Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, December 10, 1976 . . maj :;, I 'SE g F p A a F FOR RENT SPACIOUS, quiet efficiency, $150,1 utilities included. 5 mnin. to Diag. Nice bath, kitchen. 663-3768. 8101212 AVAILABLE in January-Efficiency apt. Good location. Parking. 662-1947. FOR RENT FURNISHED APTS. One block from campus. 4 mo. winter lease. Uni- versity Towers, 761-2680. cCtc, SUBLET WANTED TO RENT 72C1212 ALICE LLOYD TRIPLE. Call Ken, SIX BEDROOM house 764-5915 persistently. 59U1211 SIX EDROM huseon campus, _______ ______ parking, fireplace, partly furnished. JAN., FEB. Quaint cottage just off all utilities paid. $700 a month. North Campus. 665-2653, late eve- Lease till Sept. Grad students pre- nings, early morning. 88Ui212 ferred. 761-9356. 66C1212 ONE BEDROOM available for female BEAUTIFUL, modern 2 - bedroom intwo bedroom apt, beginning Jan- apartment on campus. $306 plus uary. $87.50 a month. Located on electricity. Nicely furnished, air- Stadium and Pauline. Call 769-7345, conditioned. Jan.-Sept. 662-0216. before 10:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. dC1212 86U1212 SKI CABIN FOR RENT SINGLE ROOMS in Large Attractive Rent a log cabin for skiing and House. Excellent .location. Co-op winter fun by the week. South- meals. Kitchen. 662-4732, 662-3952. western Mass. Richard Kempter, 662-!, 89U1212 4826. -_29C1212& COOPERATIVE household seeks fe- male. $90/mon. plus utilities. 3 blocks from Union., Mainly vegetar- ian. 761-3940. 73L1219 WANTED-Two bedroom apt. close to campus. Beginning Jan. 1. Call Rick, 764-1620, or 764-5611. 46L1212 DESPERATE-Need 3-4 bedroom apt. with lease ending in May. Please call 668-7574. 91L1211 ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE, must share room in furnished 2-bedroom apart- ment. Close to campus. 663-3624. 69Y1212 ALBERT TERRACE-Male roommate needed for winter semester. 662-2453. 68Y1212 ROOMMATE N E E D E D. Carpeted, furnished, beautiful townhouse. 1.5 miles from campus. $80 & utilities. 9$4-5191. 47Y1210 AM GOING overseas. NEED serious female student to fill my place in 4-person apt. for next term. Great roommates, rent negot. Call 662- 6029. 21Y1212 MUSICAL MDSE., TRAVEL HELP WANTED PERSONAL PERSONAL RADIOS REPAIRS TWO TICKETS Detroit - London. UAC PRINT SHOP needs work-study SUE GONSKA-Have a merry X-mas. ASTRO - ANALYSIS by Luci Ti- CROWN DC300A Power Amplifier Valid till Dec. 24. $150 each, nego- student, 5-10 hrs. p/w. Learn to Love, Santa. 71F1210 tunik, British trained astrologer, 250 watts RMS per channel. Two liable. Detroit, 964-0229 evenings. Print and Business skills-763-1107, -----Private or group sesisons for non- years old, excellent condition. 995- 77P1211 make appt. 72H1210 A SUPER 'PLACE to shop for all threatening, creative problem soly- years old, exelentcondition X - - -.your gifties-unique candles, ster- ing Master Charge-Bank Americard. 1704 Steve 6:00-7:30 p.m. 61X1210TICKETS BABYSITTER -Profesisonal couple i ling silver jewelry, exciting soaps 994-1311. cFl212 STEREO SYSTEM - BSR, Super- ------- - seeking warm, mature babysitter and bath accessories. Little Dipper --- scope, UltraLNR. Excel. cond. $130. WANTED-2 Rose Bowl tickets for to care for toddlers weekdays, 8-5, Candles. 415 N. Fifth Ave. in Kerry- TYPOGRAPHICAL error on part of 995-8702. 54X1210 Christmas presents. 437-0079. 65Q1212 or live-in, w/private room and bath. town (adjacent to Farmer's Market). printer. All CENTICORE 15% off -..- - .. - -...References. Call 761-8477, after 5. cF1210 coupons officially expire on Nov. 30, STEREO COMPONENTS WANTED-4 tickets to any basket- 08H1212 ----- - ------- --- 1976. A 4 SMball or hockey game during Christ- --- ANDY WARHO-Homage to Rich- 20-40% OFF on most brand. Be mas break. Must be good location. WORK-STUDY ard Mutt-on newsstand in "light- PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS smart-fdon't over pay. Call B.L. Co., Call Andy, 663-2023. 50Q1212 Clerical, winter term. $3.50/hr. 995- works." 50F1210 Fhrough B e h a v io r Modification. 995-9337, Mon.-Sat., 11-6. cXtc 2337. 58H12101 Weight Control National, 994-0019. N M Ni NUTCRACKER-Needed, 3-4 tickets M- To PROF. WILLIAM E. PORTER cFto NEW MARTIN D-18 guitarsstarting for any performance except Sat. MARRIED COUPLE to live-in. Com- Thanks for introducing me to a new at $480. Apollo Music Center, 769- night.anion for disabled person. Neat friend-education. Welcome to the 1400. cX1212 tickets if desired. Call 995-2096. living quarters, plus salary. Medical R., a 201 freshman dF12l2 PROFESSIONAL Mlusicians - Free I32Q1212 experience helpful. Call, Homemak--L U E PR___NL u in_-Fe -.ers Upjohn, 761-2285. 17H1212 "MAKE LOVE-NOT WAR" demonstrations of Road amps-base,'-T Y sBo Tik ? (it's good for our business) GOT ANY Rose Bowl Tickets? We FOG guitar, and keyboards. Call for ap- need up to (shudder) six. 995-4869 Nurse Aides Needed Austin Diamond pointment. Apollo Music Center, e'es uty health care positions 1209 S. University, 663-7151 R OG 161-9430. cXl212 eves 23Q1212 Private dut eatccr ostonc _-43 X12_-for experienced aides. Choose your eFtc BUSINESS SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS own work schedule. Flexible, part- - G A!D4 - time hours available. Many assign-May only the happiest birds land in THE SECRETARIAT FREE ments close to campus. Call Home your nest. May only the goodies of Typing.n BindinPersonality tests by mail-no obli- life rain down upon your head. R O Editng, Drafting, Lettering gation. Send name and address to EARN UP to $3000 a school year or Love, your Secret Santa dF1210 812 South State Street Test Center, 203 E. Ann St., Ann more posting educational material ~ ~ ~~ 11-6 7 days week 994-3594 Arbor, 48108. 10M1212 on campus in spare time. Send moved. 722 Brooks, Ann Arbor, 995- 611 H U cJtc name, address, phone number (or 4000 . BcF02k9 USED VACUUMS just phone where you can be reach- _ .Ftc FRENCH TUTOR -EXPERIENCED. 5 Month Guarantee. We service all ed), school, references to: Coordina- BUMPER STICKERS. Custom print- XEROX AND OFFSET All levels. $5 hr. 763-6896, after- sor of Campus Representatives, P.O. ed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS; 1217 mazes. Vacuum Cleaner Center, roCapsRpeettvwhl--atMB PRS,17fatowctduiatg noons. evenings. 84J1222kBox 1384, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. eFtc at OP QUIC noneeig.8J 21230 Packard, 761-3677, oMic, 38H1210 fast,.low cost-duplicatin - -1 ' ---Pro-.s__e-_t, . COPY QUICK SWEDISH Language lessons. Native K-ykT CO-OP CONTRACT, male/female, 1217 S. University 76950360 Call 668-6 hteachingexper Bring equipment in on Friday, Dec. MASSEUSES WANTED. $8 hr. Apply $120. Good food/people. 663-8467. _ CFtC 10, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Equip- n person, 215. Fourth Ave. 257E1212 WANTED - D.J.'s . and production FEMALE GRAD. Nice room in con- venient house. Available mid-Janu- ary. $93. 665-7161, 761-9441. 12C1211 ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen privileges, near hospital on corner of Ann & Glen. Available Jan. 1.- Phone 668-9538 after 1 p.m. 76C1212 SINGLE ROOM in rooming house avail. immed. Close to campus. $80! mon. Inc. utilities. 663-8988. 78C1212 ROOMS and a 3-BDRM. SUITE available for 2nd semester. Close to campus. 434-1195. 48C1212 SINGLE ROOM for female in beau- tiful, spacious, well kept. 5 person house. Washer-dryer. Close to cam- pus. 662-2815 OR 662-2812. 45C1212 FREE TO GRAD. student-2 room apartment with garage for student with car in exchange for 13 hrs./ week household .chores. 769-3726. 4101212 $56/MONTH. Own room, full kitch- en, 5 minute drive to North Cam- pus. Call Ken, 995-9784. 52C1210 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share double in North Campus Co- ops for Winter Term. $145.00/mo. gets you good grub, a roof over your head, and utilities as well. Call 663-( 6803 or 663-8880 foff more informa- tion, dC1212 YOUR OEN ROOM. Meet new peo- ple. Lease to a great East Quad single for sale. Female. 763-0762 any- time. 1301210 ROOM $90.00, no lease. Ph. 761-1734 or 665-7808. 2001212 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Large efficiency with parking, close to campus. 8 mo.. lease. $165/mo. Call 662-6823 persistently. 85C1211 APARTM4ENT - Available Jan. 1. Close to campus. Parking. 663-6089. 81C1211 ARE YOU LOOKING for a clean, spacious home with two kitchens, 3 baths and fireplace to sit by? 807 Arch is the 6-person home you've been waiting for. Call 769-6091, after 5 for more information. 57C1212 TWO ROOMS available immediately in houses on campus. Call McKinley Associates, 769-8520, ext. 41. 52C1212 HARRY'S ARMY- SURPLUS WE CARRY FULL LINES IN: 0 Painters Pants * Bib Overalls * 9 Levi's 0* WINTER" SUBLET-One man need- ed. Spacious house-apartment, near campus. $70/mon. Larry: 763-6311. 82U1212 BURSLEY LEASE for female. Great roommate. CHEAP. Must sell. 663- 4052. 84U1212 SPACE AVAIL. for I person in mod- ern 2-bdrm. bi-level apt. Extremely close to campus. 994-6368. 67U1212 LARGE ROOM in three bedroom flat. 662-2294. 44U1212 EAST QUAD Lease for winter term. Sink in room. Call David, 764-5645. Will negotiate. 42U1212 FOURTH FEMALE needed to assume January-May lease in modern two- bedroom apartment on Wilmot. Great roommates. $103/mo. 662-6144. 39U1212 FUNNY, furnished room on first floor of house. Share kitchen, two bathrooms with four others. Park- in, basement storage area. $110/ month, all utilities furnished. 665- 6933. 15U1212 NOW-Winter sublet for one man/ woman in 2-bdrm. apartment. 662- 0575. 26U1212 2 FEMALE roommates wanted-Sin- gles in fantastically located house. $81.25 mo. Call 994-0174. .03U1211 SINGLE FEMALE lease, winter Ierm,GCouzensAHall. 764-5829 per- sistently. 25U1212 2 LARGE EFFICIENCIES; good loca- tion, pets ok. Available Jan. 994- 0789. 46U1211 FEMALE to take over lease Jan. thru Aug. Own room, 2-person apt. Quiet, close to campus. Call 662-1115. 50U1210 ROOM AND BOARD SINGLE ROOMS plus board. $200. Fraternity House. 761-1345. 74E1212 SORORITY LEASE for sale. $185/ mo., 19 meals/wk. Call Chris, 995- 8402. 75E1212 ROOMS AVAILABLE; luxury, food, economy. Gary, Rick, anyone. 662- 0385. 56E1212 SINGLE LEASE in East Quad. Upper class hall, refrigerator avail. 764- 4684. 64E1212 CO-OP LEASE avail. in Lenny Bruce House winter term. $135/mo. room and board includes free parking, washer and dryer, TV, ping-pong, munchies and friendly people. Call 665-5970. 19E1212 CO-OP LEASE Xanadu, winter term, female double, Cable TV, free laun- dry, parking, $135/month. Call Barb, 662-6744 persistently. 16E1211 MALE SINGLE in Alice Lloyd for sale. Free loft included. Call Dan, 764-6974. 70E1212 SINGLE ROOM - 15 meals weekly. $190. 761-9167. 49E111 SINGLE in South Quad, Female, Winter term. 764-9694. 23E1212 COMMUTING to or living at home while going to the U-M bothers you? Check into Theta Xi Fraternity on 1345 Washtenaw. 19 meals per week, close to campus, and an active so- cial calendar. Call Rick or Jim for details at 665-3841 or 761-6133 be- tween 5-7 p.m. or after 11 p.m. 03E1212 ROOM, BOARD AND MEAL con- tracts available for males for winter term. Call 'Mike or Rich, 761-5145. 83E1212 SOUTH QUAD LEASE, male for winter, co-ed hall. 764-6666. 07E1212 FEMALE TO SHARE coed house. $95/mo. for own large room. 662- 7687. 34Y1210 FEMALE TO SHARE two bedroom apartment. $100/mo. for own room. 662-7687, ask for Kathy. 35Y1210 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Own, bedroom. Close to campus. 662-7186. 43Y1212 1 SPACE AVAILABLE after Dec. 20 in 4-woman apartment. Spacious bi- level. Share with 3 cooperative seniors. Call 668-8673 after 5. 40Y1212 HILL AND PACKARD - Spacious, quiet. $110. Call 668-8132 supper- time. 17Y1212 2 WOMEN avail, for holiday bar- tending. References: 665-8936. 78J1212 PARTIES come alive with live music. Con- tract "STRUTTIN'," Detroit's hot- test disco-rock band. 973-9293 or 994-6357. 28J1210 TYPING AND PRINTING. IBM Se ctric. 20 yrs. experience. 116 E. Micnigan. Ypsilanti, 485-4800. c~tc . (:7 a l, l,,1l lu. .0 . ,a 4 t WANTED - Female to sublet one D S N C o e n bedroom in two-bedroom furnished DRESSMAKING, Custom designing. apartment. Close to campus. Nice Alterations, too. Experienced and neighbors. ]riendly roommate. Rent imaginative. 761-4628. 36J1212 negotiable. (Spring/summer option). I AM Call 663-7929 persistently. dY1212 with AM a consderiiable, fee lance typist wit cosidrale experience typing ROOMMATE WANTED - Available books, dissertations, papers. I type mid-Dec. Own room. Close to hos- over 100 wpm, perfect accuracy pitals/campus. Prefer grad. student/ guaraneed. Base rate 70c per page. profssinal Cal Deora, 63-507,IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Bill, 31Y1211 665-0166. cJl212 ~M~- OM~nee-- ~~ - - STUDENT TYPING on campus, rea- share large apartment 1 block from 13J1212 campus. 662-0227. 55Y1212 13J1212 MAN TO SHARE 2-br. apt. in house TYPING Jan.-Aug. Asking $135. 663-0669. andBusiness Services. Experienced- 991212Quality-Reasonable. Barbara Burda, 9 122995-4222. c 1212 MALE ROOMMATE wanted as com- patable fourth in ideal 3-bedroom house. Call us, 761-8773. ,92Y1211 FEMALE GRADUATE or German speaking roommate wanted; own room; reasonable rent; good location. 662-2689. 87Y1212 NON-SMOKER; prefer woman to share home. Small, cheap room near campus. Veggies welcome. 662-3422. 88Y1210 NONSMOKING FEMALE to share beautiful 2 bedroom townhouse. Avail. Jan, Call 971-9536 after 6 p.m. persistently! 67Y1211 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Own room, $125/mon. Sherry, 663-2838. 84Y1212 LARGE BEDROOM in modern two- bedroom furnished apartment. Two blocks away from Law Quad. Friend- ly and studious roommate. $150 per month. Call 995-4360. 04Y1212 FEMALE TO SHARE beautiful 2- pdrm. apartment. Two blocks from campus. Winter term. 314 East Wil- liam, Apt. No. 6. Call 662-4655. 18Y1210 ONE OR TWO WANTED. Old west side house. 663-5088. . 24Y1212 FEMALE TO SHARE large 1-bdrm. apt. Close to campus, furnished and A 'C. $112.50/mon. and utilities. Call1 668-7043 or C68-6906 persistently. 38Y1210 ROOMMATE WANTED-Large house in Burns Park. Call after 6, 662-9449, ask for Fred. 19Y1210 SITUATIONS WANTED COOK - House Dir. avail. Campus: frat/sor. etc,. 12 yrs. exp. Effic., de- pendable. 764-5034. 8001212 SEWING, all kinds. Good, efficient. Also nousecleaning. 995-3790, Beth. 9701212 MAN USCRI PT' TYPEWRITING SPECIALISTS EXCELLENCE IN TYPE IBM Selectrics. Academic/Professional. .U. of Chi. Style Manual Format" BIror-Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EDITING, PRINTING, BINDING. TELEPHONE DICTATION. Pick-up and Delivery, STEPHENS PROFESS IONAL TYPEWRITING SERVICE P.O. Box 181 Ypsilanti, Mich, Ms. Stephens 434-1984 CJ1212 EXPERIENCED profesisonal typist. IBM self-correcting electric. Campus location.L owrates, Call 665-6906. 40J1212 USED CARS CHRISTMAS IN FLORIDA '76 CHEVY VAN 350.LAutomatic, PS & PB, cruise, 15 mpg, low mile- age, many more options. Paneled & carpeted. $5600. Call 665-2532 after 6:30. 58N1212 '70 OLDS CUTLASS, decent condi- tion. Asking $825 but will take best offer. Please call Karen, 995-8300, M-F, 12-6. dN1212 69 JAVELIN; good engine; $300 or best offer. 662-2689. 86N1212 CAR SERVICE, ACCES. TIRES-4 reg. 155S x 13, $50; 2 snow E78 x 14, $35; 2 snow 7.00 x 12 and rims, $40. 665-3395. 70S1212 ment goes on sale Saturday, Dec. 11, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. U-M Sports Coliseum, 721 S. Fifth at Hill. For info, 995-5015. 36M1211 BICYCLE Baby Seat, $7.00; Olym- pia Portable Typewriter, recently reconditioned, $40. Call 434-3699. dM TRANSPORTATION NEEDED - Rose Bowl Riders, in- eludes ticket's.995-0895 after 5:00. 62G1212 RIDE IN LUXURY' and comfort to Sunny Pasadena. Round trip-$80. Section for non-smokers. 449-8147 after 5:00. 60G1212 RIDERS to San Diego/L.A. area. One -way. Leaving 12-26-76. Will pay gas and tolls. Steve, 313-968-2121 evenings. 27G1211 RIDE WANTED - Commuting from WSU area in Detroit td U-M, Mon.- Ththrs. Will share expenses. Call Kathleen at 662-1929 in Ann Arbor, or 873-8786 in Detroit after 9:00. 22G1212 RIDE NEEDED, L.A.. 1, poss. 2, leave Dec. 18, share expenses. Call Marla, 769-5665 atfer 6. 76G1211 LOST AND FOUND FOUND - FOUR KEYS (two VW keys) near L. S & A Building. Come to Michigan Daily to identify. dA1211 UNIV. KEY FOUND - Vicinity Hill Aud. Call May Sue, 764-6269 and identify. dA1211 LOST - Minature Schnauzer, all blackand shaggy, answers to Max. 363-1171. 06A1211 LOST - 1 pr. wire-rimmed glasses while tobogganing in the Arb. If found please call Ned at 761-4281 or 761-4286. 90A1212 HELP WANTED RESEARCH TECHNICIAN in im- munology. B.S. or higher. New facil- ities, excellent working conditions. Bruce S. Ribner, M.D., Medical Col- lege of Ohio at Toledo, 419-381-4328. 79#11211 EARN EXTRA MONEY Part-time as a Shaklee distributor, selling top- quality products. Unlimited earn- ings, qualify for car. Call JeffMelt- z er at 764-3680. cH0212 TELEPHONE HELP I Tuesday, 9 p.m.-2 a.m.; Thursday, 5 p.m.-2 a.m.; Friday, 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Work any or all hours needed. Apply in person after 4 p.m Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place. dH1210 FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME dish- washer needed Mon.-Sat. Apply Thano's Lamplighter, 421 E. Liberty. WE GIVE a 15 e discount on con- tact 1 e n s preparations. Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave. cFtc DHARMA STUDY GROUP, a Bud- dhist meditation group under the direction of Ven. Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, meets weekly for medita- tioneand study. For information phone 761-3352 or 994-6657, cFtc YEAR END SALE on Chinese dry goods and canned foods. Dec. 13-24 i only. 10% discount on $5-20 pur-I chases, 20% on $20-up, Ling Lee, Inc. 407 N. Fifth. 55B1212I QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS Beauty Rest "Supreme" by Simmons, $100. Call 971-2990 after 5. 56B1212 FOR SALE--GOOSE DOWN JACKET.! Men's size large. Color: dark blue. Call Chris at 764-7943. dB1211 BATHING SUIT I SALE MEN'S AND WOMEN'S New and Used, sizes 28-40 (black tank suits). All suits must go- priced to sell, from $1 to $5. Mar- garet Bell Pool, December 15, 1-5 p.m. 38B1210 19" TV. Black-white, antique desk, l VW car cover, Guatamalan weavings. i 994-4755. After 6:00. 11B1210 COMIC BOOKS, 1964-69, priced to sell. Call 663-4980. dB1211 LEASE FOR SALE-Single room in W.Q. Chicago. Call 764-2775 anytime. 30B1212 FEMALE MARKLEY lease for sale. Good roommate! Call 764-9724. 8PB1210 fill those stockings without spend- ing valuable study time or a lot of money. Call ANYTIME, 662-4401. 12F1212 FREEZE IN EXAMS? FEEL SWAMPED? GET HELP STUDYING 2-hr. workshops starting now. Call the Gestalt Institute of AA, M-F, 1-5 p.m. 994-5777. see Thano. 21H1210 COLOGNE, candy, wine, liquor and many other gifts are available at FOR SALE . the Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Uni- versity. - cF1212 SKI BOOTS - Hanson Exhibition, WEDDING INVITAT size 10-11. Excellent condition. WEDING I ATIONS Mod or Phone 973-9587. 93B1212 traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc LIKE NEW women's leather boots, SHABBAT DINNER-Each Friday at size 8, $25.00. Nancy, 663-8880.3 92B1212' 6 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill. Best _____________________________ Ichicken dinner in town or shtiebl. KIWANIS CHRISTMAS- SALE-Toys, $2.50. Call 663-3336 for reservations. games, skates, skis, sleds, Christmas 29F1210 trees and decorations, etc. 301 W. Ia TI Washington St. (Rear of Kiwanis It's not too late. THERE IS STILL building), 63B1210 ONE AVON SHOPPING DAY BE- _________ __________FORE CHRISTMAS. An easy way to freaks. No pay. Good treatment. Broad musical knowledge necessary. Creativity a must. Do it on the radio. Inquire: 530 S.A.B., 10 a.m.. to 3 p.m dFtc STUDENTS Welcome to the Famous CAMPUS PINBALL SARCADE 1217 South University Open everyday and evening, Good Music. se. 'tc WE ARE MOVING: $15-300 off bicycles in stock and Close-out on sporting goods: 30-50% off on balls, rackets, gloves, shoes, socks. jackets, bags and more. ALLSPORT BICYCLES 2715 Plymouth Rd. Mall 663-2233 cF1212 Offset Printing, Xerox copies, photostats, screened prints, typesetting and much more. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 S. Fourth Ave. 994-4664 1F1212 AMSWER TO PREVIOUS P iiE F2ME GA MI SC TOP THEOPHILUS LOVES CAROL AND A M U S E T A 1NIT E A 0 0 PHYLLIS AND MISSES' THEM +r E BOTH VERY MUCH. RETUiMATE MARRY MEI- E-r 72F1212 OjN T+E ALR E A S SEND HOLIDAY greetings and help PrINC E S E T P a cause. Buy cards from the Assoc. S FTA'R S ILUN IT'R E for Emotionally Disturbed Children, E L GS T Rm. 2339 School of Ed. $1.50 per E E U N I.ii.T package of 10. 77F1212 E U N A T N 1J S -- . ~ CRANE P1!RADtE There is still time to order your E 0 0 S E NHS Sj1 A t1 AVON for this Christmas season. V SI'I1 T IN U L L Spectacular savings! Order now. For +o- free brochure, call 662-4401 anytime.0T lR V 12F12121 R0R V CROSS WORD PUZZLE 1976 LOS ANGELES TIMES 10 ALL BRANDS OF C-B RADIOS (at cost) SAVE 30% OFF REG. PRICES E k t 1 F {i fi I C ~ V E MCAT BOUND? Enroll now in Pre- A E T I V E CA B UN ? E roljow in Premed Society's Individual Prep Pro- I gram. $150, Holiday assignments. $1,250 PER MONTH -1764-5034. - 81F1212 PLUS BONUSES ISRAELI FOLKDANCING. This Sun-I IFQUALIFIED day 1-3 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill. Instruction for beginners and ad- Opening for 2 individuals now, forIvaned. 25c. 28F1212 beginning January 1977. ______ gC AREER7AM LOOKING for ride to Mexico CAREER early Jan. 665-2653. 87F1212 SALES OPPORTUNITY IKIWANIS CHRISTMAS SALE-Toys, LEADING TO ! games, skates, skis, sleds, Christmas[ EXCEPTIONAL INCOME trees'and decorations, etc. 301 w. IN SALES OR Washington St. (Rear of Kiwanis MANAGEMENT building). 63F1210 Comprehensive 3 year program train- PHYLLIS-You're'special. I'm stupi- lng. Degree or business equivalent ifled. May your holidays be ecstatic. preferred. Responsible individualsAllmylove,Gary. 90F1210 submit resume to Box 794, South- COPIES-2VZc each field, MI 48037. 85H1212 Lowest Prices Anywhere MATURE husband wife team to IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 I manage personal self storage de-_---- WATERPROOF HERMAN SURVIVOR BOOTS (style 1-100) reg. $59.98 NOW_$49.98 FROST-PROOF WOOL SHIRTS reg. $13.49 -NOW $11.49 PRIME NORTHERN GOOSE DOWN JACKETS from $39.98 A FULL LINE OF SWEATERS up to $15.00 FULL LINES OF WINTER COATS: Air Force Parkas Pea Coats 1 6 10 ACROSS Halfhearted Do a laundry job Adriatic port 14 Air component, 15 Department of France 16 Girl's(name:r Abbr. 17 One kind of music man 19 Unvarying 20 Intensified ex- clamation 21 Queries 22 Bit player 24 Enlisted men: Abbr. 25 To the point: Lat. 26 Disloyal 29 Type of vehicle 32 Reduce gradually 33 Dwell in 35 1st cent: date: Rom. 36 Conform (to) 38 Macaw 39 Sand bar 4Tucks partner 2Expose 45 Farm unit 46 Bringto the sur- face 48 Dissonant 50 Aerobatic maneuvers 51 Mine entrance 52 American novel- ist 53 Growl 54 Heliophile's aim 57 Greet 58 One's own legs 61 Taro root 62 Tiny bit 63 Genus of the yew tree 64 A little hay 65 Stalk 66 Diets DOWN, 1 Stir 2 Pinza 3 Swanky 4 Stationery item E Psychological illusion, from the French 6 Paper bags 7 Weeks, in Scot- land 8 Humorist George 9 Tense 10 11 12 13 18 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 velopmnent in Livonia. Ability to ! deal with public, some bookkeep- t ing, honesty and sobriety are re- quirements of the job. Excellentj opportunity for graduate student and wife..Position to be filled im- mediately. Resume to Kastle Keep, Box 248, Birmingham, MI 48012. 94H1212 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Full time, permanent, experienced book clerk. Apply in person Thursday and Fri- day, Dec. 9 and 10, 8 to 10 p.m. only. Centicore Bookshop, 336 Maynard. 51H1210 HOUSEKEEPER needed for perma- nent full-time position to work weekdays 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Paid va- cation and sick, hospitalization. Apply in person at University Tow- ers, 536 S. Forest. An Equal Oppor-' tunity Employer. M/F. cH1212 SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST Need permanent, full-time depend- able person 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Must type minimum 55 wpm. Paid vacation and sick, j hospitalization. Salary commensu- rate with abilities. Apply in person! at University Towers, 536 S. Forest. An Equal Opportunity Employer. M F. cH1212 Outdid Reveille device Terza - Verb ending Bone: Prefix Helpful pictures Kind of school Popular colors - about Lowest point Geometrical figures Remnant Miser, in Moliere title BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DEN IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SWEATERS $8.00-$15.00 BEST SELECTION of Western Shirts in town 31 American poet 34 French writer 37 - war 40 Part of an ax 4 'Just punishment 44 1888 camera 47 Large blob 49 Unique events 51 China Sea region 52 African ravine 53 Portal 54 Move along a runway 55 cJack-in-the- pulpit 56 Noun ending 57 Chop 59 Impetuous 60 I 12 q 1 21 24 28 -j37 5 -5 7 8 9 I --de mer 1 11 12 13 16 19 18 LC JL ~26 27 t32 36 25 34 3 35 ~39 j40 I I a 1 1 I I I I 1