{ tiE~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY A rts &E n t r a et Thursday, December 9, 1976 Page Fivek Soph Show has feminist twist I HARRIET (Dana Barton) spars verbally with her ribald admirer, Dorimant (John Wojda) In a scene from PTP's "Man of Mode", which began last night in the Frieze Bldg's Arena Theatre. By JOANNE KAUFMAN future, to say nothing of a key THE TITLE of this year's to the executive washroom. The Soph Show, How To Suc- title of the books is - you ceed in Business Without Real- guessed it - -How To Succeed ly Trying, which opens tonight in Business Without Really Try-' in Mendelssohn Theatre is quite ing. He has to slay a few dra- a mouthful to swallow. gons along the way - a few aous th tlot swallo rnvice presidents, the boss' neph-, So is the plot which concerns ew, and the boss himself; of acertain Pierpont Finch's course boay meets girl and boy, climb up the executive ladder. loses girl. Actually he starts at the top of a ladder - as window washer But why do I keep referring at World Wide Wickets - but to J. Pierpont as "he." Gloria willingly trades it in for a Steinem and Betty Friedan crack at a three piece suit and should only be at Lydia Men- a home in New Rochelle. delssohn at 8 tonight, For in And how does he do it? Well, this version of Abe Burrow's it seems that J. Pierpont has Pulitzer Prize winning play, gotten hold of a tome that con- Pierpont is a female window tains the key to his successful washer who chucks it all for A TEN DAY SEMINAR IN ISRAEL Specially planned for full-tim, faculty Departure date: Dec.20, 1976 Price: $599 Includes air fare, hotels and all accommodations For further information contact Rabbi Shael F. Siegel AMERICAN ZIONIST FEDERATION 515 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 (212) 371-7750 that same three piece suit, a home in New Rochelle and, yes, a key to the executive wash- room. Here too there is ro- mance - gir'l meets boy, girl loses boy and girls gets boy (No; I won't reveal the ending.) AVID T. V. viewers may find a number of the songs from the show strangely familiar. Two of them, "Brotherhood of Man"! and "I Believe in You" have been bastardized into commer- cials for cars, beer and razor! blades. Phoebe S By JIM SHAHIN PHOEBE SNOW has been gar- nering rave reviews from all sorts of people. y Her voice can .slide with an easy elasticity, and fall soft as snow on your ear. She can ever nearly belt when she really puts her mind to it. But, though she is touted as a major talent and brilliant new pop star, hers is a submarine sandwich without the meat. Her recent release, It Looks Like Snow (clever, huh?) is good, but could've been better if there was more beef to the bite. THE STRINGS - as in most pop albums - are there for no apparent purpose, except to pad things. They make her better compositions sloshy. It's mysti- fying that the producers decided to make her sound as if she were singing from the bowels of a musk melon, when they had so many top-notch sidemen help- ing out. Melodically, the album is noth- ALL NEW HARDCOVER BOOKS 10% OFF Many 25% Off CENTICORE BOOKSHOPS 336 Maynard ' 1.229 S. University 1,% OFFI SHEEPSKIN Coats, Hats, and Vests for Men and Womaen V 0 LARGE SELECTION " IDEAL GIFT FOR XMAS HOUSE OF IMPOR1S 769-8555 320 E. LIBERTY )nOw: Fair ing special. In fact, there's n much that's memorable on tl album, although you might fin i yofirself humming "Autobio raphy (Shine, Shine, Shine) It's up-tempo a n d catch "Mercy On Those" is also a interesting track, owing more1 its sentiments than its structur lot be nd )g- iy. and to e. ORIGINAL PRINTS-SCULPTURE by Ralph A. Wolfe U-M Art faculty Friday-Sunday l1:00a.m.-6:00 p.m, The unwardly mobile J. Pier- who has danced in Guys and pont, who believes in the bro- Dolls, and Damn Yankees therhood of man and in herself choreographed; Lief Bjland and is here played by Judy Valenti. Scott Eyerley, both students in Rick Gondelman plays the the School of Music, served as faithful Benjamin Pilkington musical director and choral di- who vows to keep dinner warm rector respectively. for his tired executive wife. And just what are wickets Other cast members include anyway? Producer Jim Stern Reginald Cathey as J. B. Gig- may know but he's not telling. ley; Pat Kolinski as Brett Why not pick up a ticket for Frump; and Don Dennehy as Soph Show '76 and find out Smitty. Ron Shapiro, a veteran for yourself. If you're a busi- of both sides of the proscenium ness major just think what it arch, directed; Sherry Fenkell could do for your career. Discount on Beer & Cocktails Sunday thru Thursday 10 pm. to0Ia.m. Cottage INN 663.3'M , gr e r "My Faith Is Blind" throws THRU JANUARY her worst at us. Lots of strings, lots of voices, lots of repeated verses, no development, less STUDIO GALLERY thought. 350 W. N. Territorial Rd. The next cut, and the album's Ann Arbor last, is however, redeemable. Called "Shakey Ground," it has (313)-663-8909 an aura of foreboding as she expresses her feelings of being hurt. It's marked by a solid,1 phone 76-0562 funk-oriented bass line that shares a good rapport with the drums. Unfortunately, it, like tooi e Dai many of the other songs, fades ArtsDepar ent! out, mired in redundancy. GUITARS 1 4 A SSA V E, o REG. NOW , ' Earth CMX-7 $1,354 $1075 T O Earth 1958 $ 539 $ 415 e ( Gibson L6-S $ 499 $ 369 .Martin D-18 $ 700 $ 480 Opus 5 $ 375 $ 299 ROAD AMPS-in store sale price Apollo j 323 So, Main St. Ann Arbor 769-1400 An Elephant drinker 110REnever for" *s Carlsberg Elephant is a unique continental malt beverage with arefreshingly different body and taste. Perfect companion to Carlsberg's two great Danish beers. Carlsberg and C berg Special Dark Lager. R IMPORTED :QS .,U, When school's just begun and already yo're 4 chapters, Spapers, 2 outlines and 1 project behind ...it's no time to get filled up.