Ford sells more technology to China; Carter favors idea THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Det.lPldN-p.", gy dk.. 11 fella ?s Where'syoursense of honor, Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 I Thursday,I December 9, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan .Korean ,diplomat may be key in payoffs, ease UHE FBI HAS FOUND a South Ko- rean diplomat willing to dis- cuss the details of South Korean in- fluence in Congress, and the Seoul Government has consequently de- manded that he be turned over to South Korean authorities. Obvious- ly, they want to silence him, for a full ldisclosure of South Korean meddling in Congress would be both embarrassing and costly to the South Koreans. But it would be foolish to comply with their demands. Their concern over this one man indeed indicates that we should be doubly curious about what has been going on. Being investigated by the FBI is the allegation that South Korea has been spending one million dol- lars a year since 1970 to gain influ- on a diplomat from South Korea, we should listen for any pertinent infor- mation he may have. However, it is ence on Capitol Hill. Even the pros- pect of these payoffs is intolerable- it is bad enough that our'Congress- people trade votes for payoffs from American concerns -- it is worse still thatsome might have been ac- cepting payments from abroad.iOur Congresspeople are elected to repre- sent our interests and not the inter- ests of a repressive dictatorship in South Korea. AS LONG AS we've got a handle difficult to say whether or not the diplomat, Embassy First Secretary Kim San-keun, is being physically detained by the FBI or if he is just remaining here on his own free will, supposedly asking for political asy- lum in the U. S. The South Korean Government maintains that we're holding him against his will and if we don't let him go the United States "will hard- ly avoid international criticism." It is doubtful, though, that the1 FBI is actually keeping Kim under lock and key. Under this fairly staid deduction, we may assume that is is probably true that Kim knows some information about South Ko- rean capitol hill payoffs or gifts, or at least Kim's government may think he knows. Or, it is also possible that Kim is in trouble with some of his superiors and is saving himself by telling the FBI he knows some im- portant facts so they'll protect him. Regardless, South Korea wouldn't want Kim back unless he was im- portant to them. On that grounds alone, the United States should al- low Kim protection unless, of course, they're forcefully detaining him. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Tim Schick, Ken Parsigian, Bill Turque, M arg a ret Y ao, Laurie Young, Eileen Daley Editorial Page: Rob Meachum, Tom Stevens, Steven Kursman Arts Page: Lois Josimovich Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens By BANNING GARRETT a candid Pacific News Service the Pent net post JN PERHAPS its last foreign The C policy initiative, the Ford ad- mous, h ministration has quietly decided ble cabi to sell military-related technolo- Assistant gy to Peking - a significant (under J step toward military ties with told PN the People Republic. And with that he two of Jimmy Carter's top Chi- vantage' na advisors on record favoring China an 'similar sales, the new admini- would d stration is likely to continue the with the policy. The issue of stepped-up mili- KEE tary ties with the Chinese, with its potentially great impact on the delicate triangular balance The m between Washington, Peking surfaced and Moscow, is extremely sen- ign Polic sitive. There is no quicker way analyst to get a "no comment" in lowed b2 Washington today than to in- same pu quire about it. analyst1 and Brol President Ford, forced to ties with comment on what was to have what w been a secret decision to sell Chinese two advanced Control Data Soviet U Corp. Cyber 172 computers to Bae China after it was leaked to ased Aviation Week, denied the com- puters have any relationship to cussions, defense. They were ostensibly also thin intended for use by China in C Biac oil exploration. viet con But well-informed sources in 0 Kee the defense and intelligence es- tied dow tablishments insist that the com- - or e puters have well-known military troopso uses, including the control of over-the-horizon radars for de- tecting incoming ICBM missiles WiL The Pentagon itself has used W'~ the Cyber 172 computer for nu- clear weapons calculations. These sources also say the de- cision to sell the computers marked a distinct policy shift and came after a year of high- level and sometimes bitter de- bate within the administration. They add that the computers were seen from the beginning ANA as a way of bolstering China's AA defenses against the Soviets. cont The Carter administration operati could reverse the policy-though America probably not the specific com- On puter sale - after January 20. cadetsz But Carter's top China advisors, everyth Harvard professor Jerome Co- to jung hen and the University of Mich- Sinc igan's Michael Oksenberg, have fense fu both taken public stands for a greatest subtle tilt toward Peking with to om ! sales of military-related tech- N nog.Oksenberg did so in AN testimony before a House sub- wing ii committee last spring, and Co- troubles hen followed in a recent article a milit in the influential Foreign Af- Wh fairs. are re "In some circumstances," Co- militar hen writes, "the United States But might surely see the desirability to see of denying some items to the to send Soviet Union while selling them use of to Chinasin order toreduce own ar China's strategic inferiority." from c But he does not favor an in- like Ch stitutionalized military alliance lI with China, arguing that it 'In "would seriously upset the So- and are viet Union and further stimu- Boyd." late the trend toward a return not wis to the Cold War." difficult Other Carter China advisors are also known privately to fa- MIOST vor such a policy, including for- w mer defense secretary James cas. Schlesinger. who has publicly The referred to China as a "quasi- base of ally" of the U.S.; was invited t h to Plains,tGa., to brief Carter to the soon after his recent trip tor 1China. Since then Schlesinger fre- M quently has been mentioned as travels; Healt By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK QUESTION: What's this new Health Service fee that was on my tuition as- sessment form all about? Can you tell us how it happened? Answer: The Health Service fee came about by action of the University Bud- get Priorities Committee. For several years now the State Legislature has been encouraging the University to make all non-teaching activities self- suppo ting. Since Health Service is a non-teaching facility, other sources of support needed to be developed. Conse- quently, a Health Service Funding Com- mittee was established by the Univer- sity executive office to develop a plan for making our facility progressively self-supporting. Over the next five years, therefore, as the University general fund monies are being reduced in a step- wise fashion, a gradually increasing stu- dent fee will be replacing it. It is im- portant to realize that this student fee does not represent any new monies com- date ,for his old job at tagon or another cabi- t. arter camp is not unani- owever. Another possi- net appointee, former Secretary of Defense Johnson) Paul Warnke, S in a recent interview does "not see the ad- in military ties with d is concerned that they damage U.S. relations Soviets. PING THE SOVIETS IN LINE ilitary sales debate first a year ago in a Fore- cy article by Rand Corp. Michael Pillsbury, fol- y a May article in the blication by senior CIA Roger Brown. Pillsbury wn argued that military China would head off orries Washington most: rapprochement with the Jnion. o n these articles and of off-the-record dis- foreign policy insiders nk a military tilt toward ould: ster its deterrent to So- ventional attack; , p 45-50 Soviet divisions vn on the Chinese border wen force them to pull out of Eastern Europe L INSTITUTION SURVIVE? U.S. sehool trains rightists to beef up their Chinese flank; * Give Moscow reason to fear American military assistance to China in the event of a Sino- Soviet war; ! Provide a lever over the Soviets - the threat' of more military aid to China - in bi- lateral negotiations like the SALT talks or conflicts in other areas of the world; * Provide a "pay-off" to Chi- nese leaders for their opening to the U.S. - which since 1972 has stagnated - thus bolster- ing their ability to defend that policy; 9 And allow the U.S. to take decisive steps to improve rela- tions with the Peoples Republic while at least temporarily cir- cumventing the thorny problem of Taiwan. Before the recent comiruter sale, the U.S. had permitted China to buy military equip- ment - including jet engines and helicopters - from U.S. allies like Britain, West Ger- many and France. The sales could have been vetoed by the U.S. through a western commit- tee to control export of strateg- ic items to communist coun- tries - called COCOM. But China wanted some mili- tary technology available only from the U.S., and in October 1975 "low-key" Chinese feelers to U.S. corporations were re- By STEPHEN KINZER Pacific News Service MA CITY, PANAMA - Here in Panama, one of the most roversial elements of the canal dispute is a U.S. 'Army n most Americans have never heard of: the School of the as. a spacious tract of Canal Zone land called Ford Amador, and officers from 17 different Latin nations come to learn ing from military intelligence and the use of explosives le warfare and counter-insurgency strategy. e many Latin armed forces perform both police and de- unctions - and international invasions are unlikely - the t value of the school comes in training Latin governments bat domestic unrest. D BECAUSE SO MANY of these governments are right- iilitary dictatorships, the existence of the school here many Panamanians - whose government, though itself ary dictatorship, is fiercely nationalistic and populist. le saying nothing publicly, American military officials portedly trying to convince the Panamanians to let the y school remain here. Panamanian Foreign Minister Aquilino Boyd is anxious it leave - despite the fact that Panama itself continues troops to the school. Panama's government defends its the school as necessary for the professionalization of its my, but objects to the training of military and police ountries charged with consistent violation of human rights, ile and Brazil, on its soil. Panama, troops are being trained in counter-insurgency used against our brother peoples in some countries," says "This creates problems for us with those peoples. We do h to retain those installations which put us in such a t position." C LATIN AMERICAN NATIONS, including all the right- ing governments, send troops to the School of the Ameri- Nicaraguan National Guard, for example - the power one of the harshest Latin dictatorships -.sends its cadets school for a full year before using them in its war against guerrillas. r. Kinzer is a Boston-based freelancer who frequently in Latin America. Service The year after Chile's military junta overthrew the'socialist government of Salvador Allende, the U.S. Department of the Army reported that Chilean'-attendance jumped to 60 per cent of all students. The Bolivian troops who tracked and killed Che Guevara were trained at USARSA, as the Army calls the school. AND DURING THE VIETN'AM WAR, many American and foreign troops received special instruction at the Jungle Opera- tions Training Center before entering combat. Among the graduates of the school are Presidents Hugo Ban- zer of Bolivia and Guillermo Rodriguez of Ecuador, both gen- erals. Other alumni include the chief domestic security officer in Chile and the Army Chiefs of Staff in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Uraguay. At the same time, Panama's own populist leader Gen. Omar Torrijos is also a graduate - as were most of the progressive generals who launched extensive reforms in Peru after their 1968 coup. PERHAPS THE CLEAREST STATEMENT of the importance of the training program to the U.S. comes from former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. "These students are handpicked by their countries to become instructors when they return home," he told the House Appropriations Committee. "They are the com- ing leaders.... "I need not dwell upon the value of having in positions of leadership men who have firsthand knowledge of how Americans do things and how they think. It is beyond price to us to make friends of such men." All courses at USARSA are taught in Spanish, and the in- structors come from the officer corps of both the U.S. Army and selected Latin forces. Each course is modelled after courses taught at military schools in the U.S. Most of the training is in anti-guerrilla operations, both urban and rural. Students are taught commando techniques that can be applied in the jungle or highland terrains that Oaracterize the continent. In addition to USARSA, which last year graduated 1,681 stu- dents, there are also Navy and Air Force instructional schools. The three schools operate on a budget of nearly $5 million, paid for by the respective U.S. services. What will happen if the schools- are forced to close? "That is not our concern," says Foreign Minister Boyd. "Per- haps they can be moved to Florida." Handbook ported in a CIA document ob- tained by the press. The Chi- nese were reportedly shopping for such items as Lockheed's C-141 c!'rec transport aircraft, Itek's satellite cameras and RCA's radar and communica- tions equipment, as well as the Cyber 172 computer. Last April former defense sec- retary Schlesinger revealed that top officials informally had dis- cussed military aid to China while he was in the administra- tion. And in May Secretary of Commerce Elliot Richardson fueled speculation of American action by stating publicly in Tokyo that the U.S. would be willing to discuss arms sales to China if Peking raised the is- sue. Leaks appeared again in June 1976 when Forbes magazine re- ported that according to a "high-ranking U.S. intelligence officer," the Chinese were try- ing to buy American helicopters, anti-submarine warfare equip- ment and anti-tank weapons. Well-informed sources report that in July China expert Rich- ard Solomon left the National Security Council staff in oppo- sition to the evolving military tilt toward China. When the decision to okay the computer sales was leaked to Aviation Week this October, the administration not only denied the possible military use of the computers but also announced it was selling a similar com- puter to the Russians. But the sales are not as "even- handed" as they might appear. Because the Soviets already have similar computer technolo- gy and the Chinese do not, the sales will be a step toward clos- ing the gap between them. The tilt toward China is also / indicated by the fact that the National Security Council rec- ommended less than normally stringent safeguards over the use of the computers in China. Aviation Week reported that the exception was made because the secretary of state had conclud- ed the sale was in the foreign policy interest of the U.S. In addition, the decision to sell the computers was highly classi- fied - another indication that it was not a routine commer- cial sale. Kissinger further signalled a tilt toward China when in Oc- tober he twice announced that the U.S. would "take an ex- tremely dim view of a mili- tary attack or even military pressure" on China. Banning Garrett is an editor of the International Bulletin, published by Internews, an in- ternational news service based in the Bay Area of California. °rl '/ the excellence of treatment available here at a very reasonable cost. Compar- ing the cost of medical care outside the Health Service makes one aware of the bargain one has here. Medical fees are higher from Ann Arbor physicians or at the clinics of either the University or St.. Joseph's hospital., The Health Service fee entitles en- rolled students to unlimited visits to the general medical clinic during /regular visiting hours, 8 to 5 Mondays through Fridays and 8 to 12 on Saturdays. Just as was true before, lab tests, specialty clinics, x-rays, prescriptions and after- hour visits are on a fee for service ba- sis. Question: How about detailed informa- tion in The Daily on the progesterone IUD that will be available at the Health Service soon, i.e., effectiveness, expul- sion. rate in mothers and non-mothers, dangers, side-effects, advantages, cost, etc.? Answer: Glad you asked because the Health Service gynecology clinic has re- The local effect it has is thought to. make the uterine surface inhospitable to an implantation This device and the copper IUD, which we also have at Health Service, were originally design- ed for the woman who has never been pregnant. The tendency for the body is to try to expel any foreign object, but a uterus which 'has experienced a preg- nancy becomes more tolerant to for- eign bodies. Thus, a uterus which has not harbored a fetus attempts to con- tract and push out the IUD. CONSEQUENTLY, the expulsion rate is rather high for the ordinary IUD and it was hoped that the copper one and the progestasert would decrease that rate. It is also not clear that they are more effective than other IUDs. The ad- vantage of the progestasert over the conner IUD was thonht to be its small sire. However. the laree'inserter neces. snrv to nlace it in the uterus annear to esise more nain at the time of inser- tion than other IUDs. Wa Art in - o , ,r.cul,, 4veie to our gynecology clinic she will be given all the information on the various devices, will be helped in weighing their advantages and disadvantages, and will have the opportunity to make a choice based on the facts received measured against her own medical history and life style. Ietters To The Daily: Dear Sandy Williams: You have written the letter of the year! What a superb ex- ploration of the impact of rape on the civil rights of women. What creative suggestions! We loved it! Kathy Shortridge, v . ;