action of the Michi-
gan-Michigan State Hockey game for Sports ...
and the Arts and Entertainment page has its
handy-dandy Happenings calendar for the week





U.N. p
Third World and Western
nations joined forces in a' rare
display of unity yesterday to
approve, at the committee lev-
el, a plan for an international
treaty against the taking of
A resolution sponsored by
West Germany and 37 other
nations was adopted by con-
sensus in the legal committee
of the General Assembly. Sub-
sequent passage by the full as-
sembly is largely a formality
because all 146 member nations
sit on the committee.
establishing a 35-nation panel
to draft a treaty committing
governments to prevent the
taking of hostages and to pun-
ish those who take them.
The treaty, not expected be-
fore the end of 1978, would be
the first U. N. - sponsored anti-
terrorism measure seeking
jurisdiction over the entire
world's population.
A West German diplomat
hailed the decision as the "fin-


OK's pact

only to "innocent" hostages.
The United States and other
Western nations objected on
the grounds that the word
might be used to exclude Jews
or white South Africans from
treaty protection.
In return, the West Germans
and their 37 other cosponsors
agreed to delete a provision
saying that the taking of hos-
tages should be condemned,
prohibited and punished and
that those involved should be
prosecuted or extradited for

BUT THEY SAID the delega-
tion from the mandate given
the treaty - writing panel
would not compromise the final
Agreement was sealed Thurs-
day when more than 100 mem-
bers of the Group of 77, the
most powerful bloc of develop?
ing countries in the United Na-
tions, gave their endorsement.
The Soviet Union and other
Communist countries followed
The resolution represents a
ee NATIONS, Page 5

Judge calls cocaine
laws unconstitutional
BOSTON f) - A District Court jusdge said yesterday that
cocaine is far less dangerous than cigarettes or alcohol and
declared the Massachusetts law banning its use unconstitutional.
Jldge Elwood McKinney dismissed the case against a defendant
{ charged wi h possession in Roxbury District Court. However, court
officials said his decision does not set a precedent and has no

k f

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