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December 09, 1976 - Image 1

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it ian

Dali 11

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 15 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 9, 1976 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Laskey quits
Brian Laskey resigned last night as president
of the Literary College Student Government
(LSASG), with the intention of devotingmore
time to his duties as the Michigan Student As-
sembly's (MSA) parliamentarian. In a letter ad-
dressed to LSASG's executive council, Laskey
said, "I feel I could better serve the interests
of the students of the college by being an active
and fulltime member of MSA rather than try to
divide my time and loyalties .." LSASG Vice
President Rachel Solom is expected to take over
the vacant post.
Yesterday, we incorrectly listed the number of
the Crisis Center as 764-HELP. Actually, the num-
ber is 761-HELP. We're sorry.
Happenings.. .
. ..start at noon, today with a brownbag lunch
at 5208 Angell Hall featuring University Asst. Span-
ish Prof. J. M. Sobre speaking on "Homage to
Catalonia: Literature Division" . . . and for des-
sert, in the same room at 1:30, there will be an
informal public discussion of the Frankfurt School
. . . at 2:30, the Advisory Committee on Recrea-
tional Intramural and Club Sports (ACRICS) will
meet in the Central Campus Recreation Building
Conference Room . . . all aspiring Carl Bersteins
and Barbara Walters should head to the Rackham
Assembly Hall at 3:00 to hear Carol Sutton, asst.
editor and publisher of the Louisville Courier Jour-
nal and Times, speak on ethics in journalism-
refreshments gill be provided . . . if lunch didn't
fill you up, the weekly Hopwood Tea, complete
with cookies, will be held from 3-5 in the Hopwood
Rm., 1006 A. H... . . at 4:00, ,the Department of
Near Eastern Studies is holding a seminar on
New Dimensions in the History of Writing," fea-
turing Prof. George Mendenhall, at the Frieze
Bldg., Rm. 3050 . . . at 4:30, lecture Rm. 2 of
the MLB, Jean-Francois Lyotard will speak on
"L'incorporation" = the lecture will be delivered
in French with a simultaneous translation into En-
glish . . . the U of M Ski Club meets at 7:00 in
the Assembly Hall of the Union . . . at 7:30 in the
Catholic Social Services Conference Room at 117
N. Division, Jody Bisdee, coordinator of the re-
cently opened Assault Crisis Center, will outline
the center's services and goals . . . and Jeri
Holister, Doreen Paul, Vic Ottati and Jeff Wine
will close the day by reading their own poetry at
Guild House, 802 Monroe, at 7:30.
Stubborn as a goat
Billy the goat tried as hard as Mary's little
lamb to follow his master to school, but Billy the
school bus driver prevailed. School authorities in
Charleston, W. Va., said when Bill Miller stopped
his school bus Monday at the Johnson home, one of
the Johnson's goats followed the children onto the
bus. Miller put'the goat off, but when he opened
the door for late arriving children, the goat hopped
back aboard and into the driver's seat. Miller
again removed the goat and closed the door. Not to
be denied, however, the goat hopped on the hood
of the bus, leaned against the windshield and re-
fused to move. Finally, Miller hailed two passers-
by, who helped remove the goat, and held him
while the bus driver made good his escape.
Monopoly causes inflation
Boardwalk worth $2 million? Park Place at $1.5?
Hotels costing $500,000 a piece? If you're expect-
ing Monopoly's property values to change to match
the increased values of Atlantic City, N. J. proper-
ties that the game copies - forget it. A spokeswo-
man for Parker Brothers in New York said the
firm has no plans to update its popular game since
voters in the resort city legalized casino gambling.
Just to show how much real estate values have
jumped since the game's invention in the early
1930's, the Claridge Hotel, at the original Board-
walk, was sold this week for $3.5 million. On the
game board, Boardwalk is worth $400.

Some people will
buty anzything
Not since the city unloaded 150 surplus ducks
has such a crowd shown up at the police station
in Memphis, Tenn. A deluge of 200 went to the
station hoping to pick up a bargain in broken park-
ing meters - 460 of them, three for $4. Within
40 minutes, they were gone, and the city was
$558.67 richer. "I lied to my wife," said Rich Jor-
dan, as he. hauled 30 meters into his car. "I told
her I was buying three. She wouldn't let me out
of the house othgrwise." Jordan, a collector, quip-
ped that he was planning to start his own coun-
try and use the meters in lieu of taxes.
On the insde . .
. . . On the Arts Page, Joanne Kaufman pre-
views the Soph Show, "How to Succeed in Busi-
ness" which opens tonight . . . Rick Bonino lets
us into' his fantasy world for Sports . . . and the
Editorial Page features a Pacific News Service





W~ilson admitte d A

Ricky Wayne ,Wilson, suspected slayer of Univer-
sity freshvoman Jeannine Boukai, made "damaging"
confessionary statements to law enforcement authori-
ties while ,being questioned in Alabama priorto his
return to Michigan, The Daily has learned.
According to Washtenaw County Sheriff's Detective
Harold Kerr, Wilson made "damaging statements (to
detectives) that he did kill the girl (Boukai)," and
received profit from Boukai for the crime.
WILSON, NOW BEING HELD without bond in the
Washtenaw County Jail, was returned here two weeks
ago following his surrender Nov. 2 to the FBI in
Huntsville, Alabama.
Kerr said Wilson received Boukai's Yamaha motor-
cycle and an unspecified amount of cash.
Local authorities had been investigating reports
that Boukai, a 17-year-old Natural Resources student,
purchased a contract on her own life. Authorities have
already ascertained that Boukai withdrew a sum of

cash from a local bank and took out a life insurance
policy shortly before her death.
KERR SAID the Yamaha notorcycle Wilson alleg-
"Asked whether he thought Wil-
son's statements amounted to a con-
fession, Kerr replied, 'Yes, I would
say so'."_
edly received was abandoned in Kentucky, and has
not been found.
Asked whether he thought Wilson's statements
amounted to a confession, Kerr replied, "Yes, I
wo'l d say so."
Kerr also confirmed that Wilson's statements were
not made in the presence of an attorney.
while confirming the disclosure of Wilson's statements

said that Wilson had been informed of his right to
silence before talking with authorities.
"The officer involved in the case is experienced
and he would' not have taken the statements if he
(Wilson) wasn't informed of his rights," said Owings.
Owings declined to comment on whether or not Wil-_,
. son's confession was made in the form of a signed
declining to comment on the"nature of Wilson's state-
ments, said, "I know of no statements taken in con-
travention to his (Wilson's) rights."
"His-case hasn't gone to trial or examination,"
Swartz added, explaining his desire not to comment
on the statement's admissability -as evidence.
Public Defender Ron Carlson, representing Wilson,
also declined comment.
A 14th DISTRICT COURT JUDGE last Thursday
granted a twelve-day postponement of Wilson's pre-
See WILSON, Page 2



The White House con.
firmed yesterday that Pres-
ident Ford has been of-
fered a visiting.teaching
position at the University.
But Ford's answer to the
invitation is not expected
until after President-elect
Jimmy Carter's inaugura-
tion, on January 20. Army
Major Robert Barrett, who
heads the Ford adminis-
tration's transition office,
said "Subsequent review
and concentration will take
place after he is through
concentrating on being
President, which will be
after the 20th."
THE DAY after Ford lost his.
election bid, the executive
committee of the University's
political science , department
voted unanimously to invite
Ford to join the faculty. In a
statement issued yesterday,
See FORD, Page 8
sa y
fraternity (thus exempting it-
self from Title IX), apply for
recognition by MSA as A legiti-
mate student organization, move
out of the Union tower, and
ask MSA for regular office space
in the Union. MSA does not con-
trol the' tower rooms. Michigam-
ua has been called an honorary
society by many, and is thus
subject to Title IX.
THE TRIBE rejected all three
options, but said it would take
the "social fraternity" alterna-
tive if'it could stay in the Tow-
er and pay rent for it. Johnson
See ALL, Page 8


University Vice-President
Henry Johnson will today
notify Michigamua, the all-
male senior society which
has been the focus of a
fiery discrimination contro-
versy, that it 'must meet
federal and University
guidelines if. it wants to
stay on campus.
No final agreement has been
reached. The matter awaits a
response from Michigamua.
after a private meeting of
Michigamua 'members and Uni-
versity officials last week. The
meeting produced a compro-
mise by which the group might
fend off complaints that it vio-
lates Title IX, the federal reg-
ulation which forbids sex dis-
crimination by University-affili-
ated organizations.
University President Robben
Fleming added a clause to the
proposal on Tuesday which cals
for the group to assert that it
does not discriminate by race.
At the meeting last week,
Johnson and his assistant,
Thomas Easthope, offered Mich-
igamua these options:

* Admit women, thus allevi-
ating the sex discrimination
complaints leveled at "the
Tribe" by Michigan Student As-
sembly (MSA) vice-president
Amy Blumenthal and former
MSA member Anita Tanay.
* Sever relations with the
University, including the free
lease of i'oom space in the Mich-
igan Union tower and use of
Radrick Farms. Title IX forbids
sex discrimination only by
groups which receive "signifi-
cant (financial) assistance"
.from a university.
* Establish itself as a social.


Chrsti-as lights
Main St. glowed with the trappings of the holiday season yesterday evening, as Christmas lights
burned brightly through the bitter cold air.
Local executive could
be next Treasury head

personnel changes'
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President-elect Carter flew into Washington
last night to consider personnel. changes in defense and intelli-
gence agencies, the FBI and the Federal Energy Administration.
Carter said he had made no decision yet on whether to replace
FBI Director Clarence Kelley, who has stated he would like to
remain in his post.
EARLIER TODAY in Plains, Ga., Carter met with W. Michael
Blumenthal of Ann Arbor, a leading contender for Secretary of
the Treasury, (See story below), and Dr. Harold Brown, in line
for the Defense post.
- Brown, Pentagon research
director, and later Air Force
Secretary under President Lyn-
don Johnsonwho is President
of the California Institute of
::.. -Technology, is Carter's likely
choice for the Pentagon when
his administration takes over
on January 20, according to in-
formed sources in Washington.
'f Blumenthal, chairman of the
Bendix Corporation, is said to
be vying with Charles Schultze,
Budget Director in the John-
son Administration and now
with Brookings Institute in
Washingtot, for the Treasury
WHEN CARTER arrived here
last night, he played down re-
ports of bad relations between
two of his ton advi.5ors. He told
reporters that rumors of trou-
ble between Jack Watson, head
<"f of his transition team, and per-
sonal advisor, Hamilton Jordan,
were "a lot of mythology."
yr .:"If there was any'"truth to
them, I wouldbeaconcerned,"
he said.
Disagreements between Wat-
son and Jordan were common
f..- - ~.~~

W.?Michael Blumenthal. an Ann Arbor resi-
dent and President and Chairman of the Board
of the Bendix Corporation, is reportedly a lead-
ing candidate for treasury secretary in Jimmy
Carter's cabinet.
Blumenthal met with the President-elect in
Plairs, Ga. yesterday to discuss the possible
YESTERDAY'S EDITION of the Wall Street
Journal reorted that Blumenthal's chief com-
petition f'r the post is Charles Sch'iltze, cur-
rently of the Brookings Institute and former
budget director in the Johnson administration.

Trade Negotiations at the Geneva tariff talks.
Blumenthal, who was an early supporter of
Carter, told employes and colleagues at Bendix
some months ago that he had "no intention of
leaving' the company."
But :John Bell, Director of Corporate Com-
munications at Bendix, says the situation has
changed since Carter's election, and Blumenthal
has not foreclosed the possibility of accepting
the Cabinet position.
CHARLES OVERBERGER, University vice-
president for research, who knows Blumenthal
by reputation only, said, "I think he's consid-
ered to be a good economist and an able execu-
tive. In order to run a large corporate concern,


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